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Guns ?


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6 hours ago, draxynnic.3719 said:

Very different devices, despite "gun" being in the name. Elastic spearguns are pretty close to using the same principles as a crossbow, except that it uses rubber rather than wood or steel as the primary source of spring energy. Many existing harpoon gun skins are essentially underwater-adapted crossbows when you look closely at them. Pneumatic spearguns are a bit closer, but the pressure can come from a hand pump rather than chemical or electrical energy.

Ranger guns could use nature magic instead of chemicals. Obviously I'm aware that anet clearly has a vision of what counts as nature but there's nothing actually stop;ping more tech things being adapted to be more nature-y.

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1 hour ago, Isopod.4156 said:

Ranger guns could use nature magic instead of chemicals. Obviously I'm aware that anet clearly has a vision of what counts as nature but there's nothing actually stop;ping more tech things being adapted to be more nature-y.

Yeah, using something from nature that's hidden inside the gun (or not so hidden, in the case of some skins) is an idea I've been advocating for myself.

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1 hour ago, draxynnic.3719 said:

Yeah, using something from nature that's hidden inside the gun (or not so hidden, in the case of some skins) is an idea I've been advocating for myself.

An idea I had would be the rifle shoots "pellets" instead of bullets (not sure if that's the right word).one pellet would be a skill for make an aoe poison field when it hits it explodes, another would mark an enemy for your pet to do extra damage as long as the mark lasts. No idea if these would work well of course.

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On 6/13/2024 at 3:48 PM, Beddo.1907 said:

I was going to say it's AoE specifically, but lost it somewhere in the middle of writing. AA can be projectile, but the rest has to be non projectile AoE.

Something like mortar sounds like an idea, but annoyingly, the Engi mortar is projectile activated.

Cone AoE shotgun style rifle with 600-900 range depending on how wide you make the cone would be pretty cool take. Sort of like Engi flamethrower vibes 🙂

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I still maintain that Ranger needs offhand pistol to be a power weapon with a backwards leap and a ranged attack. Would pair very well with axes (for a ranged-focused skirmishing set) and sword (for a melee-focused skirmishing set).

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3 hours ago, Frozey.8513 said:

Cone AoE shotgun style rifle with 600-900 range depending on how wide you make the cone would be pretty cool take. Sort of like Engi flamethrower vibes 🙂

Made one cone based rifle idea some time ago. (More AA centered.)
It's probably one of the most probable AoE rifle designs that would work with some problems to fix.
There are problems I though of: 
-range circular shaped ground target
-getting the pet/nature theme
-range to cone angle ratio


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On 6/12/2024 at 9:21 PM, zeyeti.8347 said:

For the ranger traduction the most you ll encounter is nature warden , or park ranger , but there is also the military ranger type , like airborne ranger who is mostly specialised in guns and warfare , so having a rifle as ranger does fit if you take the whole definition , but ppl often get the rifle = hunting , no anto poach patrols in Africa who are also a kind of rangers have guns ... for human trash , not for animals.


Ranger traduction is survivalist in all those case.

The only reason i see why they don't give gun to Ranger is because Rangers in Gw2 tend to use magic gained through nature connection/symbiosis to survive the wild and using technologies may reduce that connection, i suppose that's the reason because Rangers has access to magic but not thing like explosive(grenade) or alchemy(elixir) that you could see in others video games Ranger type classes (like wow hunter). 

People will point out certains weapons as not "natural" but you can make a wood or stone sword/mace/dagger easily and with magic involved it can certainly be deadly without even using any form of technologies.

If someone want to be a Techno survivalist in gw2 Engineer is there, otherwise there is no profession that mix nature, magic and technologies at the same time.

So logically i don't see Rangers having gun or pistol anytime soon.

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19 hours ago, raido.4073 said:

Ranger traduction is survivalist in all those case.

The only reason i see why they don't give gun to Ranger is because Rangers in Gw2 tend to use magic gained through nature connection/symbiosis to survive the wild and using technologies may reduce that connection, i suppose that's the reason because Rangers has access to magic but not thing like explosive(grenade) or alchemy(elixir) that you could see in others video games Ranger type classes (like wow hunter). 

People will point out certains weapons as not "natural" but you can make a wood or stone sword/mace/dagger easily and with magic involved it can certainly be deadly without even using any form of technologies.

If someone want to be a Techno survivalist in gw2 Engineer is there, otherwise there is no profession that mix nature, magic and technologies at the same time.

So logically i don't see Rangers having gun or pistol anytime soon.

-an official who is responsible for managing and protecting an area of forest synonyms:fire warden, forest fire fighter
-a member of a military unit trained as shock troops for hit-and-run raids synonyms:commando
Hit and run raids were done with technology and firearms , and i can safely say the well being of nature is the least of concern for ppl who put their life at risk 😛
Edited by zeyeti.8347
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4 hours ago, TheLadyOfTheRings.9148 said:

Honestly at this point all professions should have all weapons. If warriors get staff, engineers get short bow, and elementalists get pistol, why can't ranger get pistol/rifle? The skills and animations just need to fit the profession.

Every weapon can fit any class. Some are just easier to design to fit into a missing role and get priority.

As an example, Mace filled in main hand support role and defensive offhand role.

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5 hours ago, TheLadyOfTheRings.9148 said:

Honestly at this point all professions should have all weapons. If warriors get staff, engineers get short bow, and elementalists get pistol, why can't ranger get pistol/rifle? The skills and animations just need to fit the profession.

They are on that way. After enough years we'll reach that point. And I'll love that point.

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Engineers are the tech class, but they still get hammers, maces, swords and shortbows. There's no real reason that Rangers can't get guns, except that the devs have had other weapons that they've wanted to implement first.

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On 6/11/2024 at 10:05 PM, Kastagir.2146 said:

I just don't get why Rangers don't use guns. Why are the devs so hung up on giving the range class in the game the best range weapon.? Have the devs ever said why Rangers won't get guns? I feel like they are sitting back laughing about this.

 Because the class "Ranger" has nothing to do with ranged weapons.  

The definition of a "Ranger" in general is "a keeper of a park, forest, or area of countryside."

Therefore, the idea of Ranger here, is simply someone supports, protects, prefers, or uses "nature".  More about their way of life. The reason why they get bows, is because it's a very 'natural' weapon in a sense. Bows are historically tied with nature in general. Hope this helps your understanding.   


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9 hours ago, DarkK.7368 said:

Harpoon gun.

As I explained previously - different tech. Spearguns are generally still ultimately powered by muscle energy unless it's a pneumatic speargun with the pressure coming from an external source, while the elastic type is not far from being an underwater crossbow. Some of the skins are clearly of the elastic type, and any pneumatic spearguns are probably hand-pumped for portability.

(There's probably also some magically propelled harpoon guns in there as well, but that's probably still distinct from a rifle or pistol).

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On 6/18/2024 at 1:00 AM, Fenris.8563 said:

 Because the class "Ranger" has nothing to do with ranged weapons.  

The definition of a "Ranger" in general is "a keeper of a park, forest, or area of countryside."

Therefore, the idea of Ranger here, is simply someone supports, protects, prefers, or uses "nature".  More about their way of life. The reason why they get bows, is because it's a very 'natural' weapon in a sense. Bows are historically tied with nature in general. Hope this helps your understanding.   



Guild Wars Nightfall Gameplay manual says no.

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On 6/11/2024 at 10:34 PM, Zyreva.1078 said:

Ranger isn't the "range class". It's the "nature class". And guns aren't very "nature-y" i guess ...

Yeah like Guardians needs guns to protect people. You know... like cops. 

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8 hours ago, Frozey.8513 said:


Guild Wars Nightfall Gameplay manual says no.

Ranger in Gw1, within the class itself only could efficiently use bows (it only had attribute used by bows). For efficient use of any other weapon type, they need to pick a secondary class with attribute for that other weapon. Completely different system to how GW2 works, completely different design, and therefore, not really a good point to bring up.

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11 hours ago, Sansar.1302 said:

Different game

Very well observed, and same job exists in both Guild Wars games.

5 hours ago, Trejgon.9367 said:

Ranger in Gw1, within the class itself only could efficiently use bows (it only had attribute used by bows). For efficient use of any other weapon type, they need to pick a secondary class with attribute for that other weapon. Completely different system to how GW2 works, completely different design, and therefore, not really a good point to bring up.

Anet themselves have formed their own definition of what Ranger is in the Gameplay manuals of previous titles, clearly indicating the class is heavily favouring ranged combat. Thus there is no point in trying to define identity of Ranger as non-ranged user based on generic dictionary entries, when Anet has already established the connection of 'Range' into 'Ranger' themselves.

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13 hours ago, Frozey.8513 said:


Guild Wars Nightfall Gameplay manual says no.

You can't be serious lol. That is literally a different game.  Why don't we check out what it says about Rangers for THIS game.   (Oh look... NOTHING about ranged attacks remotely mentioned)



Edited by Fenris.8563
wrong link
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10 minutes ago, Frozey.8513 said:

Very well observed, and same job exists in both Guild Wars games.

Anet themselves have formed their own definition of what Ranger is in the Gameplay manuals of previous titles, clearly indicating the class is heavily favouring ranged combat. Thus there is no point in trying to define identity of Ranger as non-ranged user based on generic dictionary entries, when Anet has already established the connection of 'Range' into 'Ranger' themselves.

"Previous titles" are not this title. Embedding images is not working for me so I'll just literally copy and paste their definition of a Ranger for THIS title:




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Rangers rely on a keen eye, a steady hand, and the power of nature itself. Unparalleled survivalists with traps, nature spirits, and a stable of loyal pets at their command, rangers can adapt to any situation.

— GuildWars2.com Ranger

Ranger is a profession of defenders of nature who tame and train animal companions, pets, as their profession mechanic. Rangers and their pets fight as one, wielding the power of nature to empower their allies, enduring combat with their wilderness survival skills, concealing traps anticipating fights, and overwhelming their enemies with the strength of the pack. As an adventurer profession, rangers wear medium armor.

Rangers who venture into the Heart of Maguuma with the Heart of Thorns expansion can choose to become  druids, communing with nature and the stars to channel astral force and become Celestial Avatars to heal and empower their allies, while learning glyph skills.

Rangers that traverse the Crystal Desert and the Kingdom of Elona with the Path of Fire expansion can choose to become  soulbeasts, literally becoming one with their pets in Beastmode to overwhelm their enemies with the combined force of their merged attacks, and adopting animal stances.

Rangers who wander the Canthan Empire of the Dragon with the End of Dragons expansion can choose to become  untamed and gain more control over their pets. They wield cantrips and the raw power of nature, juggling this primal force between their pets and themselves to unleash their pet or unleash themselves to access their full power and crush their enemies.

Not once does it even mention ranged weapons lol.

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8 minutes ago, Fenris.8563 said:

You can't be serious lol. That is literally a different game.  Why don't we check out what it says about Rangers for THIS game.   (Oh look... NOTHING about ranged attacks remotely mentioned)



If you read the whole article you will find out that;

"At one point in development, according to The Making of Guild Wars 2 book, the ranger profession of the original Guild Wars was split into many different professions, notably the warden and the marksman. Eventually, with only marksman remaining, who only possessed the aspect of ranged weaponry, was combined with already scrapped elements of warden and beastmaster, and renamed the ranger for the sake of the original series."

Thus GW2 ranger is very much based on the ranged weaponry. 🙂

Edited by Frozey.8513
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