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List your issues with Warrior as a profession.


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9 hours ago, Guy.9207 said:
  • Bladesworn having Alacrity seems like is an afterthought, because it previously took the space of a unique trait that greatly alters how Dragon Trigger functions. It...works, I guess, but it is also feels very shoehorned and something could be done to fix that.

Fixed that for you.

Let's not mince words here, it absolutely was an afterthought that was shoehorned in because ArenaNet finally agreed that every profession really needed to have quickness and alacrity options if they were going to maintain the "bring the player, not the profession" credo that was in the manifesto, but which so many people had thought was abandoned during the years of chronodruid and then firebrigade dominance. Bladesworn was never intended to be a boon support, and being a shout support at all was an accident of shouts being made into ammo skills and how that interacted with bladesworn. I can only guess it went to bladesworn rather than spellbreaker because they wanted to make the new elite specialisation more attractive, but I don't think there's any question that it was a patch-up job.

I want the old trait back.

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Posted (edited)

Got some more things that came to mind after trying Memesworn in PvE again.

  1. Fast hands needs to be baseline function for Warrior as a profession.
    If Fast hands is 50% of the reason why a trait line is picked at all it needs to be added baseline as a profession wide mechanic. This could even play into the flavour and lore of the profession as Warriors WERE the dedicated weapon master profession.
  2. Bladesworn dragon slash abilities need to passively generate stability via some means.
    Entering the chargin phase of Dragon Slash makes you a sitting duck in all content and one errant arrow can knock you off your feet and sabotage your entire rotation.
  3. Dragon Slash needs to be unblockable by default or needs its stun back.
    All the grandmaster traits for Memesworn pale in comparison to Unyealing Dragon on the PvP front due to the single fact that you can negate the entire ability with a passively generated aegis boon, kind of disgusting IMO.
    Removing the stun from Dragon Slash should either warrant more damage or much faster charging time as compensation for deleting the elite spec in PvP.
  4. Dragon Slash projectile dissapearing when coming into contact with any terrain needs to be fixed.
    This has been an issue since Bladesworn got released, its just negligence at this point that it hasn't been fixed.
Edited by WingSwipe.3084
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4 hours ago, WingSwipe.3084 said:

Fast hands needs to be baseline function for Warrior as a profession.
If Fast hands is 50% of the reason why a trait line is picked at all it needs to be added baseline as a profession wide mechanic. This could even play into the flavour and lore of the profession as Warriors WERE the dedicated weapon master profession.


100% couldn't agree more, it feels so bad not taking this trait line simply because of that one minor trait, in any pvp scenario it's mandatory and it just hurts build diversity so much.

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tbh really, the only issue warrior has, is the lack of purpose/vision.

not a single clear direction in sight.

you can overstack/overbuff so many skills(cough offhand axe, cough offhand mace, cough rifle, cough healwar)

but you will never achieve anything, if you don't have a clear direction or purpose you want to give.

given the statement from last stream, clearly they have 0 vision for warrior, just buff w/e and hope something comes up.

it's not going to work like that.

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1 hour ago, sherwinator.7954 said:

100% couldn't agree more, it feels so bad not taking this trait line simply because of that one minor trait, in any pvp scenario it's mandatory and it just hurts build diversity so much.

not to mention now they are adding all the weapon swap traits with below 5 second ICD, we all know 10 seconds traits were kitten and never used due to fast hand desync(doubt they realized), now they adding 4 ICD weapon swap traits instead, which obviously requires fast hand even more..

literally the 70% of warrior is balanced around fast hand at this point..all the weapon cooldowns and everything, or you will be stuck auto attacking for ages, in order for warrior to work without fast hand, they need to -all cooldown by at least 30% with the (low) number of skills warrior has now

Edited by Lighter.5631
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I made a list 2 day ago but it seem like I didn't valid the post... 😅

  • Warrior lack a main hand ranged weapon.
  • Warrior lack a proper 2H condition damage melee weapon.
  • Warrior lack utilities that apply conditions.
  • Warrior's burst mechanic is boring. The very small difference between each burst stage have a lot to do with them being boring as it's to the point that one just want to use his burst at full adrenaline.
  • Frenzy is classified as a stance yet isn't a stance mechanically. I'd love if they could "fix" this oversight.
  • The arm traitline's minor traits focus to much on bleed, replace bleed by a condition like vulnerability that benefit both condi builds and strike damage builds.
  • Dual wielding is a trait that need to have an effect even when the character is under the effect of quickness.
  • Merciless hammer's damage increase is too situational why don't you make it deal more damage on weakened foes or make hard CC effect apply weakness instead?
  • Make Mending might heal allies instead of healing the warrior.
  • Electric fence should reflect projectile when the warrior pick the shield master trait. This skill BLOCK projectiles which is relevant to shield master's trait effects.
  • Find a way to make dragon slashs attractive in comeptitive modes because right now they are worse than autoattacking.
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also now anet off loading the entire warrior viability onto burst skills, regardless of fast hand, burst skill CD reduction is big too

like fast hand and burst skill CD reduction together

not only you have shorter CD on burst skills, but you can also weapon swap with 50% CD reduction to burst even more on second weapon set..

without discipline, not only you are stuck with longer burst cooldown, but you also can't weapon swap as often to gain access to secondary burst skill.

i dont think people understand how big these 2 trait combo together is.

maybe if you can have one of the two on another access, then it would be less impactful, but having these 2 on the same trait line..it's too big of a difference compare to no discipline

you basically end up auto attacking majority of your time, and neglating all the weapon skill cooldowns that is balanced around having fast hand, literally the entirety of warrior is balanced around having fast hand at this point except the abomination of bladesworn that bypass by having 2 weapon swap buttons AND only 1 burst skill,

it's like saying, hey fast hand and burst mastery is too crucial for warrior at this point, let's remove 1 burst skill so they have less point of weapon swapping

Edited by Lighter.5631
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3 hours ago, Lighter.5631 said:

tbh really, the only issue warrior has, is the lack of purpose/vision.

not a single clear direction in sight.

you can overstack/overbuff so many skills(cough offhand axe, cough offhand mace, cough rifle, cough healwar)

but you will never achieve anything, if you don't have a clear direction or purpose you want to give.

given the statement from last stream, clearly they have 0 vision for warrior, just buff w/e and hope something comes up.

it's not going to work like that.

Nah he cookin over here. There are a few things Warrior does lack but has a very valid point I’ve been trying to get across to the warrior community. Building a solid warrior build takes a bit of thought process and an overall idea of what you want


i built a very good SB sword/dagger build that can 1v1 most builds of any class. And it’s All focused on how do my skills work. I believe that’s what this post is getting at. Not to say that Warrior doesn’t need improvements in a vast amount of areas. But it’s not impossible to make something great from warrior. The biggest stigmas of the class I would say come from the player base not understanding warrior and only want banner in Pve or holding your own in pvp.

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My personal issues with Warrior:

- 90% of the things seem to revolve around Berserker, whilst Spellbreaker gets much less attention, and Bladesworn is outright left into darkness.
- Large amount of weapon skills that haven't been updated in ages, while other professions have gotten similar reworks done years prior. Looking at 100 blades and whole sets of shield and rifle especially.

- When we finally get a new ranged weapon, it's most efficient when used on melee range.
- Lack of condi-weapon options.
- Spellbreaker doesn't have access to providing alacrity or quickness for the group, nor is it able to out dps the other two elite specs on PvE.
- Bladesworn is unable to walk while charging the dragon trigger, which would be fine if it didn't take so long to load max charges on non-alacrity variant.
- Core Elite skills feel very bland overall.

- Bladesword has a scabbard for gunsaber, yet is unable to sheath it in any other scenario than on a dragon trigger stance.
- Berserker Headbutt self stun is slight annoyance even if you can counter it with stun break or stability. 

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Posted (edited)

More suggestions:

  • Heightened focus should reset the Dragon Slash main mechanic and not the force, boost or reach triggers.
    This is most likely to be a bug but needs to me fixed anyhow as it makes the trait useless. 
    Dont know if they fixed this bug, needs confirmation.
  • Dual Wielding needs to have its speed stack with quickness or have the trait reworked entirely.
  • Furious Burst should have its old functionality restored until Fast Hands becomes baseline for Warrior as a profession.
    The old functionality granted fury when using your burst, thematically this fits much better for a traitline about making your burst hit significantly harder, to have this connected to a weapon swap function makes fury creation much more consistent but also technically grants less fury uptime due to the standard 10 second weapon swap.
    This entire traitline is however overshadowed by the mandatory Defence/Disipline lineups and due to this you cant even use Arms lineup without Disipline.
    The issue here is pretty self evident.

    This was bugged and used the old ICD of 18 seconds when the new ICD was supposed to be 4 seconds, im frankly not even sure it its been fixed yet. Can anyone confirm?
  • Bloodlust needs to either 100% inflict bleeding on crits or have a 33% to inflict bleeding on hit.
    A trait that gives you a 33% chance to bleed on crit is essentially a gamble on a gamble, and if i wanted to gamble id play blackjack instead of this game.
    This would also self synergies with  Deep Strikes in the same trait tree.
  • Warriors Adrenaline needs to decay MUCH slower then it does currently.
    If you trigger signet of fury outside of combat you instantly lose adrenaline so quickly that you cant even trigger a tier 3 burst. Being able to stow some adrenaline for an upcoming fight and being able to bring some adrenaline from a previous fight to the next one should be standard as its a part of the core function of the profession.
    Adrenaline should slowly fade over the course of a minute and not drain in 10 seconds or less.
  • Signet of Rage needs to generate adrenaline at a much faster rate or have its cast time removed and have its cooldown reduced.
    This signet generates 2 adrenaline every 3 seconds... thats it. One warrior auto attack generates one adrenaline, with Axe Mastery you get three per axe auto attack.
    Either this signet is just an on demand boon printer or its there to make adrenaline. There is currently no real reason to pick this unless you are running meme builds.

    Alternate use of this signet could be to stop adrenaline decay passively, this would allow for a totally alternate playstyle and make it a totally viable pick for any content. That would be pretty sick.
  • Dogged March could use a change as there is no real reason to use it over either Shield Master or Cull the Weak.
    The latter two are simply better options for any instance of the game.
  • Spellbreakers utility skills need improvements as there are no real reasons to pick them over core utility skills.
    I dont think i've seen any build utilise them at all, which saddens me greatly.
  • Immortal Dragon needs more work, I've yet to see anyone use this trait. 
    I suppose its useful in solo content but by Blathazars blazing balls there are better options in just using your professions heal, dont do this to yourself.

  • Can we just move alac generation to Spellbreaker and leave Bladesworn as the nuclear power damage option it was always meant to be already.
    Revert the changes of June 27, 2023 to Daring Dragon and let people have fun with Bladesworn in pvp:
Edited by WingSwipe.3084
Spelling errors
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2 hours ago, WingSwipe.3084 said:

More suggestions:

  • Heightened focus should reset the Dragon Slash main mechanic and not the force, boost or reach triggers.
    This is most likely to be a bug but needs to me fixed anyhow as it makes the trait useless. 
    Dont know if they fixed this bug, needs confirmation.

Dragon Trigger isn't a Burst which is why HF doesn't reset it, so it isn't a bug. Just another example of how badly Bladesworn needs a complete overhaul and rework.

2 hours ago, WingSwipe.3084 said:
  • Dual Wielding needs to have its speed stack with quickness or have the trait reworked entirely.

Rework it. No IAS abilities stack with each other and quickness is abundant in the game now. Personally, I am a fan of having the OH weapons apply extra conditions on critical hit, like torment for sword, vuln for axe, confusion for mace, and boon rips for dagger.

2 hours ago, WingSwipe.3084 said:
  • Furious Burst should have its old functionality restored until Fast Hands becomes baseline for Warrior as a profession.
    The old functionality granted fury when using your burst, thematically this fits much better for a traitline about making your burst hit significantly harder, to have this connected to a weapon swap function makes fury creation much more consistent but also technically grants less fury uptime due to the standard 10 second weapon swap.
    This entire traitline is however overshadowed by the mandatory Defence/Disipline lineups and due to this you cant even use Arms lineup without Disipline.
    The issue here is pretty self evident.

    This was bugged and used the old ICD of 18 seconds when the new ICD was supposed to be 4 seconds, im frankly not even sure it its been fixed yet. Can anyone confirm?

I believe it is still bugged.

2 hours ago, WingSwipe.3084 said:
  • Bloodlust needs to either 100% inflict bleeding on crits or have a 33% to inflict bleeding on hit.
    A trait that gives you a 33% chance to bleed on crit is essentially a gamble on a gamble, and if i wanted to gamble id play blackjack instead of this game.
    This would also self synergies with  Deep Strikes in the same trait tree.

That and it's duration needs to be increased back to 3s.

2 hours ago, WingSwipe.3084 said:
  • Warriors Adrenaline needs to decay MUCH slower then it does currently.
    If you trigger signet of fury outside of combat you instantly lose adrenaline so quickly that you cant even trigger a tier 3 burst. Being able to stow some adrenaline for an upcoming fight and being able to bring some adrenaline from a previous fight to the next one should be standard as its a part of the core function of the profession.
    Adrenaline should slowly fade over the course of a minute and not drain in 10 seconds or less.

This is something that they changed back when they redid Arcing Slice. You used to be able to run from fight to fight with full adrenaline if you wanted to, and you did back then as you were rewarded for merely holding onto your adrenaline rather than using it. In today's game though the decay is way to fast.

2 hours ago, WingSwipe.3084 said:
  • Signet of Rage needs to generate adrenaline at a much faster rate or have its cast time removed and have its cooldown reduced.
    This signet generates 2 adrenaline every 3 seconds... thats it. One warrior auto attack generates one adrenaline, with Axe Mastery you get three per axe auto attack.
    Either this signet is just an on demand boon printer or its there to make adrenaline. There is currently no real reason to pick this unless you are running meme builds.

    Alternate use of this signet could be to stop adrenaline decay passively, this would allow for a totally alternate playstyle and make it a totally viable pick for any content. That would be pretty sick.

SoR's passive is a joke and always has been. The passive should be that you generate 1 adrenaline extra per hit, not even criticals, just on hit.

2 hours ago, WingSwipe.3084 said:
  • Dogged March could use a change as there is no real reason to use it over either Shield Master or Cull the Weak.
    The latter two are simply better options for any instance of the game.


Going to play devil's advocate here as there is a combination in PvE and WvW that most people do not know or may have forgotten. With condition duration reduction food, runes of the stars, and this trait you have 93% reduced duration of chill and cripple, 63% reduction of immobilize, and 60% reduction of weakness. It's pretty handy in WvW when chill and cripple disappear from your bar before they ever finish flashing. Immobs typically are not very long durations individually either, so you barely need to waste a CD to clear them. This all allows Cleansing Ire to clear other more important condis. Now for PvP this won't work, but you can run some of the -25% condition duration runes there for a net -58% duration on cripple, chill, and immob, or you can run Svanir runes and be immune to chill. I'd advocate for the PvP version of the trait to have 66% reduction of those conditions personally.

2 hours ago, WingSwipe.3084 said:
  • Spellbreakers utility skills need improvements as there are no real reasons to pick them over core utility skills.
    I dont think i've seen any build utilise them at all, which saddens me greatly.

Straight up reworks of the skills rather than number tweaks.

2 hours ago, WingSwipe.3084 said:
  • Immortal Dragon needs more work, I've yet to see anyone use this trait. 
    I suppose its useful in solo content but by Blathazars blazing balls there are better options in just using your professions heal, dont do this to yourself.


All of Bladesworn needs a rework and overhaul into something related, but completely different in form for it to properly work for this game's style of play.

2 hours ago, WingSwipe.3084 said:
  • Can we just move alac generation to Spellbreaker and leave Bladesworn as the nuclear power damage option it was always meant to be already.
    Revert the changes of June 27, 2023 to Daring Dragon and let people have fun with Bladesworn in pvp:

Spellbreaker was always the better choice for Alac. But they needed to make Bladesworn appealing to play to maintain sales of the new IP.

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This issues are mainly related to WvW.

First, Bladesworn sub class its just stupid, a sword with a gun?!?! WTH where they smoking when the came out with this. Not just the theme but how it mechanically plays, it juts doesn't do it for me. I refuse to play it as a warrior main.

In PVE open world you can do fine with pretty much any combination of weapon, traits and stats, with little effort you can do any content PVE content in the game.

•I find it annoying that one of the strongest more viable weapon on warriors arsenal is a puny dagger.

•Defense and Discipline trait lines are too mandatory in most builds for warrior to work properly, you can deviate from that but your probably hurting yourself.

•Warrior need more gap closers, on regular weapons skills not as a Burst, would love to see something added to the the mace set.

•Warrior is starved for adrenaline in some cases, you are forced to Discipline to be able to build enough adrenaline to spend on Burst skills. And and the decay rate is too fast the second you get out of combat. Maybe adrenaline could be moved weapon skills and bigger chunks be gain by landing your attacks?

•Ranged weapons have trouble building adrenaline, because of the extremely slow rate of fire and projectile speed they miss allot if targets move sideways. All the block and reflect nonsense going on in WvW makes gaining adrenaline troublesome, and if you step too far from your target bye bye adrenaline. Their major trait in Discipline shouldn't even be there, in the Longbow case it should be baseline.

•I would love to be able to build a viable condition Speallbreaker.

•Body Blow and Unsuspecting Foe should be swapped.

•Counterblow and Riposte should work the same way but they don't.

•10s cooldown on Brave Stride its a bit much.

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1 hour ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

Spellbreaker was always the better choice for Alac. But they needed to make Bladesworn appealing to play to maintain sales of the new IP.

The ironic thing being that they didn't apply this principle throughout. There's a solid argument that vindicator would have been better for quickness while herald could have had its damage buffed to make it a solid DPS option that can also provide a bunch of boons in the process, but they went with herald anyway. 

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1 hour ago, draxynnic.3719 said:

The ironic thing being that they didn't apply this principle throughout. There's a solid argument that vindicator would have been better for quickness while herald could have had its damage buffed to make it a solid DPS option that can also provide a bunch of boons in the process, but they went with herald anyway. 

Vindicator wasn't their poster child for the expac though.

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The ridiculous amount of bugged traits, utilities, weapon skills, etc. that are completely neglected and will continue to be.

For example, you can't take Heat the Soul with Martial Cadence (and they're buffing Martial Cadence), without reducing your quickness radius to almost nothing.

Banners have been un-useable underwater for 2 years, when one patch, out of nowhere, they stopped being placed on your character after casting, and rather on the ground underneath you. Even if it's 3000 range away.

Signet of Rage does not give as much fury as it says it does in PvE, falling off before the other boons it gives.

Edited by Kitty.4806
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3 hours ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

Vindicator wasn't their poster child for the expac though.

Wasn't that mechanist?

Although I do see what you mean - with a couple of prominent NPCs being bladesworn, they probably did care a bit more about it than vindicator and catalyst. 

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56 minutes ago, draxynnic.3719 said:

Wasn't that mechanist?

Although I do see what you mean - with a couple of prominent NPCs being bladesworn, they probably did care a bit more about it than vindicator and catalyst. 

A lot of the promo art had the Norn Bladesworn plastered everywhere.

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11 hours ago, Kitty.4806 said:

The ridiculous amount of bugged traits, utilities, weapon skills, etc. that are completely neglected and will continue to be.

For example, you can't take Heat the Soul with Martial Cadence (and they're buffing Martial Cadence), without reducing your quickness radius to almost nothing.

Banners have been un-useable underwater for 2 years, when one patch, out of nowhere, they stopped being placed on your character after casting, and rather on the ground underneath you. Even if it's 3000 range away.

Signet of Rage does not give as much fury as it says it does in PvE, falling off before the other boons it gives.

Let's pump this thread after every patch. Can we bet that nothing will be done this year too?

(Still visit the forum to see if stuff will ever change)

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More issues I've now remembered to add.

  • If Warrior spear is going to improve from being in melee range as a ranged weapon it needs a gap closer, otherwise scrapping its improvements in melee is the only fair way to go forward.
    After looking closer at what spear is going to offer Warrior im positively inclined that it could be a pretty good weapon, but if you are going to benefit from being in melee the weapon needs a gap closer to make that advantage fair to use. Otherwise you should scrap the entire "Ranged weapon thats better in melee" tomfoolery thats being brought forward here.
  • Mending needs its PvP/WvW cooldown reduced from 20s to 16s after the Peak Performance nerf at June 27, 2023.
  • Berserk needs the cooldown buff that PvE got November 28, 2023 applied to PvP as well:
     "Increased the duration from 15 seconds to 20 seconds in PvE only. Reduced the cooldown from 15 seconds to 8 seconds in PvE only.".
    Berserk is the main method that allows access to primal bursts that the elite spec needs to actually play the game. Compared to other elite specs, like Soulbeast, can be permanently be in its damage form without any requirements.
    Berserker is heavily punished enough for improper adrenaline management so allowing access back to its damage form if you correctly manage your adrenaline should be easier by default.
  • The manual ability to exit Berserk mode that exists with the trait Eternal Champion needs to be a baseline function of the elite spec.
    Comparing to other elite specs, again like Soulbeast, that can manually enter and exit its empowered states. This function should be baseline to allow you to control your Berserk up- and downtime to allow for easier control over access to what skills you want available to you.
  • The nerfs to Savage Instinct and Eternal Champion in the October 17, 2023 patch need to be reverted for Power Berserker to have a modicum of survivability in PvP/WvW.
    This nerf came in to play because Condi Berserker had excessive damage due to the Akeem Skullgrinder combo that allowed the team wide spread of disgusting amounts of confusion stacks.
    To fix Condi Berserker in PvP all you needed to remove one stack of confusion from Skullgrinder, this would force Condi Berserkers to take Blood Reckoning to proc the Akeem relic interaction, which would have been fair as you would have needed to build less tanky for more damage.
    The nerf was heavy handed and had the unintended effect of nerfing survivability of Power Berserkers in the crossfire. Survivability that it desperatly needs to this day.
  • Blood Reaction needs to be buffed to 15-18% after the Bloody Roar nerf at January 30, 2024.
    The nerf was intended to nerf Quick Zerker builds that were benching significantly more then they should. The Bloody Roar PvE nerf at January 30, 2024 wasnt compensated enough as the Blood Reaction buff from 10% -> 12% didnt cover for the 20% -> 15% nerf that Bloody Roar got.
    In essence this was simply a flat nerf to regular Power Berserker PvE build.
  • A rework to King of Fires needs to happen as its the main damage tool for Condi Berserkers and the functionality of the trait is based on how many fire auras you can generate.
    An explanation as to why this trait has horrible interation with warrior can be found in this video by the Captain himself:

    When your damage is balanced around having other people giving you auras you know its time to start from scratch with the design of this trait.
  • The nerfs to Fan of Fire, Flaming Flurry and Scorched Earth earth in the patch of September 26, 2023 need to be reverted.
    The same video above explains the reason why Condi Berserker was benching to high, in the case of a rework for King of Fire happens these skills need to have their duration returned.
  • Fan of Fire needs its cone of fire tightened or reworked.
    This needs to happen since the only place you are going to get the full effect from is in melee... with a longbow.
  • Daggers damage is balanced around having the traits Sun and Moon Style and/or Attacker's Insight from Spellbreaker and are thus under powered by default for anyone using the weapon and not playing Spellbreaker.
    Using dagger as Berserker is actually viable due to the after cast reduction on its primal burst (Massive W, gj ANET, unironically 10/10 change). But for its damage its still designed around the stat steroids and function improvements of Spellbreakers traits give it so core and Memesworn just have a worse time with it.
  • Primal bursts and Core Bursts need to have separate cooldowns.
    When leaving Berserk you can run into the issue of having your core bursts on cooldown since you used the primal burst right before leaving berserk, not a massive issue but one thats noticeable if you play Berserker in PvP a lot and you have to shave your burst usage close to leaving berserk.
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5 hours ago, WingSwipe.3084 said:
  • Berserk needs the cooldown buff that PvE got November 28, 2023 applied to PvP as well:
     "Increased the duration from 15 seconds to 20 seconds in PvE only. Reduced the cooldown from 15 seconds to 8 seconds in PvE only.".
    Berserk is the main method that allows access to primal bursts that the elite spec needs to actually play the game. Compared to other elite specs, like Soulbeast, can be permanently be in its damage form without any requirements.
    Berserker is heavily punished enough for improper adrenaline management so allowing access back to its damage form if you correctly manage your adrenaline should be easier by default.
  • The manual ability to exit Berserk mode that exists with the trait Eternal Champion needs to be a baseline function of the elite spec.
    Comparing to other elite specs, again like Soulbeast, that can manually enter and exit its empowered states. This function should be baseline to allow you to control your Berserk up- and downtime to allow for easier control over access to what skills you want available to you.
  • Primal bursts and Core Bursts need to have separate cooldowns.
    When leaving Berserk you can run into the issue of having your core bursts on cooldown since you used the primal burst right before leaving berserk, not a massive issue but one thats noticeable if you play Berserker in PvP a lot and you have to shave your burst usage close to leaving berserk.

I always did find it odd that Berserk is not an actual burst skill, but requires adrenaline to activate like a burst skill without triggering burst-related traits. With the Bursts and Berserk currently on separate buttons, F1 and F2 respectively, why not have the adrenaline usage restricted to the F1 Core and Primal Bursts, and F2 as a toggle to get in and out of Berserk, only limited by cooldown?

Just like what was said in the post above, Berserk already has a lot of restrictions despite being an essential part of an elite spec's function. It has to currently fight over a resource shared with the Core Bursts. Why not have the activation for just one of them be dependent on adrenaline?

Edited by Smoothpine.1895
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One of my issues is flow should be regulated like adrenaline, where once it's build up we should be able to use to our burst immediately instead of having to charge it up. It's like a double penalty and flow need to have it's decay timer returned to it's original configuration. Actually get rid of flow all together and stick with adrenalin, too much bloat need a lean affective warrior. Turn all traits and skills related to flow into enhancments for adrenalin.  


Edited by Widebody.5071
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6 hours ago, Widebody.5071 said:

One of my issues is flow should be regulated like adrenaline, where once it's build up we should be able to use to our burst immediately instead of having to charge it up. It's like a double penalty and flow need to have it's decay timer returned to it's original configuration. Actually get rid of flow all together and stick with adrenalin, too much bloat need a lean affective warrior. Turn all traits and skills related to flow into enhancments for adrenalin.  


A lot of the issues with Warrior Elite specs keep circling back to the problems with Core profession's mechanics, even if it's under a different name like "flow" for Bladesworn. Although this video below is over a year old, it is still relevant to this day with Warrior's current problems, in general.


Edited by Smoothpine.1895
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16 hours ago, WingSwipe.3084 said:

More issues I've now remembered to add.

  • If Warrior spear is going to improve from being in melee range as a ranged weapon it needs a gap closer, otherwise scrapping its improvements in melee is the only fair way to go forward.
    After looking closer at what spear is going to offer Warrior im positively inclined that it could be a pretty good weapon, but if you are going to benefit from being in melee the weapon needs a gap closer to make that advantage fair to use. Otherwise you should scrap the entire "Ranged weapon thats better in melee" tomfoolery thats being brought forward here.

I find it odd they couldn't of given it the thief/ranger treatment for the 1 skill, making it ranged with it's own special melee chain. and make the gap maker to a gap closer.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 6/21/2024 at 6:58 AM, Vepa.6073 said:

Let's pump this thread after every patch. Can we bet that nothing will be done this year too?

(Still visit the forum to see if stuff will ever change)

I intend to keep filling this thread any time something comes to mind. That being said.

  • The major trait "Opportunist" should to have its ICD removed to be a competitive hammer trait outside of the Defence trait line.
    As Lan stated för the reasoning of this nerf back in the day: "Part of that is because the opportunist and leg specialist combo. Back in the day there was no CD on either of them and you could chain the effects with some AA chains. Rather than giving ONE of those traits a CD to negate this, they put CDs on both traits.".
  • The cooldown changed provided by the Signet Mastery trait nerf at 2023-06-27 should apply for both PvP and PvE.
    Signets of Rage and Might did not get the full cooldown change applied to PvP, only PvE. This is an effective nerf to signet builds in PvP.
  • Make Signet of Rage an instant cast.
    The real only use for this signet is to have a solid source of boon generation and proc elite skill effects in PvP (Of which there are significantly better choices to use then this) since its adrenaline generation is negligible. Might as well make it an instant cast to you can more reliably get boons from the skill.
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