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List your issues with Warrior as a profession.


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21 hours ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

I know where you are coming from, and if explosions stayed within Bladesworn and pistol, I'd agree wholeheartedly. But they are putting explosions in on core weapons, and on newly released weapons, so I feel it is fair to put explosion related traits into core traitlines.

I think this is like the blade tag going on greatsword for virtuoso. It is a bladesworn thing, but it goes on other weapons where it makes sense to have it because bladesworn isn't locked to only ever running x/pistol. Bladesworn is the explosive specialist, it makes sense for it to be able to benefit from explosions on other weapons.

I'm not strictly opposed to having core warriors be able to use the explosion tag, but I don't consider it essential either. Particularly since an explosion tag for non-bladesworn warriors could well end up with the same problem that it does for non-grenade engineer: whatever effect it has would need to be balanced around how many explosions bladesworn can generate, so it might be a bit underwhelming for the longbow berserker who only throws out the occasional explosive arrow.

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1 minute ago, draxynnic.3719 said:

I think this is like the blade tag going on greatsword for virtuoso. It is a bladesworn thing, but it goes on other weapons where it makes sense to have it because bladesworn isn't locked to only ever running x/pistol. Bladesworn is the explosive specialist, it makes sense for it to be able to benefit from explosions on other weapons.

I'm not strictly opposed to having core warriors be able to use the explosion tag, but I don't consider it essential either. Particularly since an explosion tag for non-bladesworn warriors could well end up with the same problem that it does for non-grenade engineer: whatever effect it has would need to be balanced around how many explosions bladesworn can generate, so it might be a bit underwhelming for the longbow berserker who only throws out the occasional explosive arrow.

Anet is capable of handling it. We see them do it all the time on Necromancer with Dhuumfire.

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Dhuumfire works because the skill being adjusted is always different based on your elite spec.

Should a core warrior using Dragon's Roar be able to have a more effective one than a bladesworn because bladesworn had the explosion tag trait nerfed to balance it against bladesworn being able to pull out the gunsaber and have all of its attacks be explosion-tagger?

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22 minutes ago, draxynnic.3719 said:

Dhuumfire works because the skill being adjusted is always different based on your elite spec.

Should a core warrior using Dragon's Roar be able to have a more effective one than a bladesworn because bladesworn had the explosion tag trait nerfed to balance it against bladesworn being able to pull out the gunsaber and have all of its attacks be explosion-tagger?

No, things like Dragon's Roar probably would only trigger explosion traits once rather than up to 6 times. The real issue in Gunsaber, but again, each of the multi hit skills could just count as 1 trigger of any such traits.

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I'm a simple man, and when I play my warrior, I toy with the other elite specs, yet always revert to playing core, as that's the spec that feels best and the most rounded-out to me.
(Please, please note that this is purely a personal view centered on game-feel, rather than min-maxing and efficiency.)

I feel that ANet doesn't really understand the class fantasy of Warrior (as Mortismal Gaming would describe it).

From that perspective, Berserker is probably the best, but even then, it feels too hairy-edge with too much reliance on fire and weird stuff like Shattering Blow (seriously, WTF even is this?! Warriors summoning rocks from nowhere?! GTF outta here with your supernatural chicanery!)
I'm also not sure I'm on-board with limiting the duration of Berserk Rage; sure, make it end if you don't follow up hits quickly enough. But it should effectively be endless if you're able to keep hitting things. That should be the only limit.

I like some of the abilities of Spellbreaker, and the core idea of a mage-killing fighter that shrugs off magical attacks is reasonably solid.
But daggers? REALLY?
Look, I know that ANet felt they had to give access to a new weapon with each new Elite Spec, but that was a really bad idea for a profession built around shear physical power.
And don't get me started on how constant whinging from players of other professions ended up watering down that relatively strong core idea. Winds of Disenchantment has been embarrassingly bad for a ridiculously long time. As far as I'm concerned, it should strip all boons and prevent application of new ones in its bubble for its entire duration.

And Bladesworn is just a stupid grab-bag of crappys idea bundled up into one stinking whole. They should have stuck with one or other mechanic rather than trying to combine pistols and ammunition-limited abilities with charged greatsword abilities for a bundle weapon that isn't really even a greatsword.

And that's why I always fall back on Core Hambow. Reliable, hits like a truck, and not bogged down in things that don't fit the class fantasy (although even then, it still has the residual fire bollocks that has plagued the profession since the advent of this second game in the series.)

Heavy armour, big hammer, smash faces, job done.

Keep it simple, stupid!

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On 8/23/2024 at 1:28 PM, draxynnic.3719 said:

Spellbreaker works pretty well with non-dagger weapons, particularly hammer.

Yeah, I know, but my point was about how well daggers fit the class-fantasy of warrior; short answer: they don't.

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2 hours ago, Mungrul.9358 said:

Yeah, I know, but my point was about how well daggers fit the class-fantasy of warrior; short answer: they don't.

Eh. I think it depends in part on your dagger skins. I usually use the Centurion's Claw skin (and closing in on the Claw of the Khan-Ur), which gives them a bit more of a brawling feel (will have to try out how the animations work with the new bear claw skins). They are a bit more magical than other warrior weapons, but that's the thing - ArenaNet's version of warrior isn't purely the RAAARGH SMASH class fantasy, but also allows for versions that dabble a bit in magic. And it's really not a big criticism of spellbreaker on the whole since spellbreaker is perfectly feasible with other weapons.

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2 hours ago, Mungrul.9358 said:

Yeah, I know, but my point was about how well daggers fit the class-fantasy of warrior; short answer: they don't.

brother the lore is all there given to you

they're spellbreakers, they're descendants of former sunspears who snapped off their spearheads and went into hiding because joko was murderizing anyone who owned one
they're basically a war/mes (gw1 mesmer, not gw2 mesmer) combo

the precision of the daggers helps them to accurately cut magic
it fits just fine lol

also getting so mad that you rip a rock out of the ground and punch it into a billion pieces is like peak angry man fantasy

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On 8/23/2024 at 8:29 AM, Mungrul.9358 said:

From that perspective, Berserker is probably the best, but even then, it feels too hairy-edge with too much reliance on fire and weird stuff like Shattering Blow (seriously, WTF even is this?! Warriors summoning rocks from nowhere?! GTF outta here with your supernatural chicanery!)

I feel like the fantasy is supposed to be like the warrior hitting the ground so hard that it would form a crater and lift the rocks around it... maybe it needs better animation?

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22 minutes ago, Rocker.2906 said:

I feel like the fantasy is supposed to be like the warrior hitting the ground so hard that it would form a crater and lift the rocks around it... maybe it needs better animation?

That block would be longer and the anim would be shorter. I'd use it too.

You know who has that anim? Ele earth dagger 2. 

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More Ideas:

  • Most warrior weapons besides spear and staff need a solid aftercast reduction. Staff/Spear excluded of course.
    The aftercast for most warrior weapons is what creates a lot of inconsistencies and jank, sword for example has a half a second aftercast issue with most of its skills which makes the weapon feel clunky with follow ups.
    And Rifle 4 we dont even need to talk about. Give most weapons and bursts/Primals the Slicing Maelstrom treatment for aftercasts but lesser.
  • SPB Attackers insight needs the same split in PvP that it has in WvW.
    250 of every power stat for just doing what warrior always does is too much, needs to get the WvW stats of +150.
  • Attackers insight should refresh from the last stack in all gamemodes.
  • Pure Strikes should be reworked and have the damage buffed removed, dagger should get a buff accordingly so the weapon is more useful in the hands of other 
  • Magebane Tether needs the migth generation and 10% damage increase removed in PvP.
    Tether should be a utility skill and provides too much on the damage front in PvP, its allowing SPB while using bunker gear and skills to do much more damage then it should.
  • Sun and Moon Style needs to have the PvE split of 4% crit to healing in PvP and offhand should rip an additional boons instead of giving more damage.
    Less passive healing from just existing and allows SPB to stick to its Boonripping role more effectivley. Dagger should be given more damage instead so its more viable for the other playstyles and elite specs.
  • Full Counter should not Daze or shouldn't give stability.
    Being able to continue doing damage or being able to knock a SPB down via CC should be the counter to Full Counter IMO.
  • Natural Healing could have half its healing and invert conditions to boons as a new mechanic.
    New mechanic for the ability in a blessing kind of way, allows it to be a boon handling tool and a role reverser counter to Corrupt Boon.
    Would give the healing skill an entirely new purpose and allow it to be used in heavy teamfights against condition heavy foes.
  • Featherfoot Grace should have a 20 second cooldown and the same split as PvE.
    Makes it more viable as a stunbreak and mobility tool.
  • Imminent Threat should be reworked entirely as its not a good skill/isnt used by anyone.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Another SPB suggestion:

  • Dispelling Force should only activate on stuns/knockdown/knockback or on hitting an enemy with a burst.
    Currently this trait gives too much boonrip for just doing regular warrior things, more boonstrip should be given to dagger in general so boonrip becomes more available to the rest of warrior.
  • Disrupting Stab on dagger should be reworked into something else as the skill essentially is a glorified interrupt. 
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Another idea:

  • Any leap made by warrior skills should have a small evade startup.
    Getting knocked down/stunned mid air when casting, for example Rupturing Smash and getting the skill with your adrenaline investment thrown into the void is getting horribly infuriating. If you need stability to make a melee skill work, its a flawed skill.
Edited by WingSwipe.3084
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15 minutes ago, WingSwipe.3084 said:


  • Disrupting Stab on dagger should be reworked into something else as the skill essentially is a glorified interrupt. 

Glorified? It IS an interrupt. But it's important that it is in the context of double dagger, because it's supposed to be followed by Wastrel's Ruin.

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1 minute ago, draxynnic.3719 said:

Glorified? It IS an interrupt. But it's important that it is in the context of double dagger, because it's supposed to be followed by Wastrel's Ruin.

I should have clarified that it feels like the skill is horribly underwhelming.

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On 9/9/2024 at 12:28 AM, WingSwipe.3084 said:

Another SPB suggestion:

  • Dispelling Force should only activate on stuns/knockdown/knockback or on hitting an enemy with a burst.
    Currently this trait gives too much boonrip for just doing regular warrior things, more boonstrip should be given to dagger in general so boonrip becomes more available to the rest of warrior.
  • Disrupting Stab on dagger should be reworked into something else as the skill essentially is a glorified interrupt. 

That sounds more like something that belongs on Enchantment Collapse, boon removal on Burst skill . Dispelling Force's boon removal often gets hard gated by Stability from getting its boon rip proc(very common in WvW), and you effectively make the off meta weapon picks like mace/dagger. Dagger/offhand mace, shield generally worse for Spb. 

I think disrupting stab is fine....Aura Slicer though...should probably remove auras , but that seems a stretch too strong against aura support enjoyers. 

Daggers already has plenty of Boonrip. Breaching Strike(3-4)/Slicing Maelstrom(2), Wastrel Ruin removes 2 on hit, 4 if foes aren't doing anything. Offhand dagger isn't used because the pay out and damage is generally underwhelming and is generally not worth the defenses you lose out on in the long run. The only way i can see more Boon rip getting added to daggers is through AA end chain on main hand dagger, while losing the might gain on crit, or Bladestorm removing a boon on hit, but people will say that's too strong of a boon removal. 

Edited by Lucentfir.7430
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I started this game playing a strong PVE class, end up being worthless crap that cant even deal with few stronger NPC elites on its own, while my noobish self could on a vindicator without that much of a hassle, on a vindicator reminding u which does not have all points yet... 

This speaks for itself, they nerfed this class in PVE to the ground for no kitten reason, is PVE competitive huh? Do i hurt someone feelings when i could do event on my own on empty dead kittening map? Or what? No idea  

Are we going to wait another century for someone in this kitten company to even consider a SLIGHT alternation to already existing weapons and their skills? Maybe can they make a good looking weapons that make sense (sword, greatsword, mace) to actually be useful and fun to play? You know something balance team getting paid for to create a fun to play game, or maybe their idea of fun is to have warrior class running around with a stick and a stick with pointy end? Reducing the cast time or root on a skill here and there would take them literally few code alternations in game and on server files, they could do that and then go back wanking in no time. fr 

Oh wait they only make NEWER stuff fun to play, everything else rots in the kitten pile untouched for decades. This is why i barely play this game anymore, i prefer other games. Despite having an entire company of coders, they somehow manage to do LESS kitten than 2 guys managing BDO private server in their basement in their free time. Go figure that one out. 

Edited by KelyNeli.4516
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In general, I feel like warrior is still as fun to play as it was at launch. Like, I don't feel the class is not fun or not fluent. I love Spellbreaker for the sustain we never had at launch.

However, it never kept up with how the PvE and WvW changed. There are so many condis/blinds/protection/aegis etc flying around while warrior at its core is still "Aim and shoot", as in a few BIG hitters with BIG animations that you need to look out for. Problem is they are easily countered now and as a warrior you eather have to deviate from the playstyle that you fell in love with, or be content with being virtually defeated even before a fight begins in 75% of matchups if the opposing player knows what they are doing.

And in PvE all the other classes has at least one spec that has a very clear purpose in a group, where warrior still can only realistically pull off DPS or qDPS, and still compared to other specs be very underwhelming, but still accepted. I do not like the feeling of going into Fractals T4 with pugs and feel like the other 4 doesn't really want a warrior in the group but "accepts it". I do very limited PvE so compared to other more hardcore PvE-players I might have a different view.

In PvP warrior has been very fun to play and I still feel pretty strong running the SpB GS/Dag/sh or Staff. Here I think it's more about specific builds like the incredibly idiotic Moa mesmer idiot build that seems to be essentially uncounterable that needs to entirely go away. 

I am not really complaining about warrior, because I don't want it to change to much from its DNA, which I think they have not. But I think the environment has, and I'd love to see Boons and condis more toned down. Not necessarily nerfed, but instead of a build having a blind source on a 3 sec cooldown to be used at will, maybe don't do that and instead make it matter more when and why you place the blind.

TL;DR: Warrior good, make all other classes moar like warrior!!

Edited by Gamgee.8612
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On 8/22/2024 at 3:28 PM, draxynnic.3719 said:

whatever effect it has would need to be balanced around how many explosions bladesworn can generate, so it might be a bit underwhelming for the longbow berserker who only throws out the occasional explosive arrow.

look at relic of the Claw, it gives you buff upkeep, for using a CC.

Buff is non-stacking, and its strength is in not having to use CC spam playstyle to upkeep said buff.

Similiar thing for explosions in [whatever] traitline, would be ok.

And if not, you may make a trait thet actiates on explosion and X combo finisher, so that explosion gatekeeping isn't that much of a problem for builds withaout acces to them.

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@WingSwipe.3084maybe just remove damage all-together so spellbreaker can be bunker-only meme, the only thing that need nerfs on spb are fc cooldown and relic of rivers removed entirely. (if you didn't know spellbreaker is so good because it is THE ONLY E-SPEC on warrior that gives precision, why not give same treatment to others while trying to reduce sustain on warrior which has been a problem since I don't even know how long...) But I guess it's better to gatekeep stupid memes such as arms berserker to deal damage...



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