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Anet, why do you fail so much at basic balance?

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Posted (edited)
14 hours ago, Myror.7521 said:

@Flowki.7194 the thing is Meta Builds are always the Builds that get u the best way to win the Game (basicly a mix of build and Play skill carry). In the end if something becomes Meta its always "less punishing to Play" than the rest of Builds out there. 

Thats why i do not realy get your point of "this needs nerf cause its too forgiving to Play" Arguments. If the current meta will get nerfed there will be some other builds coming out that are even worse than the current way to Play thanks to how the conquest game mode just works. It will always be the kind of "im side node Bunker/im midfight/im roamer/im healer" thing going on. 


In the end as long as more than 2 Builds are meta its always a "good balanced Game" but i also will Always prefer the dmging meta instead off the bunker one and thats just the diff most of the time. Its Always a "im being so tanky that i can afking on node" or "im a Mix of both and can get killed when 1vx". Personaly i prefer how it is now wich means the second Option ^^. 

Meta/difficulty/punishment/risk/reward are all complete seperate constructs. You are also so acclimatised to SPB/mace rangers/virts etc that you don't even realise this is a bunker dps crept meta.. the rest of the specs are roamers to litterally out rotate your low effort bunker build "This is my point coz I picked warrior".. which also does decent dmg and has decent mobility for a so called "bunker". I get it, warriors think they have been so hard done by, think the spec is some conesuer dueler game of chess, when it so laughably isnt, and think it deserves to be in meta on the multitude of fallacys you tell yourselves. Just like thieves still pretending they are the pinical of risky game play, delussional.


14 hours ago, Last Crab.6054 said:

Stop playing ele if you dont want to be carried mechanically.

More skills to use, is not "more skillz".

I played ele and got my second title, did the kitten blind, it is so easy my dog also titled on my alt


Hahah, firstly, I do not play ele, secondly, mechanically carried? 😜  Get off the gas peddle mate. Power ele was always underrepresented even when meta, SPB/warrior is consistantly represented even when it isn't meta. Oh let me guess, people find warrior more fun, thats why, same as necro, just more fun.. as if they didn't try something like herald, exploded, and then scuried back to their lower effort sustain spec. I play the spec I play right now becuase I can't be arsed with the punishment for specs like herald, hammer/scepter cata, holo. I opted for easier sustain so I don't explode for one mistake, the downside of that is a "good" build only.. which is FINE. At-least I admit it.. and at-least I don't expect my lower punishment/effort/skill spec to be anywhere near meta COUGH* SPB/DE/Necro. Low effort/low risk but meta, why not?


5 hours ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

You keep mentioning p1-p2 level but can't beat condi Druid? 😂

Also, LB/GS teleburst untamed very much complained about on here--I'm not going to go back and see if you were complaining about that too,  don't have that much free time or care really.  

A tip, back up.  


On the current build I play, both power and condi druid has too much daze spam/condi cleanse. That means the mace ranger can play like absolute dogshit for 20+ seconds, and still win. You can go on and say it is my build, thats all I ever hear, and just overlook the fact the specs can eat CC/condi to the degree even an SPB would die.. and just daze/cleanse their way into recovery. Both things are true, my build is not the best, and mace ranger is still bloated. I duel a freind who is a very good ranger, and these are partly his words also, not just mine. Something you also have never comprehended is why certain specs are considered bad, it can be the mechanics of the spec, but it can also be the oppressive nature of other specs, spamming certain boons etc.


I don't think I ever complained about power untamed specifically (the condi virsion spamming poison for 0 effort is a joke though). I definately complained about SLB maul+easy track dmg (which is still easy). I also think LB force fire range is rediculous, regardless of the weapons overall effectiveness.. doesn't justify it, but that is not specific to the old meta untamed. The only current complaint I have about untamed is hammer auto stab, but I guess you think that is fine too?

Edited by Flowki.7194
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Posted (edited)

Also, in 2 pages now, nobody has contested that SPB/druid are around the same difficult as condi mech. I raise this point becuase good players in the past always put that spec down for being brainded, and that it had no place in a "skilled game", yet here we are, SPB/druid, similar in difficulty, and 3x more effective, but you all jump to their defense. Cope?

Edited by Flowki.7194
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@Flowki.7194 i would not call this a "bunker Meta" when even the bunkiest specs are tend to kite off the point cause even they could easily die in Like 3 Seconds when doing 1 mistakes xD


Also i could tell you why the specs that are meta rn .....  just meta rn.

1. Vindicator...... litterly does the same as herald did back then but thanks to its dodge ability you got more self defence options

2. Deadeye...... litterly does the same as daredevil do but you do it on range and right played your also faster rotation wise. (Overall also more self defence)

3. Current Spellbreaker..... does the same as Condi zerker did but instead of defence you got more options to punish peops for their missplay

4. Untamed .......... class overall is power creeped as hell but with Mace Mace ham you got CC and Stability on top of this

5.Chrono ....... basicly a supp Guardian but with more CCs and less self sustain

6. Condi reaper ...... played cause the relic of demon Queen is so strong on it in team fights 


If you ask me how i would try to get this in Line. 

1. Vindicator ....... nerf its main mechanic the dodge buffs

2. Deadeye........ make its 4 skill cost more init

3. Spellbreaker....... make the cooldown of the fullcounter longer (like 2 Seconds means 10 instead of 8 Seconds when trait used)

4. Untamed ...... remove the extra mechanic from Mace Mace and nerf their power dmg from some Skills that do not need to do so mutch dmg (Just as Sword 3)

5. Chrono ...... idk i feel like its good as it is rn

6. Reaper ...... same as chrono

Edited by Myror.7521
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Posted (edited)
53 minutes ago, Myror.7521 said:

@Flowki.7194 i would not call this a "bunker Meta" when even the bunkiest specs are tend to kite off the point cause even they could easily die in Like 3 Seconds when doing 1 mistakes xD


Also i could tell you why the specs that are meta rn .....  just meta rn.

1. Vindicator...... litterly does the same as herald did back then but thanks to its dodge ability you got more self defence options

2. Deadeye...... litterly does the same as daredevil do but you do it on range and right played your also faster rotation wise. (Overall also more self defence)

3. Current Spellbreaker..... does the same as Condi zerker did but instead of defence you got more options to punish peops for their missplay

4. Untamed .......... class overall is power creeped as hell but with Mace Mace ham you got CC and Stability on top of this

5.Chrono ....... basicly a supp Guardian but with more CCs and less self sustain

6. Condi reaper ...... played cause the relic of demon Queen is so strong on it in team fights 


If you ask me how i would try to get this in Line. 

1. Vindicator ....... nerf its main mechanic the dodge buffs

2. Deadeye........ make its 4 skill cost more init

3. Spellbreaker....... make the cooldown of the fullcounter longer (like 2 Seconds means 10 instead of 8 Seconds when trait used)

4. Untamed ...... remove the extra mechanic from Mace Mace and nerf their power dmg from some Skills that do not need to do so mutch dmg (Just as Sword 3)

5. Chrono ...... idk i feel like its good as it is rn

6. Reaper ...... same as chrono

Its a bunker crept/roam crept meta, which does nothing for team work. Most of the roamers are low risk, and most of the bunkers are low effort. Can't you just accept warrior is low effort? I dare not call it a duelist becuase its not really dueling... its given the mechanical win vs what it beats, for free, coz warrior.

Edited by Flowki.7194
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1 hour ago, Flowki.7194 said:

Its a bunker crept/roam crept meta, which does nothing for team work. Most of the roamers are low risk, and most of the bunkers are low effort. Can't you just accept warrior is low effort? I dare not call it a duelist becuase its not really dueling... its given the mechanical win vs what it beats, for free, coz warrior.


speaking of Warrior Profession, few minutes before I logged out; few of us encountered an enemy Warrior Profession stealthing and teleporting backward at 1500 range at the same time. The enemy Warrior Profession player sent a tell to one of the player and said that, Anet knows about this exploit and they will not do anything about it LOL 

I didn't even laugh because the Circus Show has ended long long time ago in this game. 



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2 hours ago, Myror.7521 said:

@Flowki.7194 i would not call this a "bunker Meta" when even the bunkiest specs are tend to kite off the point cause even they could easily die in Like 3 Seconds when doing 1 mistakes xD


Also i could tell you why the specs that are meta rn .....  just meta rn.

1. Vindicator...... litterly does the same as herald did back then but thanks to its dodge ability you got more self defence options

If you ask me how i would try to get this in Line. 

1. Vindicator ....... nerf its main mechanic the dodge buffs

Now that's progress.
Instead of rambling things like: "MAnnnn but the 3 heals (that heal for around 3.0k in average and Shiro needs you to land the daggers) and the permanent vigor/endurance gains!! Spamming all their 40 skills on cd."
I've also written several essays on what they should do with Vindicator. But ANET obviously doesn't give a kitten.
Because I actually hate that the whole spec is being balanced around Death Drop. kitten off with that trait.
But then they still recently nerfed hammer and nerfed Urn hard. So now more than ever the only playstyle allowed for Revenant is the same decade old "role" of always, going full glass and trying to kill people within the first 3 seconds before they can retaliate, as the re-sustain of the class is mediocre.

And as usual, I avoid complaining about other classes. I only occasionally comment on the only other classes I used to play, Warrior and Guardian, and very little on Ranger.

Good analysis, imo @Myror.7521.

Anyway, this game mode is a mess because they are still trying to balance around 5 imaginary roles that are very different to how GW2 was designed.
While at the same time they want to make everything as equally represented, playstyle wise.
Meaning that they don't give a kitten about Risk and Reward.
They want "skillful" gameplay while also only sometimes adhering to a philosophy of Rock/Paper/Scissors. "Umm this is a duelist, it's balanced around not dying and killing people on node! Rotate!"
What a circus.
Conquest as the only game mode was a tragic decision.

Edited by Sereath.1428
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10 hours ago, Flowki.7194 said:

Also, in 2 pages now, nobody has contested that SPB/druid are around the same difficult as condi mech. I raise this point becuase good players in the past always put that spec down for being brainded, and that it had no place in a "skilled game", yet here we are, SPB/druid, similar in difficulty, and 3x more effective, but you all jump to their defense. Cope?

Oh really? Just before war defense rework, spb was apparently rocket science to play in p2+. Sure with defense that is no longer the case. But which past exactly are you talking about? Before 2020? Before 1 month? Really selective memory you got, if you forget 2020-2022 of spb essentially being baggage if the player was not pretty good.

Edited by Hotride.2187
typo in years
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2 hours ago, Hotride.2187 said:

Oh really? Just before war defense rework, spb was apparently rocket science to play in p2+. Sure with defense that is no longer the case. But which past exactly are you talking about? Before 2020? Before 1 month? Really selective memory you got, if you forget 2020-2022 of spb essentially being baggage if the player was not pretty good.

rocket science

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5 minutes ago, vilesoldier.9826 said:

Is OP on EU? I've been able to spot rare forum pokemon like Burnfall and Deadmoose on NA once in a blue moon, but the elusive Balance Saint Flowki continues to elude me 🔍

EU best 

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4 hours ago, vilesoldier.9826 said:

Is OP on EU? I've been able to spot rare forum pokemon like Burnfall and Deadmoose on NA once in a blue moon, but the elusive Balance Saint Flowki continues to elude me 🔍

Burnfall and deadmoose are on NA?


Where yall at add me I would like fights ❤️

4 hours ago, arazoth.7290 said:

EU best 

The Atlantic Ocean wont save y'all I'm one transfer request away💀

Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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1 minute ago, Azure The Heartless.3261 said:

Burnfall and deadmoose are on 


Where yall at add me I would like fights ❤️

The Atlantic Ocean wont save y'all I'm one transfer request away💀

I will beat you with core rev !!!! meowww

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17 minutes ago, Azure The Heartless.3261 said:

I'll beat you with core rev, you think I don't multiclass 💀 

Ive been a mallyx degen since HoT


Please.. You merely adopted the demon, I was born with it. Became it.

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Posted (edited)
18 hours ago, Sereath.1428 said:

They want "skillful" gameplay while also only sometimes adhering to a philosophy of Rock/Paper/Scissors. "Umm this is a duelist, it's balanced around not dying and killing people on node! Rotate!"
What a circus.
Conquest as the only game mode was a tragic decision.

But aparently, picking a low effort duelist, designed to not lose 1v1s is ok. The best part is, SPBs sustain/mobility is so high relative to its low effort, the spec is also the lowest risk dueler I have seen so far. Low risk, low effort, high impact, WP Anet.


Edit - Forgive me, I keep calling SPB a dueler out of habbit. Its a mobility/power crept low effort bunker.. need to think of a new name for that, as to not kitten on the integrety of deuling as a profession.


12 hours ago, Hotride.2187 said:

Oh really? Just before war defense rework, spb was apparently rocket science to play in p2+. Sure with defense that is no longer the case. But which past exactly are you talking about? Before 2020? Before 1 month? Really selective memory you got, if you forget 2020-2022 of spb essentially being baggage if the player was not pretty good.

In the 2.5 year or so I have played the game, SPB, condi zerker and blade were the most used at various time points. I played them all, they are all not hard. Effectiveness is not the same thing.. for example, if Anet removed akeem when zerker was more used, zerker didn't suddenly become harder to play, it just got less effective for smashing the same buttons. That is warrior, smashes the same buttons, and Anet basically buff its numbers while rarely touching its mechanically brainded base mechanics. I mean kitten you could win duels mouse clicking on blade, not even moving, just stand their and mouse click.


5 hours ago, Codename T.2847 said:

 kitten, @Flowki.7194 have you tried taking a break from the game? sPvP is less important than good mental health


Being mad does not mean mental health, in-fact not allowing feelings of any sort to naturally run their course is what creates mental health. Or as the Brahman/Budhists say, if happy be happy, if sad be sad, and so on. In gw2, I be mad 😜 




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