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Vindicator Still Too Strong

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At least give hammer Vindi better telegraphs, the thing is literally a sniper rifle with unintuitive skills to play against. This isn’t even mentioning the near limitless sky evades that do damage.

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Lol 'sky evade' indeed.

But to your point, vindi everyone agrees needs nerfs, but the animation on the build are all extremely telegraphed, like that is not the issue here.

The issue is the amount of evade, the dmg only that high cause vindi has good synergy with daredevil relic and intel sigils. 

If you want to nerf in a healthy way to the actual problem, nerf the evades, and by that I dont mean shiro break stun because rev apart from vindi is kitten, blue legy evade could be removed entirely. Alliance legend f2 giving back endurance should be changed to different concept that doesnt help spamming dodges. Hammer 3 same I would rather not nerf cause rev is in terrible state apart from vindi. Tree song giving back endurance on cleanse, that doesn't need to be , cleanse is good enough.

There healthy big nerfs that wont nerf herald or rene.

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35 minutes ago, youle.5824 said:

Lol 'sky evade' indeed.

But to your point, vindi everyone agrees needs nerfs, but the animation on the build are all extremely telegraphed, like that is not the issue here.

The issue is the amount of evade, the dmg only that high cause vindi has good synergy with daredevil relic and intel sigils. 

If you want to nerf in a healthy way to the actual problem, nerf the evades, and by that I dont mean shiro break stun because rev apart from vindi is kitten, blue legy evade could be removed entirely. Alliance legend f2 giving back endurance should be changed to different concept that doesnt help spamming dodges. Hammer 3 same I would rather not nerf cause rev is in terrible state apart from vindi. Tree song giving back endurance on cleanse, that doesn't need to be , cleanse is good enough.

There healthy big nerfs that wont nerf herald or rene.


What do you compensate the loss of evades with? There is no stab/blocks while doing dmg and vindi has only 1 CC. Almost every good dps spec has access to stab/block while attack and/or multiple CC. I ask people this genuinely, becuase I can already CC a good vindi fairly well as is. With less evades, people won't even need to know how the spec works, just throw random CC at it, and it will die.


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GW2 in general has needed a massive Animation/Visual clarity patch overhaul for a very long time. I've already made several threads about it. 

-Players should be able to edit where damage numbers appear so you don't have the problem of small animations being obscured by damage numbers

-There should be an option to toggle skill icons with damage numbers. What's interesting is that this is already a part of the API and there are add-ons that can achieve the effect but Anet had the developer of the add on disable it for PvP. Instead of worrying about a disparity between players using an add-on that gives better combat visualizations, the smarter move would have been to hire the add-on developer and code it in as an official part of the base game. 

-Many skills could easily have additional special FX added to them in order to make them look more distinguishable from auto attacks. Far too many powerful abilities ( Like DH spear ) have simple windups that again due to being obscured by damage numbers are very hard to pick out.

 -There are also some skills with huge animations despite the ability doing very little. Ele is a poster child for this problem. Most ele skills that have a major impact in PvP have little to no animation, while most ele skills that have huge animations have little to no impact. 


All this stuff was maybe acceptable back in 2012, but in 2024 it makes the game horribly dated and clunky. 




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4 hours ago, Yerlock.4678 said:

At least give hammer Vindi better telegraphs, the thing is literally a sniper rifle with unintuitive skills to play against. This isn’t even mentioning the near limitless sky evades that do damage.

Agreed, I want larger hammer animations too, so I see my own pew pew better when I kill you all 😂

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1 hour ago, youle.5824 said:

Lol 'sky evade' indeed.

But to your point, vindi everyone agrees needs nerfs, but the animation on the build are all extremely telegraphed, like that is not the issue here.

The issue is the amount of evade, the dmg only that high cause vindi has good synergy with daredevil relic and intel sigils. 

If you want to nerf in a healthy way to the actual problem, nerf the evades, and by that I dont mean shiro break stun because rev apart from vindi is kitten, blue legy evade could be removed entirely. Alliance legend f2 giving back endurance should be changed to different concept that doesnt help spamming dodges. Hammer 3 same I would rather not nerf cause rev is in terrible state apart from vindi. Tree song giving back endurance on cleanse, that doesn't need to be , cleanse is good enough.

There healthy big nerfs that wont nerf herald or rene.

Just remove the direct damage from the dodges, compensate it in the trait little bit and overall damage little higher.

Without the direct damage on the traits it would be better.

But what you're suggesting is butchering vindi in the wrong direction and it still won't solve it and people will come back again on here for this.

If vindi on their own dodges does 0% damage by trait, it has a lot less offensive defense potential same time and it can't pressure the target bc of it while on defense

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1 hour ago, arazoth.7290 said:

Just remove the direct damage from the dodges, compensate it in the trait little bit and overall damage little higher.

Without the direct damage on the traits it would be better.

But what you're suggesting is butchering vindi in the wrong direction and it still won't solve it and people will come back again on here for this.

If vindi on their own dodges does 0% damage by trait, it has a lot less offensive defense potential same time and it can't pressure the target bc of it while on defense

ok, but lets give daredevil 10s on its dodge effects

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What isn't telegraphed about hammer? 

You should make a vindi and check out hammer skills. Once you play it yourself you can see what the skills do and how you can dodge them. They're all fairly easy to dodge aside from hammer 1 spam. Almost all of hammer skills have a mediocre travel/cast time.

10 hours ago, Yerlock.4678 said:

At least give hammer Vindi better telegraphs, the thing is literally a sniper rifle with unintuitive skills to play against. This isn’t even mentioning the near limitless sky evades that do damage.


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8 hours ago, youle.5824 said:

There healthy big nerfs that wont nerf herald or rene.

I like this guy, do what he says

7 hours ago, Flowki.7194 said:

What do you compensate the loss of evades with?

With nothing, it's strong already as it is. A nerf doesn't necessarily need to come with a compensation; if stuff it's too strong, it gets chopped.

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On my Warrior and Necro i dont have any Problems at all against Vindicator Hammer "Sniper".  Damage is okay, but not that high.  Deadeye or Soulbeast (with oldschool LB 2 with Sic Em and Wolfpack) have ALOT more Damage.   So that 2k Damage on a "SNIPE" isnt a big deal for me and i can ignore them lol

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Posted (edited)

How does "removing" dodges do anything about Vindicator doing the same thing Power Herald used to do. Which is to jump on people all day with PT and DPS. All that "gameplay" lasts around 4 seconds.
It was only until they overbuffed hammer that this new freecast era happened, I wonder why.
Like, the 3 endurance you might get after cleansing 3 conditions from yourself with Tree Song is a non factor.
No one takes Energy Meld because of the 15 endurance every 30 seconds. It's by far the best choice because it doesn't cost energy and gives 25 energy back.
The bottom trait gives 15+10 endurance and 6 seconds of vigor. Which would be way better for extra endurance per min than anything else, as vigor has been removed from this spec elsewhere.

I don't know how many of you know this, but each dodge is worth 50 endurance. You gain 5 per second.
And did you know that with the previous iteration of Angsiyan's Trust, every Legend and Alliance Tactics swap replenished 10 endurance? So at least 30 endurance every 30 seconds. Yeah, the endurance regen used to be way higher before they reworked Energy Meld. But at that time the most Vindicator had was shortbow, and still, no team was winning MATs with one not as many around because other specs were even stronger at anything.
Full melee vindicator/revenant anything is a very different experience.

1. Hammer did not need that many buffs and reworks at the same time: Faster autoattacks, Aegis + damage + instant projectile hate from #4, Hammer #5 refreshing #2.
They only needed to revert whatever kitten they did with Coalescence of Ruin (#2) years ago, not only was it way more reliable and faster. It also allowed plenty of counter-play because it only did good damage at max range, if misused at close range it did about half damage. Right now every vindi ports in and spams 2 from melee range, etc.

Hammer used to be a lot better designed, it's like there's no good dev left there. (And you can tell by how awful PvE is as well)
(This game in general is gross with risk/reward. Nothing with high range and easy access to AOEs should do as much damage as single target + melee range skills)

2. Literally removing half of the Alliance's skills and coefficients would still do nothing to stop Vindicators jumping from 1200 range and killing unsuspecting people in the first 3 seconds of the fight.

And it's getting there anyway, because that's what they've been balancing the spec towards:
-Nerfed Urn, which addressed absolutely nothing about most complaints.
-Before that, they nerfed Imperial Impact twice. First by removing the chill over a year ago. Then by removing the boon extension. (Yeah, it's one of the other 2 dodges)
-Nerfed Salvation also a while ago when vindicator was starting to have a similar role to the usual warrior ones. And then you wonder why every power revenant spec keeps building for full damage, yes, so that it can kill people as quickly as possible and avoid as much player interaction as possible. It is the only play style allowed for power with this class (Vindicator was finally going to make use of Retribution? Nah kitten the players. Nerf every trait with synergy). And the fact that scars are omega garbage, not taking Swift Termination is being a troll.
-Also nerfed several GS and Archemorus skills, so better take Death Drop at all times, otherwise your damage will drop hard.

Meanwhile Death Drop is still untouched. 🔻

Even when it only had one dodge and every skill was about twice as powerful, some players were still only panicking about the 🟠 orange circles.

Hammer completly erased one of the main weaknesses Revenant always had, lack of range.
And speaking of being bad at game design: they just gave Herald a big condi cleanse. Another of Revenant's signature weaknesses is also mostly gone.
The same goes for giving Resistance to Devastation on every movement skill. 💀
Instead of simply reverting the 3s->2s Infuse Light Nerf from 3 years ago or simply reverting staff nerfs. By the way, any Rev build that can afford not using staff is going to perform a lot better. That kitten is awful and outdated.
Many of you are going to start complaining hard once Power Herald starts being good again. Especially if it starts using hammer as well if they don't do something about it.
(And deleting Vindicator won't magically make Herald good again, but maybe deleting most of the other specs at the same time would.)
And once again, every future power variant is going to have to be balanced around hammer being that good at every range.

These developers, and some of you as well, for some reason want to keep the whole spec balanced around 3k-4k Death Drops and its 10 second +15% damage buff.
What a kittening waste of a spec.

Even Trevor got it right.
Just kitten off with Death Drop.
And I could keep going because this has a lot to do with game design, player options/incentives, etc.
But what a kittening waste of time, they are not going to read any of this and none of you probably care, it's only about resentment.

Edited by Sereath.1428
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Posted (edited)
7 hours ago, Kyraios.8954 said:

What isn't telegraphed about hammer? 

You should make a vindi and check out hammer skills. Once you play it yourself you can see what the skills do and how you can dodge them. They're all fairly easy to dodge aside from hammer 1 spam. Almost all of hammer skills have a mediocre travel/cast time.


Exactly, most of the playerbase don't play the spec they are about to critisize more than hitting a test dummy.. or a game or two farming newbs in unranked. Ive watched people I know jump on fotm specs, go into arena to duel g3+ players, and get destroyed. Hell, myself included. You have to be fighting decent players in duel/ranked, and not melt in seconds, before you can really say something about a spec. Its pretty obvious from most of the comments on hammer vindi that people really have not done that >dummy attackers/newb farmers > vindi is easy.


6 hours ago, Terrorhuz.4695 said:

I like this guy, do what he says

With nothing, it's strong already as it is. A nerf doesn't necessarily need to come with a compensation; if stuff it's too strong, it gets chopped.


The spec is litterally based on evades, it has 1 CC and 1 block. Take most thief builds for example, they hard lean on stealth as both offence/defence, you can't just nerf stealth access by 30% and expect thief to be fine. And im saying that as a person who is openly vocal about how toxic thief currently is.


If you reduce the amount of vindi evades, it absolutely needs stab access on demand, or more cc, or block-attacks, or else it will fall flat on its face vs specs that have one of those, or all. Evades are just anothe form of block-invuln, same effect, different name. I can also bring up WB here, I absolutelly hate its block/resolotion mechanics (also renew given those mechancis), but the spec is built on them, you cannot just buthcer its block-res access and give nothing in return. It needs something in return, and that something has to be more skill indexed, thats the real key to good balance.



Personally, I like fighting vindis aside from deathdrop. The mechanics are a good change to fight over block-invuln attacks, stab loaded burst, or daze jumps. You can CC a vindi during the right moments, which always means you have a chance at any point of the fight in counter pressuring, which is somethign (spec dependent) you really don't have fighting block-immune covered burst, you can only mitigate and wait for the onslaught to finish, before you can then attempt to pressure back. Some specs are so bloated in that way, that when you actually jump them, their mechanics allow them to instantly put you on the back foot, even though you were the one that caught them off gaurd and got the jump. I do not like those types of front loaded encounters 1 bit (the scrapper concept), becuase all of the risk/punishment for the first 10 seconds is placed on the person being attacked (or the spec withouoght the front loaded mechanics), while th front loaded spec has no real threat of counter pressure for a set duration. There is no good reason why that should be the case imo, in that any spec, at any given moment, should be open to counter pressure (which vindi is). I just hope they take away deathdrop damage in truth, becuase I really don't want to be fighting yet another build revolving around block-invuln-stab-cc spam burst. Its so overused.

Edited by Flowki.7194
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Posted (edited)
4 hours ago, Sereath.1428 said:

How does "removing" dodges do anything about Vindicator doing the same thing Power Herald used to do. Which is to jump on people all day with PT and DPS. All that "gameplay" lasts around 4 seconds.
It was only until they overbuffed hammer that this new freecast era happened, I wonder why.
Like, the 3 endurance you might get after cleansing 3 conditions from yourself with Tree Song is a non factor.
No one takes Energy Meld because of the 15 endurance every 30 seconds. It's by far the best choice because it doesn't cost energy and gives 25 energy back.
The bottom trait gives 15+10 endurance and 6 seconds of vigor. Which would be way better for extra endurance per min than anything else, as vigor has been removed from this spec elsewhere

I don't know how many of you know this, but each dodge is worth 50 endurance. You gain 5 per second.
And did you know that with the previous iteration of Angsiyan's Trust, every Legend and Alliance Tactics swap replenished 10 endurance? So at least 30 endurance every 30 seconds. Yeah, the endurance regen used to be way higher before they reworked Energy Meld. But at that time the most Vindicator had was shortbow, and still, no team was winning MATs with one not as many around because other specs were even stronger at anything.
Full melee vindicator/revenant anything is a very different experience.

1. Hammer did not need that many buffs and reworks at the same time: Faster autoattacks, Aegis + damage + instant projectile hate from #4, Hammer #5 refreshing #2.
They only needed to revert whatever kitten they did with Coalescence of Ruin (#2) years ago, not only was it way more reliable and faster. It also allowed plenty of counter-play because it only did good damage at max range, if misused at close range it did about half damage. Right now every vindi ports in and spams 2 from melee range, etc.

Hammer used to be a lot better designed, it's like there's no good dev left there. (And you can tell by how awful PvE is as well)
(This game in general is gross with risk/reward. Nothing with high range and easy access to AOEs should do as much damage as single target + melee range skills)

2. Literally removing half of the Alliance's skills and coefficients would still do nothing to stop Vindicators jumping from 1200 range and killing unsuspecting people in the first 3 seconds of the fight.

And it's getting there anyway, because that's what they've been balancing the spec towards:
-Nerfed Urn, which addressed absolutely nothing about most complaints.
-Before that, they nerfed Imperial Impact twice. First by removing the chill over a year ago. Then by removing the boon extension. (Yeah, it's one of the other 2 dodges)
-Nerfed Salvation also a while ago when vindicator was starting to have a similar role to the usual warrior ones. And then you wonder why every power revenant spec keeps building for full damage, yes, so that it can kill people as quickly as possible and avoid as much player interaction as possible. It is the only play style allowed for power with this class (Vindicator was finally going to make use of Retribution? Nah kitten the players. Nerf every trait with synergy).

Meanwhile Death Drop is still untouched. 🔻

Even when it only had one dodge and every skill was about twice as powerful, some players were still only panicking about the 🟠 orange circles.

Hammer completly erased one of the main weaknesses Revenant always had, lack of range.
And speaking of being bad at game design: they just gave Herald a big condi cleanse. Another of Revenant's signature weaknesses is also mostly gone.
Instead of simply reverting the 3s->2s Infuse Light Nerf from 3 years ago or simply reverting staff nerfs. By the way, any Rev build that can afford not using staff is going to perform a lot better. That kitten is awful and outdated.

(And deleting Vindicator won't magically make Herald good again, but maybe deleting most of the other specs at the same time would.)
And once again, every future power variant is going to have to be balanced around hammer being that good at every range.

These developers, and some of you as well, for some reason want to keep the whole spec balanced around 3k-4k Death Drops and its 10 second +15% damage buff.
What a kittening waste of a spec.

Even Trevor got it right.
Just kitten off with Death Drop.
And I could keep going because this has a lot to do with game design, player options/incentives, etc.
But what a kittening waste of time, they are not going to read any of this and none of you probably care, it's only about resentment.

Personally, I care. 

Only concern I have is  trying to weave damage in between 4k dodge landings and consistent ranged pressure that can convert to sticky melee  pressure any time the rev is on shiro is a lot, considering that if I don't double cc them fresh into a legend swap (which is further complicated by arche stunbreak dazing and shiro's repositioning them far enough away that they can link into an evade if I don't anticipate the break AND dodge then precast so i catch them the instant they're out of the evade frame) they  essentially control the fight. 

If that's considered fine, then cool, balance more things like that. 

Death drop adjustment/Hammer adjustment could also resolve this,but I'm hesitant to suggest the second because hammer was garbage FOREVER and it needs some more time out of jail. I suppose people are pointing to the evades because death drop is probably still going to be damage players want to avoid even after any nerfing. They won't nerf it to 0, nor should they. 

Either way, Im not in a hurry to request it be adjusted. it's just kind of silly to see what anet is willing to ship in terms of power damage delivery (while aggressively balancing other specs that can't put that kind of damage out) and what players are willing to justify in one case, but not another.



Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Flowki.7194 said:

The spec is litterally based on evades, it has 1 CC and 1 block.

And Riposting Shadows and Battle Dance and Phase Smash, just for evades.
Then there's a projectile block + aegis on Field of the Mists.
Then there's all the vigor+Energy Meld+various sigils of energy to proc more dodges
Then there's bonus endurance from Scavenger Burst\Tree Song.

That's just counting what they get from the buttons they press, IDK enough about revenant to talk about the defensives they might get from traits. Point is: are you REALLY sure vindicators are going to be so starved out of defensives...? Because they can cycle through these pretty much endlessly.

Edited by Terrorhuz.4695
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Posted (edited)
26 minutes ago, Terrorhuz.4695 said:

And Riposting Shadows and Battle Dance and Phase Smash, just for evades.
Then there's a projectile block + aegis on Field of the Mists.
Then there's all the vigor+Energy Meld+various sigils of energy to proc more dodges
Then there's bonus endurance from Scavenger Burst\Tree Song.

That's just counting what they get from the buttons they press, IDK enough about revenant to talk about the defensives they might get from traits. Point is: are you REALLY sure vindicators are going to be so starved out of defensives...? Because they can cycle through these pretty much endlessly.


I'm absolutely certain that if you reduced vindi evade uptime by 20% with 0 compensation, it will get CC'd out of meta, great, or even good status. I keep telling people that I litterally shut down any vindi with CC, that is not p2+. Even then, I still land CC on p2 vindis often enough, but they are skilled enough to either hide behind their team, leave the fight, or have their pet duo peel. They have learned to close that door enough with evades, so that there are small oppertunities to CC/counter pressure them. For Vindis p1 and going lower, the door is open wider and wider, they don't have the skill to close it to a minimum, which is why I can solo most vindis <p3 just on core rev, and absolutely set p1 vindis up for death in group fights if team mates follow up. If you nerf the evades, the gap at top level opens even more, and people like me, who are not even p2, will be CCing such vindis a hell of a lot more. At lower levels, they are dead, very easily, the evade gaps would be so wide that any random CC spam chains from things like necro, the vindi is going to catch multiple, while the necro isn't timing kitten, just smashing CC chains. Vindi caught in CC is in so much trouble, it has a lasting effect even if he stunbreaks it.. so increasing the amount of CC uptime on vindi via evade reductions is honestly a very fine line between meta spec/useless spec. Its the same as nerfing theif stealth access, heaviy handedly remove 1 or 2 stealth options? What do you think happens? Does the thief have some existing sustain options to compensate? Even is so, are those sustain options now resulting in a 20/30% dmg reduction? etc.

Edited by Flowki.7194
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Posted (edited)

Tbh hammer is very telegraphed. Its just vindi has a lot of things it does that can cover and play around the telegraphed skills to keep applying pressure. It just has really strange timings players are not used to

Hammer, after its changes, rounded out vindi and eliminated a lot of its old weaknesses. The problem in the past is they either had to be full melee or run shortbow which was less defensive and would make them a sitting duck if jumped on if it wanted that ranged pressure.

The autos hit for like 2k, it has an evade that does ranged AoE dmg and you can use it to zone anyone who tries to be in melee, it has a 12 sec cd projectile block that can chunk people for 4-5k and it gives you a stack of aegis and a field that gives your autos life steal. Even with all this, I dont think hammer is inherently the problem. 

I think the main problem that others have been saying too, is the frequent evades that can do 3-4k. You can weave these in constantly whuch either chunks people down over time or zones players away.

Also I think, people dont take into consideration on how wonky all the skill timings are across both hammer and vindi skills. It really messes with a lot of player's natural muscle memory on when its actually good to pressure a vindi and when it to defend. You have to pay a lot more attention to a vindi than other specs when you are fighting them imo

Edited by Endo.1652
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2 hours ago, Terrorhuz.4695 said:

And Riposting Shadows and Battle Dance and Phase Smash, just for evades.
Then there's a projectile block + aegis on Field of the Mists.
Then there's all the vigor+Energy Meld+various sigils of energy to proc more dodges
Then there's bonus endurance from Scavenger Burst\Tree Song.

That's just counting what they get from the buttons they press, IDK enough about revenant to talk about the defensives they might get from traits. Point is: are you REALLY sure vindicators are going to be so starved out of defensives...? Because they can cycle through these pretty much endlessly.

Which vigor? 😂😂😂😂😂😂

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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, Endo.1652 said:

Tbh hammer is very telegraphed. Its just vindi has a lot of things it does that can cover and play around the telegraphed skills to keep applying pressure. It just has really strange timings players are not used to

Hammer, after its changes, rounded out vindi and eliminated a lot of its old weaknesses. The problem in the past is they either had to be full melee or run shortbow which was less defensive and would make them a sitting duck if jumped on if it wanted that ranged pressure.

The autos hit for like 2k, it has an evade that does ranged AoE dmg and you can use it to zone anyone who tries to be in melee, it has a 12 sec cd projectile block that can chunk people for 4-5k and it gives you a stack of aegis and a field that gives your autos life steal. Even with all this, I dont think hammer is inherently the problem. 

I think the main problem that others have been saying too, is the frequent evades that can do 3-4k. You can weave these in constantly whuch either chunks people down over time or zones players away.

Also I think, people dont take into consideration on how wonky all the skill timings are across both hammer and vindi skills. It really messes with a lot of player's natural muscle memory on when its actually good to pressure a vindi and when it to defend. You have to pay a lot more attention to a vindi than other specs when you are fighting them imo

That is partly why I enjoy fighting vindis, despite the spec clearly being strong in capable hands. You can watch the player for the most part, see what is being used, anticipate what is next, and play within those windows. On something like virt/dh/wb, it is a constant state of boon checking for blocks/stab, constant.. which makes it easy to miss an animation, or miss a boon if under pressure.


The sad thing is, I was enjoying playing hammer vindi on and off before the buff, it was difficult, punishiing, hard to do well with, yet the power co's really caught people off gaurd. When hammer 5 refresh/speed buff came in, I instantly stopped playing it. I just knew it was destined for hate becuase of hammer power co's > nerf.. just like what happened to tempest condi specs thanks to condi cata. What I didn't expect, was for the nerf calls to take the direction of the evades in general, not just deathdrop damage.. and certainly did not expect the urn nerf, which is absolutely diabolical colateral damage to vindi support. I don't even play vindi much at all anymore, because it now looks like the evades are going to take a hit, which will hit all vindi builds, condi, and support. Its not like many are even playing that.. but this is how the community/anet work, fkign clueless nerfs that blanket bomb entire classes/none related specs.

Edited by Flowki.7194
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Posted (edited)
5 hours ago, arazoth.7290 said:

Which vigor? 😂😂😂😂😂😂

Yeah, like... bruh. 💀
And most of the endurance replenishment comes from energy sigils.

Btw, Power Herald didn't use to be so one dimensional either. It only became a ganking bot after being stripped of its agency over time.
I miss it too, but I don't see how it can ever be good and have very active and rewarding gameplay again. I mean, I know how, but that would require a rebalance of risk and reward across all classes and specs, which they won't do. Or sure, just mindlessly buff it to the current powercreep level of the other classes.

Edited by Sereath.1428
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On 7/1/2024 at 10:04 PM, Yerlock.4678 said:

At least give hammer Vindi better telegraphs, the thing is literally a sniper rifle with unintuitive skills to play against. This isn’t even mentioning the near limitless sky evades that do damage.

  They should remove the barrier and heals from the last traits, and the vigor and boon sharing from the evades and nerf the damage from the greatsword... Oh wait, Anet already didt that!

   Maybe Anet could have open the door to new roles for Rev, but did chose instead to make the last two weapons a total poo, so that is how it is... 

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