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So let's talk Scoring

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3 hours ago, Mabi black.1824 said:

Or is it just the team that had more players (hours of play) than the others? When you use the term 'server performance' what are you referring to? How many players do they have or the quality of those players?  Because if it's clear to you, it's not absolutely clear to me. And my proposal is a possible solution to this.

It's always been coverage and total amount of players to a very large degree (I'd guess 80:20, aka you can make up some amount of less players but only to a limited degree and usually tied to heavy burnout). It remains that way with the new scoring system just that there might be incentives at play to encourage grouping towards certain time slots.

As such, the competitive aspect of this mode has always been niche to irrelevant. If the solution has always been: bring more friends, there is no serious competition to be had. At the very least it can't be taken seriously. That's why blob guilds were and are a thing: "winning" has always meant "be more".

Edited by Cyninja.2954
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56 minutes ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

It's always been coverage and total amount of players to a very large degree (I'd guess 80:20, aka you can make up some amount of less players but only to a limited degree and usually tied to heavy burnout). It remains that way with the new scoring system just that there might be incentives at play to encourage grouping towards certain time slots.

As such, the competitive aspect of this mode has always been niche to irrelevant. If the solution has always been: bring more friends, there is no serious competition to be had. At the very least it can't be taken seriously. That's why blob guilds were and are a thing: "winning" has always meant "be more".

I completely agree with what you have said. And since I think that for this exact reason the average PVP player of WVW, at some point, when he is mature to perceive all this, he loses his interest/involvement and moves away from the mode, he explains all my emphasis on this topic, because that's why I am there. Because an update of the scoring system is, in my opinion, an opportunity to improve the competitive aspect.

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3 hours ago, Mabi black.1824 said:

I completely agree with what you have said. And since I think that for this exact reason the average PVP player of WVW, at some point, when he is mature to perceive all this, he loses his interest/involvement and moves away from the mode, he explains all my emphasis on this topic, because that's why I am there. Because an update of the scoring system is, in my opinion, an opportunity to improve the competitive aspect.

I think that depends a lot on each individual, otherwise you'd not have players stick with the mode for year.

The competitive aspects are just not as driven by points or server but instead found in individual content. That fight blob versus blob, those roamers meeting each other, the 2 guilds having a fight. Which is where the latest balance actually comes into play and the excessive normalization hurts the ability for players to overcome number disadvantages with skill.

Adjusting scoring based on expected activity depending on time zone is by the way a step towards more competitive scoring. The issue just remains that score in the end just doesn't matter.

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7 hours ago, Mabi black.1824 said:

the best team has won a game? with the current scoring system? Or is it just the team that had more players (hours of play) than the others? 

"Quantity is a quality all its own."

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1 hour ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

The competitive aspects are just not as driven by points or server but instead found in individual content. That fight blob versus blob, those roamers meeting each other, the 2 guilds having a fight. Which is where the latest balance actually comes into play and the excessive normalization hurts the ability for players to overcome number disadvantages with skill.


Most competition in WvW is not and never has been about any score - it's all about winning fights. From duels, over outnumbered solo and small scale fights, GvG, fights for specific objectives of any scale to large open field blob vs blob. It's all some sort of competition.

A score isn't neccessary to create competition, nor does a scoring system inevitably lead to more or better competition.

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Each to their own here. Agree, first is fun. But scoring is what leads to competition. Who should I fight, first answer is both. Second answer is the one in the lead since they are in the lead. What scale should I fight? That depends on what is needed. Can I do that with 1,5,10,25,60? Is it fight, defend or take. That again depends on score. Fight where you can, hold your stuff and take theirs. That leads to scoring. Why take down a T3 versus T1, its a T3, it needs to go. How many are needed to do that? As a few as possible so that there are more to do other things. But again, mileage varies player to player, but since as they said on the stream winning matters is next up, scoring will matter. 

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On 7/13/2024 at 4:29 AM, DeWolfe.2174 said:

lower population hours require far more effort and coordination to scout, defend, and flip.

My work hours and play hours change every couple weeks, on the old server I played prime time raids and late small havoc. The late night havoc was objectively harder work, in the EU Guilds were still online past midnight so we were not just flipping everything, it took effort. This team isn't trying to improve WvW its trying to remake it into a 6 hour mega guild E-peeen competition, while telling us it's making it better for all types of player. It's dishonest and kitten.

Edited by Troubadour.6397
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