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Rift Hunting

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I would like to see Rift Hunting expanded on. Please don't abandon it. It's a lot of fun just like the bounty boards in Elona except better because it takes us to different maps every week. It would be so interesting to see other types of rifts popping up. Like, the Branded Rifts with the Branded Riftstalkers during LWS4 and Awakened Rifts and other "Mystic Threats" as the Rift Hunter NPCs seem to suggest. Even if that means just foes from old content. It can all be explained with temporal shifts in the mists, etc.

Just, please. Continue to expand on this new system. It's been a lot of fun. 

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They'd have to tie in some pretty lucrative rewards for them to be content that people want to play in the future. After the grind for obby armor sets, lots of us are just done with them. I personally have not returned to SotO content or even acknowledge the rifts occurring outside of SotO. It's only good content if you are working on the armor.

Now, if there was some really neat throne that you could get by doing rifts that you could put in a castle you build in the homestead, I might just go rift hunting again.

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They could certainly add some worthwhile (or exclusive) items that one can spend essence on to get to keep people doing rifts.

For myself, I expect that once I finish the armor, I'll probably quit doing rifts.


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I thought that the concept had a lot of potential when announced. If it had dramatically improved upon similar ideas from the past and was rewarding the concept could have been great. But, as simplistic as rifts are, and lacking rewards for anyone not working on the armor, the content is uninteresting after a very few plays.

Edited by Ashen.2907
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They're a great way to farm map rewards though. I've made a lot of gold by going to the maps that give tier 6 materials and whenever there's a map that has baubbles? They're more rewarding than bounty boards. I agree that there need to be better rewards, though I'm pretty sure they have a chance to drop the ascended skyscale weapons. But that's what I mean when I say to please expand on it.

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Absolutely, All the Squads I've been in for running these have been a lot of fun. It's ultimately what motivated me to create this thread. Before I used to go on PoF Bounty Trains but after a while the boards have no bounties and you have to wait around or switch maps and that's a drag. No cooldown time for Rift Hunting though!

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The rift hunting is hands down my favorite content released with SOTO,  and up there with fishing as far as rewards go if you know how to do it right. It just feels engaging and gives me a reason to tag up. It would be ashame if this gets abandoned like the many other "portals that spew enemies of a season" content.

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On 7/16/2024 at 8:00 PM, Stardust.3970 said:

I would like to see Rift Hunting expanded on. Please don't abandon it

Anet acts like everything they add is a SNES cartridge you can't patch.

Rifts also cannot be salvaged, they're horrendous.. Abandon them.


On 7/17/2024 at 4:47 PM, ZephidelGRS.9520 said:

It's also a relaxing turn-your-brain-off side activity in-between burnouts.

I don't play a video game to turn my brain off. I am not a zombie. Stop this.

Edited by Kozumi.5816
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I suspect like most things, different people want different people in the game.

A few nights ago, when I was a bit tired and had a bit of a headache, I decided to just finish off the weekly rifts as a fairly low key content that doesn't require much thinking.

In comparison, doing any of the new metas, with the amount of visual spam they have, would have made my headache worse.

So I'm somewhat happy that there are these different types of content.  If I have 10 minutes of free times, I can do some rifts.  Map metas almost all run much longer than that, and world bosses would have to just fall within that right time window (and in many cases, take 5 minutes to kill and then another 10 minutes before the next world boss is ready to kill)


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I really hope they do more with the rifts, its such a great way to kill time!
I appreciate the simplicity of it.  scan- move- kill. imo its more interesting then some meta's.
some meta's are just so boring and LOOOOONNGGG!!!! rifts are short and sweet. ^^

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15 hours ago, Kozumi.5816 said:

I don't play a video game to turn my brain off. I am not a zombie. Stop this.

It's a simple side activity that you can do. In other word, it's purely optional if you're not actively crafting the armor, and can be done at any time when there's not much action going on. 

Nothing stops you from your daily Fractal/Strike grind, but if you're burnt out and need something more simple, rift is a viable alternative.   

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