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Phialslinger Manticore Dye Channels - REALLY?

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I'm curious who decided on the Phialslinger Manticore Dye Channels. Those were some, uhm, very interesting choices. You can't even dye the accessories the manticore skyscale is carrying. It just is some ugly greyish color blob.

Really hate this skin due to this and disappointed I dropped money on it.


Edited by pallas.8150
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9 minutes ago, Mic.1897 said:

Yeah but it still begs the question lol

The skin itself isn't awful, it's the dye channels that make it a fail. Unfortunately, you can't test these things before purchase.

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Actually there is a way to test dye channels in-game before buying them, though it's a bit convoluted. You have to preview the skin while you also have the dyes page open in your hero panel, and it'll display the preview as whatever your current dyes are. To test other color combinations you can just slot in different dyes without actually finalizing it, then click the preview again to update the skin's appearance. It's weird but it works. You can do that for mounts and skiffs, and I believe armor skins as well.

With all that said, I knew after testing this skin that I wasn't going to even consider buying it without a significant sale... The stripes on the wings stand out as really fuzzy like they're at the wrong resolution, and that alone makes most dye combinations look pretty bad on it imo. There's a few options I tried that looked alright, but that makes it kinda niche.

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8 hours ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

You can always wait a day or two and check for YouTube videos highlighting dye channels.  There's always one or two.  🤷‍♂️

Wise words but really it shouldn't be that way. When you buy something, you should be able to check it out in a simple manner right then and there. Anet should really make it easier to check dye channels. Timey is right, you can do it but it's way too convoluted. 

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10 hours ago, pallas.8150 said:

The skin itself isn't awful, it's the dye channels that make it a fail. Unfortunately, you can't test these things before purchase.

Thats why you wait a bit. There will be always videos, showing off dye channels etc. 

Or wait for people like you, who insta buy without caring what they are actually buying and then complain about it. So you know what's wrong with it. 

Just chill next time a bit and wait for videos/reactions. 

Stop being the test subject. 

Edited by DanAlcedo.3281
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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

Thats why you wait a bit. There will be always videos, showing off dye channels etc. 

Or wait for people like you, who insta buy without caring what they are actually buying and then complain about it. So you know what's wrong with it. 

Just chill next time a bit and wait for videos/reactions. 

Stop being the test subject. 

Those videos are now fewer and farther between, however, as most of the ones who used to do it no longer are participating in the game with any frequency. Some don't even HAVE videos at this point.

Shouldn't have to require a third party, either, to discover how things work. IJS.

Edited by pallas.8150
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I've had the same issue with some of the other mount skins having questionable dye channels or them dyeing in a way that's just odd (there's a turtle one that I even looked a video up for and it looked way worse in game than the vid seemed to show). I have plenty of buyer remorse for it

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I'm very glad I saw this thread before buying this mount.  I was considering it, but not now. My funds are too limited to be disappointed in a pricey purchase.

Edited by Ithlia.1830
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I was curious what you were talking about, because I had low key wanted the skin too.
I am very happy I saw this thread because I decided to preview the dye channels before buying it (using tips from this thread to find out how) and they  look like they are an MS-PAINT made overlay.
I think this might be excusable for one of those 400gem skins tucked in a mount adoption license pack but for a premium stand alone skin, no. 
It also can't blink properly and it's eyes are messed up. 

Maybe this was a rush job.  Very disappointing. 
I don't think they edit released skins very often but I hope they decide to for this one. 

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