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Can we actually do something about Necromancers in PvP?

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The ability to face tank a considerable amount more than a lot of other specs litterally deters you from attacking it becuase you have more chance of losing the group DPS trade race. The better the necro is, the better he also is at kiting, dodging etc, and can still fall back on more face tank friendly mechanics. I played support/group fight specs most of the time, I see very clearly which specs actually melt the fastest across the skill spectrum, necro is far from the bottom of that list.

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6 minutes ago, arazoth.7290 said:

vindi popular at all skill lvls??? I can count on my 5 fingers over 1 week from doing ranked the encounters I have with vindis who are below plat. This is including my own team and excluding me out of it.


Contrary to what the forums would have you believe, they are rare.
What happens is that the player pool is minuscule, so you have G2s - pseudo-Plats from here going against players like Naru.
They get farmed by them using a vindi or such and then come here. Sometimes they also write essays about it trying to rp as a game dev:
"You see, lets suppose we have 5 tiers of OP, and vindi is clearly the 6th new tier. Almost as worse as Cata when it won a Mat as a 5 stack".
The skill gap is gigantic and distorts many players' perceptions of balance.

I would love to see class usage and win rates, just like Bungie does with Destiny 2.

Edited by Sereath.1428
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11 minutes ago, TruthSeeker.3697 said:

Thats why vindi is popular at all skill levels unlike condi reaper.
30 vindis for every creaper
No wait.

CReaper is easy to pick up and master. Effective and great everywhere and at every skill level.
The best defense is a good offence. Yeah, turns out that having ranged CC spam and leaving kitten fields everywhere helps a lot.
Harbinger is not far behind either.

This sandbox is still awful. Same old.
The risk-reward ratio is simply putrid.

(The post was sarcastic about vindi I think)

Exactly.. reaper is the SPB of group fighting specs.

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12 minutes ago, Flowki.7194 said:

The ability to face tank a considerable amount more than a lot of other specs litterally deters you from attacking it becuase you have more chance of losing the group DPS trade race. The better the necro is, the better he also is at kiting, dodging etc, and can still fall back on more face tank friendly mechanics. I played support/group fight specs most of the time, I see very clearly which specs actually melt the fastest across the skill spectrum, necro is far from the bottom of that list.

hum... aight.  We wont agree on this, and thats fine. 😃

Personally speaking.. if a Reaper gets too cocky, and i catch him after he used his Stab.... he immediately has to leave shroud to Stunbreak. 

After that... 9 seconds where he cant facetank whatsoever. <--- This is your window.

They key to fighting a Necro, is to force him out of the "i can facetank- moment".    If he can stay in Shroud uncontested and you just trade dmg... ofc you will loose!

You will lose because he can "facetank" damage in shroud.

What he cant facetank, is any form of CC after his stab runs out.    ---> The key here is to use CC... not dmg.<----       You need to condition him out of shroud!

Thats how you get him to stop facetanking.  Save up all the cc you have. Wait for him to go shroud,... and then rofl cc all over him.   He either has to leave shroud or watch you pepper him for an eternity.


Reaper, by itself, is very squishy.  very limited prot, no blocks, no invulns... nothing.      The only thing that makes them tanky... IS SHROUD.  However... there is ways to get rid of shroud, without blowing your dmg into it.


Lemme think about your build... uhm... yeah.. there it is!

You see stab run out... you explode your tablet.   Hes trying to get back up,  Shortbow5, hes trying to get up againg... have a guess..... TABLET EXPLODE!   You can literally lock a Necro in place.  He HAS to leave shroud.  


But lets simply agree on not agreeing here.

Edited by Sahne.6950
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1 minute ago, Sereath.1428 said:

Contrary to what the forums would have you believe, they are rare.
What happens is that the player pool is minuscule, so you have G2s - pseudo-Plats from here going against players like Naru.
They get farmed by them using a vindi or such and then come here. Sometimes they also write essays about it trying to rp as a game dev:
"You see, lets suppose we have 5 tiers of OP, And vindi is clearly the 6th new tier".
The skill gap is gigantic and distorts many players' perceptions of balance.

I would love to see class usage and win rates, just like Bungie does with Destiny 2.

Indeed, the amount of topics popping up about makes me think I would be able to see lot of duos or minimum 1 every 2 games 🦖

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12 minutes ago, Sahne.6950 said:

hum... aight.  We wont agree on this, and thats fine. 😃

Personally speaking.. if a Reaper gets too cocky, and i catch him after he used his Stab.... he immediately has to leave shroud to Stunbreak.  After that... 9 seconds where he cant facetank whatsoever.

They key to fighting a Necro, is to force him out of the "i can facetank- moment".    If he can stay in Shroud uncontested and you just trade dmg... ofc you will loose.  he can facetank that.

What he cant facetank, is any form of CC after his stab runs out.     The key here is to use CC... not dmg.


But lets simply agree on not agreeing here.

This is not in relation to 1v1, its about group fighting. The dynamics are completely different, and overlapping support (even from none support, things like CC and pressure) covers alot of what you say, yet the reapers still have that base face tank, thats my point. Or in short, lets say a power ele in the middle of a group fight, even with overlapping support, if he is not using active mitigation he wipes in seconds, same as power herald/vindi/holo.


9/10 times it is always better to primary the lowest sustain burst spec, like herald, becuase they are hard/punishing enough specs where you can "skill check" them, and they will melt if not good since the panic buttons are not that fool proof compared to reap. Even if good they still have to leave the fight (vindi also), or go defensive, which then tanks their spike DPS, further ensuring you are now winning the group DPS race. Since reaper is moderate condi dps, its not a priority+its face tbank, since most specs are running with 10+ seconds of stab/blocks/stunbreaks/cleanse etc.

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It was like this with Power Herald back then as well.
The circle jerk with "Rev is a class that's favored more by the best players, and the best players tend to win." was on a loop all the time. 🤣

Anyway, Im not against nerfs for things dominating the 0.1% of games.
However, some of you need to relax. Many of your suggestions want to simply delete x spec from the game just because you got ridiculed or something by it once when in reality that player would have done the same with anything else.

I have wasted a lot of time writing about how to address Vindicator and Hammer. But I just care less and less. Because I'm 80% certain that they are going to keep nerfing everything around those two things.
Power Revenant anything keeps being balanced and pushed to be a gank class. Just like Warrior is always shoehorned into being a wall, Engineers with nades, etc.

What a kittening waste of specs: "Yeah just nerf everything about Vindicator and Alliance stance so that the only gameplay consists of bursting targets within 5 seconds and then chaining active defenses if that fails since their re-sustain has been crippled. Yeah, lets just have it do the same thing Power Herald does."
Conquest is so cool! What a lovely game-mode.

And FWIW, I've rarely felt like any spec here is broken OP. I think I'm pretty good at recognizing when I'm kittening up and being outplayed.
I've only ever talked about guardian and warrior at times since I used to play those. And yeah I've thrown shade at ranger at times.

I particularly don't care about condi Reaper atm. I mean, nah... whatever.

Edited by Sereath.1428
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13 minutes ago, Flowki.7194 said:

This is not in relation to 1v1, its about group fighting. The dynamics are completely different, and overlapping support (even from none support, things like CC and pressure) covers alot of what you say, yet the reapers still have that base face tank, thats my point. Or in short, lets say a power ele in the middle of a group fight, even with overlapping support, if he is not using active mitigation he wipes in seconds, same as power herald/vindi/holo.


9/10 times it is always better to primary the lowest sustain burst spec, like herald, becuase they are hard/punishing enough specs where you can "skill check" them, and they will melt if not good since the panic buttons are not that fool proof compared to reap. Even if good they still have to leave the fight (vindi also), or go defensive, which then tanks their spike DPS, further ensuring you are now winning the group DPS race. Since reaper is moderate condi dps, its not a priority+its face tank, since all specs most specs are running with 10 seconds of stab/blocks/stunbreaks/cleanse etc.

Focusing anything but the Reaper is doodoo.  (i think? has anything changed?  you focus the reaper... right?)

Just one honest question.

Have you played Condireaper?   no shittalk or anything.  just curious if you have played it more then... lets say... an hour.


Because when i play Reaper, the enemy team focuses me, and my main priority is kiting so i dont explode.  

I cant facetank whatsoever. Just during shroud. But then there comes some Zeus around the corner and keeps me stunlocked, so i have to leave shroud.....   next thing i know... i am kiting again.

A CReaper is only crazy paired with a support and people that actually peel.  Luckily... those are very rare.

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17 minutes ago, Sereath.1428 said:

Yeah, lets just have it do the same thing Power Herald does.

For what it's worth, almost every offmeta build is in this situation now. You get basically one thing and every other part of the class is a knockoff of varying quality and strength.

Like, when they did the Zerk rework, they made it another sidenoder instead of giving the class the ability to play a different role. Different damage type, but still doing the same thing in the match.
The Renegade changes just created another hammer power build attempting to play like Vindi.
You can probably apply that to a bunch of the others too, both in terms of smaller balance changes and larger scale reworks, that's just the last two big ones (that I can remember without going back through patches lol)

Broadly applies to just about everyone and I think it's really stupid for a game that's supposed to be flexible and more freeform (part of why they removed dedicated healers/the trinity) to do, but it seems like it's the desired direction.

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23 minutes ago, Sahne.6950 said:

Focusing anything but the Reaper is doodoo.  (i think? has anything changed?  you focus the reaper... right?)

Just one honest question.

Have you played Condireaper?   no shittalk or anything.  just curious if you have played it more then... lets say... an hour.


Because when i play Reaper, the enemy team focuses me, and my main priority is kiting so i dont explode.  

I cant facetank whatsoever. Just during shroud. But then there comes some Zeus around the corner and keeps me stunlocked, so i have to leave shroud.....   next thing i know... i am kiting again.

Take it from my perspective, I played so much on support/hybrid support, so many group fights, maybe 80% of my sPVP unless forced onto side noding. In all that time yes, there was that place where reaper was the best pick. The game moved on alot since back then (around cata meta time), reaper is not the same as it was. I mostly primary targets in group fights, nobody else really does it. In all that experaince of primarying targets ive made mistakes ofc, but I also look a lot to see what helps the team mitigate the most damage, or do the most damage.


So with that, here is how it goes for me. If we aproach a group fight and they have a thief+herlad+reaper. Assume this thief gets into the group fight, as some do. I will primary the thief becuase they cannot sustain damage, he will have to run or die. If he runs away, I will then primary the herald. Again, herald cannot sustain focus, he will have to run or die. If he runs, I then target the reaper. This depends on team mates who are not kill chasers, but by doing this, you quickly cut your teams incoming damge down by 2/3, with a chance of 2 quick kills.


When I do it the other way, the team can pump dmg into the reaper, who then has shroud/wurm which basically makes your dps redundent.. yet the reaper was able to put most of his condi on the team/target before having to get out. Ontop of that, you now give the thief/herald more free space to do the more dangerous spike damage, which support/sustain of any spec struggles a lot more with.


I played reaper last season maybe. I was G3 on core rev at the time. After around 2 hours of playing reaper in unranked, I felt comfortable to go straight into g3 ranked with it (where you obviosuly face a lot of plats also), where I was doing 30% dmg most games with under 3 deaths, and not really feeling any overwhelming pressure. Obviously I avoided 1v1s as I was not at that level, especially vs other reapers. None the less, shroud/wurm + all the CC and "mostly" safe damage application is not that hard/risky within group fights. There is no way in hell a simialr skilled person is going into g3 on power ele/vindi/herald/holo etc after 2 hours.. and doing that, not even core rev, really, go try. I stopped playing reaper becuase of one reason, core rev is just better team support/group fighter, which I prefere. I missed not having the utility for team, like stab. The problem is that core revs effectiveness is completely dependent on team mates, such as following targets, which they rarely do past the first, if at all.

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28 minutes ago, Shagie.7612 said:

For what it's worth, almost every offmeta build is in this situation now. You get basically one thing and every other part of the class is a knockoff of varying quality and strength.

Like, when they did the Zerk rework, they made it another sidenoder instead of giving the class the ability to play a different role. Different damage type, but still doing the same thing in the match.
The Renegade changes just created another hammer power build attempting to play like Vindi.

Broadly applies to just about everyone and I think it's really stupid for a game that's supposed to be flexible and more freeform (part of why they removed dedicated healers/the trinity) to do, but it seems like it's the desired direction.

I see, yeah it could be.
Very evident with warrior.
And yes, I really dont like what hammer is going to be for revenant from now on. Ranged high damage is what Revenant always lacked.
They simply needed to fix or revert #2. 💀
I firmly believe that Conquest worked too hard against the design of this game.
Since the priority has always been PvE and then WvW. And from the very beginning there was no Trinity, everyone was supposed to be self-sufficient in their own way.
Which I actually don't find bad, and is what brought me here.

So for Conquest they not only want to force a trinity. They go further and want to enforce 4(?) community roles; teamfighters, supports, roamers, duelists.
Taking an MMO that seriously was never going to work.
They needed more game modes long ago. And sure, with objectives, invuln on spawn for DM, etc. For the sake of fun.

And PvE is also quite depthless tbh.
WvW is WvW. I like the chaos so I still dont have big complaints (but cele is indeed degen). I just kitten around and cloud.
My favorite builds have not been nerfed for the most part, my gameplay is still unaffected, therefore I don't care if other classes/specs have not been nerfed.

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22 minutes ago, Flowki.7194 said:

Assume this thief gets into the group fight, as some do. I will primary the thief becuase they cannot sustain damage, he will have to run or die. If he runs away, I will then primary the herald. Again, herald cannot sustain focus, he will have to run or die. If he runs, I then target the reaper.

i might be totally out of touch with this game.....

But not focusing the reaper straight away is the problem here.


There is a argument to be had to focus the herald first....  but focusing the thief is probably the wrong call here.   Wont kill him anyways.  

You are trying to create snowball moments... not decrease the dmg in the midfight momentarily.  I see where this thought is comig from, no doubt

But you wanna focus the target that actually dies, and from there on snowball by outnumbering.

Thats why focusing reaper is the right call.   They die when focused.

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1 hour ago, arazoth.7290 said:

vindi popular at all skill lvls??? I can count on my 5 fingers over 1 week from doing ranked the encounters I have with vindis who are below plat. This is including my own team and excluding me out of it.


55 minutes ago, Flowki.7194 said:

(The post was sarcastic about vindi I think)

Exactly.. reaper is the SPB of group fighting specs.

Yes. It was sarcasm.

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44 minutes ago, Flowki.7194 said:

here I was doing 30% dmg most games with under 3 deaths, and not really feeling any overwhelming pressure.

i have just now finished reading kind of xD

You shouldnt die AT ALL.  3 deaths per game is NOT OKAY.     its straight up bad.     


uhm........Dont wanna brag or sumthin..... but in like 5 games i have maybe 1 death.    

Any game where i died more then once i feel like letting my team down.   When played right, you shouldnt really die.   

You see 2 people coming, but you are alone? time to gtfo.  no need to die a herodeath.   Rather give them the point and retake it with your buddy in 20 seconds.


"not really feeling any overwhelimg pressure"...... BRO... you died three times 😄 

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18 minutes ago, Sahne.6950 said:

i might be totally out of touch with this game.....

But not focusing the reaper straight away is the problem here.


There is a argument to be had to focus the herald first....  but focusing the thief is probably the wrong call here.   Wont kill him anyways.  

You are trying to create snowball moments... not decrease the dmg in the midfight momentarily.  I see where this thought is comig from, no doubt

But you wanna focus the target that actually dies, and from there on snowball by outnumbering.

Thats why focusing reaper is the right call.   They die when focused.


Focusing the reaper first now basically means you fully depend on your DPs being better than their DPS on a mechanical level, in order to win the burst race. If you primary the reaper, they will have enough life force for some shroud duration+wurm. If you chase after wurm, they still have currupt/cc to slow you down, and all of that is not very difficult to pull off. In that time, their herald+thief have Tp'd to your X team mate (say an ele), who is now dealing with daze/immob and high spike damage. You are chasing the reaper, your team mate gets isolated, and left alone with those 2 dps (ele is harder to play, he will be having a harder time surviving than the reaper). This is how that goes most of the time, which is why I don't primary the reaper when there are lower sustain spike dps around. If you focus the thief/herald, they can't pump out as much spike damage then, which will allow your ele more room to apply pressure. Replace ele with w/e, just an example.

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15 minutes ago, Flowki.7194 said:


Focusing the reaper first now basically means you fully depend on your DPs being better than their DPS on a mechanical level, in order to win the burst race. If you primary the reaper, they will have enough life force for some shroud duration+wurm. If you chase after wurm, they still have currupt/cc to slow you down, and all of that is not very difficult to pull off. In that time, their herald+thief have Tp'd to your X team mate (say an ele), who is now dealing with daze/immob and high spike damage. You are chasing the reaper, your team mate gets isolated, and left alone with those 2 dps (ele is harder to play, he will be having a harder time surviving than the reaper). This is how that goes most of the time, which is why I don't primary the reaper when there are lower sustain spike dps around. If you focus the thief/herald, they can't pump out as much spike damage then, which will allow your ele more room to apply pressure. Replace ele with w/e, just an example.

Idk what to tell you...  but the team with the better DPS wins in any of the two scenarios you are describing.

The only difference is, that the necro will infact die, whereas the Thief will just gtfo and cap your homenode. 

dont focus the thief, no matter what.  Definitely throw something in their direction to keep them on their toes...  But if you 3 people start to mindlessly running behind a DE that is atleast semi competent in kiting... you will lose no matter what.   80% of builds cant catch a DE no matter what....  3 people doing it at the same time has the same result... they still cant catch the DE.

FOCUS THE REAPER.  I am dead serious.     

Momentarily getting the DPS down, by applying pressure to the DE is cool and all.   

But your overall target has to be The Teamfight DPS of their team, and not  some kind of Thief thats also lurking around.


Just try it in a few matches, and see how it goes.  Got nothing to lose kind of.


The thing is... what i am trying to tell you, is how i deal with reaper since the dawn of time.

Ask @arazoth.7290 what happend to the few reapers we were facing the other day.......  easy kills is a understatement.  It was a nonstop 100-0 CC-chain shitshow.  i was even typing "nerf necro so op- Forum-jokes" while we were rofling over those poor dudes.   

Necro is manageable. It really is.   THEY ATLEAST DIE WHEN FOCUSED!

That whole thing only gets out of hand, if you glue a competent team onto it.  Which can be said about alot of specs.

Edited by Sahne.6950
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13 minutes ago, Sahne.6950 said:

Idk what to tell you...  but the team with the better DPS wins in any of the two scenarios you are describing.

The only difference is, that the necro will infact die, whereas the Thief will just gtfo and cap your homenode. 

dont focus the thief, no matter what.  Definitely throw something in their direction to keep them on their toes...  But if you 3 people start to mindlessly running behind a DE that is atleast semi competent in kiting... you will lose no matter what.   80% of builds cant catch a DE no matter what....  3 people doing it at the same time has the same result... they still cant catch the DE.


I am dead serious. 

That is completely untrue. Pressure is often the deciding factor, and primarying the correct target reduces pressure on your team, allows them to DPS more, which then incrase the pressure on theirs. Many specs cannot do good damage when pressured, becuase of the need to swap weapons/legend, attunements etc. You should know that as ele, going anywhere near a group fight. If you are under less pressure, you can then go into your dps "rotations", and even use things like earth stab/arcane to cover burst, rather than defensively while in a sustain attunement.


What I said is you primary the thief to force him to leave (I was refering to DD just as an example), it takes 2 seconds if he is good, to make him leave, becuase he knows what happends next. Then you move onto the herald, and you quickly force him onto staff/flight mode, completely curving his dps. Then you primary reaper to go for the kill. If the reaper wurms out, let him. Cap. If they come back in, follow the same princible again, until something dies. The only thing fking this system up is high skill gaps or kill chasers. Patients and target swapping is very strong. If they have to leave the cap, its working, but people stop doing it, forgeting its about caps, not kills.


The thing is, when I do this in group fights, and people follow the targets, you can see the heralds/thieves etc getting more and more cautious, they know they will be primaried, and I will land CC on them if they get too close, and the team will put heavy dps on them. They basically know the free jump/cast is not going to happen, which makes them play far more conservitively.

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4 minutes ago, Flowki.7194 said:

That is completely untrue. Pressure is often the deciding factor, and primarying the correct target reduces pressure on your team, allows them to DPS more, which then incrase the pressure on theirs. Many specs cannot do good damage when pressured, becuase of the need to swap weapons/legend, attunements etc. You should know that as ele, going anywhere near a group fight. If you are under less pressure, you can then go into your dps "rotations", and even use things like earth stab/arcane to cover burst, rather than defensively while in a sustain attunement.


What I said is you primary the thief to force him to leave (I was refering to DD just as an example), it takes 2 seconds if he is good, to make him leave, becuase he knows what happends next. Then you move onto the herald, and you quickly force him onto staff/flight mode, completely curving his dps. Then you primary reaper to go for the kill. If the reaper wurms out, let him. Cap. If they come back in, follow the same princible again, until something dies. The only thing fking this system up is high skill gaps and kill chasers.

Lets do an experiment....  At the start of the round, forget everything you think to know, and simply tunnel on the Reaper...... and see what happens.


Ill be online in 30 mins! lets do some matches.  Lets focus some reapers together and see how it goes.

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1 minute ago, Sahne.6950 said:

i am dead serious....  At the start of the round, ask your thief to stealth you before the midfight.

Whole team opens up on the reaper... and see what happens.


Ill be online in 30 mins! lets do some matches.  Lets focus some reapers together and see how it goes.


Youre now using a very specific scenario, and a one that gets a lot of specs killed, not just reaper. You are also applying the "whole team is coordinated" scenario which is also rarely the case. There is the assumption that the reaper is not positioning for that, and his team are standing by doing nothing. If we are duo, and focusing a reaper, then what do you expect? I can't think of many specs outside of bunker that are going to survive a duo focus, unless vast skill gaps.

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7 minutes ago, Flowki.7194 said:


Youre now using a very specific scenario, and a one that gets a lot of specs killed, not just reaper. You are also applying the "whole team is coordinated" scenario which is also rarely the case. There is the assumption that the reaper is not positioning for that, and his team are standing by doing nothing. If we are duo, and focusing a reaper, then what do you expect? I can't think of many specs outside of bunker that are going to survive a duo focus, unless vast skill gaps.

You literally said they can facetank in midfight bro....  and now all of a sudden they fold when focused by even two...  bruh...


If we assume no team will ever be coordinated, your argument of them being strong with a support is completly Invalid. 

We have to expect the team to be somewhat decent in both scenarios... 

Otherwise we are talking avout lowgold shitshows... and what are we even doing then....

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1 minute ago, Sahne.6950 said:

You literally said they can facetank in midfight bro.... 

Youre are twisting what I said, and using a team wide thief jump while doing it.


If it was so reliable and easy to kill reapers, why is it meta, why are their a minimum of 2 every game? Even in MAT rep posted around here recently, every game had a thief, and necro was still represented, why would they bother?

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12 minutes ago, Flowki.7194 said:

Youre are twisting what I said, and using a team wide thief jump while doing it.


If it was so reliable and easy to kill reapers, why is it meta, why are their a minimum of 2 every game? Even in MAT rep posted around here recently, every game had a thief, and necro was still represented, why would they bother?


Which i said multiple times now.

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