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The new in combat AFK timer is causing me grief

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On 8/17/2024 at 5:45 AM, QueenKeriti.5176 said:

Working as intended. Stop staying dead for 5 minutes and res at a wp and maybe contribute a few braincells to the meta.

This is such a bad take. 

Like its amazing how anti-consumer this take is. Did all the people who want this game to succeed quit? Is that why we are left with just toxic people that want this game to fail and upvote an incorrect opinion about players trying to actively play the game, dying and then being unable to be rezzed because the game kicks them before you can rez them? 

I don't understand when and where this happened, that we are left with people upvoting comments from people who want this game to die forever, and putting confused emotes on comments from people who want this game to succeed, its honestly, really confusing. 

Who on Earth thought an auto-kick dead players who are actively waiting for someone to rez them was a good idea, lol. 

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9 minutes ago, Gorem.8104 said:

This is such a bad take. 

Like its amazing how anti-consumer this take is. Did all the people who want this game to succeed quit? Is that why we are left with just toxic people that want this game to fail and upvote an incorrect opinion about players trying to actively play the game, dying and then being unable to be rezzed because the game kicks them before you can rez them? 

I don't understand when and where this happened, that we are left with people upvoting comments from people who want this game to die forever, and putting confused emotes on comments from people who want this game to succeed, its honestly, really confusing. 

Who on Earth thought an auto-kick dead players who are actively waiting for someone to rez them was a good idea, lol. 

if you're waiting 5 MINUTES for someone to rez you, USE A WAYPOINT!

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On 8/16/2024 at 8:15 PM, Arya Whitefire.8423 said:

Just happened again. But this time I caught it with 50 seconds left.

I'm literally laying dead on the ground, and being kicked for AFK farming.  This makes zero sense.

Please fix it.  This is user hostile design as currently implemented.

So you are admitting to being afk for at least 4 minutes and 10 seconds then? Not even counting the time you were afk BEFORE your character was killed.

Seems like this is working as intended. You should be glad you are not being temp banned tbh since you are clearly violating the Policy of Unattended Gameplay.

In case you need to refresh your memory, you can find the policy and rules here:


Another players saved by the automated system of breaking policy I'd say, yet they come to complain here. What a strange world we live in.

Edited by Cyninja.2954
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On 8/11/2024 at 8:51 AM, LothiaVela.6789 said:

i just got kick by the game during the 10 min waiting timer after the Chack Regent event to acces to the room behind the wall -> i'v got kick by the game because the game ask me to wait 10 min, 10 forced waiting min that i used to make and drink a coffe and eat something. And don't ask me to run by myself in circle during 10 min to not get kick !

Guys it is a good thing to try to fight the multi-box afk farmer but when the system shoot on the player who actually play the game it is not good and very frustrating !

I'm sure that it's not the waiting but that you got hit by a chak attack from chak who spawn nearby the wall. Experience, learn and adapt.

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Today I found myself attacked and killed by a White Mantle guy while AFKing at the very center of the pavilion. I wasn't disconnected because I wasn't AFK long enough for that. Just showing that there might be spots that aren't as safe to AFK in as they might seem.

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2 hours ago, Gorem.8104 said:

This is such a bad take. 

Like its amazing how anti-consumer this take is. Did all the people who want this game to succeed quit? Is that why we are left with just toxic people that want this game to fail and upvote an incorrect opinion about players trying to actively play the game, dying and then being unable to be rezzed because the game kicks them before you can rez them? 

I don't understand when and where this happened, that we are left with people upvoting comments from people who want this game to die forever, and putting confused emotes on comments from people who want this game to succeed, its honestly, really confusing. 

Who on Earth thought an auto-kick dead players who are actively waiting for someone to rez them was a good idea, lol. 

I dunno, probably someone who failed multiple metas due to people staying dead and "waiting for a rez" for 5 minutes. It takes away time to rez fully dead players, time that the complex metas don't exactly offer, and is super risky by putting the reviving players in danger, leading to them getting downed, too. 

5 minutes dead at a meta is literally useless. Rez at a WP and contribute or leave. Or get disconnected because you may as well be afk.

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9 minutes ago, QueenKeriti.5176 said:


5 minutes dead at a meta is literally useless. Rez at a WP and contribute or leave. Or get disconnected because you may as well be afk.

Especially when in many cases the waypoint is not that far.  I stopped rezzing full-dead characters.  Use the waypoint!

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7 hours ago, Gorem.8104 said:

about players trying to actively play the game, dying and then being unable to be rezzed because the game kicks them before you can rez them?

That's what you think someone staying on the ground for 5 minutes is?
Because it obviously isn't. So either you didn't read what that post was responding to or... you have a funny idea of what consists as "playing the game" and "being rezzed".


7 hours ago, Gorem.8104 said:

Who on Earth thought an auto-kick dead players who are actively waiting for someone to rez them was a good idea, lol. 

"actively waiting for 5 minutes on the ground while other people are fighting/completing events" is one of the best -futile- attempts to defend leeching events I've recently seen.
Mind. Blown.

But yes, it very much IS a good idea. 5 minutes is already too much time for that anyways, where in OW you can use wp and get back within 30 seconds instead of "actively staying on the ground for 5 minutes".

Edited by Sobx.1758
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