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Duo Q needs to be removed

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I agree with this topic so I will start a new thread without the name calling/salt that got the other one locked. 

The basic concept behind duo Q is that the advantage you get from being an organized duo should be balanced out by facing higher level opponents. It is long past time to acknowledge that the population is now too low for this to ever work. The highest lvl ppl are the ones that duo most. The ladder is too short to find a higher rung to match them against, so it is just a free advantage for no reason. 

Remove DuoQ Now.

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1 hour ago, Crackz.5278 said:

agree with the removation of duoq. And for players who want to play with their friends there are still unranked or automatic tournaments.

Get this ish outa here. 

1 hour ago, Crackz.5278 said:

And for players who want to play with their friends there are still unranked or automatic tournaments.

Players want to RANK WITH THEIR FRIENDS not play a dead wasteland version of a game mode that should of been removed ages ago. You want to remove something remove unranked. Add in permanent 2v2 and 3v3s for the people who understand pvp is meant to be played with teams. Why people want to play a 5 man game mode meant for literal organized e-sport level call out play by themselves will always baffle me. Just an FYI conquest was designed for FULL 5 MAN PREMADE TEAMS. Playing this mode as intended means you can even que with less than 5 people. You guys on this forum parrot nonsense. Its so old. 

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22 minutes ago, jdawgie.1835 said:

Get this ish outa here. 

Players want to RANK WITH THEIR FRIENDS not play a dead wasteland version of a game mode that should of been removed ages ago. You want to remove something remove unranked. Add in permanent 2v2 and 3v3s for the people who understand pvp is meant to be played with teams. Why people want to play a 5 man game mode meant for literal organized e-sport level call out play by themselves will always baffle me. Just an FYI conquest was designed for FULL 5 MAN PREMADE TEAMS. Playing this mode as intended means you can even que with less than 5 people. You guys on this forum parrot nonsense. Its so old. 

The game literally has custom arenas since forever, automated tournaments at set times to play with friends and yes, it has unranked to people who understand they always need friends to play. 


25 minutes ago, jdawgie.1835 said:

Why people want to play a 5 man game mode meant for literal organized e-sport level call out play by themselves will always baffle me

Every single MOBA game and pretty much most of the competitive e-sport level games out there have a SoloQ, this is definitely a DuoQ tier post 🙂

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yup, more than clear 2 top 10 players + 3 silver isn't well mathed against 1 p1/g3 player + 4 g2/g1. It can be balanced numerically but it's very clear it's not when all these matches end 500-100.

Duo Q is very good for like 50 players across both regions, it's bad for everyone else.

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12 minutes ago, maxwelgm.4315 said:

The game literally has custom arenas since forever, automated tournaments at set times to play with friends and yes, it has unranked to people who understand they always need friends to play. 

You think you cooked with this post - but you didnt actually read what I posted - or digest the point of the post anyway. 

12 minutes ago, maxwelgm.4315 said:

The game literally has custom arenas since

Custom Arenas do not offer rank, people enjoy ranked because theirs something at stake. Their rating.  (If your answer is who cares about rank anymore then YOU go play unranked and leave ranked to the people with teams) Bet you wont want to do that though 😉

12 minutes ago, maxwelgm.4315 said:

automated tournaments at set times to play with friends and yes,

ATs dont offer rank - again you didnt digest the post. Also there is a huge difference between the rotational  options of ATs and jumping in and queing up as soon as you and your friend get on together. Again people want to RANK WITH THEIR FRIENDS. 

12 minutes ago, maxwelgm.4315 said:

unranked to people who understand they always need friends to play. 

And for the third time - Unranked... you guessed it, doesnt offer rank. 

12 minutes ago, maxwelgm.4315 said:

Every single MOBA game and pretty much most of the competitive e-sport level games out there have a SoloQ,

Sure guy - but they dont dream of removing the team element from the game. Solo quers understand they do so at their own risk. 

12 minutes ago, maxwelgm.4315 said:

this is definitely a DuoQ tier post

Yes my dude I havea  duo (two actually) I suggest getting some friends together for team play. You'll find playing the game as intended is more fun. Thanks for all your condensesion and your post that in no way whatsoever responded to any of my actual points. 

38 minutes ago, jdawgie.1835 said:


38 minutes ago, jdawgie.1835 said:

You want to remove something remove unranked. Add in permanent 2v2 and 3v3s

These were the two points in my post - you evaded both. 

Edited by jdawgie.1835
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21 minutes ago, KurtLittleJesus.8139 said:

Duo Q is very good for like 50 players across both regions, it's bad for everyone else.

Across both regions? 50 People in total? Brother.... where in Gods name do y'all get these made-up numbers from. I have a friendly discord that me and friend run where people who pvp come and chill out in. There's more than 50 members of just our discord that are queing up, dueling, and getting matches. I mean the cap is certified levels of insane here brother. 

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1 hour ago, jdawgie.1835 said:

You think you cooked with this post - but you didnt actually read what I posted - or digest the point of the post anyway. 

Custom Arenas do not offer rank, people enjoy ranked because theirs something at stake. Their rating.  (If your answer is who cares about rank anymore then YOU go play unranked and leave ranked to the people with teams) Bet you wont want to do that though 😉

ATs dont offer rank - again you didnt digest the post. Also there is a huge difference between the rotational  options of ATs and jumping in and queing up as soon as you and your friend get on together. Again people want to RANK WITH THEIR FRIENDS. 

And for the third time - Unranked... you guessed it, doesnt offer rank. 

Sure guy - but they dont dream of removing the team element from the game. Solo quers understand they do so at their own risk. 

Yes my dude I havea  duo (two actually) I suggest getting some friends together for team play. You'll find playing the game as intended is more fun. Thanks for all your condensesion and your post that in no way whatsoever responded to any of my actual points. 

These were the two points in my post - you evaded both. 

You know what? Sorry for being condescending.  I still think though neither of us actually have what they want. 2 people in sync in a 5v5 conquest match is egregious to low level players who match against high level ones (a price paid for ranking with friends, regardless of whether we agree or not if that should be the priority) while at the same time you touch upon how Conquest is entirely designed around fully premade teams, making even duos suboptimal if putting together say a guild/group for whole teams to compete together in leaderboards (with but also, against each other, it's PvP after all).

In that regard I guess the concession of having a 3v3/2v2 leaderboard queue would work - then SoloQ could just be a SoloQ, there would be a mode for duos right then and there. Removing unranked is also fine by me - the reason for not playing unranked is not only because there's nothing at stake by the way, but it's objectively less rewarding too - Anet's mistake to have pips only for ranked or to even have PvE rewards in the first place, nonetheless pips are an important aspect of why someone not caring about rank would still play ranked. So yeah, I still don't think, playing ranked with friends is a reason for the current state to go on, but I also concede that, yes playing ranked with friends is a good thing to be possible...

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1 minute ago, maxwelgm.4315 said:

You know what? Sorry for being condescending

I appreciate this. If I offended you - I also apologize directly, and sincerely. Now I'm going to read the post you put effort into. Kinda looking forward to a back and fourth maybe we can get somewhere. 

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Just now, jdawgie.1835 said:

No thank you brother - Unranked is the inferior game mode. I put some stuff up above as an alternative. 

Even for 2v2's and 3v3's I don't like it... . It's litarly too ez rating gain with good build/teamate that compliments... Can't bother with that ez stuff

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7 minutes ago, arazoth.7290 said:

Even for 2v2's and 3v3's I don't like it

Compromise is important. I dont like solo quers asking to be all alone in the ques. I think its oxymoronic, and completely pointless when the game mode was designed for 5 man premades but here we are. So we all either fight forever or come up witha  compromise. What I am unwilling to do is concede to the idea that people are never going to rank together. I can concede to @maxwelgm.4315 idea where theres a place for both types of people. Truly the most useless game mode we have is unranked. 

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1 hour ago, maxwelgm.4315 said:

I still think though neither of us actually have what they want.

1 hour ago, jdawgie.1835 said:

Off the bat - I think your correct here. This is similar to my conversation with @Multicolorhipster.9751 He and I have found common ground on this topic many times. 

It should be simple to deduce. Ranked; as it is, isn't made for soloqs (despite them making up the overwhelming majority of ranked's players) nor is it made for people looking to play with more than 1 singular friend at a time. Rn ranked is for farming pips and/or for farming rating with an arbitrarily given advantage in a self-declared 'competitive arena'.

It's been like this for 6 years since season 13 utterly pointless to argue about now, as Arenanet doesn't care enough to make an effort to retain either side. The only real winners are the wintraders ever since Arenanet handed PvP over to the wintrading cartel by adding duoq back, pardoning MAT seller bans, and even partnering with a sizable chunk of them.

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19 hours ago, jdawgie.1835 said:

Across both regions? 50 People in total? Brother.... where in Gods name do y'all get these made-up numbers from. I have a friendly discord that me and friend run where people who pvp come and chill out in. There's more than 50 members of just our discord that are queing up, dueling, and getting matches. I mean the cap is certified levels of insane here brother. 

do this 50 ppl in your discord, duo q only, q dodge, play 5 am, q sync with each other to wintrade to get top titles?

it's this ppl i'm talking about

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2 hours ago, KurtLittleJesus.8139 said:

do this 50 ppl in your discord, duo q only, q dodge, play 5 am, q sync with each other to wintrade to get top titles?

it's this ppl i'm talking about

Lol everyone on this forum wants to crash out and come at somebody crazy when there's not even smoke between me and you. You alright player? Anyway nah - no wintrades or all that nonsense. Its a guild and since we cant do 5 man runs anymore we que up in disc and then stream the matches for each other while we rotate in and out for whos up next. This way everyone who is gonna AT Together gets a chance to practice pvping with another member of the 5 man. Think of it like a surfers line up but instead of dropping into waves - you drop into matches. Then you get some feedback and try to review your game play and improve. Its a good time. 

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People should be allowed to duo que.

...but not in ranked matches where the majority are solo queuing.   

Not having a ladder for premade teams is wrong, and it's lead to abuse, cheating, and general chaos.

If Anet cannot/will not do this, then yes, duo ques should be removed.


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See after reading allot of post over the years about solo queue, I think Anet should not have removed Team queue but split it so people can have solo queue for the SOLO QUEUE LEADERBOARD and group queue that takes groups of 2 ,3 or 5 players for a Group queue leaderboard. See some might argue that there aren't enough people so the queues will be long, but I think it does not matter since there is Still queue for Stronghold even though there is a tickbox that removes it from your personal queue rotation and people can always organize their kitten to queue up against each other. See people already organize themselves to farm 'ranks' (hehe) in duo queue nothing is stopping them to organize themselves to get games in team queue and don't bother my solo queue kitten with leaderboard politics. See I didn't consent to be in the leaderboard politics , and consent is important.

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I was the one that made the other post which was unfortunately removed. Anyway, as one of the best players in every single season I play (although I haven't played in a long time because I hate duo queue), I agree, remove duo queue from the game. It doesn't work in a game where there is a low population and there is an exponential skill gap between the top players and the rest of the population.


Edit: Just remove duo queue for plat players or top 100, the new players and casuals can keep duo queueing nobody cares.

Edited by Jagdtiger.2517
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