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will skyscale be disabled in someway.....or else its prob still the go to in JW.

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Have you actually seen any of the preview footage of JW warclaw? Apart from some events/mobs needing you to use some of its skills, it looks like it can give skyscale a run for its money in raw mobility. Not only do I not think JW will be overrun with skyscales, I think we'll actually see less of them around the rest of the game too, because warclaw simply looks a lot more fun.

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I just watched a YouTube video that was all like "warclaw will delete skyscale, we wont have any reason to use skyscale anymore". It's so fascinating to me to see these wildy different speculations. I am really excited to see how the skyscale vs warclaw situation will develop over the next weeks.

Personally, I already don't use skyscale all that much. It's maily a support for my griffon and a nice option if I need to find something, because the hover ability gives me time to look around. My guess is, that similar to jackal and raptor it will come down to personal prefrence who uses skyscale, and who uses warclaw. For me the more interesting question is: Will the warclaw overshadow the other ground mounts? And would that be a bad thing? Ever since I unlocked the griffon I've hardly used any other mount. 

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my 50 cent on this,


The OP's post might seem a bit cryptic with the limited info provided; but most likely the worry about sky scale entering  JW might be related to the fireball thing that's hot in the current game world.

Sky Scales might not be very fast compared to Rollerbeetle / Gryphon /( upcoming Warclaw?), but the combination of active mobility while using ranged AoE abilities would continue a certain trend which could ruin the experience/immersion for some. The current mounts dismount on combat mode.... this is not the case with Sky scale. you could call it an very beneficial advantage for looting/tagging targets. +plus it can climb up against walls / remain stationary in safety.  preform reasonable speedy dashes to keep up somewhat.


Unless they come up with some build in grappling hook skill for the Warclaw to hook on key nodes to traverse long distance/elevation.

(havent seen any JW warclaw footage,  but if its like the wvw version; then it seems kinda limited?)

Otherwise i can't see it replacing the Skyscale in the multi purpose department.

a Speedy mount or a Multi purpose mount? Depends on the JW maps layout... we can only make assumptions about that only atm.


Ive seen it a lot; massive swarms of players on their Skyscale's; wing flapping sound overlapping and mass stacking dust particles. 

Though it doesn't bother me much personally; other people might consider it "pollution of a pristine/clear videogame sky" 😄

Continuation of this "pollution" in JW would make them rage hard i recon. 

Edited by Noidea Incognito.9607
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30 minutes ago, Noidea Incognito.9607 said:

havent seen any JW warclaw footage,  but if its like the wvw version; then it seems kinda limited?

You really should check out thy weeping Willow's showcase video. Warclaws, will be able to basically run through the sky. It seems like they will be at least on par with the skyscales. The warclaw as we have it now is no good point of reference.

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14 hours ago, Manpag.6421 said:

Have you actually seen any of the preview footage of JW warclaw? Apart from some events/mobs needing you to use some of its skills, it looks like it can give skyscale a run for its money in raw mobility. Not only do I not think JW will be overrun with skyscales, I think we'll actually see less of them around the rest of the game too, because warclaw simply looks a lot more fun.

this will age well...

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@Noidea Incognito.9607 I agree that the warclaw might not be able to outpace combinations of other mounts at the launch of JW. It's not as fast as a jackal or raptor and it cannot scale large cliffs as fast as a skycale. This is not including the endurance boost that the warclaw mastery provides to all mounts! Where the warclaw probably succeeds the most is bouncing over long distance rough terrain, like an obstacle course. It also has some hit and run methods, which is again something an obstacle course would need for such a mount to do.

It is possible that we might see additional masteries being fed into the mount in the future for this mount. I can see plenty of room for improvement. That might be a good thing, considering that we need goals throughout the expansion to aim for.

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5 hours ago, Dayra.7405 said:

A thick Forrest were it’s difficult to fly?

The thing is, we all did that long grind for the skyscale in SotO. Sure it's not as bad as it was before, but it's still one of the bigger tasks in the expansion. Most people would not be pleased if the next expansion came around and made that grind obsolete by telling players "sorry, you're dragon can't fly here". That's exactly the kind of treadmill, GW2 is praised for NOT having. With how much they have been hyping up the warclaw this week, I think there is a decent chance, that they won't have to force players to try something new. And if it turns out that the warclaw gets ignored in favor of the skyscale, I suspect Anet will be quick to do something about it. It's one of the major features of Janthir after all. But as I mentioned earlier, there are people who expect the exact opposite. Let's maybe wait and see how things look by the end of next week, before we call for people's new shiny toy to be taken away. 

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Ive checked the Warclaw footage from Weeping Willow.  I can understand why people say it could be giving the Sky scale a run for its money.

Just some own thoughts after watching that.

I can see it replacing the Raptor for sure. Faster on Land then its wvw counterpart it seems. What the footage didn't show was infinite dashing. Perhaps its similar to the Jackal dashes stamina meter. (existing) Masteries could increase the Airtime dynamically . It also seems to have 1 Horizontal forward Dash skill  and 1 Vertical Upward Dash skill.

It seems to have a Grappling Hook(it has a chain?) like the wvw counterpart. It Can pull objects/mission objectives. This was also used on Enemies to pull them. (single target)

Unfortunately i couldn't tell if the "tree pulling" footage and "combat" footage was using the same skill or 2 separate skills.

It's either a dedicated mounted attack skill (the attack doesn't dismount the player when entering combat) or the "Grappling Hook/Spear" we are seeing is actually the new "Land Spear" made use able in combination with this specific Mount.


Edited by Noidea Incognito.9607
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4 hours ago, Maienstern.2154 said:

The thing is, we all did that long grind for the skyscale in SotO. Sure it's not as bad as it was before, but it's still one of the bigger tasks in the expansion. Most people would not be pleased if the next expansion came around and made that grind obsolete by telling players "sorry, you're dragon can't fly here". That's exactly the kind of treadmill, GW2 is praised for NOT having. With how much they have been hyping up the warclaw this week, I think there is a decent chance, that they won't have to force players to try something new. And if it turns out that the warclaw gets ignored in favor of the skyscale, I suspect Anet will be quick to do something about it. It's one of the major features of Janthir after all. But as I mentioned earlier, there are people who expect the exact opposite. Let's maybe wait and see how things look by the end of next week, before we call for people's new shiny toy to be taken away. 

It's a strong psychological difference between disabling something or make the enviroment in a way that you wish to use something else. 😉

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5 hours ago, Dayra.7405 said:

It's a strong psychological difference between disabling something or make the enviroment in a way that you wish to use something else. 😉

I am aware. But that makes it even worse in my opinion. Because if you design a forest environment so dense, you can't maneuver a skyscale in it, you also complete ruin raptor, turtle, griffon, skimmer and roller beatle. Which is really counterproductive if you want people to use all kinds of different mounts. It would also make it an absolute nightmare to traverse on foot, because the visibility would be terrible. And forget about fighting, since you would need really tight spaces to make the skyscale feel useless. You would have to design a proper maze or labyrinth and I don't think most people would enjoy that. That's already something people dislike about the Nayos-meta and that's not even tight enough to prevent skyscales. I really can't think of an environment that would make you want to stay in it, while also make you not want to use skyscales. They are just to maneuverable for that. 

It's also a big psychological difference if you get people to want to use a. rather an b., which I think is the only way to not foster resentment. And it looks like Anet did a lot to make people want to use warclaws over skyscales. Now we have to wait and see if it works out the way they intended. 

And I could have been clearer, that that last part was meant more as a general statement and not specifically directed at you. My bad. Although I did consider both possibilities, disabling and ruining the usefulness, when I chose the phrasing "taking away people's shiny new toy". 

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@Noidea Incognito.9607 Yeah, there are still a lot of question marks. Guess, they want some mystery left to be discovered next week. I am really curious whether the warclaw will find its use more as a ground mount, air mount or hybrid mount. Willow answered some questions in the comments under her video and according to her the warclaw will have significant airtime. I think a lot will depend on how easy it will be to keep in the air. Weeping Willow is one of the griffon people, she made it look effortless. But will it be for the rest of us?

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Why does anyone care for the mount I use to explore the game?, focus in the mount you want to use. Skycale, Warclaw, Beetle, Raptor... And don't try to control the way others enjoy their mounts.

Edited by Adngel.9786
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On 8/16/2024 at 5:23 PM, Adngel.9786 said:

Why does anyone care for the mount I use to explore the game?, focus in the mount you want to use. Skycale, Warclaw, Beetle, Raptor... And don't try to control the way others enjoy their mounts.

Because everyone having the ability to invalidate all map geometry by just holding space bar forever is obviously going to affect how maps are designed. Zones used to be these gigantic, intricate pathfinding puzzles/platforming playgrounds that had actual exploration. Nowadays they don't even really try to make that kind of thing, because why even bother making some intricate path/mini jumping puzzle up a mountain to get to a vista when 99.99% of the playerbase is just going to invalidate the whole thing by simply holding space bar on their helicopter dragon for 3 seconds instead. It just gets kittening boring, and you can't just swap to a ground mount because the maps aren't designed for them anymore.

Edited by Sweetbread.3678
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