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Janthir Story Chapter 2: Diplomacy and Discovery --- Cannot scan for rifts in Lowland Shore

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The story step implies you can use the Heart of the Obscure to "Scan for Rifts" just as we did in SotO, however using the Scan for Rifts action does not do anything.
Maps are currently just running around blindly looking for the purple rifts that mark the spots. Relogging does not fix the issue.

I do not know if this affects the 2nd map as I am not there yet (assuming it also has rifts) and I do not know if completing this part of the story step fixes the issue once it's over. If anyone else can confirm these things, might be helpful for them to know.

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2 minutes ago, squeegee.4320 said:

How did this get released?

Easy answer. Time crunch. They did the best they could, and couldn't quite get everything ironed out in time. Really sad, IMO, because visually and thematically, I'm only hearing positive chatter about the expansion. But I've never seen this many bugs on launch day from ArenaNet...  😞

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I was lucky enough to find a squad in LFG that was doing T2's and the queue to get in to that map was short.  I had bought myself some t2 motivations but they worked no better for me before the queue popped, so I think it is the map rather than the tier.

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I took a break from this, it's infuriating. The Heart should show you as it did in SotO; you shouldn't have to guess where the bloody things are. It's slowing my progress down to a crawl and it's disheartening. I have spent several hours on this. I'm either stupid af or unlucky or both.

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Having the same issue with T1 rifts not popping up when scanning for them. What's worse; T2 is fine but you need enough players for them so people are running up and starting them immediately before others arrive which has lead to many many failures. I cannot progress and will have to wait until tomorrow night to continue. I hope they patch this by then.

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Same thing here.

It is incredibly hard to find any rifts on Lowland Shores and one of the few rifts I did find can't "Draw out the target".

I watched a bunch of ppl head to the marker where the Rift/Boss should spawn, but nothing appeared over several min.

It's really is like hitting a brick wall. Can't move forward on the story :(


Edited by englishrose.8350
more detail and spelling xD
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So apparently, the T2 rift I came across that said "Draw out the target", you need to have Rift Motivations to draw out the boss.

How do you get these? 

Crafting is one way, however you need to have achievements from SOTO in order to craft some of these. 


They can be bought from the Trading Post.

This still doesn't help with the scan function that works perfectly fine on Janthir Syntri.

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