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I can never complete the Troll Party Event in the Janthir Lowlands

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Apologies, but I can never remember the name of this event. It's the one that you need for A Hard Day's Work at the Tidal Tailgate where you have to successfully complete the event to complete it. However, I haven't come close to successfully completing it once.

This event is a group event, but it's out of the way, starts randomly, and fails very quickly. You have to keep up the troll contentment for the duration of the party, but the contentment drops off very quickly. You keep contentment up by cooking meat and then delivering it to the trolls, but that requires tossing logs onto a fire. You also have to break up periodic brawls. On top of that, I only seem to come to it when the contentment is already around half, so there's no way I can announce it in Map Chat and get people up to it in time - it's pretty much failed by the time someone else gets there.

Can you make it so that it has to be triggered to start rather than just going as soon as it spawns in? That way, you could call it out in map chat and possibly even put together a party in LFG for it.

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100% agree with  this. If there's no one around to jump in, which happened to me the first time I was around for it, it's absolutely impossible to complete. Which sucks, because I would like the achievements that are only available through this event.

Pick one log up, drop it in the fire, and by the time I run and grab the second one, the fire has already died. With enough fuel, I was only able to cook and deposit 1 thing of meat before the fire died again. Contentment tanked, event failed.


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The Goldilocks event is similar, with the bears sitting in their hot spring bowls-of-porridge and you have to get the temperature not too hot, not too cold, but just right.

If you don't have enough players and a little bit of coordination (or at least observation), this one fails easily. Solo, it appears to be impossible.

The thing is, they've made more doable versions of "get things to their right places on a timer" with events in Amnoon and the Blood Keep.

I don't know if it's a matter of the failure-timer being too fast on the new Janthir ones or what, but both of these new events need some tweaking.

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8 minutes ago, Teknomancer.4895 said:

The Goldilocks event is similar, with the bears sitting in their hot spring bowls-of-porridge and you have to get the temperature not too hot, not too cold, but just right.

If you don't have enough players and a little bit of coordination (or at least observation), this one fails easily. Solo, it appears to be impossible.

The thing is, they've made more doable versions of "get things to their right places on a timer" with events in Amnoon and the Blood Keep.

I don't know if it's a matter of the failure-timer being too fast on the new Janthir ones or what, but both of these new events need some tweaking.

I've done the hot springs one solo so I can confirm it's not that bad. The troll party is undoable solo and fails super quick though. 

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This is a big issue with the Janthir maps, the fact that many of them require other players to join to complete.

I'm afraid that once the expansion "hype" settles down and people leave the area (already happening to an extend), events will become harder and harder to complete due to the lack of players. Just realized it this morning when I failed 3 events in a row because there were not enough people and thought "is this what will constantly happen when people finish their masteries in this area?"

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7 hours ago, Eekasqueak.7850 said:

I've done the hot springs one solo so I can confirm it's not that bad. The troll party is undoable solo and fails super quick though. 

OK I'll have to give Goldilocks another try then, maybe it was already too far gone when I tried it solo. When there were more players involved, it was just chaos with everyone overriding everyone else's temperature adjustments.

I may just have especially rotten timing but so far I have had zero luck with the hot springs, and I only ever saw the troll one active one time. It was in the process of failing the last few moments of the event's run time so I didn't even have a chance to try it out. 😕 

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They’ve gone back to HoT design and made a lot more events designed for multiple players. In principle this is fine for an mmo, but these aren’t attracting players for every rapid event respawn. And it feels like there are less people around (lower map cap?)

These more relaxing events should be solo, with it scaling better with more players. Soto has the same issue in Amnytas and it’s potentially going to cause long term issues with getting events done

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Might need a daily vault troll party achievement maybe? 😄 (Or a weekly.) I am lucky that I could do it once. And this is one (with the bog queen) where I still need the other minor achievements with the counters to max out.

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