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Decoration Cap for Homestead needs to be HEAVILY adjusted...

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On 8/29/2024 at 11:47 AM, Solomon Darkfury.3729 said:

Blah blah blahย  ๐Ÿ™„

The grass goes into storage just fine.

And 1000 decorations is plenty for people who don't feel the cringey compulsion to come to the forums/FB/Reddit/etc to humblebrag....

"Will lower end computers struggle? Sure. But at least give us the option if we have the capability to make something truly great..."

Well, at least you're up front about how you prioritize your homestead over other players' gaming experience. ๐Ÿ™„

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On 8/29/2024 at 1:51 PM, Teknomancer.4895 said:

Wait...you mean the default decorations that the thing comes with are counted against the player's total? Wow that's really dumb. ๐Ÿคจ

yeah, is like ~250 stuff.

i dont decorate mine.

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On 8/31/2024 at 11:13 AM, NeutralBurn.3829 said:

The grass goes into storage just fine.

And 1000 decorations is plenty for people who don't feel the cringey compulsion to come to the forums/FB/Reddit/etc to humblebrag....

"Will lower end computers struggle? Sure. But at least give us the option if we have the capability to make something truly great..."

Well, at least you're up front about how you prioritize your homestead over other players' gaming experience. ๐Ÿ™„

"Will lower end computers struggle?" You knew exactly what I meant... that they would struggle to render when approaching the cap in THEIR Homestead... Simple solution as with any game, don't push your computer beyond it's capabilities. Decorate as much as you can and leave it at that.


It takes an absolute leap of mental gymnastics to think I meant "raise MY cap and I don't care if other struggle because I placed 2k decorations."

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it is the exact same size as what guild halls originally started at. curious why they didn't max it to current guild hall size of 2000 objects? I assumed because they wanted it smaller then a guild hall but that's probably wrong thinking since this place is huge (like a small guild hall)

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On 8/29/2024 at 11:47 AM, Solomon Darkfury.3729 said:

Currently, I have capped both week refinements. On tp of that probably purchased an additional 500g in "Black Market Refined materials".ย  I can FIRMLY say the cap of 1000 decorations is WAY too low. I am currently sitting at 740/1000 and I still have two rooms, two hallways, a basement, a kitchen left to finish decorating. I'm pretty sure that will put me at the cap. I've added a couple dozen trees to the Homestead Grounds inside the wall to give it a more forested look. I've added a Grenth tree and 3 gravestones near the coast as a memorial to player friends who have passed. I've also created a temple structure at the coast but haven't decorated it yet due to being so close to the cap.

i need pictures ๐Ÿ˜„

On 8/29/2024 at 11:47 AM, Solomon Darkfury.3729 said:

There is still a MASSIVELY EMPTY barren wasteland covering the rest of the homestead. As new decorations get added like additional structural items (walls, rooftops, windows, etc), I'd love to be able to add additional buildings making a small village area in this HUGE open space.

We shouldn't have to choose

Welcome to decorating!!!

On 8/29/2024 at 11:47 AM, Solomon Darkfury.3729 said:

We shouldn't have to choose between what to place and what not to place. Forced to choose on how well decorated and lived in we want things to look. SOOOOOOO much potential and space is going to get wasted! I am almost at cap and am getting ZERO lag and loading issues. Will lower end computers struggle? Sure. But at least give us the option if we have the capability to make something truly great...

TLDR; The decoration cap needs to be raised to a minimum 2000 to 3000

2k was cap for guild halls - so seems like that's possible with code.

If they upgrade the homesteading system after a few months i see some ways for them to make more money off decorating, but i doubt they'll beef up their ecosystem around it.

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On 8/31/2024 at 11:13 AM, NeutralBurn.3829 said:

The grass goes into storage just fine.

And 1000 decorations is plenty for people who don't feel the cringey compulsion to come to the forums/FB/Reddit/etc to humblebrag....

"Will lower end computers struggle? Sure. But at least give us the option if we have the capability to make something truly great..."

Well, at least you're up front about how you prioritize your homestead over other players' gaming experience. ๐Ÿ™„

again 1k was starter mode for guildhalls, after launch during HoT they immediately, well maybe took em 1 year? to double the max decs to 2k, but seems odd (if so ez) they stopped there and didn't double it again. 2k is still empty mode for guild halls(can't fill the entire hall with decorations, have to pick and choose which areas to decorate.), but there are def issues for people with potato pcs, especially just entering a hall with lots of decos around the entry wp takes forever for all the decs to load.

So with personal homesteads a player can CHOOSE how many decs to place. Of course one might think for instance: "Why did they allow 4k decs if i can't place 4k decs without massive lag?" So they started or made it 1k to reduce potato pcs from experiencing these issues.

Maybe they'll update it in future based on player forums post or thoughts and feelings. ๐Ÿ˜„

personally i'd hope their thinking is this is sorta a beta test? without it officially being so. Maybe they already had a beta test for the Youtuber elites, but i wish they had a full blown beta test for all players. they could maybe of gotten back some good feedback on how to improve it before it launched.

Edited by Kelly.7019
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On 8/29/2024 at 12:51 PM, Teknomancer.4895 said:

"Wait...you mean the default decorations that the thing comes with are counted against the player's total? Wow that's really dumb. ๐Ÿคจ"

this would have worked better if:

1) decorations were tradeable and not account bound

2) there was more then 1 homestead we could own and collect base decorations from

3) we could move decorations between homesteads

It seems like they took some hints from ESO but failed at making sense out of it. It's nice we can at least delete some decorations but with so many grasses that i feel will be forever in storage I don't really see the point of including them to start with unless they plan on expanding the system and allowing us to have more homesteads, and if we can transfer our decorations between them. Again its nice they allowed us to have a furnished homestead and the option to remove the landscaping if we wanted more space to decorate vs not being able to remove the grasses or other things we want to move out of the way. Though not everything is is moveable (some trees along the back near the portals for instance)

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On 8/29/2024 at 12:03 PM, Vetkin.6041 said:

Fully agree. Not only is the overall decoration cap way too low but especially the cap for furniture within a chunk. If you place ~200 pieces in your homestead, the chunk is full and you can't build more (which is absolutely insane if you ask me)

wait, i'm confused, you mean if you place 200 furniture pieces (bookshelves, tables, chairs, etc) you can't place more furniture pieces? or do you mean the 250 max of a decoration you can make? you can only place those 250 decs?

I also assume u can make 250 of each decoration but can only place 1,000 decorations. or am i wrong on that?

or is a "chunk" a region or area or square footage section of the hall? I'm not aware of any sections.

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15 minutes ago, littledolores.9528 said:

Well... you can have someone make decorations in your homestead (with party decorate mode on) and they will appear in your inventory๐Ÿคซ

I meant for selling them. delete all the grassesย  and sell them on the tp. this only would make sense though if we have other homesteads to decorate and decs weren't account bound as EVERYONE has the grasses that has this homestead. if people joined lets say in the next xpac and didn't require having Janthir Wilds for homesteading then they would be missing this homestead and might want these grasses to decorate with, but that's not the case here.

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On 8/29/2024 at 12:37 PM, Roda.7468 said:

Did I hallucinate them saying there wouldn't be a cap in the preview? Or like they wouldn't expect people to hit the functional cap?

Either way I expect them to expand it 'cause yeah iirc wildstar's cap was way more than this (couple thousand inside and outside) and the plots there weren't as sprawling as here.

I was hoping to resurrect my nightmarish pillow fort, but with how conservative the scaling is mixed with the low decor count that's not gonna happen any time soon ๐Ÿ˜ž

ESO has a cap of 700 for their Mansions (biggest homes) compared to gw2 has a cap of 2k for guild halls, yea i don't know what other games housing caps are.

I do kinda think that each dec should have a max storage capacity of however many decs you can place in total. Would create some fun community challenges to use only 1 decoration 1,000 times for some housing competitions. ๐Ÿ˜„


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On 8/29/2024 at 12:51 PM, Teknomancer.4895 said:

Wait...you mean the default decorations that the thing comes with are counted against the player's total? Wow that's really dumb. ๐Ÿคจ

that's how ESO does it too, yea.

but ESO has a much better ecosystem around decorating that gw2 failed to do.

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On 8/29/2024 at 1:32 PM, jokke.6239 said:

For me, this is probably the best feature they've added since mounts

But reading about this cap makes me less hyped

Hopefully they will read our feedback and make changes

It's solo instances, so let us go crazy please arena net

This cap is such a buzz killย ๐Ÿ˜†

I guess not that many people were scribes or more importantly had permissions to be them in their guild halls huh. ๐Ÿ˜•ย cause yea cap limits always sucked when there was so much more space to decorate, but it does make you be more creative with how you do it, at least for ESO housing competitions. ๐Ÿ˜„

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On 8/29/2024 at 12:28 PM, plugger.1249 said:

couldn't agree more, 1000 thousands is merely enough for only the home being decorated ...we need minimal 2000 to 3000, 10k would be enough to be really creative...

The entitlement is real

No regard whatsoever for our beloved servers

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2 hours ago, Kelly.7019 said:

wait, i'm confused, you mean if you place 200 furniture pieces (bookshelves, tables, chairs, etc) you can't place more furniture pieces? or do you mean the 250 max of a decoration you can make? you can only place those 250 decs?

I also assume u can make 250 of each decoration but can only place 1,000 decorations. or am i wrong on that?

or is a "chunk" a region or area or square footage section of the hall? I'm not aware of any sections.

As of right now, you can only place a total of around 250 decoration pieces (doesn't matter which) in a certain space/area/chunk.

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I agree with the notion that the deco cap needs to go up or the workable space needs to go down. I'm not nearly as unlimited in my funds, but even I'm struggling to 'fill' in all the room I have, resulting in some really developed and beautiful corners neighboring a wasteland so empty you can mute your audio and still hear the wind.

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How big is our Homestead? I 'll say no bigger that 25% of our biggest Guild Halls, namely Glided Hollow and Lost Precipice, both with huge multi-tiered terrains.

For Homestead small area, ANet is considered generous to set limit at 1000. Our Guild Halls decor limit was increased from 1000 to 2000 in 2016 and then we are stuck with this 2000 limit for 8 years, given the hundreds of new decorations that were being released over the years.

If homesteaders are complaining 1000 limit for such a small area is not enough, then Guild Hall decorations limit need to increase to 4000 at leastย ๐Ÿฆ

Edited by Sugar Min.5834
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On 9/3/2024 at 11:40 AM, Kelly.7019 said:

Maybe they already had a beta test for the Youtuber elites, but i wish they had a full blown beta test for all players. they could maybe of gotten back some good feedback on how to improve it before it launched

I doubt they had any proper beta testing considering the many bugs that have popped up. (sorry Anet if you have!) But I do agree with you, I think a lot of issues that are showing up now could have been caught before release if they'd done a beta test for all active players. Just like they did before releasing HoT back in the day.


I personally haven't reached the max decoration limit yet but I do already agree with the fact that the limit should be raised. Certainly when the walls and race track items as shown in pcgamer's preview are being (finally) added to the decoration list. But who knows, the max limit might be raised when we level the masteries further?ย 

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On 9/4/2024 at 5:45 AM, Sugar Min.5834 said:

How big is our Homestead? I 'll say no bigger that 25% of our biggest Guild Halls, namely Glided Hollow and Lost Precipice, both with huge multi-tiered terrains.

For Homestead small area, ANet is considered generous to set limit at 1000. Our Guild Halls decor limit was increased from 1000 to 2000 in 2016 and then we are stuck with this 2000 limit for 8 years, given the hundreds of new decorations that were being released over the years.

If homesteaders are complaining 1000 limit for such a small area is not enough, then Guild Hall decorations limit need to increase to 4000 at leastย ๐Ÿฆ

Lol and guild halls are filled with SEVERAL pre made buildings and structures... Guild Halls don't gave giant swaths of empty space. There's verticality, tunnels, water features, loads of stuff...

Edited by Solomon Darkfury.3729
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On 9/4/2024 at 6:40 AM, Mystflower.7319 said:

But who knows, the max limit might be raised when we level the masteries further?ย 

great suggestion and totally makes sense! especially thinking as we might not see the final true product until the end of the xpac.

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On 9/4/2024 at 5:45 AM, Sugar Min.5834 said:

How big is our Homestead?

It def not very tall. You can't even fly above the clouds ๐Ÿ˜„ย i've tested. it's true! but that's okay. It's still big enough for beetle tracks.

I'd compare it closer to IoR. I haven't done a timed side to side distance test, but i'd imagine its close and maybe smaller? depends on if you count outside the border wall of IoR or not. It's def not as tall as IoR!

On 9/4/2024 at 5:45 AM, Sugar Min.5834 said:

For Homestead small area, ANet is considered generous to set limit at 1000.

fair point, it might be. I assume that was just the original size they went with. who knows if future masteries will double it?

On 9/4/2024 at 5:45 AM, Sugar Min.5834 said:

Our Guild Halls decor limit was increased from 1000 to 2000 in 2016 and then we are stuck with this 2000 limit for 8 years, given the hundreds of new decorations that were being released over the years.

If homesteaders are complaining 1000 limit for such a small area is not enough, then Guild Hall decorations limit need to increase to 4000 at leastย ๐Ÿฆ

I agree guildhalls should have increased above 2000. You can't even fully decorate the hall with only 2k decorations, but i believe their code was the problem and peoples potato pcs couldn't handle all those decs and since it was for multiple people and not solo instances they had to balance it. The same prolly holds true now. They don't want to max the size to a high number and have a high % of there player base have loading issues when they go to their homestead if they place too many decorations, but who knows, i'm not a coder/ game engineer. I can only base things off what other similar games are doing.

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On 8/29/2024 at 4:47 PM, Solomon Darkfury.3729 said:

I am almost at cap and am getting ZERO lag and loading issues.

It's not just performance concerns, your house needs to be saved on the server.

I don't know the particulars of how Anet did it, but educated guess is a string ID per object, and three vectors per object, that'd be position, rotation, size.

Now you can have 1,000 objects for each account, and how many active accounts... ? A couple of million or something? Plus you need redundancy all in a game with no sub fee. You better believe they almost certainly did a cost study to come up with 1,000 object limit and they'd have a bigger limit if it was financially viable, after all as soon as they start pumping decorations on the gem store the more you buy the better.

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