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Janthir Wilds comes with reading assignment homeworks

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Oh boy do these NPCs know how to do monologue.  They talk forever, as if they were in social distance for too long !  Whether during main quests, achievements, side quests,  you could finish your Gatcha dailies on phone on the side and these guys still  not finish their talking. Maybe the writing team is trying to keep up with the art team or something, Idk. That one conference at LA main quest still haunts me in dreams

JW is a nice release so far, but I hope in next releases, Anet learns to keep things abit more concise and reasonable, as far as dialog.  You probably can trim 50% of these current dialogs down and still be able give the audience sufficient information. While  it's nice to give players more flavors on lore and personalities of NPCs,  it shouldn't be at a Shakespear's playwriting script in length.  People like to get in on events and actions after all.

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3 minutes ago, quaniesan.8497 said:

People like to get in on events and actions after all.

Only that there isn't much of that, either. I finished all the cool side quest achievements within days, and what remains is boring repetitive stuff (those repeatable hearts are so limited contentwise as the interesting events are all out of the hearts' reach, and the rewards are not very compelling, either).

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11 hours ago, quaniesan.8497 said:

Anet learns to keep things abit more concise and reasonable, as far as dialog.  You probably can trim 50% of these current dialogs down and still be able give the audience sufficient information. While  it's nice to give players more flavors on lore and personalities of NPCs,  it shouldn't be at a Shakespear's playwriting script in length.  People like to get in on events and actions after all.

Reasonable according to who's scale? 😛

JaW writing is exactly to my tastes. That council instance was my favorite in a long time and exactly what I needed after being out of touch with everyone in SotO.

Not meaning to say you have to enjoy it too, just wanna say that perhaps Anet did a fine job of catering to a different part of their playerbase.

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48 minutes ago, Flowersunshine.7385 said:

Reasonable according to who's scale? 😛

JaW writing is exactly to my tastes. That council instance was my favorite in a long time and exactly what I needed after being out of touch with everyone in SotO.

Not meaning to say you have to enjoy it too, just wanna say that perhaps Anet did a fine job of catering to a different part of their playerbase.

I agree, I really liked getting caught up on current events before we launched into the new storyline.

I don't understand the opposition to dialogue in an RPG, it's as much a part of the game as the combat.

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Didn't seem to annoying to me. The only thing is the "oh is this bloodstone" when moving around in map 2 between the areas - especially when multiple bloodstone events are up and you move from one event areay to another one. (Similarly annoying as the "hop on your skyscale" back then in SotO lol.)

Story and open world NPCs seemed to behave normally. and a bit of talking ... is okay I think.

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19 hours ago, Danikat.8537 said:

don't understand the opposition to dialogue in an RPG, it's as much a part of the game as the combat.

Since when I said i oppose to dialogues generally? where? I know what I wrote. Perhaps you missed the line "t's nice to give players more flavors on lore and personalities of NPCs".  I simply advocate for more concise yet effective dialogues.  Quite a few people here just saw the title , skipped reading the rest and  just jumped at the conclusion: "ohhh OP is a hater of reading and dialogues" from the comments above.  Quite the irony if you asked me, which beg the question if they really fully read through those NPC conversations.  

Edited by quaniesan.8497
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Not saying I agree with the assessment in this case, but I had to give that one a thanks just bc ppls replying to threads without reading them is a massive pet peeve of mine ; p

EDIT: As to the actual subject of the thread, for me it's not the length of the talky bits, it's just that they fail to engage me. A short dialogue can be as much of a failure as a longer one if I don't care about what they're saying. I really very much do want to care about the story, but I usually can't quite force myself to do so. The council meeting is a good example. I love the idea of catching up on everything else that's going on in other parts of the world, particularly in that it may hint at what's to come in future releases, but it's just hard to pay attn to it all the way it is presented. And no, I don't have a solution for that ; p It may just be my limited attn span, but it may just as likely be due to the fact that as this is an MMO, my actions necessarily have a very limited, near zero impact on the story anyway, so it's hard to stay engaged . . .

Edited by Gop.8713
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On 8/31/2024 at 4:30 PM, Ashantara.8731 said:

Only that there isn't much of that, either. I finished all the cool side quest achievements within days, and what remains is boring repetitive stuff (those repeatable hearts are so limited contentwise as the interesting events are all out of the hearts' reach, and the rewards are not very compelling, either).

Eh, I no life 7+ hours a day on average, and I've still got a handful of sidequests to do. Perhaps bc I'm slow, or perhaps bc once I got through the story I've been working the rest in with my regular routine instead of speedrunning it, idk. But the important bit is that there are lots and lots and lots of players who don't no life 7+ hours a day, and the cadence of content has to accommodate them as well . . .

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It wasn't an accusation, just pointing out that a variety of playstyles have to be accommodated. I could probably finish everything except the falling star quest today, but with weekly reset there are suddenly a lot of other things for me to do . . .

Edited by Gop.8713
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