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change glyph equip in homestead

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6 hours ago, quake.9023 said:

i have to unequip 4 times and equip 4 times just do get the nodes in my home.....this system is terrible and needs change, make it so it works with the glyph in tool i already equip. done

The reason why it is this way is that you need to have extra 3 glyphs for your homestead. Anet want you and other people to buy more glyphs which will lead either in more people buying infinite tools with extra glyphs (cheaper option) or in gambling with black lion keys (better option for anet)

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I don't think very many ppls would buy an extra set of glyphs just for their homestead, and I don't think that would be anet's expectation. Equipping/unequipping the glyph is really a very minor inconvenience, basically amounting to one more line of dialogue before you click the clicky. My assumption was that there was some sort of technical limitation on their end that made this solution easier . . .

My objection would be that you have to do it three times instead of just one box for all nodes, but I guess that's a trade off for ppls who might not use the same glyph on all nodes? Idk . . .

My other objection would be that there are so many nodes that you still have to collect manually . . .

This is still a really  nice qol feature, it's just not quite exactly the feature I'd dreamed it might be when I first heard of it . . .

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17 hours ago, quake.9023 said:

i have to unequip 4 times and equip 4 times just do get the nodes in my home.....this system is terrible and needs change, make it so it works with the glyph in tool i already equip. done

I used the glyphs from the pre order gathering tools. I did already have 3 glyphs on my tools though.. 

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But are ppls really doing that? It seems like such a weird choice. For me, I typically farm home & guild halls on my wvw toon, who has infinite tools with volatile glyphs. When it's time to farm home I just pull the glyph out of axe and click on the 'use this' option in the dialogue box before I collect. Then I take it back and carry on. It seems really wasteful to me to just leave the glyphs in there all the time. I guess it's no different from having different sets of tools/glyphs for different toons, but it feels different . . .

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I just have an alt packed in my homestead with a single glyph in his bag.

i'm only gathering for like 2 minutes, once a day, it's not a big deal to click a few extra dialogue boxes for a little bit of extra resources.

Edit: so, happy reset; I decided to time how long it takes me to harvest a 55/57 homstead... 78 seconds, including the time it takes me to charge a peice of Charged Quartz.
this is the unbearable extra effort we need to go through.

Edited by Parasite.5389
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Yeah, I was so amped to have the collection box, only to realize ANet biffed it at the 10-yard line. It was supposed to be a convenience, but all the glyph-swapping is (admittedly minor) irritating. 

I fully blame their antiquated UI for that. The system should be using any unlocked (bound to account) glyphs we already have, not some weird and janky "vendor". Making that one change would take the homestead mastery from great to fabulous. 

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3 hours ago, Gop.8713 said:

You're not really making a lot of sense. No one's objecting to the collection boxes. It's leaving the glyphs in the boxes that is odd . . .

No, what is odd is that you (and people like you) remove them after each daily gathering session. 😅 It is not odd to leave them in there.

Or do you also remove your weapon and armor upgrades, too, at the end of each day? 🤣

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1 hour ago, Gop.8713 said:

I think what really kicked off the debate was @Cernoch.8524's suggestion that it was all a devious plot to sell more glyphs ; p

Because I can not think about any other reason other than that. I doubt it is engine limitation. they could easily just let us use already unlocked glyphs or let us use glyphs that we currently have in our tools on the character we are playing but they decided we need 3 more glyphs and they know people will buy them just to save few clicks.

I just use one from my tool, it takes few seconds and it is much faster than farming it "by hand". Is it annoying? yes, it is but why should I spend 3k gems for more tools? I already have 4 sets of infinite tools now, sadly only 2 of those sets came with glyphs.

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It would be nice if Anet would add the 3 Glyph Choice box as an independent item in the Gemstore, for say 1k gems.  It could be a one time per account item, or not, that depends on if Anet is happy with the price on higher value glyphs, which I can not speak to.

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They want to make money how terrible. You can still farm the homestead the usual way with the gathering tools using the glyph on them. For that extra convenience plus the glyph buff you have the option to put them into the gathering chests.
And yes, here I am: I bought another set of gathering tools with my gems (that were converted via gold) and put those juicy volatile ones in the chest while having another set of glyphs in my gathering tools on the char. Why? Because "I'm rich, you know".

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