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12/12 Ranger Patch Notes


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@Karl McLain.5604 said:

Unlisted change to Druid: might granted by Grace of the Land is now only base of 6 seconds, it was 8 seconds.

Please say this wasn't an intended change; it's a double nerf with the stack reduction.

It is indeed not intended and we'll be looking to fix this bug.

Good news guys!

Sorry at the devs for the ping, wanted to share the info.

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@Zenith.7301 said:

@Zenith.7301 said:Maul needed a buff in PvE as well. With Sic em (40% damage increase) in beast mode it was still hitting for less than my guardian's average Whirling Wrath.

It's a trade-off for the design differences of the skill. Whirling wrath has a far longer cast time (3/4s to activate the damaging portion of the skill, then another second or so to finish the actual channel) and twice the cooldown of maul. It is supposed to deal more damage.

Guardian has other damage sources besides whirling wrath. The traps are potent and fill in any gaps in damage. Ranger only has autoattack and maul, his utilities do no damage whatsoever, and you've got a single beast skill that does significant damage on a humongous cooldown.

Moreover, greatsword has no utility unlike the guardian's in PvE where he's got an aoe pull, and aoe blind, and rather pathetically the guardian also uses a scepter that does more DPS than our longbow regardless of range.

Power soulbeast is a purely selfish spec. Guardian has considerable utility and does way more cleave and damage to boot.

The "utility" that a power DH brings in raids is hardly worth mentioning compared to the utility a power soulbeast would bring. Besides, druid allows soulbeast to be selfish, as it can literally bring anything a power soulbeast would outside shared stances. Utility is a moo-point. The only issue with power soulbeast is number adjustment (which this patch fixed a lot of), and the change to Steady Focus. Power DH rotation still uses lots of autoattacks on both scepter and gs, it's not like the traps cover a bunch of downtime.

In the future I'd like to see the ferocity signet buffed. There is a reason that Assassin's Presence gives 225 ferocity instead of 150 like other similar traits, the stat is worth less. Sword also needs its first two autoattacks buffed, and a cleave on the second autoattack.

The fact that the utility is not used because someone else takes care of it does not erase the utility. Guardian can be useful for slublings or to help cope with prisoners in Samarog, and the F3 group block IS useful. This utility becomes even more evident in fractals.

The traps don't just provide utility, but they also have a larger cleave radius than your usual melee on top of their inherent burst, making them ideal for Xera and Keep Construct adds that don't stay in place after a chrono pull.

Power soulbeast has nothing but damage. Most druids will still bring spirits anyways because it's their way to stack might with nature's vengeance, especially with the nerf to grace of the land.

There is simply no excuse for guardian to be doing the damage it does relative to ranger while being a far less selfish spec with flexibility in group support.

Actually, scratch that. It's soulbeast that needs further buffs, not nerfs to the guardian.

You never take a guardian because the F3 block is useful. It's just there, nice to have, don't care if you don't have it. Our off-hand axe is just as usefull for sloblings. Your argument for "utility not being used because it's already covered" is the exact same argument you have when you account a druid that brings most of ranger group utility anyway.

I already said power ranger needs a couple of more buffs to stay on par. To bring in the few utilities a power DH brings to the table is pointless. Ranger doesn't lack utility, there is just a lack of reason to bring it as long as druid exists.

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@Prophet.1584 said:

@Zenith.7301 said:Maul needed a buff in PvE as well. With Sic em (40% damage increase) in beast mode it was still hitting for less than my guardian's average Whirling Wrath.

It's a trade-off for the design differences of the skill. Whirling wrath has a far longer cast time (3/4s to activate the damaging portion of the skill, then another second or so to finish the actual channel) and twice the cooldown of maul. It is supposed to deal more damage.

Guardian has other damage sources besides whirling wrath. The traps are potent and fill in any gaps in damage. Ranger only has autoattack and maul, his utilities do no damage whatsoever, and you've got a single beast skill that does significant damage on a humongous cooldown.

Moreover, greatsword has no utility unlike the guardian's in PvE where he's got an aoe pull, and aoe blind, and rather pathetically the guardian also uses a scepter that does more DPS than our longbow regardless of range.

Power soulbeast is a purely selfish spec. Guardian has considerable utility and does way more cleave and damage to boot.

The "utility" that a power DH brings in raids is hardly worth mentioning compared to the utility a power soulbeast would bring. Besides, druid allows soulbeast to be selfish, as it can literally bring anything a power soulbeast would outside shared stances. Utility is a moo-point. The only issue with power soulbeast is number adjustment (which this patch fixed a lot of), and the change to Steady Focus. Power DH rotation still uses lots of autoattacks on both scepter and gs, it's not like the traps cover a bunch of downtime.

In the future I'd like to see the ferocity signet buffed. There is a reason that Assassin's Presence gives 225 ferocity instead of 150 like other similar traits, the stat is worth less. Sword also needs its first two autoattacks buffed, and a cleave on the second autoattack.

agree with everything you said except about SB being a selfish build. Stance sharing, spirits and providing some boons is still available with Soulbeast, and yes Ferocity signet should be buffed but combining that with increased crit chance we already have may be too much.

I didn't say it's selfish, I said it's ALLOWED to be selfish because you always bring a druid that provides most of the utility a ranger has.

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@thefantasticg.3984 said:My condition SB build took a big hit. I'm really not a fan of arbitrarily making encounters longer. Those condition changes should have been split, like usual.

Not a fan of the GOTL changes either for the same reason. Applying less might is bad.

I really need to main something else and save my Ranger to be a healing Druid for high fractals and raids and that's it.

It hardly makes a difference in any situation in any game mode. One stack burning and one stack bleeding is not a real burst decrease either.

@Lévis.5489 said:More condi ranger nerfs.

Two skills got changed. It's a very slight decrease for PvP and not relevant for PvE. Stop the hyperbole.

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@Chillor.9415 said:There are enough melee classes. A Range R should be ranged.

No it shouldnt be ranged. It can be ranged but every class should have ranged options and melee options in this game.They wanted to remove the endurance clause out of steady focus which is good but sadly they restricted the new trait to projectile which isnt the best thing in the world and could be improved.The melee changes where actually really good and AoO changes were nice too except the negligable cut duration.

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@lightningz.1465 said:the GOTL 1 stack nerf is not really significant, i was more worried on the duration decrease, thank god its not intended and they will fix it.

It should be an easy fix, just change that number back that someone messed with. As for the stack nerf, I think this isn't the last nerf we've seen on this matter. Small nerfs coming every now and then, and in the end the trait will be a pale shadow compared to its former glory if you will. 1 stack this time, duration decrease next time, then another stack removed and so on. You'll see.

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"Whirling Defense: Increased damage by 15%."

Ohhhhhhhhhh Anet, you just don't get it do you... You've buffed the damage 4 times I think and still fail to see the problem with it. Please just allow us to fucking move with the skill and it MIGHT be considered or add distortion on the entire skill's duration , otherwise it'll see on the shelf in PvP/WvW

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@OGDeadHead.8326 said:

@"lightningz.1465" said:the GOTL 1 stack nerf is not really significant, i was more worried on the duration decrease, thank god its not intended and they will fix it.

It should be an easy fix, just change that number back that someone messed with. As for the stack nerf, I think this isn't the last nerf we've seen on this matter. Small nerfs coming every now and then, and in the end the trait will be a pale shadow compared to its former glory if you will. 1 stack this time, duration decrease next time, then another stack removed and so on. You'll see.

In the end it won't matter. Traited frost spirit and warhorn adds up to 6-9(12) stacks if you're running harrier's. Worst case scenario they shave it to the point where you want some other small source of might to go along with the druid.

I think this change was made so that you actualy had to put a little "effort" into it.

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@AnariiUK.7409 said:GoTL base duration was stealth nerfed to 6 seconds too (Was 8 seconds pre-patch). Together with its reduction to 3 stacks, it might be worth bringing double druid again.

Did a little bit of power soulbeast testing too but so far I'm not getting any amazing results. I think it's about the same as before in raids due to the removal of steady focus. Will give this some more testing later on!

Still waiting on your testresults, or what your conclusions are? :)

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@Miellyn.6847 said:

@thefantasticg.3984 said:My condition SB build took a big hit. I'm really not a fan of arbitrarily making encounters longer. Those condition changes should have been split, like usual.

Not a fan of the GOTL changes either for the same reason. Applying less might is bad.

I really need to main something else and save my Ranger to be a healing Druid for high fractals and raids and that's it.

It hardly makes a difference in any situation in any game mode. One stack burning and one stack bleeding is not a real burst decrease either.

I guess you don't notice it, but I do. So, doesn't make hardly a difference to you, but it does to my gameplay.

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