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4 minutes ago, gmmg.9210 said:

I said I think all i can on this topic, we’ll see how well it ages. I just hope this post survives and doesn’t get taken down by mods or something cuz I want to revisit this in many years when it’s confirmed just to prove my point that it was in fact Soto style content until gw3

Why is this meaningful? I mean Anet has literally said that this was the new format going forward, so there's not really anything special about you looking back and saying "I called it" after Anet already said they would do this. 🤷‍♂️

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16 minutes ago, gmmg.9210 said:

Well I mean there’s literally a confirmation unless you won’t believe it.

Where? No one from ANet has yet made an official statement on this. So, link?

17 minutes ago, gmmg.9210 said:

But the power of denial is a dangerous thing

I think you are putting words in other people's mouths. I couldn't care less if the claim of a GW3 being in development was true or not. I just have not seen any evidence.

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12 minutes ago, Gehenna.3625 said:

Why is this meaningful? I mean Anet has literally said that this was the new format going forward, so there's not really anything special about you looking back and saying "I called it" after Anet already said they would do this. 🤷‍♂️

It’s meaningful because many people apparently don’t wanna believe gw3 is even a thing, and that somehow gw2 will make a glorious comeback with some amazing new feature that is more than just meta events and new maps with new weapons or traits or skills.

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5 hours ago, Deadmoose.6594 said:

Anet should focus on gw2. SoO was awesome

😂 "Awesome." Surrre. The core release maybe, but Updates 1+2 were embarrassing.

5 hours ago, Deadmoose.6594 said:

I really don’t care to see a gw3

I don't care to see a GW2 in its current state. Therefore, if there was a GW3 and it was much, much better than the current state of this game, I would welcome it.

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3 minutes ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

Where? No one from ANet has yet made an official statement on this. So, link?

I think you are putting words in other people's mouths. I couldn't care less if the claim of a GW3 being in development was true or not. I just have not seen any evidence.


It’s a bigger confirmation than anet it saying it. It’s the people that own anet saying it.

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Just now, gmmg.9210 said:


It’s a bigger confirmation than anet it saying it. It’s the people that own anet saying it.

This link has been discussed for weeks now in depth. And it contains no confirmation whatsoever, especially when you believe the people who speak Korean and have pointed out the mistakes in translation and what the correct translation was actually saying.

I believe you are the one being in denial of the facts. 😉 

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1 minute ago, gmmg.9210 said:

It’s meaningful because many people apparently don’t wanna believe gw3 is even a thing, and that somehow gw2 will make a glorious comeback with some amazing new feature that is more than just meta events and new maps with new weapons or traits or skills.

Well, this information is based on something an NcSoft person said during an investors meeting as reported by an external website and then later was toned down by another NcSoft statement. 

I suspect that this is probably true but at the same time lots of games get cancelled during the development and there hasn't been an official confirmation about what sort of game GW3 will be or what phase they would be in of said development. So for me, there's a lot of unknowns still to be 100% certain about the actual release of a GW3 as an MMO.

And it is kind of ironic because you yourself apparently kept hopes up until now for certain changes that I deemed unrealistic unrealistic for GW2 at this stage. And besides, being able to say "I told you so" isn't particularly meaningful to begin with. But hey, you do you.

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6 hours ago, Deadmoose.6594 said:

Anet should focus on gw2. SoO was awesome, I really don’t care to see a gw3, I already love this game and have invested a lot of time and effort into my characters. No new content for gw2 will be super sad

Anet: Oh no! Anyway...

Seriously though, I get it but Anet is also a company and they need a future where they can still make enough money for NcSoft to keep them. They're not going to be able to do that. A large investment into GW2 is just not realistic. It might make current players happy and might bring back some older players that quit this game but it won't bring in enough new players to warrant such an investment. The game is 12 years old after all and it probably needs to be updated soon"ish" to be able to bring in a lot of new players.

So, it may be sad, but I feel it's a reality that people need to get used to. The idea that a large investment and lots of content can bring in enough new players, imo, is just wishful thinking.

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9 hours ago, gmmg.9210 said:

No (...) player housing

Finally some good news!

9 hours ago, gmmg.9210 said:

No new PvP game modes (...) or wvw updates other than server restructuring. Never getting new raids. Never getting dungeon reworks. Never getting a new class.

And this is not a new information.

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32 minutes ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

I don't know.  Why are we to believe one thing NCSoft says, but disregard the opposite thing they say right after? Again, it must be nice...

Confirmation bias. Anything that reinforces what they already believe is true, anything that discredits it is lies

Edited by Dedlaw.9130
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Gw2 is the best mmorpg there is. Why? For me, I like that there’s no gear hamster wheel like in WoW, where your character becomes obsolete every expansion and you have to constantly seek new gear to stay relevant. That’s just one reason, but a main one for me.

My fear is that a gw3 will lose that, because as most of you brought up, money. A game company will evaluate how they can maximize profits, and if that happens I’m not going to play that game. I really hate the notion that an mmorpg has to have the highest population, or make the most money to be considered the best. I’ve literally tried them all, and no other game comes close to how good gw2 is.

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1 hour ago, Deadmoose.6594 said:

Gw2 is the best mmorpg there is. Why? For me, I like that there’s no gear hamster wheel like in WoW, where your character becomes obsolete every expansion and you have to constantly seek new gear to stay relevant. That’s just one reason, but a main one for me.

My fear is that a gw3 will lose that, because as most of you brought up, money. A game company will evaluate how they can maximize profits, and if that happens I’m not going to play that game. I really hate the notion that an mmorpg has to have the highest population, or make the most money to be considered the best. I’ve literally tried them all, and no other game comes close to how good gw2 is.

I find that highly unlikely, considering the tenets ANet holds dear. They could have made GW2 a subscription-based game. It would have made them more money to develop future content. But the subscription-free model is what they want to stick to. The same goes for not devaluating people's progress in the game by constantly adding new levels/new gear tiers. ANet, as a game studio, has always abided by these principles, for about 20 years now. It's one of the things that makes them unique in MMO-world.

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5 hours ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

I don't know.  Why are we to believe one thing NCSoft says, but disregard the opposite thing they say right after? Again, it must be nice...

4 hours ago, Dedlaw.9130 said:

Confirmation bias. Anything that reinforces what they already believe is true, anything that discredits it is lies

No, it's because as a company, lying to you shareholder is illegal, lying to you customers however is just daily business.

The problem is there are plenty of reasons why the "we are focusing on GW2" statement, is what they would say anyways.

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7 hours ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

I don't know.  Why are we to believe one thing NCSoft says, but disregard the opposite thing they say right after? Again, it must be nice...

Well, that's the point - since those statements are in direct conflict, at least one of them is clearly not true. As such, why should we believe any of them? Except of course the first statement has a much bigger weight than a second one, because it was made by a CEO in a situation where they are forbidden by law from lying. The second however has no such restriction attached to it.

Notice, btw, that the above means that even if the statement from CEO was not true at the moment he was making it (say, because he simply had no idea what he was saying), it is in his best interest to make it true now, in order to avoid potential consequences of being caught on trying to mislead shareholders.

Edited by Astralporing.1957
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13 hours ago, Danikat.8537 said:


I don't understand the thinking here. How does a dungeon, a new PvP map, or even a raid, take more resources than an entire open-world map with an accompanying voice-acted storyline, meta-event chain, achievements, new weapon sets and/or armour etc?

Oh that’s an easy one, because their priorities and their bottom line demand to put all the focus on open world meta trains and personal story for the largest base of players: casuals.

Nothing’s wrong with that of course many of the meta trains and maps are fun to explore and play in.

It takes a lot of resources (more than anything else without a shadow of a doubt of what they’re working on in gw2) to make that content because of everything it requires: voice acting, cutscenes, large new environments, new quests, new character models, new music, new writing for the stories, new concept art, new storyboards etc.

A new PvP mode in comparison, while still expensive, doesn’t require as many resources. 

Edited by gmmg.9210
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12 hours ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

This link has been discussed for weeks now in depth. And it contains no confirmation whatsoever, especially when you believe the people who speak Korean and have pointed out the mistakes in translation and what the correct translation was actually saying.

I believe you are the one being in denial of the facts. 😉 

Okay I guess a person working at ncsoft saying they’re making it means they’re not making it, and the sky is yellow apparently 🤷‍♂️ 

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4 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Well, that's the point - since those statements are in direct conflict, at least one of them is clearly not true. As such, why should we believe any of them? 

Neither of the statements were lies. It’s just the one told to us by anet was lawyer speak. The one told by ncsoft wasn’t lawyer speak, but inside info to get an investor feeling more confident about the future. Kind of like a parent revealing a Christmas gift early to a kid to make them more happy about the upcoming Christmas.

What anet told us is PR gobbledegook to keep us invested and playing their game. It won’t age poorly because in many years after more Soto style expansions they can look back and say “see guys? We gave you lots more gw2 content, and now to reveal our next big game: gw3!” 

It’s the illusion that they have only one thing in the pipeline at a time, and all their focus is based on that. They want to show us, the customers, that gw2 is all that matters.

But NCsoft needed to show their own investors that there will be future growth, which came into conflict with the first message anet is showing us.

It doesn’t necessarily mean one is lying. They could both be true but spun in different ways for different audiences, which is exactly what happened.

We were told that they’re focused gw2, which is technically partially true.

And the investor was told anet is working on gw3, another statement that could be true.

It’s just anet is walking and chewing bubble gum at the same time. They are working with one team on gw2, and another on gw3 pre development. 

All this means, and what I’ve been trying to constantly say, is that the company is in fact not working on only one project. Ie, not everything is going towards gw2. And this means we should not expect a new expac that moves heaven and earth to reinvent the wheel like HoT did, that’s all. 

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15 hours ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

I don't know.  Why are we to believe one thing NCSoft says, but disregard the opposite thing they say right after? Again, it must be nice...

They’re both true. Anet is just using lawyer speak.

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18 hours ago, gmmg.9210 said:


It’s a bigger confirmation than anet it saying it. It’s the people that own anet saying it.

no idea why people downvote u for facts.

gw2 fans need stop to be so emotional

quote from ncsoft

+++ArenaNet has a meaningful IP called 'Guild Wars', and after Guild Wars 2, they are now making 'Guild Wars 3'. If you look at this process, it is quite competitive. It's not completely profitable, but I think it's been competitive+++


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38 minutes ago, Balsa.3951 said:

no idea why people downvote u for facts.

gw2 fans need stop to be so emotional

quote from ncsoft

+++ArenaNet has a meaningful IP called 'Guild Wars', and after Guild Wars 2, they are now making 'Guild Wars 3'. If you look at this process, it is quite competitive. It's not completely profitable, but I think it's been competitive+++


Holy cow one person on these forums not on the dangerous copium it’s a miracle 😭

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22 minutes ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

What does ArenaNet have to do with it?  They aren't the ones that said the two opposing things.

Arena net said one thing and ncsoft said something else. They were messages that conflict with one another. I was just pointing out to that person that both ideas can technically be true at the same time because anet was using lawyer speak. I swear I feel like barely anyone on these forums has heard of “press relations” when it comes to game development.

Arenanet said they’re “sole focus” is on gw2 because they want to maintain player retention and keep their bottom lines.

It won’t age poorly because they’re still making mini expacs like Soto, they’ve said that themselves.

Ncsoft though confirmed that Arenanet is also working on GW3. That means Arenanet is saying something to us that can easily be defended in years to come. But it’ll technically look true. In other words, PR.

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10 hours ago, gmmg.9210 said:

Okay I guess a person working at ncsoft saying they’re making it means they’re not making it, and the sky is yellow apparently 🤷‍♂️ 

Again, they never said they were "making it". People who speak Korean have pointed out that the Google translation was inaccurate. It's merely "greenlit", which is not the same thing.

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