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Please don't tie homesteads to a yearly new homestead realease!

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First let's just say it would be wonderful to get more then 1 homestead! Then... please don't tie it to a once a xpac update like guildhalls. I noticed (if we get more) this is most likely to be the case as the decoration divisions in homsteads ties decorations to each xpac. There is so much more potential with multiple homes throughout the year. To go along with the possibilities for all, I could see the inital xpac launch and 1 more during the year and then 2 more thru gemstore purchases (4 total per year) Having multiple homesteads is one option and a fun way to give us different styles more quickly. Different designs amongst all our homes, which homestead works better with which season or festival to decorate. More places to decorate! And remember not all homesteads need houses in them! they could just be empty lots with floral or vegetation and trees that are removable! This brings the opportunity to showcase previous xpac related designs (sourcing old content) or give us the 5 races themed housing. There is so much potential here it just feels like a waste to limit it to only once a year.

also to note there doesn't need to be a set cycle especially if you release more then 2 thru the gemstore. Every time you add new sales to the gemstore after (how ever long that is currently) you could feature a new homestead for purchase!

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It wouldn't be an issue, if ANet had not made the decision to drip-feed this feature to us instead of fully releasing it at the start of JW.

Who in their right mind is fine with waiting 3-9 months to be able to continue their work? By the time we will be able to finish what we have started, a new mini-expansion will be released, and who knows what will be drip-fed to us then.

It is okay to release story and maps in 4 releases. But features? A total no-go. A feature is either fully released or not at all -- not half-baked.

Therefore, asking for even more places that we cannot yet properly decorate as we want until JW is over is a bad idea in my book.

Edited by Ashantara.8731
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17 hours ago, Kelly.7019 said:

First let's just say it would be wonderful to get more then 1 homestead! Then... please don't tie it to a once a xpac update like guildhalls. I noticed (if we get more) this is most likely to be the case as the decoration divisions in homsteads ties decorations to each xpac. There is so much more potential with multiple homes throughout the year. To go along with the possibilities for all, I could see the inital xpac launch and 1 more during the year and then 2 more thru gemstore purchases (4 total per year) Having multiple homesteads is one option and a fun way to give us different styles more quickly. Different designs amongst all our homes, which homestead works better with which season or festival to decorate. More places to decorate! And remember not all homesteads need houses in them! they could just be empty lots with floral or vegetation and trees that are removable! This brings the opportunity to showcase previous xpac related designs (sourcing old content) or give us the 5 races themed housing. There is so much potential here it just feels like a waste to limit it to only once a year.

also to note there doesn't need to be a set cycle especially if you release more then 2 thru the gemstore. Every time you add new sales to the gemstore after (how ever long that is currently) you could feature a new homestead for purchase!

1 each year is alot....we cant expect more

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7 hours ago, Vavume.8065 said:

Not me, which is why I have not started yet.

why not take the challenge to make something out of whats available. thn in next update......make something else. its not a 1 final 1 try thing.........besides the exp of doing it will make u better and ull make better ones over time 

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21 minutes ago, quake.9023 said:

why not take the challenge to make something out of whats available. thn in next update......make something else.

You sound like you don't mind wasting resources. 😉 In addition, knowining what decoration already exists and what you want to place where, makes it seem even more of a waste to craft something for temporary use as a placeholder only. No, thank you.

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54 minutes ago, quake.9023 said:

why not take the challenge to make something out of whats available. 

That is not a challenge, that is just a waste of time. I will wait for a full set of decoration assets, the real challenge is waiting...

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I cannot envision a scenario where the new, heavily reduced Anet is going to release multiple homesteads in a year. They just don’t have the resources unless something drastic changes and to be honest I’d much rather have that time spent making open world map stuff

I won’t even be surprised if we never get other skins, although that would be rather silly of them. 

I sort of understand the complaints about drip feeding decorations, but it’s largely a non issue. People are already being heavily creative with the array of options and it gives value to the masteries and hearts later on. Seems weird not to get started and play with it now when that’s not going to change and most people are just getting on with it

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I can say with a high degree on confidence players would likely buy new home instances for 1,000 gems, that's how much a VIP lounge pass costs after all.

They could probably even get away with charging 2,000 gems.

Think about it, they charge 200 gems for one episode of Season 3 or 4, those episodes have a whole map with events, dialog, so on and so forth. In comparison making a new home instance would be a fraction of the work and they could charge easily five times more. Homesteads are the horse armor of GW2, and I'm all for it, I'd really appreciate if they start releasing six instances a year because that'll mean you have better odds of finding one you like.

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11 hours ago, quake.9023 said:

1 each year is alot....we cant expect more

we can it's not that hard to make an empty lot. Reuse old decorations. heck, i could make more homesteads locations! I'll do it anet!

but did they do that ? no they made something new. They totally didn't have too. they coulda done themes around the 5 races. banked it, then drip feed that content over a year.

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On 9/24/2024 at 2:17 PM, Ashantara.8731 said:

It wouldn't be an issue, if ANet had not made the decision to drip-feed this feature to us instead of fully releasing it at the start of JW.

Who in their right mind is fine with waiting 3-9 months to be able to continue their work? By the time we will be able to finish what we have started, a new mini-expansion will be released, and who knows what will be drip-fed to us then.

It is okay to release story and maps in 4 releases. But features? A total no-go. A feature is either fully released or not at all -- not half-baked.

Therefore, asking for even more places that we cannot yet properly decorate as we want until JW is over is a bad idea in my book.

Who knows if they'll expand the dec limit count? prolly not, but i'm already near full in my one house and without templates i don't really want to tear down all my hard work to build something else. I'd rather have multiple homes to do that! but because of their 250 limits per decorations i'm pretty confident they aren't going this route. It would suck tremendously to have decorations tied to a house and not transfer them between homes, which makes me think this is mostly a dream that won't ever happen, but hey, we can always suggest ideas who knows what they will consider.


Yea this is the problem with anets model. drip feed content. instead they should have built an economy system around housing, they still could by the way with an update, but i fear its too time consuming for them on their short spit a new xpac out each year.

What i would have done was drop a homestead at launch wait a month or 2 then sprinkle in different sized housing (my way) or just add gemstore purchaseable locations. (anet way) With different sized housing mode you could buy new locations for a gold sink or gems. (i don't know what the current gold to gems conversion is but i' assume it would cost more gold for gems then credit card gems?? idk anyways...) different sized housing  small - mid- large- mansion=(JW homestead) different locations, different themes, different costs, all the more so will spark creativity and give players more places to decorate. Which mean more farming mats to decorate homes, which means more people doing old content for those mats. which means more active maps maybe? 😄 I mean i'm in Jahai Bluffs now to farm mats for them kouran braizers so...

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I would love it if Claw Island would become an optional Homestead in the future, Kind of bring us back full circle to the beginning before we were the Commander, and pays homage to our Mentor. Would be cool having Heroes again too as a callback to when the Commander was the "henchman" for their Mentor.

Would let ANet play more into the whole "Guild Wars" thing too, either co-opting Dragon's Watch or creating a new (or unnamed Guild) to suit the writing.

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9 hours ago, Randulf.7614 said:

I cannot envision a scenario where the new, heavily reduced Anet is going to release multiple homesteads in a year. They just don’t have the resources unless something drastic changes and to be honest I’d much rather have that time spent making open world map stuff

Me too, I'd much rather they spent that time and effort adding content and making the maps better.

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16 hours ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

You sound like you don't mind wasting resources. 😉 In addition, knowining what decoration already exists and what you want to place where, makes it seem even more of a waste to craft something for temporary use as a placeholder only. No, thank you.

actually if you want to max out her homestead (ever) you are going to want to be doing refined mats each week even if you aren't crafting any decs now. you also will want to set a bank tab aside just for refined mats and maybe get some storage expanders. I'm at 1500 and had an additional 2k refined fibers in bank and they are almost depleted now and I am stuck waiting on time gated mats for woods and metals now, which totally sucks! ANET!!! 😄 

but yes i'm a temp builder, made a many a beelte tracks each month over the past years. Plus i built new homes inside the guild hall often, packed my stuff up and moved to a new location. There is also Seasonal and festival decorating we have to do! It's a must! 😄 



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25 minutes ago, Kelly.7019 said:

actually if you want to max out her homestead (ever) you are going to want to be doing refined mats each week even if you aren't crafting any decs now.

You are quoting the wrong person. I have repeatedly said that I started decorating weeks ago and am frustrated that I cannot continue until the decoration I need is finally released for Homesteads.

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My two cents. Maybe four cents. Things are so expensive these days gotta to adjust for inflation 😄  I believed new homestead designs or at least the skins will be added in the later xpac patches. Seriously, I dont like the exterior look of my house that's why I changed it 🙊

I have visited and watched a number of homestead videos and I am really impressed with many of them. But the thing is, I want to wait for the 'right' decorations to be released and use those rather than improvising them. Nothing beats the real thing; walls, bridges, roof, tents, etc. I know some decorators like to improvise stuff and also because of the limited decorations we got during launch (and nothing added after a month), improvisation is the only way to go. But too much improvisations, though creative, kinda makes the setups look unnatural and messy. That's just me.

About the weekly mats limits. Cannot understand why is there a limit on this. And, they are set too low at 800. I hardly started building stuff or decorate my home yet I always ran out of mats. 1500 ~ 2500 max limit would be good. As for the decor placing limit, I already hit 670/1000 and many of my favourite decorations is not even out yet (if ever) 😟

Edited by Sugar Min.5834
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Too much improvising is only true if yer a 1 and done decorator. making multiple designs or test designs is like sketching for some. Do a quick study or idea see how it goes, then improve upon it and try again. I prefer to decorate for now and then change things up and go again. Seasonal/ festival/ do different themes or styles, change your house setup, etc. but sometimes its just so much work put into 1 thing, you'd rather not destroy it. This all is easier when you have multiple homes then you can save yer beautifully crafted ones that you don't want to immediately destroy but can go  to another house and still continue to decorate and have fun.

"Nothing beats the real thing." Actually thinking outside the box and innovating new ways to build something is what makes decorating super fun. instead of using the sink decoration they give us find ways to create your own sink! That's the next level up of decorating!

I don't have enough decs yet and I have other projects in mind first but I have yet to see anyone transform their homestead into another world entirely! that's probably what the 3rd level up of decorating? 😄 

its really too bad we can't place stuff right at the entry wp, but still i have seen some really cool things so far.

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4 hours ago, Sugar Min.5834 said:

About the weekly mats limits. Cannot understand why is there a limit on this. And, they are set too low at 800. I hardly started building stuff or decorate my home yet I always ran out of mats. 1500 ~ 2500 max limit would be good. As for the decor placing limit, I already hit 670/1000 and many of my favourite decorations is not even out yet (if ever) 😟

i guess i was lucky i didn't have enough time to play the game for about 3 weeks after JW came out. all i had time for was refining mats and hoarding them. of coarse even with stockpiles when i got around to playing/ decorating they all vanished super fast 😞 

it is a problem though because at the rate i want to decorate there really should not be any timegates on refined mats. it's just anets bad design of drip feeding content, pretending there's content. I'd have my own content happily designing things in homes like i use to  in guild halls. now i have to turn the game off and wait a week to refine more mats.

devils advocate response:

they could want you to leave yer homestead and play other parts of the game. so not having anything to do in the homestead because yer maxed at weekly refined mats and can't make anymore stuff u want, might accomplish that.

Instead of having a full robost xpac(for someone that was an altoholic and liked exploring maps 4 new ones at launch was great!)but instead lets half it (once a year) and then spread that half content out over a year (not everything at once), even though it feels like it would have been better to get all the old decs first at launch then add new ones later... seems like old ones gunna come during festivals so they don't have to make as much new content??? so yea drip feeding content and recycling old content??, but we'll see....

p.s. i'm someone who likes to plan things out(usually) and decorate for a holiday before that holiday month gets here 😞

its not the worst. still better then EoD with only 2 decorations at launch!! lol

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6 hours ago, Kelly.7019 said:

"Nothing beats the real thing." Actually thinking outside the box and innovating new ways to build something is what makes decorating super fun. instead of using the sink decoration they give us find ways to create your own sink! That's the next level up of decorating!

Maybe to you. I just want stuff to look pretty, not make-shift, if possible. Also, I don't have resources to waste for nonsense. This isn't a building simulator. 😉 

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