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QOL Requests: New for 2024

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I know its not the biggest and the most important thing, but id like to be able to chose a glider and a mini for every equipment template individually fitting better to the template specific gear looks. Im probably not the only one who has own theme/look/color for my equipment templates, like power gear, or condi gear etc and Id like to be able to chose glider and mini fitting for each gear without having to change it manually every time or just use one for all. Like i said, not the biggest or the most important thing, but something Id like to have option eventually for. Unless there's already option for it and Ive somehow missed how.

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On 7/9/2024 at 5:29 PM, GODh.3892 said:

You already can do that via options (F11).

To add to this, you can also key bind the active mastery skill (default 'J').  The current active mastery skill is selected by the right clicking the button under the weapon swap button.  

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On 7/10/2024 at 3:41 AM, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

Should you be so inclined, you can search for the Dev post explaining why Baubles are not included in Material Storage.

From looking it up, apparently the reason is because the baubles are used as both currency and ammo, and there is the limit to number one can carry due to the wallet item mechanic in SAB; this is to reflect mechanic in many retro games like some of the older legend of zelda games.  I would still like to see a way to store baubles in the account wallet or storage.  A QOL improvement I would like to suggest for this would be to make the baubles work like the old legendary insights/divinitations, or unstable cosmic essences: items that can be consumed to add equivalent amount to the account wallet.  This would allow for the items to still be inventory items that take up space and are used for ammo/currency in game but can be converted to not take space in bank when not playing SAB.  The item would just need to have its use restricted while in SAB (like how many items are not consumable depending on game mode or location).  To convert back, just add a vendor option during the festival to buy the bauble item using the bauble currency.  If needed, to avoid confusion, the wallet currency could be listed as something like SAB bauble or Moto bauble.  

Edited by Magus Antiverse.8569
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when buying weapons n armor from merchant, have a way to see which one already unlock or not. and not having to scroll whole thing also not having to accidentally click the one already unlock. 

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If the LFG window could have some options for autofill - like, if the last two of the instance IP could automatically be included in the LFG when for open world content, or content where IP might matter. Would it be possible to add more LFG automation in general? (someone starts an open squad instance it would be nice if those could auto LFG unless the commander closes the squad?) Could more granular squad closing happen? Again looking at LFG could roles be broken down? "CC" "DPS" "ALAC/DPS" etc. and if I am commander, I click some dropdowns, or buttons, and it calls out what I am asking for in the LFG - and in a DREAM would have a mouseover of a wiki page explaining the role, and ways different classes can perform in those roles in loose terms <This is a list of CC abilities you can use on your necro, this will give you maximum uptime for fear> again, some drop downs to describe your more specific goals? would that make minmaxing too easy? 

Thank you for some of the dungeon fixes. Could the party guests in cadeceus be ready to answer subsequent questions just a little faster?

THANK YOU for adding convergences to the world portal device.

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The Haunted Ghost skiff skin has this horrible audio fx when it is anchored, like what I'm guessing is supposed to be a hologram sound.  It really kills the quiet moment fishing usually is.  I would expect maybe a creaky wood sound.  I'd even take the odd ghostly whisper.  Nothing else is this game's 12 year history has had me try to find a volume control slider for, barring some player instrument that was being spammed.  (And more recently, the eldritch tools' flute sound is very loud.)

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  1. Hide our WvW rank to enemies
  2. Show our WvW rank to team mates
  3. Jade offensive and defensive protocols in the guild hall - scribe recipes
  4. Jade bot charging station in the guild hall - scribe recipe
  5. Better Dragon Bash decorations, the generators are great, and the new three-piece dragon set was very nice too. More please.


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a really small thing but a very helpful and probably easy to implement:

Searchable Options

For example in the Control Options, there is a massive list of things, esp growing as more features arrive, like jade bot, mounts, housing editing, etc etc. It is way too long of a list to even find what keybinds you want to change or remind yourself of, I've spent a lot time scrolling through the list line by line and still not find what I'm looking for

Jade Bot Keybinds
Why can't we change the keybinds of the Jadebot control, such as the up and down? It doesn't make sense and this is hard to control like this

Edited by keyokku.5412
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Being able to send our EXP toward Spirit Shards instead of Mastery points when needed. Right now I am out of Mastery points but my exp is maxed out so until I get more Mastery Points all of my exp is being wasted.

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57 minutes ago, Axtion.9612 said:

Being able to send our EXP toward Spirit Shards instead of Mastery points when needed. Right now I am out of Mastery points but my exp is maxed out so until I get more Mastery Points all of my exp is being wasted.

That is incorrect it already does this.

Just because the mastery bar hides the exp bar dont make you not get spirit shards each level up mate.


On level 80 characters, gaining 254,000 experience when no mastery experience can be gained or all masteries in the region are completed.

Edited by Linken.6345
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We need an option to adjust the transparency of the chat window.

There are currently two options:
1. With the transparent option, the text in the chat window may not be visible due to the background. (White: snowy field, yellow: desert, etc.)
2. Opaque options cover the game screen on the other side

If this is difficult, please add an contour(outline) to the text in the transparent chat window.

Edited by Joonmo.7523
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Please add an contourline (outline) to the reticle in action camera mode.

I usually use white, but it is hard to see if the background is a snowy field.
Previously offered reticles were contour line(gray outline)
I wish there was a darker, thicker outline.

like this

Edited by Joonmo.7523
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Please separate the equipment tab and decoration tab in the hero window.

Currently, there is a list of customizations in the equipment window of the Hero window.
I think the equipment window is a very important window and should not be confused with anything.

Please create a separate decoration tab.

And I don't think the decoration tab should be in the equipment tab.

Edited by Joonmo.7523
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Agree with @Joonmo.7523


Also would like to request a fully costumisable UI just like in GW1.

So we can shrink, expand, or totally hide certain things on screen.

For instance, I'd like to put the health pool in a form of a bar in the top left, together with the xp bar, and make them just big enough, that one can see.

Boosters, buffs, etc could be dragged to another corner, so it looks neater.

Most times we can't see half the buffs, because they go under the mini map.

Add food, utility buffs, armour, guild buff, and a xp or other, and you already can't see any other... sometimes very important buffs.

Support roles often feel this, especially in WvW, when they're trying to keep their soldiers alive.


I'm suprised this is still not a thing yet.

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Please divide the contents of the General Options tab into about 3 tabs.

The general options tab in the options window has too many contents and lists.
I would like to divide this into 3 parts.

1. user interface
3. combat/movement

Edited by Joonmo.7523
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