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[Suggestion] Bring back the Weekly and Monthly Achievements


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Dear Support!

Back in 2013, the game offered the players to do Daily, ~~ Weekly and ~~ Monthly task to earn additional Achievements and ingame goodies.It was a really nice effort, and way to farm Achievements, and some materials plus some additional currencies.

Id like to ask, is there any possible ways to bring it back to life?

Heres the "memento" of this feature: >> Wiki Link <<

I really loved this option for my self, but I agreed, its need to rework it, with a "less" or "low rated rewards", but the achievement points would be really awesome!

I know, this Monthly achievements was replaced by the Daily Log-In reward program, but yet its still was a cool and inspirating function of the game.

If YOU, the Player can agreed with me about this suggestion, or have any other ideas about this please comment below (or use a reaction) and let the Devs know this kind of our wish.I hope you guys, also would love this feature back in the game :+1:

Thanks all of your support, and have a nice day!

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@levcsu.7892 said:

@levcsu.7892 said:If YOU, the Player can agreed with me about this suggestion, please comment below (or use a reaction) and let the Devs know this kind of our wish.


I think, if its reach a huge intrest the devs shall consider it. :cookie: imo ofc

That makes sense, but i was wondering about the request "if you like the idea please leave a comment here below"... but what about the others? :lol:I mean, since it's a discussion it would be nice to see different points of view.

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@Shirlias.8104 said:

@levcsu.7892 said:If YOU, the Player can agreed with me about this suggestion, please comment below (or use a reaction) and let the Devs know this kind of our wish.


I think, if its reach a huge intrest the devs shall consider it. :cookie: imo ofc

That makes sense, but i was wondering about the request "if you like the idea please leave a comment here below"... but what about the others? :lol:I mean, since it's a discussion it would be nice to see different points of view.

Oh you have the point so i edit it :D

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I’ve suggested bringing back the monthly before, so yes I agree.My idea would’ve been to have a monthly AP (not a huge amount like we used to have!) award which is uncapped, and set the daily AP as it’s own cap at 15k.Uncapped for Monthlies, because you don’t have to log in everyday to complete it, if we assume the daily ap cap is in place to promote a healthy attitude towards logging in.

Could also add those little loot chests like the daily has.

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@Haleydawn.3764 said:I’ve suggested bringing back the monthly before, so yes I agree.My idea would’ve been to have a monthly AP (not a huge amount like we used to have!) award which is uncapped, and set the daily AP as it’s own cap at 15k.Uncapped for Monthlies, because you don’t have to log in everyday to complete it, if we assume the daily ap cap is in place to promote a healthy attitude towards logging in.

Could also add those little loot chests like the daily has.

Yeah, that should be work, and would'll be awesome. I don't except for a huge AP boost with the mountly, but the ammount of +50 or +100 looks good enough i think.The reward chest for the monthly and daily needs a little balance, for an example:

  • Daily: +10 AP, +1 gold, +1 random chest (like the Map Explorer one)
  • Monthly: +50 or +100 AP, +10 gold, +1 random chest (explained above), +1 selection of reward from: +5/10 laurel, +1% gold/xp/magic find boost, or +10 tome of knowledge (similar like the last log-in reward).Plus adding a monthly special task for every account types (to let the F2P Trial OR simple vanilla users to let them obtain it), like this:for example:

! Kill Jormag, Tequatl and Karka Queen: 10 times,! or! Complete a Fractal 20 or above 5 times! Reward: Garanteed 1 (ONE) Black Lion Chest Key, and 1 (ONE) Laurel

Its not a huge rewad or a huge advantage, but would be great

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@Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:I don't believe there has ever been a Weekly. If any kind of Monthly was brought back it would, probably, not raise the Daily Achievement Cap, and might be less interesting to all those who have reached the Cap; unless, of course, the rewards were enticing.

Good luck.

The only weekly achievments i can recall were those in the wvw tournaments, like cap 40-50 ruins.

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Always missed the monthly achivements, liked them much better than I ever did daily.

Essentially the monthly encouraged you to plan/play at your own pace, when you had time, and still be able to reach goals. Daily just turns into a chore (well outside of WvW, because honestly most of the WvW ones are so easy that PVE players love them). And I have friends that doesn't have the time (or dedication) to log in every day, or even every week. And a monthly goal would be a bigger incentive for them to go for, rather than knowing you can't get the dailies for 25/30.

The most painless way to include it is to put it on the same limit as the daily, basically giving more players a way to catch up with the older players in AP. Alternatively set a max AP per month, so you don't get more AP than just doing all dailies.

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@DemonSeed.3528 said:I never experienced monthly achievements but I am not against it.

It's basically the same as dailies, but they take longer to finish. For example instead of killing 3 enemy players, it would be something like 50 or 100...I don't remember. You had a choice of achievements to work on in each game mode, and could finish any 4 to complete the monthly.

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How about some mini challenges like kill x number of x class? And call it The Hunt. Might be a bad idea though lol. Or how about 1 day of the week, the more you kill the same person, they slowly begin to take on your appearance, starting from color to gear, so I can transform people into ugly clones of myself. The cooldown should be very short like someone getting drunk. I'm sorry, please stop me I am full of bad ideas right now XD

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