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Why is losing 30 mmr per match a thing after placements?


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This is beyond infuriating. Placed in G-3 after placements (Same as what I finished last season). Now i'm losing 30 mmr per match due to afkers, and ppl throwing the game (100-500 point matches, idk how anet expects players to carry with these kind up matchups.). I don't know how spvp keeps it's player base. Maybe it's idiots like myself that think they can win it back (Matchmaking gambling)

Going to be in silver tier at this rate within a couple of matches....

Edit - Been 10 matches post placement. Still getting volitale +/- 20-30mmr with 150-500 matches constantly. Is the new matchmaker working at all. Or do I need to suffer more? :/

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@Malafaia.8903 said:Got placed in plat with 7 wins/ 3 losses.Droped to Gold in 5 games, 5 losses. I can't complain about my teams on combat related issues. In other hand if you bring map awareness/ rotation to the table... Oh boy, it was a mess :PBut i don't think matchmaking can prevent those issues :(

Yeah it took me 3 hours to repair the damage done what a few losses in 1 hour can do.... Like what can you do when you are working your kitten off distracting a 1 v 3 for a 1/4 of the match and still lose horribly.

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welcome to the club started at 1555 for rating and kept losing 30points per game LoLs to only gain 18 per match >.>, every season after placements this happens to me but eventually i bounce back some where in the top 50-150.

why does this always happen?

1: first few weeks of rank is the worse to actually play( why do i still play? Because i believe i'll make it to plat either way and it doesn't matter to me in the long run)2: Most good players aren't playing which results in you needing to carry harder either alone or with a duo(can't carry a game if people don't know how to read pings/look at map)3: first total 30 games played results in your MMR trying to figure out where you belong in terms of elo rating thats why the win points are high and the losing game are also high per match.

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Rank means anything if you soloq especially.If you are lucky to get team mates with basic knowledge of sPvP you can get away with it and rank up.But if you keep.getting people who goes 1v3 or 2vs4 all the times even if you are the top player on earth there is nothing you can do about it. And even carry those people is just impossible to do.Only few games are really fair and fun and balanced and really close results like 500-495.The majority is completely ownage of one side, if you have good team mates you win 500-50 and it is pretty boring; the other case is losing 50-500 because of uncarriable team mates and that is frustating. So yeah your rank placement is just dictated by team mates skills (80%) and your personal skill lever (20%).I faced many people like scourges who yelled at me because I killed them as a noob silver player and them platinum raging at me because got killed.

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Meh, I only really PvP for the dailies or guild missions now. Sometimes I'll do an extra match here or there just to gamble a bit. Idk how people can play it competitively though. I tried that in like the second or third season, got the Merciless Legend title, and decided that was more than enough tryharding for me lol. (And it had seemed to continue to just go downhill from there)

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@Razor.6392 said:Well I guess you learn how to pvp or you don't. Hey, I mean I've been guilty of blaming the matchmaking for too long. You know, the convenient way to do things. When every player has their own skill set (except OP I guess). I don't see the issue.

So true. Everyone get bad match making. If it not now they will get them later. If youre bad you will carry on droping, if youre good you will climb. Need to keep an open mind about your own skill level, you cant learn from mistake if you dont reconize them.

And yes i use to be name and blame too, and bash match making alot too. Untill i realise that, bad match making effect everyone.

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@Razor.6392 said:Well I guess you learn how to pvp or you don't. Hey, I mean I've been guilty of blaming the matchmaking for too long. You know, the convenient way to do things. When every player has their own skill set (except OP I guess). I don't see the issue.

I seen your snarky assuming posts before. How is 6000 matches, and constant top stats of Defense/Offense/Kills/Healing in every match constitute a L2P issue. This is a clearly RNG issue.

I've already made back the 150ish mmr I lost in that hour. So don't assume the OP is trash to begin with.

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@rwolf.9571 said:

@Razor.6392 said:Well I guess you learn how to pvp or you don't. Hey, I mean I've been guilty of blaming the matchmaking for too long. You know, the convenient way to do things. When every player has their own skill set (except OP I guess). I don't see the issue.

I seen your snarky assuming posts before. How is 6000 matches, and constant top stats of Defense/Offense/Kills/Healing in every match constitute a L2P issue. This is a clearly RNG issue.

I've already made back the 150ish mmr I lost in that hour. So don't assume the OP is trash to begin with.

There is always room to improve. 12k matches here. I still think im a noob. Why, because i dont want to assume that im good base on the amount of matches i play.

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@corey.6451 said:

@Razor.6392 said:Well I guess you learn how to pvp or you don't. Hey, I mean I've been guilty of blaming the matchmaking for too long. You know, the convenient way to do things. When every player has their own skill set (except OP I guess). I don't see the issue.

I seen your snarky assuming posts before. How is 6000 matches, and constant top stats of Defense/Offense/Kills/Healing in every match constitute a L2P issue. This is a clearly RNG issue.

I've already made back the 150ish mmr I lost in that hour. So don't assume the OP is trash to begin with.

There is always room to improve. 12k matches here. I still think im a noob. Why, because i dont want to assume that im good base on the amount of matches i play.

I agree, but when you have 100-500 matches. And punishing players legitmently trying with -30 mmr, it becomes soul crushing.

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@rwolf.9571 said:

@Razor.6392 said:Well I guess you learn how to pvp or you don't. Hey, I mean I've been guilty of blaming the matchmaking for too long. You know, the convenient way to do things. When every player has their own skill set (except OP I guess). I don't see the issue.

I seen your snarky assuming posts before. How is 6000 matches, and constant top stats of Defense/Offense/Kills/Healing in every match constitute a L2P issue. This is a clearly RNG issue.

I've already made back the 150ish mmr I lost in that hour. So don't assume the OP is trash to begin with.

There is always room to improve. 12k matches here. I still think im a noob. Why, because i dont want to assume that im good base on the amount of matches i play.

I agree, but when you have 100-500 matches. And punishing players legitmently trying with -30 mmr, it becomes soul crushing.

Yeh but it has happen to everyone. Like last season, after placement, i drop from 1830 to 1550. Just dont grind it back straight away, just play to have fun, obviously to win too. And go on full tryhard grind mode 1 week before season end. In a way try to grind it back straight away is kinda similar to gambling, it just going to wear you down.

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@corey.6451 said:

@Razor.6392 said:Well I guess you learn how to pvp or you don't. Hey, I mean I've been guilty of blaming the matchmaking for too long. You know, the convenient way to do things. When every player has their own skill set (except OP I guess). I don't see the issue.

I seen your snarky assuming posts before. How is 6000 matches, and constant top stats of Defense/Offense/Kills/Healing in every match constitute a L2P issue. This is a clearly RNG issue.

I've already made back the 150ish mmr I lost in that hour. So don't assume the OP is trash to begin with.

There is always room to improve. 12k matches here. I still think im a noob. Why, because i dont want to assume that im good base on the amount of matches i play.

I agree, but when you have 100-500 matches. And punishing players legitmently trying with -30 mmr, it becomes soul crushing.

Yeh but it has happen to everyone. Like last season, after placement, i drop from 1830 to 1550. Just dont grind it back straight away, just play to have fun, obviously to win too. And go on full tryhard grind mode 1 week before season end. In a way try to grind it back straight away is kinda similar to gambling, it just going to wear you down.

I probably have gamblers addiction, to pvp. I hate it, but can't quit it.

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Caring about rating this season is only going to end in frustration. Never before have I seen a season more dependent on the team make up of classes over skill. Forget about having fun in ranked or trying to gain meaningful ranking because it probably won't happen. Just farm your pips and move on.

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@rwolf.9571 said:

@witcher.3197 said:Because rating is more volatile after placements for a while, giving you a chance to go up/down significantly in case the placements were off.

Then whats the point of placements then... Sigh. I lost every game after my placement matches 7wins / 3 losses. And this is getting suicidal if I was suicidal.

My point too. Basically, if 2 players end up at 1400, one gets 5 loses then 10 wins, other gets 5 wins then 10 loses, they should end up around the same rank. Entirely luck dependent so..

I recall the big leaderboard few years ago being such. You could be #50 and pop at 95% a few hours later. If this is similar, i fail to see the point of seasons really..

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