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Will the charr armor issues ever be fixed?

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Cmon guys,the game has been out for a very long time.One the main points of gw is that we dont have the usual gear grind and a HUGE part of endgame is getting armor that looks cool.Some of us wanna play a charr...and its extremely annoying that there are more armors(esp medium armors) that either clip with out tails/shoulders or are just very badly scaled(giant shoulders floating in the air) for the charr model than armors that actually looks right.And Im honestly confused here....why isnt this fixed? if you cant fix if it let us hide our tails? at least say something about it?It has been like that since launch.

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A 100% agreed, and is a crying shame that the cultural armor is the most clipping, unpleasant to the eye, buggy and glitchy of all the armors, and we charrs are the only ones who can wear that stuff; if I had a copper piece for every time I chose an armor only to turn it around and see how stupid my tail looks I would have enough gold to buy the whole Trading Post, twice.

I'm not sure if they are planning on remapping all the older armors, but I do notice that armors and outfits from HoT and forward almost doesn't clip at all and have sensible beautiful tail wards/adorns/armor <3

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@Kitty.6219 said:A 100% agreed, and is a crying shame that the cultural armor is the most clipping, unpleasant to the eye, buggy and glitchy of all the armors, and we charrs are the only ones who can wear that stuff; if I had a copper piece for every time I chose an armor only to turn it around and see how stupid my tail looks I would have enough gold to buy the whole Trading Post, twice.

I'm not sure if they are planning on remapping all the older armors, but I do notice that armors and outfits from HoT and forward almost doesn't clip at all and have sensible beautiful tail wards/adorns/armor <3

Its not just the tail,I made a small female charr and almost all the shoulders look the same they would on a max size charr.What grinds my gears the most is that cosmetics is a huge part of this game and they just dont give a hoot.

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@Witch of Doom.5739 said:I have actually not bought some gem store items (certain gliders come to mind) because the clipping is so bad on the Charr.

Yeah and Asura have issues with that aswell. I was also going to make a tiny bat asura but wings and gliders don't attach properly. It's not so bad with the backpack (slight gap) but the glider wings are in a completely wrong place (too high up, huge gap).

@Kitty.6219 said:I'm not sure if they are planning on remapping all the older armors, but I do notice that armors and outfits from HoT and forward almost doesn't clip at all and have sensible beautiful tail wards/adorns/armor <3

Some of the time, can't check right now but I think it was heavy bounty hunter that looks like the adornment on the back is sticking out if their butt hole.

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@"ProtoGunner.4953" said:Clipping is normal in games, especially MMOs. Never understood why in GW universe (GW1 was the same with complaints about clipping etc.) people are so picky. Just get used to it. Not that big of an issue.

Ofc an issue here and there is no big deal but when more than half of the dam medium armor clips like crazy for 1 race in a game that heavily focuses on cosmetics its just absurd.Its like they are basically saying "we are amatures,we dont know what were doing and we dont taking this seriously"

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Eh you know what? I was being unfair. They have improved a lot. Many if my issue with charr armor are issues that have I have with the armor style in GW 2 in general. I'm kinda bummed they looks so silly on the raptor mount though. Especially for a heavy armored Charr, That poor raptor.

Still don't know why they didn't fix that hole though. Maybe it slipped through the cracks. I should report it again.

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There's always going to be some clipping. And I'd be happy for ANet to spend more time reducing it further, except that I prefer for them to prioritize other artwork projects. For me, most clipping in the game isn't noticeable until/unless someone points it out... and even then it's not that bothersome (for me).

There's a spectrum of potential clipping issues, from "can't find them at all" to "wow, that's obvious on every single edge/interface". It's prohibitively expensive to get any animation to the "can't find them at all" stage and because charr (and to a lesser extent, asura) have more edge/interfaces, it's more noticeable for them. Worse, the more clipping issues that the studio solves, the less clipping that we will accept, because our standards will evolve accordingly.

Given this, how much money do you want ANet to spend reducing the amount of clipping we have? Or, since we don't really know what things costs, what other artwork improvements|changes|additions are you willing to give up for ANet to reduce clipping? And would that opinion change if resolving a charr clipping issue means one less armor set per expansion?

Of course, I cut my teeth on poorly-animated games, so maybe my standards are too low.

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@"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:There's always going to be some clipping. And I'd be happy for ANet to spend more time reducing it further, except that I prefer for them to prioritize other artwork projects. For me, most clipping in the game isn't noticeable until/unless someone points it out... and even then it's not that bothersome (for me).

There's a spectrum of potential clipping issues, from "can't find them at all" to "wow, that's obvious on every single edge/interface". It's prohibitively expensive to get any animation to the "can't find them at all" stage and because charr (and to a lesser extent, asura) have more edge/interfaces, it's more noticeable for them. Worse, the more clipping issues that the studio solves, the less clipping that we will accept, because our standards will evolve accordingly.

Given this, how much money do you want ANet to spend reducing the amount of clipping we have? Or, since we don't really know what things costs, what other artwork improvements|changes|additions are you willing to give up for ANet to reduce clipping? And would that opinion change if resolving a charr clipping issue means one less armor set per expansion?

Of course, I cut my teeth on poorly-animated games, so maybe my standards are too low.

Unless youre playing a charr you wont really face this\like i already said,most than half of all the medium armor clips in an awful wayid never complain about "some" clipping

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3 hours ago, Zynk.9015 said:

Necroing this thread. Charr medium armor still has a metric dongload of issues. Tail clipping, missing horns, magic floating sheet metal shoulderpiece... Anet save us.


Fix charr dagger 1 animation on literally every class while you're at it.

So few players play it, they wont fix the issues, that are present, which alot of players give as the reason they dont play em in the first place, and it goes across all armor types. Love my charr, but eesh.

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