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Bring Back 5 Man!!!


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Ah ffs, how often does this have to come up. There were never enough teams to get balanced matches for a 5v5 queues, which resulted in all the decent teams not bothering with it anyway. Anet tried something like this with the guild challenger league, but it was a massive failure. Sure, if you're bad as hell fighting 5 pugs with a full pre can still be challenging (and fun I suppose), but if you're on that level you will be perfectly fine in Unranked. For anything else, ATs are the best solution. Team Q is gone for good and should never come back.

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I vote for FULL Solo queue only. Not even DUO queue. Duo queue players can still cheat. 2 different duo teams can try to get in the same team. If they are on opposite sides then one of them can "d/c" or throw the match. With Solo queuing this is a much less likely thing to happen. Two solo players can try to get in the same game together and one might throw the match if they're on the opposite side but odds are a lot smaller in this. Full Solo is the way to go.

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5 man qs were not good for the game for many reasons. If you are around plat ish you should probably see why.

Any group composed of 5 solo q legends for one is going to likely beat everything else pretty drastically that is not also composed similarly.

Then with the way classes are balanced right now, you can cancel there being any real "competition" if that same 5 man was all composed of the best performing classes along with a strategy suited for that composition and voice chat.

Basically two or three teams would dominate everybody else. Then, it's even more unfair to the people not also running on teams and now there are even more barriers to entry for the top.

You can still 5 man in unranked and ATs or even WvW where a real 5 man group should easily be able to take on groups 2-3 times their size.

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  • 3 years later...

I don't know why 5 man queue for ranked pvp was taken off., but it needs to come back. The way it is now is just 3 people actually trying to win while one other person is raging against their team and typing instead of contributing to the team fights. Also, ranked is expected to put five solo people into a match and expect them to work as a team. Just bring back 5 man team queue for ranked. You want the mode to be played as a team but all we get is people raging against everyone. It doesn't seem like these people that through insults during the match get any form of consequence so please allow us to play with our friends in ranked. 



Playing 5 man unranked is not the same, there is no real reward for working as a team to stomp a team of people who are just pugs to each other. 

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I actually liked the 5 man ques. I was never in some awesome 5 person group that just stomped on everyone ( did get matched up against a couple tho ) But I did have a nice friends list that grew from it . When people played well with my build as a staff ele back before all the nerfs. It was hard to play that build with people who didn't understand how to play with you.

They expected you to play someone who healed them and threw out a ton of condi clears and boons , but I played zerker staff ele. Finding people who knew what my build was good at and what it wasn't was nice. We would add eachother and basically form groups out of about 10-12 of us depending on who was online that day.

At least we knew A.) they were not bots , B.) they wouldn't just feed mid , C.) they wouldn't rage quit mid game and AFK on spawn after the first mid wipe. D.) They knew what rotating was and probably most important was we could give each other pointers and discuss what went wrong when we were playing multiple games with each other vs some random people you never really know if they just had a bad game.

I didn't go into PVP knowing anyone, but noticed people who happened to be matched with me in winning games and after a while we would que together and recognize other people who played well and invited them. It was a lot more fun than what we have now. I didn't go into it with any delusions I belonged in the top 10 ( have made it somewhere on the leader board tho ) and I think it it is healthier for build diversity if people can play in a 5 person group. It's safer to play the same cookie cutter meta build currently because you need to make sure you fit in with 3 random players. 


If people make some awesome 5 man meta voice chat group that dominates everything they probably deserve to be in the top slots , but that just means everyone below them will probably be theory crafting a 5 man counter to knock them down. Even in some of those 10 -500 stomp matches we lost in ( harsh reality check ) we at least learned something from them that helped us play a little bit better I hope. 

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