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Friend too poor to change server, too humble to recieve money, anonym donation possible?


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Hello people,I've got a friend that wants to switch on our Jade sea server to be able to play WvW with us but it costs like 30€ or something which is way too much for him, he doesn't want to get free money from us but still rly wants to play with us. (his sighing makes me cry inside)Is it possible you could give him an anonym free transfer for him that would be paid by me? I'll tell him I asked on forums friendly and you accepted for free.

erm... yea reading it back it sounds kinda weird but eeeeeh, i'm having a hard time finding solutions lol ^^"

so uh, please? O:)

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DO NOT delete all characters in order to get a free transfer, this method might not work anymore, if you want proof just visit "Account & Technical Support" subforum you will find few threads about this issue and so far non of them work. The worst case ive seen so far is thishttps://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/361810#Comment_361810

But your friend are free to tryBeside Anet is planning on WvW Restructuring, idk how long it would take but you should just wait until then, Detail : https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/26547/world-restructuring/p1

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There aren't really any methods in game to donate anonymously. Email always shows the character name of the sender. You can anonymously gift items from the BLTC, but those can't be converted into gold (or even gems) for transfer.

Here are some things to consider:

  • Lots of guilds buy transfers for lots of people using in-game gold. It's often earned by people who know how to play the TP and, for such folks, it's easy-come/easy-go. So your friend shouldn't feel like it's charity.
  • Your friend could also think of it as "paying it forward." Buddies do this for friend now... and down the road, your friend does something generous for someone else (perhaps not even in game).
  • Another alternative is to find something that your friend could get paid to do for their gold. Map Completion (via Gifts of Exploration) can be turned into legendaries (and typically sell for 350-450 gold). Maybe they could refine stuff for others (lots of people hate doing that). Or guide people through a JP or something like that.

I strongly advise against deleting characters for a 'free' transfer: regardless of whether it works, it's cutting off your nose to save your face a few gems. It's a pain to delete characters, you have to give up some bound stuff, and all the birthday presents. It's simply not worth it.

Neither should your friend wait an indefinite period of time to transfer. The Restructuring doesn't even have a date set yet. It's hard to imagine it happening before June (and perhaps much, much later)... and that's a long time to go it alone.

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@"Korock.2380" said:Hello people,I've got a friend that wants to switch on our Jade sea server to be able to play WvW with us but it costs like 30€ or something which is way too much for him, he doesn't want to get free money from us but still rly wants to play with us. (his sighing makes me cry inside)Is it possible you could give him an anonym free transfer for him that would be paid by me? I'll tell him I asked on forums friendly and you accepted for free.

erm... yea reading it back it sounds kinda weird but eeeeeh, i'm having a hard time finding solutions lol ^^"

so uh, please? O:)

Are you trying to ask Arenanet to transfer your friend and take the gems from your account instead of his? (The sentence I put in bold makes it sound like that's what you want.)

If that's what you want then you need to contact Arenanet directly by using the Support link at the top of this page. This forum is for players to talk to each other - we're all just normal players like you and cannot do anything you can't do.

Make sure to include your friends account name (including the 4 numbers at the end) in your request and make sure you have enough gems, or enough money to buy them, if they say yes. I don't know if they will do it, but we definitely can't so your best option is to submit a request and find out.

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@"CaelestiaEmpyrea.2617" said:Tell your friend to wait a while. Servers ONLY matter in WvW, and they are soon going to be removed completely. World Restructuring is about to happen, and it would be a HUGE waste of money to change server right now.

Saying:'World restructuring is about to happen" seems a bit off, considering we don't have an ETA. They've only revealed their plans to do so, without any timetable. Optimistically, 6 months would probsbly the earliest.

I suggest you and your guildies organise a farming event and include the intended recipient. That way he might feel less anxious about accepting the help. Also remind him that you're doing it because you consider him an asset, and therefore the donated materials/gold are an investment.

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