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Favorite Unranked "Troll Build?"


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@FyzE.3472 said:

Man, I am really really thankfull to you for this. I haven't had so much fun for a looooong time. Player this build yesterdsy and man oh man.. It was GLORIOUS! I went full tank warrior with as much defensive stats as possible and I was always in teamfights CCing the targeted enemyes. It did not always work out though since helloscourge. But when it did.. oh man.. That is SO satisrying... the CC chain you can lock down people with.. Today I will try the Spellbreaker version. Can't wait :D Anyway, THANK YOU so much for this post and specialy for this build! I did not want to go to seep when I was playing it. Too bad I have work ans responsibilityes :D

Once you can fluidly animation cancel the hammer skills and axe skills with your other CCs and utilities, it only gets more fun. Like... you're such a bully and you have a fairly difficult time dying in most cases, but it's just so satisfying just telling someone NO. Certain classes, like mesmers and thieves with a bunch of blinks and evades and dodges can be problematic, yeah, but if you get them, boy you gottem. Glad you liked it though! :D

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@barei.8967 said:sb/lb grieving core trapper ranger great troll build

A personal favorite of mine as well. usually go defensive condi stats, Carrion as an example, so I have 26ish K health, stand on a point with traps and just Wait. spec for pet taunts and some CC, and they have to stand there and just eat the condi stacks or blow their escapes, and since traps are on such a low CD, if they even /try/ to re engage, they get more trap ticks.

@Curunen.8729 said:Used to love trolling as GS + Sw/D core melee power ranger.

As a ranger main, I can say this does work. It's hell of a lot of fun, though I usually run warhorn in the offhand with my sword for speedy zoom zoom party buffs.

@Kako.1930 said:Marauder staff tempest. B)


@zalt.8937 said:Daredevil d/d POWER build. Those pesky meta thieves gets super frustrated losing to a power d/d. Great fun!

This is a trouble to deal with, even for me at time, but yeah, beating people with that build is a lot of fun. I'm assuming you auto to <50% then heartseeker with Basi Venom?

@Wolfric.9380 said:Should they remove surging some fun is lost here. Pack fits due to swiftness duration for movement and adds punch. This build has good map mobility. Hoelbrak synergizes well with might stacking and the -20 condies add to movement inhibiting -33% + help under resistance that condies run out.

Yeah, those build do seem quite fun. Since I like going places, I think I'd probably go with Hoelbrak and since all of the condis are still flying about, that's what I'd likely go for anyways for one of those builds. But yeah!

All of you guys are bad influences on me. Keep it going.

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http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vZAQNAqaWn0MB9OhlOBGOBkmildCbLAkAmAzJwGYF0bKEFuCA-jpBHQBB8QA8wTAATKDswHAQL2fAAHBAAheres another teef p/p build I tested out today. its pretty nasty.http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vJAQNAneRnMdAlkidhAWhAElilrADJAc1SdK5gW3C49zWaftA-jpxHQBf7EAAgDBwAfAAGrMgK2fQZHBAAtrolly facetank warrior build. just made a wvw version of it today. its ridiculous!

editchanged the war build

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@ImperialWL.7138 said:Probably trolling bad players more but lb druid with ancient seeds. Easy 1v3 on their far every time and if they don't ress fast enough can even stomp them.

Definitely one I personally hate playing against; but as a ranger main, I really just dislike druid in general because of the playstyles it generally encourages. But this one seems fun and a bit cancerous, the best of both worlds!

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Those look gross. I have to try them, as I've really started to like holosmith; haven't had much PvE success yet with the class, so I can imagine PvP would be a absolute dumpster fire.

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Those look gross. I have to try them, as I've really started to like holosmith; haven't had much PvE success yet with the class, so I can imagine PvP would be a absolute dumpster fire.

Though those are just noob stomper builds, it is so much fun Incendiary Ammo - Flame Blast people to death when they don’t even know where the damage is coming from.

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@"Wisty.4135" said:Again, don't do these in ranked!

What do you guys play to have a little non-serious fun in an unranked PVP match?

My personal favorite is the "Red Light Warrior" - no one moves, no one has fun.

Build:Mace/Shield, Hammer[Heal], Bull's charge, Stomp, [utility], [Elite]Paladin's AmuletDamage Runes*Shield blocks reflect, burst mastery recharge, physical skill mastery/peak performance, damage buff on burst use. The rest of your traits can suit your needs

Fun because 1v1's amd 2v1's are usually quite favorable. If you catch someone, the amount of CC eats all their stunbreaks with plenty left to lock them down. Correct rotation of CC ensures a CC is always off CD so the fun never stops! Hit them, keep them down, noodle them with those dank 1k crits until they're downed (perfectly tenderized).

  • Not quite as easily kited due to shield bash, bull, and hammer burst. But still kiteable. Mesmers are the hardest to fight typically because clones tend to eat CC. Otherwise, it's a "skill" matchup in most cases.

So yeah! That's a quickie on my favorite build, but what do you like to play to unwind in unranked?

This actually was my build back when I played, it was fantastic fun. If I was with friends I would plus one to capture points and bog the other team's players right down in a long, inescapable and inevitable fight. On my own, I would bunker up and try to get as many players as possible to waste time on me. This usually worked well as the build was so ridiculously frustrating to fight against that folk would get tunnel vision on me. In the mean time, they would be getting decapped elsewhere. IIRC, I had the same weapons, and had healing power plus the shouts heal trait. God it was fun.

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@nosleepdemon.1368 said:

This actually was my build back when I played, it was fantastic fun. If I was with friends I would plus one to capture points and bog the other team's players right down in a long, inescapable and inevitable fight. On my own, I would bunker up and try to get as many players as possible to waste time on me. This usually worked well as the build was so ridiculously frustrating to fight against that folk would get tunnel vision on me. In the mean time, they would be getting decapped elsewhere. IIRC, I had the same weapons, and had healing power plus the shouts heal trait. God it was fun.

Pretty much! I play it as a master of disaster, where I'll go to a point and hold it for as long as I can, usually able to 1v1 or 1v2 pretty easily; any more than that, I usually die, but I also have 3 people derping around trying to destroy me, which is great as you said. I also use it for team fights where I just go in and Disaster Master, CC'ing and disrupting the living daylights out of anyone and anything I can get my CC's off on while my Backline does whatever it is they do. It's so satisfying, even if my current build is fairly weak to condition damage; only 1 thing of resistance (on the signet) and I don't run Berserker at the moment... But yeah, it's so much fun.

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It no longer exists for many reasons (removal of amulet, changes to venoms, nerfs to BP), but an honorable mention is my old school Cleric's + Dwayna's Acro/SA/Tr venom-stealth P/P thief.

It was quite honestly immortal in melee and duels and really didn't need stealth for more than a second or two at a time. It was just so absurdly goofy because one cast of spider venom became a full heal instantly with unload. Blind spam on stacked BP's when it was 1s per pulse made you impossible to hit in melee, and you'd cleanse all DoT conditions and an extra from SE with HiS which would 0-100 heal while running perma regen. If you managed to get stunned somehow, uncatchable would proc, and you'd be running old FG and perma-vigor (which was better with 100% refund), so basically daredevil-level dodges while waiting for initiative after BP use. CiS and steal granted 4 initiative every 20s as well with HiS.

I'd run dagger storm and Shadow Refuge to whirl the dark/blind fields to spam leeching bolts or blinds in a pinch. Which, you guessed it, was another full heal lol.

By all means far from a good build (this was in the era of cele ele), but it hard-countering cele ele is what also made it so great. Permanent poison uptime when it stacked duration denied heals, leeching damage ignores armor and mitigation on the unload which hits hard as it is, and BT to steal boons.

It was so stupid and so fantastic because bunker thief was the last thing anyone would expect and they'd tilt so hard for being unable to kill it in a straight-up brawl.

It barely killed anything, but that's why it was so fun. You just rushed far and held it for the whole game. :smiley:

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