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Can we talk about Sand Lion?


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This pet's f2:

  • Is on a 28 second cooldown
  • Is a 300 radius blind
  • Roots the pet and takes 1.5 seconds to cast
  • Does really low damage

Cheetah is almost as bad lol

Why does it seem like some of our new pets had absolutely zero effort put into designing them? They could've been much cooler imo.


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@shadowpass.4236 said:This pet's f2:

  • Is on a 28 second cooldown
  • Is a 300 radius blind
  • Roots the pet and takes 1.5 seconds to cast
  • Does really low damage

Cheetah is almost as bad lol

Why does it seem like some of our new pets had absolutely zero effort put into designing them? They could've been much cooler imo.


First thought: Why is sandlion a ferocious pet and not stout? I mean this little f*** take ages to kill because of block spam and blind but as pets they dont even are tough in beastmode.

Second Thought:CD to 20Insta cast, maybe add aegis instead of blind so it will more or less fit into other felines.

Chetah isnt that bad. Only thing bad about chetah us the long CD and the low dmg. The leap is quiet nice for range gameplay.They should improve the trait interaction though with this skill because it bugs out and hits enemies at the starting position and not where it lands.

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i Honestly forgot sand lion was a pet. Real question is why isn't it an insect that pulls all it's foes into an immobilizing pit of doom (seriously anet this will be balanced do it) just make the pet never able to move once you burrow it. Would be a great addition to the highly engaging trap gameplay and make combos wonderfully fun.

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@InsaneQR.7412 said:

@shadowpass.4236 said:This pet's f2:
  • Is on a 28 second cooldown
  • Is a 300 radius blind
  • Roots the pet and takes 1.5 seconds to cast
  • Does really low damage

Cheetah is almost as bad lol

Why does it seem like some of our new pets had absolutely zero effort put into designing them? They could've been much cooler imo.


First thought: Why is sandlion a ferocious pet and not stout? I mean this little f*** take ages to kill because of block spam and blind but as pets they dont even are tough in beastmode.

Second Thought:CD to 20Insta cast, maybe add aegis instead of blind so it will more or less fit into other felines.

Chetah isnt that bad. Only thing bad about chetah us the long CD and the low dmg. The leap is quiet nice for range gameplay.They should improve the trait interaction though with this skill because it bugs out and hits enemies at the starting position and not where it lands.

wouldve been way cooler if the leap was a f skill in soulbeast form

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I agree that it's lackluster, but I am especially bummed that they added two cats for our pet choices from PoF. One was expected, but two? I just saw this as ANet being lazy and not wanting to have to develop any more new Beastmode skills. It sucks because you can tell with the Jacaranda, Gazelle, and Iboga that their skills were designed with Soulbeast in mind, and then there are the cats. I am a cat lover in real life, but they are so lackluster for Soulbeast players...I could never justify taking one in PvP or WvW and no number changes will make me think otherwise. There needs to be some level of utility in the skills. I suppose the kitties are just meant for PvE...at least the derplynx gets love in raids.

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Yah, sand lion is in a sad position, nobody serious will take it.

@shadowpass.4236 said:Cheetah is almost as bad lol

If only the Cheetah blink/leap/attack worked with Beastly Warden, it would have been a good pet. Beastly Warden is cast right as you press the skill. What you want is to Taunt when the Cheetah hits its target, not before the leap (lol). That and reduce the cooldown. Why take a Cheetah over a Smokescale anyway ?

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@Kraitan.8476 It's part of the Path of Fire expansion. New pets. They would be greyed out in your pet collection.

Edit: The Sand Lion pet unfortunately has very little similarity to its original mob combat style. This needs a serious fix on the developers part. Don't make a pet that won't even behave like the mob it came from. Sincerely, a passionate ranger fan.

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The cheetah would be a good pet if taunt would work on the location where it shadowsteps to. Also, the shadowstep skill shouldn't go on cooldown if the target location is invalid. I was looking forward to this pet as a way to get to enemies on ledges for example, and interrupt them with taunt. What we did get fell flat as usual.

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@the kings comander.8019 said:@Kraitan.8476 It's part of the Path of Fire expansion. New pets. They would be greyed out in your pet collection.

Edit: The Sand Lion pet unfortunately has very little similarity to its original mob combat style. This needs a serious fix on the developers part. Don't make a pet that won't even behave like the mob it came from. Sincerely, a passionate ranger fan.

It was sarcastic ;) I know all of them but sadly there is such a gap between the pets that 80% of them are actually never touched by any ranger.

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