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Making Celestial Intricate Gossamer Insignia

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I need to make 6 of the Celestial Intricate Gossamer Insignia for a full set of armour.That means I need 6x5 = 30 pieces of Charged Quartz Crystal, but each account is allowed to make only 1 such charged quartz crystal per day per.So it's 30 days if I have to start from scratch before I can get my full set of Celestial armour.

Am I missing anything and there're other ways to obtain those charged quartz crystals?

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There is no part of the game where celestial is required or desired as far as I know. Best case scenario is a generic WvW zerg build but that brings up the fact that you get celestial armor for free (just repeat triumphant track). In the meantime you can run a slapped together hybrid with cheap non timegated stats.

You can get charged crystals from a crystal ore node too (home instance) but its not that common.

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@"Dawdler.8521" said:There is no part of the game where celestial is required or desired as far as I know. Best case scenario is a generic WvW zerg build but that brings up the fact that you get celestial armor for free (just repeat triumphant track). In the meantime you can run a slapped together hybrid with cheap non timegated stats.

Celestial armour is recommended for some builds of Guardian. I'm only going for elite armour and not Ascended.Quite a few players are comfortable using Celestial


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Also just because something isn't meta, doesn't mean it isn't good or fun. I get worrying about that stuff for raids, pvp, high end fractals, and somewhat for wvw, but you can use whatever you want for most pve content (OW, map events, dungeons (non-speedrun), lower half of fractals, etc) and be fine. I used celestial for a ranger and an elementalist very effectively for a long time.

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@"Greener.6204" said:There is a rare chance to receive them from mining the quartz node in your home instance, and they're also contained in a few (account bound) containers. But otherwise, yes, you're looking at 30 days, less however many you're lucky to gather from elsewhere.

More details on https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Charged_Quartz_Crystal if you wish.

There are a number of sources of armor that allow you to choose Celestial stats. Just two examples:

  • Defender's armor chests (the ascended boxes that drop from fractals and some other places less frequently)
  • Triumphant armor, the exotic from the WvW reward track.

I'm not sure if there's an easy way on the wiki to find all of the potential options.

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@Illconceived Was Na.9781 said:

@"Greener.6204" said:There is a rare chance to receive them from mining the quartz node in your home instance, and they're also contained in a few (account bound) containers. But otherwise, yes, you're looking at 30 days, less however many you're lucky to gather from elsewhere.

More details on
if you wish.

There are a number of sources of armor that allow you to choose Celestial stats. Just two examples:
  • Defender's armor chests (the ascended boxes that drop from fractals and some other places less frequently)
  • Triumphant armor, the exotic from the WvW reward track.

I'm not sure if there's an easy way on the wiki to find all of the potential options.

Silly me, of course there is. Thanks for reminding me.

  1. Head to the wiki's semantic search.
  2. In the top left box, put the following: [[Has equipment supertype::Armor]][[Has selectable equipment prefix::celestial]]
  3. In the top right box, put ?Has armor type and on another line below, ?Has item rarity
  4. In the options below, put the limit to be 500.
  5. Click on the "Find results" button

Those are all the armour pieces which you can find which have celestial as a selectable option.

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If you're only going for Exotic armor, the armor/weapon choosy boxes are your best bet.WvW and PvP reward tracks that give a choosy box which you can select Celestial from;Crystal Desert Reward track - Desert Armor box.Legacy Armor Reward track - Various unique-skin Exotic Armor.(WvW only) Triumphant Armor Reward track - Triumphant Armor Box (Added bonus is choosing a piece will unlock your ability of purchasing the corresponding Ascended Armor piece from the Skirmish Vendor.)(WvW only) Hero Weapon Reward track - Hero Weapon Box (Added bonus is choosing a piece will unlock your ability of purchasing the corresponding Ascended Weapon piece from the Skirmish Vendor.)

There's probably more, but those listed above have the bonus of having unique skins.

If you still want to craft it, I got a lot of Charged Quartz from Wintersday Gifts this last festive period, so maybe you could try opening a few.

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Thanks to @"Greener.6204" for posting directions on running a query. I've never managed to create my own until tonight.

To make things easier for the OP, I narrowed the search to just coats (figuring if you can find a coat, you can find the rest, too) and just medium armor (since easy enough to change that to heavy or light).

Here's the link to do that.

Here's the same link in a copy/paste form.

! wiki.guildwars2.com/index.php?title=Special%3AAsk&q=%5B%5BHas+equipment+supertype%3A%3AArmor%5D%5D%5B%5BHas+selectable+equipment+prefix%3A%3Acelestial%5D%5D%5B%5BHas+armor+type%3A%3ACoat%5D%5D%5B%5BHas+armor+weight+class%3A%3Amedium%5D%5D&po=%3FHas+armor+type%0D%0A%3FHas+item+rarity%0D%0A&eq=yes&p%5Bformat%5D=broadtable&sort_num=&order_num=ASC&p%5Blimit%5D=500&p%5Boffset%5D=&p%5Blink%5D=all&p%5Bsort%5D=&p%5Bheaders%5D=show&p%5Bmainlabel%5D=&p%5Bintro%5D=&p%5Boutro%5D=&p%5Bsearchlabel%5D=...+further+results&p%5Bdefault%5D=&p%5Bclass%5D=sortable+wikitable+smwtable&p%5Bsep%5D=&eq=yes

If you want heavy or light armor, you can change the word "medium" in the leftside box to one of those.Good luck @Smurfiness.3714

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I apologize: this is slightly off-topic for the OP's immediate request. It relates to helping answer the question though.

@"Greener.6204" I notice that the search only returns armors with "choosy" stats. There doesn't seem to be a way to search for containers that allow one to choose WupWup or Celestial exotic armors.

For example, the Defender's Chest of Helms allows one to select headgear with one of six stats. Each of those are manually listed. The names of each individual piece (light, medium, heavy) are also manually edited. Clearly, none of that can be picked up from the semantic query. In contrast, Triumphant Breastplate does show up in the search, because it's identified as a choosy armor and includes "celestial" as an option.

I know we'd still need two different searches, since one is about armors and the other is about containers, but there doesn't seem to be a "container" property that allows us to do that second search yet. Am I correct that to get the armor chests to show up in a search, they'd have to be retrofitted to use appropriate templates to generate those lists of potential contents?

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There’s only 4 containers, which contain pre selected stats. Raiders, Defenders, Healers and Malicious. These sorts of containers Predominantly drop from Fractals.(Stat Grouping) Chest of (Specific Armor piece.)If it helps, Celestial can be selected from all of these except the Raiders stat grouping selection boxes.

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@"bearshaman.3421" said:Also just because something isn't meta, doesn't mean it isn't good or fun. I get worrying about that stuff for raids, pvp, high end fractals, and somewhat for wvw, but you can use whatever you want for most pve content (OW, map events, dungeons (non-speedrun), lower half of fractals, etc) and be fine. I used celestial for a ranger and an elementalist very effectively for a long time.

I agree. If you want to do things like raiding or high-end fractals, you really shouldn't use a set like celestial. In that sort of content you perform a specific function as part of a whole. Generally speaking, the further you deviate from that role, the worse it is for an organized group (key words: "high-end" and "organized"!).

As a generalist set, Celestial is ill-suited to that type of gameplay. It does nothing particularly well. What it does bring is a unique mix of everything. This combination produces exceptionally strong survivability paired with middling damage that can be effective in WvW and solo open world play. In open world squads you can have more impact with a pure damage set, but unless you're carrying the squad yourself it shouldn't be a big deal.

Here's a sample of my celestial tempest auramancer vs. the bandit champion Ruye the Crimson. This is a tanky healer build more like what you might see in PvP/WvW. The damage isn't great (As a point of reference, I can beat this boss 2-3 times faster on my viper mirage), but it is perfectly adequate for open world play and enough to be a threat in WvW roaming encounters. Further, on a class like tempest where you're rewarded for riding out 4s overload casts, the ability to simply soak damage can be quite useful!

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@Illconceived Was Na.9781 said:I apologize: this is slightly off-topic for the OP's immediate request. It relates to helping answer the question though.

@"Greener.6204" I notice that the search only returns armors with "choosy" stats. There doesn't seem to be a way to search for containers that allow one to choose WupWup or Celestial exotic armors.

For example, the Defender's Chest of Helms allows one to select headgear with one of six stats. Each of those are manually listed. The names of each individual piece (light, medium, heavy) are also manually edited. Clearly, none of that can be picked up from the semantic query. In contrast, Triumphant Breastplate does show up in the search, because it's identified as a choosy armor and includes "celestial" as an option.

I know we'd still need two different searches, since one is about armors and the other is about containers, but there doesn't seem to be a "container" property that allows us to do that second search yet. Am I correct that to get the armor chests to show up in a search, they'd have to be retrofitted to use appropriate templates to generate those lists of potential contents?

I blanked on remembering Wupwup. For posterity's sake I'll lay out the steps I use, which will hopefully help others with semantic queries.

  1. Find an example of the item you're looking for, or one similar to it. (E.g. Triumphant Pauldrons for selectable stats, or Wupwup Visor for non-selectable stats)
  2. In the left-hand side column, you'll see "Browse properties". This will show you the semantic information attached to that page.
  3. Choose as many or as few of the properties as you wish to create as narrow or as broad a search in the semantic search. The constraints of your search go into the left-hand box. You'll notice that the wiki has had to organize the prefixes in two different ways, depending on if it's selectable or not. Just something we've had to do to maintain proper queries which the wiki relies on. Use either [[Has selectable equipment prefix::celestial]] or [[Has equipment prefix::celestial]]
  4. Choose as many or as few properties to be shown in additional columns of your search. You can place those on separate lines in the right-hand box. E.g. you may want to list the armour types and rarity by putting in ?Has armor typeand ?Has item rarity

To answer your question about chests, you would need to do a subquery search. I'm picturing two different ways. Either search through all containers in the game, looking for sub-objects which have celestial stats (I think you'll unfortunately cap out on the number of items the wiki can search through), or you go through all the armour types with celestial stats, and you find those that are contained in items. I believe the latter to be safer in giving you the results you want, but it may cause a six-fold over-count, as each helm, shoulder, etc. if you don't narrow your search to a single armour type.

And now to pull back the curtain and show you all I am no wizard. Each time I need to do a subquery, I go to this invaluable site: https://www.semantic-mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Subqueries_and_property_chains . For the searching by container, I'm doing Google searches as I type here. The closest I'm willing to work on sans coffee this morning is this for selectable stats:

! https://wiki.guildwars2.com/index.php?title=Special%3AAsk&q=%5B%5BHas+selectable+equipment+prefix%3A%3Acelestial%5D%5D%5B%5BHas+equipment+supertype%3A%3Aarmor%5D%5D&po=%3F-Contains+item&eq=yes&p%5Bformat%5D=broadtable&sort_num=&order_num=ASC&p%5Blimit%5D=&p%5Boffset%5D=&p%5Blink%5D=all&p%5Bsort%5D=&p%5Bheaders%5D=show&p%5Bmainlabel%5D=&p%5Bintro%5D=&p%5Boutro%5D=&p%5Bsearchlabel%5D=...+further+results&p%5Bdefault%5D=&p%5Bclass%5D=sortable+wikitable+smwtable&p%5Bsep%5D=&eq=yesAnd this for non-selectable stats:! https://wiki.guildwars2.com/index.php?title=Special%3AAsk&q=%5B%5BHas+equipment+prefix%3A%3Acelestial%5D%5D%5B%5BHas+equipment+supertype%3A%3Aarmor%5D%5D&po=%3F-Contains+item%0D%0A&eq=yes&p%5Bformat%5D=broadtable&sort_num=&order_num=ASC&p%5Blimit%5D=&p%5Boffset%5D=&p%5Blink%5D=all&p%5Bsort%5D=&p%5Bheaders%5D=show&p%5Bmainlabel%5D=&p%5Bintro%5D=&p%5Boutro%5D=&p%5Bsearchlabel%5D=...+further+results&p%5Bdefault%5D=&p%5Bclass%5D=sortable+wikitable+smwtable&p%5Bsep%5D=&eq=yesNote the use of a - in the right-hand box. Others with more semantic skills than I will hopefully offer other suggestions.

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@"Greener.6204" Thanks for the posting the relevant details to put together a wiki search that "finds me this type of thing, that drops from that type of container." I can see that being very useful for many.

The semi-tl;dr is:

  • It's probably always possible to create a relevant search to find all articles on any particular type of item.
  • It could require multiple searches (for a variety of tech and not-quite-tech reasons)
  • This forum folder (Players Helping Players) is as good a place as any to ask for help creating the relevant query.
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@Illconceived Was Na.9781 said:@"Greener.6204" Thanks for the posting the relevant details to put together a wiki search that "finds me this type of thing, that drops from that type of container." I can see that being very useful for many.

The semi-tl;dr is:

  • It's probably always possible to create a relevant search to find all articles on any particular type of item.
  • It could require multiple searches (for a variety of tech and not-quite-tech reasons)
  • This forum folder (Players Helping Players) is as good a place as any to ask for help creating the relevant query.

To your last point, we have a wiki helper page for a reason ;) , though it is frustratingly hidden. The talk pages of Alex and Relyk are just two of many places you can go to on the wiki to get semantic queries up and running. We're all here to help, and we're far more present on the wiki than the forums.

PS: Relyk's great, and is looking for love, as per our Newsletter of the week. Opt to knock on his door first.PPS: Sorry to the OP for taking this further off topic. I'd send you some charged quartz as an apology if I could!

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  • 3 years later...
On 3/2/2018 at 8:59 PM, Dawdler.8521 said:

There is no part of the game where celestial is required or desired as far as I know. Best case scenario is a generic WvW zerg build but that brings up the fact that you get celestial armor for free (just repeat triumphant track). In the meantime you can run a slapped together hybrid with cheap non timegated stats.

You can get charged crystals from a crystal ore node too (home instance) but its not that common.

Metabattle lists a lot of builds that can make great use of celestial, ele for one would be able to use it for pretty much everything with only a slight drop in dps

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