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What profession makes most sense to boost?

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I've seen people asking similar question more than a few times. I ask the same thing, but with a different thing in mind.

Boosted characters get "of the soldier" exotics and I wonder if any profession actually benefit from this gear later on in any game mode? Also, I can imagine that a squishy hero like elementalist or thief might actually want to have a few pieces of such armor in open world since damage is not a problem while survivability often is?

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Thief actually gets Valkyrie stat Exotic armor from the level 80 boost, which isn’t too bad.Necromancers receive Rabid stat Exotics.The rest get Soldiers stats.

You should consider this armor a starter set to allow yourself time to learn the profession before you upgrade to a stat which is better for what you intended to use the character for though.

There’s no wrong answer though. Boost what you like.

Some professions are considered ‘harder’ to level naturally. Like Mesmer because the damage output is terrible while levelling or Elementalist because of their squishy nature.

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I actually want to try all the professions at some point and already purchased like 5 slots for this, so the difficulty/complexity of the character are unimportant to me. I intend to spend good amount of time learning it in open world.

Didn't know some professions get special gear, though. In the end, which one gets the best deal out of the boost when it comes to armor so I have to spend less gold for emergency gearing? Obviously not necro since rabid is cheap on the TP while berserker stuff is more expensive.

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Whichever you’re not good at playing at I’d boost. Most of the tanky armor is for game modes like WvW. I don’t see a real benefit in pve for tank armor.

I’d say the easiest class to play would be warrior, necromancer, guardian, and ranger. They have a lot of survivability in even just berserker armor.

Most people don’t know how to play thief optimally so they die.

Mesmer isn’t understood right away unless you practice it then it’s really strong. Mesmer has amazing burst and can destroy a health bar if you know how to set up your burst on them. They also have amazing conditions.

Elementalist is a really fun class to play but I’d have a mix of celestial and marauder or berserker armor. Just so that you can do good damage and survive. If you’re in a party with people that can support you or you’re just really good at ele then I’d play full marauder armor with berserker everything else. Or just full berserker.

Revenant is a fun class to play. It’s good at multiple things like healing, damage, being a boon bot, and pulling conditions away from your allies.

Engineer is a really fun and good class. I don’t see a lot of people playing it but that’s because I think not enough people know how to. They are amazing at just about everything in the game. I’d say engineer and Mesmer have the highest skill cap in the game. Which means they take the most skill to play, and when you master them you’ll be doing great in just about any game mode.

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I just recently finished leveling my last character that I needed to have a level 80 of every character, so I'll just give my opinions on each.Guardian: This was my first class back from the first days of the game. I leveled it with a focus on healing and symbols. It was a blast, but a lot has changed since then. Still, it's pretty easy to pick up the basics for this class.Engineer: I leveled this to somewhere in the 60s and then boosted it to 80 much later. I'm just not a big fan of kits, and that's what the engineer is all about. Holosmith is fun, though.Mesmer: This was the answer I received when asking the question you are. I tried it playing greatsword, but it just felt boring. I boosted to 80 and started playing around. I quickly found that I enjoyed playing it with a main-hand sword and mantras.Elementalist: I tried really hard to make a water-dagger build, but, when I tested a fire-earth-dagger condition build, I couldn't go back. Dagger is my favorite weapon easily.Revenant: This class felt really strong early on. As I got closer to 80 and tried underwater-combat, I began to understand why so many neglect it. Regardless, my revenant chef will bash you with her frying pan. ;)Warrior: Until recently, this was my low-level crafting character. Greatsword felt unsatisfying. Axes, on the other hand, were really fun.Ranger: Wow! I thought I would hate having a pet, but it's so weird going back to not having one. Can a ranger truly die? Yes, but it is much more difficult. Tried greatsword, but it left me feeling underwhelmed. Short bow and axes were ok at first, but I enjoyed it more after getting used to it.Thief: I only felt week on my thief when I tried to go against something 10 levels higher than me. I don't know if I can go for an elite spec because daggers are fun.Necro: Ugh...I just felt weak the whole time. This was probably because I avoided using minions and, frequently, forgot to enter shroud. Axe is ok, but dagger's 2 & 3 feel awful. Wells were very useful when an enemy would stand still, but anything strong enough to deserve a well will probably not stay in one. I have another necro that I was planning to level after this, but I need a break from necro.

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I think it's hard to say which profession would benefit most from the free armour you get with the boost because it depends on how you like to play it as well as the profession itself. For example ranger is generally considered pretty easy to play, but I like to use equipment that gives toughness on mine because I use a build I know for a fact is sub-optimal, and because it's the character I'm most likely to be playing when I'm not giving the game my full attention or when I'm tired or otherwise not up to doing my best so the extra defence comes in useful if I miss a dodge or accidentally aggro too many enemies. Whereas on other characters even if I don't play them as often I'm fine with purely offensive stats because I only play them when I want to do something specific, so I'm paying more attention.

There may also be other considerations - for example I used my boost on a warrior because I wanted every profession at 80 but I find warrior boring so I doubt I'd ever play it enough to level it up.

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I used the boost from HoT on my warrior, and found the extra vitality from the soldiers gear quite welcome at the start, as the class lacks the mobility and evasion of other classes I used to play at the time.The boost I got from PoF I used on my mesmer because I had a hard time being motivated to level it, simple as that.

Thief and Ranger has so much evasion that I don't feel it gains that much from the vitality on the boosted gear, unless you want too give yourself some more margin of error.The Light Armor classes might benefit some but will still probably feel squishy, especially in expansion maps. Necromancer might be an exception though.Guardian and Revenant was very easy and quick to level up the traditional way.Engineer started of slow but later felt easy to level up, but was also uninspired to play. In hindsight I might have used a boost on it instead of the Warrior.

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The money on gear you'll save on the one boosted character is insignificant. Don't be guided by that. In fact, you'll certainly change it out regardless. By the time you reach lvl 80 with another toon you will be able to gear with exotics of your choice with no problems.

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@Enox.5870 said:Whichever you’re not good at playing at I’d boost. Most of the tanky armor is for game modes like WvW. I don’t see a real benefit in pve for tank armor.

See I'd say the opposite. If you need to learn the profession, don't boost it and skip the learning process. It will only make it harder to learn. Boost the one you don't find difficult. You should use the levelling process as training to get good with your profession imo.

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@Biff.5312 said:

@Enox.5870 said:Whichever you’re not good at playing at I’d boost. Most of the tanky armor is for game modes like WvW. I don’t see a real benefit in pve for tank armor.

See I'd say the opposite. If you need to learn the profession, don't boost it and skip the learning process. It will only make it harder to learn. Boost the one you don't find difficult. You should use the levelling process as training to get good with your profession imo.

I wouldn't say learn the class from leveling doing maps in PvE. Some classes you can but a lot of classes you aren't gong to be very efficient because completing maps in PvE is easy even if you jusr randomly press buttons. For instance Minon Mancer Necros are bad. I've see so many MM Necros playing the game when there are so many other things a necro can run. Necro is really strong in the game and has been for a very long time. MM Necro just isn't good. So doing maps with a certain build doesn't mean you're learning the class. The best way to do it is to have someone teach you. Or also look up videos on which class you want to play so you can learn the ins and outs of it.

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@"EpicName.4523" said:I've seen people asking similar question more than a few times. I ask the same thing, but with a different thing in mind.

Boosted characters get "of the soldier" exotics and I wonder if any profession actually benefit from this gear later on in any game mode? Also, I can imagine that a squishy hero like elementalist or thief might actually want to have a few pieces of such armor in open world since damage is not a problem while survivability often is?

Damage is survivability. The faster you kill trash the faster you are safe, and this is more true with glasscanon pve builds.Don't bother about the exotic stuff you'll get. Exotics are cheap

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Thief gets Valkyrie which isn't too bad. Personally, if you're not particularly stricken for keeping the list short, I would always go with a mesmer or engineer. They're just not very fun classes to level. Every other class I feel cuts through the open world with much more impunity.

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I wouldn't say learn the class from leveling doing maps in PvE. Some classes you can but a lot of classes you aren't gong to be very efficient because completing maps in PvE is easy even if you jusr randomly press buttons. For instance Minon Mancer Necros are bad. I've see so many MM Necros playing the game when there are so many other things a necro can run. Necro is really strong in the game and has been for a very long time. MM Necro just isn't good. So doing maps with a certain build doesn't mean you're learning the class. The best way to do it is to have someone teach you. Or also look up videos on which class you want to play so you can learn the ins and outs of it.

Well, good at what exactly? I wouldn't play that build either, but if the OP is into PVE and finds it easy to play that build, then why shouldn't he?

The point I was making is that if what you're doing is easy, it's not what you should spend your time on. If you play MM Necro and find it un-challenging why not boost to 80? But if you play a low lvl Elementalist and for some reason find it hard to get used to the mechanics, that's the one you should spend time levelling imo.

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