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Can we talk about Scepter Condieaver?

Nabuko Darayon.9645

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I love the sword option for a condi ele but I kinda feel that Scepter has been left completely untouched after a new condi weapon was introduced so I think it's time to start the talk about how to upgrade the Scepter for more Condi use.
Questions like: What it lacks? How to fix it's flaws without changing other builds for eles (like that old fresh air scepter ele)

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Scepter is a hybrid weapon that bringes some burst. I play scepter nearly exclusive. It´s problem is that it´s only half power half condi for sustained DPS. But using something like viper i have good results with doing constant DPS adding some hard hits inbetween. If you use something like dire stats it´s not realy good ;-).I would be happy about something like the following:
Make earth auto inflict different condition like other classes auto. So maybe bleed, torment, poision not three bleeds. Make dust devil instant (maybe decrease CD slighly). Make shatterstone radius larger. Reduce dragon tooth casting time.

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@Nabuko Darayon.9645 said:I love the sword option for a condi ele but I kinda feel that Scepter has been left completely untouched after a new condi weapon was introduced so I think it's time to start the talk about how to upgrade the Scepter for more Condi use.

Questions like: What it lacks? How to fix it's flaws without changing other builds for eles (like that old fresh air scepter ele)

I do play condi sword, and I feel like condi need some duration buffs, and that it is harder to high stack than with other professions.

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@Wolfric.9380 said:Scepter is a hybrid weapon that bringes some burst. I play scepter nearly exclusive. It´s problem is that it´s only half power half condi for sustained DPS. But using something like viper i have good results with doing constant DPS adding some hard hits inbetween. If you use something like dire stats it´s not realy good ;-).I would be happy about something like the following:

Make earth auto inflict different condition like other classes auto. So maybe bleed, torment, poision not three bleeds. Make dust devil instant (maybe decrease CD slighly). Make shatterstone radius larger. Reduce dragon tooth casting time.

Now my questions is... do dual scepter 3rd skills apply enough of conditions to make it a viable weapon for condi?

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Yes and no. As i said i think its useful as hybrid and bursty (plasma beam) for power but pure condi stats fall off. The condi dual skill felt a bit clunky against other players. But i don´t main weaver i felt odd despite me liking arcane builds :-/. Maybe i did just play to much tempest XD ...

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@Nabuko Darayon.9645 said:

@Wolfric.9380 said:Scepter is a hybrid weapon that bringes some burst. I play scepter nearly exclusive. It´s problem is that it´s only half power half condi for sustained DPS. But using something like viper i have good results with doing constant DPS adding some hard hits inbetween. If you use something like dire stats it´s not realy good ;-).I would be happy about something like the following:

Make earth auto inflict different condition like other classes auto. So maybe bleed, torment, poision not three bleeds. Make dust devil instant (maybe decrease CD slighly). Make shatterstone radius larger. Reduce dragon tooth casting time.

Now my questions is... do dual scepter 3rd skills apply enough of conditions to make it a viable weapon for condi?

No, again.

Phoenix? No.Fracturing Strike? 2 stacks of burn, single target, negligible duration.Plasma beam? No.Fiery Frost? 1 stack of burn.Water trident? No.Glacial drift? No.Stone Tide? 8 stacks of bleed - impossible to land on moving opponents, negligible duration.Blinding flash? No.Earthen Synergy? No.Dust devil? No.

Only fire and earth autoattack along with dragon's tooth and earth #2 can do some condi but, again, those are so slow and hard to land that aren't worth it.

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@cgMatt.5162 said:I like the idea of hybrid power/condi but not full condi. Used scepter primarily as a power weapon. The condi application is just meh and non-threatening.

Can get some sigil or rune procs on crit for condi, that's just about it.

Ähm ... I constantly kill my oponets with condie i won´t call it meh. Shure it depends on oposing build and skill but you can´t ignor it. I only say condie alone would be to low against other competent players.

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@"Razor.6392" said:condi weaver with scepter (assuming that's what you meant by your title) doesn't work.

What do you mean with doesen't work? There are currently 3 bosses where I'm not viable in raiding. These are KC, Xera and maybe Dhuum, but I didn't to that one.All the others I can comfortly pug bosses while being top1-2 dps without any issues with enrage timers or risky kills, either scepter dagger or Focus, depends on what's needed.

Of course, staff and sword are better in most scenarios, but it clearly works. The good thing is, it's so damn easy to play that you can concentrate on mechanics and still do viable dps even in the learning process, where other weaver speccs are sometimes hard to play. Also, the dagger Version has okay acess to cc.

Edit: Some logs I did one week, I didn't grind them, that was just mostly one week of pugging, to get some numbershttps://www.gw2raidar.com/encounter/CriticizesRetiresDomainTerrorDiscoverhttps://www.gw2raidar.com/encounter/StartedMurderingFatterLastingProvincialhttps://www.gw2raidar.com/encounter/RealizeTryingPlayedAssigningTableshttps://www.gw2raidar.com/encounter/MoodsSomewhatDiscretionEvolvingCounteringhttps://www.gw2raidar.com/encounter/IndulgingInfluencingConcreteFacilityInterferenceshttps://www.gw2raidar.com/encounter/PoemsDifferentiatingPleasChairedAspect

While I agree that a perfect meta build triggers far better numbers, how can anyone say "it doesent work" when it clearly does?

Now on how to improve it:fire 1 needs stronger aoe burn, 2fire 2 needs shorter casting and some less delay/or greater aoe, and stronger burn (27 instead of 1*10)earth 1 could get just some more bleedwater 1 and 2 are a complete mess, make them better overall.

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@Zunki.3916 said:

@"Razor.6392" said:condi weaver with scepter (assuming that's what you meant by your title) doesn't work.

What do you mean with doesen't work? There are currently 3 bosses where I'm not viable in raiding. These are KC, Xera and maybe Dhuum, but I didn't to that one.All the others I can comfortly pug bosses while being top1-2 dps without any issues with enrage timers or risky kills, either scepter dagger or Focus, depends on what's needed.

Of course, staff and sword are better in most scenarios, but it clearly works. The good thing is, it's so kitten easy to play that you can concentrate on mechanics and still do viable dps even in the learning process, where other weaver speccs are sometimes hard to play. Also, the dagger Version has okay acess to cc.

Edit: Some logs I did one week, I didn't grind them, that was just mostly one week of pugging, to get some numbers

While I agree that a perfect meta build triggers far better numbers, how can anyone say "it doesent work" when it clearly does?

Now on how to improve it:fire 1 needs stronger aoe burn,
2fire 2 needs shorter casting and some less delay/or greater aoe, and stronger burn (2
7 instead of 1*10)earth 1 could get just some more bleedwater 1 and 2 are a complete mess, make them better overall.

Yeah I think Fire and Earth could use some improvements for condi spec. Also a little revamp of other skills are in order since the Scepter has fallen short

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