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Are Druids overplayed?


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Without looking at exact numbers its hard to say how popular they are. Druid is however wanted in every game mode. They provide everything a party could want. Spirits for aoe buffs, might stacking, a tanking pet for themselves and variable amounts of sustain damage or top healing depending on gear. Unfortunately you cannot dismiss the pet like Soulbeast (not that you should anyway). I suppose if you dont like looking at your pet you could just use one that is either best in the backline like bristleback/jacaranda or small like a snow owl so it stays visually out of the way.

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the thing that makes druid better then table rev in most situations is that burst heal is more useful then constant healing and druid has spirits and more boons (herald has to spend to long not applying boons if he wants to heal). there's a few situations where rev is better but only a few

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@"Zero.3871" said:in wvw roaming i see a lot of them. its one of the best roaming classes atm.

best roaming specs? bullshit. soulbeast will destroy druids in 1v1 and have an easier time fighting basically every spec in the meta than druid currently does.If by "roaming" you mean being able to kill the lowest hanging fruit, or people that get tired of fighting vs the constant kiting then sure. ok. It IS also easier to get away from people chasing you on druid than it is on soulbeast ill give you that.

But druid is useless most of the time in 1v1 fights. EVERY single time i fight them they inevitably end up having to literally run / kite / heal / stealth 90 % of the time and occasionally trying, and failing to burst me because they just cannot handle a soulbeast in melee range. Druid has nothing to stop a soulbeast other than running away forever. so if you want to "win" by "not losing" then sure, druid is your best choice as you are basically invincible in 1v1. but you are also unable to kill anyone with half a brain.

Druid is too reliant on pet bursts to win. and pets can be very UNreliable. For some odd reason i still see some of them using bristle back... as if the bristleback F2 burst isnt super obvious. 1 dodge and the burst is gone. In order for pet bursts to work properly, you need to SET UP the circumstances to make it work. And that just so happens to be much easier on soulbeast than it is on druid. unless you want to rely on Ancient seeds entirely. thats about all druids have going for them when it comes to roaming. if you cant get someone locked down with ancient seeds.. youre never going to win.

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@bigo.9037 said:

@"Zero.3871" said:in wvw roaming i see a lot of them. its one of the best roaming classes atm.

best roaming specs? kitten. soulbeast will destroy druids in 1v1 and have an easier time fighting basically every spec in the meta than druid currently does.If by "roaming" you mean being able to kill the lowest hanging fruit, or people that get tired of fighting vs the constant kiting then sure. ok. It IS also easier to get away from people chasing you on druid than it is on soulbeast ill give you that.

But druid is useless most of the time in 1v1 fights. EVERY single time i fight them they inevitably end up having to literally run / kite / heal / stealth 90 % of the time and occasionally trying, and failing to burst me because they just cannot handle a soulbeast in melee range. Druid has nothing to stop a soulbeast other than running away forever. so if you want to "win" by "not losing" then sure, druid is your best choice as you are basically invincible in 1v1. but you are also unable to kill anyone with half a brain.

Druid is too reliant on pet bursts to win. and pets can be very UNreliable. For some odd reason i still see some of them using bristle back... as if the bristleback F2 burst isnt super obvious. 1 dodge and the burst is gone. In order for pet bursts to work properly, you need to SET UP the circumstances to make it work. And that just so happens to be much easier on soulbeast than it is on druid. unless you want to rely on Ancient seeds entirely. thats about all druids have going for them when it comes to roaming. if you cant get someone locked down with ancient seeds.. youre never going to win.

I hear you, man. When PoF came out, I tried SoulBeast and retired my staff... for good. :smile:SoulB just fits my playstyle so much better.

I also do a lot of WvW. And when I run into a Druid on my SoulB, it's like the female Weaver says when she attunes to Fire + Earth: "I suggest... you RUN!" :lol: And if that Druid doesn't, they better hope they proc ancient seeds and that I have absolutely everything on CD or there's a good chance I'm sending that Druid back to spawn. With that said, I have occasionally run into Druids, roaming on my SoulB, that are not to be taken lightly.

OP, as far as the pet goes, I highly recommend trying SoulBeast out... you don't have to have your pet out unless you want/need it. And I :heart: this aspect of the specialization! :smiley:Sure you're going to miss your staff (Staff-3 especially) and CA, but you might find you love SoulB so much more that it's worth the trade-off.

Good Luck!

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@Krypto.2069 said:

@"Zero.3871" said:in wvw roaming i see a lot of them. its one of the best roaming classes atm.

best roaming specs? kitten. soulbeast will destroy druids in 1v1 and have an easier time fighting basically every spec in the meta than druid currently does.If by "roaming" you mean being able to kill the lowest hanging fruit, or people that get tired of fighting vs the constant kiting then sure. ok. It IS also easier to get away from people chasing you on druid than it is on soulbeast ill give you that.

But druid is useless most of the time in 1v1 fights. EVERY single time i fight them they inevitably end up having to literally run / kite / heal / stealth 90 % of the time and occasionally trying, and failing to burst me because they just cannot handle a soulbeast in melee range. Druid has nothing to stop a soulbeast other than running away forever. so if you want to "win" by "not losing" then sure, druid is your best choice as you are basically invincible in 1v1. but you are also unable to kill anyone with half a brain.

Druid is too reliant on pet bursts to win. and pets can be very UNreliable. For some odd reason i still see some of them using bristle back... as if the bristleback F2 burst isnt super obvious. 1 dodge and the burst is gone. In order for pet bursts to work properly, you need to SET UP the circumstances to make it work. And that just so happens to be much easier on soulbeast than it is on druid. unless you want to rely on Ancient seeds entirely. thats about all druids have going for them when it comes to roaming. if you cant get someone locked down with ancient seeds.. youre never going to win.

I hear you, man. When PoF came out, I tried SoulBeast and retired my staff... for good. :smile:SoulB just fits my playstyle so much better.

I also do a lot of WvW. And when I run into a Druid on my SoulB, it's like the female Weaver says when she attunes to Fire + Earth: "I suggest... you RUN!" :lol: And if that Druid doesn't, they better hope they proc ancient seeds and that I have absolutely everything on CD or there's a good chance I'm sending that Druid back to spawn. With that said, I have occasionally run into Druids, roaming on my SoulB, that are not to be taken lightly.

OP, as far as the pet goes, I highly recommend trying SoulBeast out... you don't have to have your pet out unless you want/need it. And I :heart: this aspect of the specialization! :smiley:Sure you're going to miss your staff (Staff-3 especially) and CA, but you might find you love SoulB so much more that it's worth the trade-off.

Good Luck!

Most of those kinda druids tend to use staff and longbow, but on soulbeast if you are ( well, you should be ) using the Rock Gazelle pet, you have more gap closers than they have gap openers. Staff #3 has a long cooldown.. and we have GS #3 + "Charge".

I have also met Druids that play well.. but they are usually unable to kill me and the moment i learn their rotation and how they tend to use ancient seeds, i can outplay them completely because i have way more options than they do. their problem is that after their smokescale does the burst thing, the pets usually just run behind you and arent able to hit or do anything to you. meanwhile beastmode has so many options, rotations and combos. its just crazy.

Once you reach the godlike proficiency level you will be able to pull off the most evil combos on the fly like its nothing. and thats when you realize just how powerful the spec is. I rarely ever lose 1v1's to anyone anymore. Learning all the different possibilities have given me so much confidence that, even though a lot of enemies still tend to chase me because "its just a ranger, it will be easy kill", they can immediately tell that they are in big trouble and start to panic.

People tend to complain about the cooldown of beastmode but usually, unless i am trying to escape 2-3 people chasing after me, i have not found this to be a problem at ALL. in fact, those 10 seconds are just enough get your smokefield down, cast GS#2 and then GS#3, relocate and then pull off the start of your new combo. then beastmode is ready again.. and you will have 4 seconds of unblockable attacks.

What I LOVE about Soulbeast is just that it feels like a combination of the Berserker Warrior spec and ranger combined. You play as an absolute savage. only warriors and holosmiths can fight you up close while they have stability. Anyone who doesnt have stability will get completely nuked in melee range. PLUS you have stealth.. and the longbow.

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From a pve perspective Druid is a must in any raid.

From a PvP perspective Druid is mostly useless. Can’t hold a point relialibly and can’t deal enough burst to kill a good player. It’s used for +1 and as a troll build (can’t be killed if the Druid has some brain cells)

From wvw, they are the easiest roam with. Can’t kill anything by themselves but they are a really annoying +1.Also all use troll build 2.0 which is even more unkillable than in PvP.

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@"anduriell.6280" said:From a PvP perspective Druid is mostly useless. Can’t hold a point relialibly and can’t deal enough burst to kill a good player. It’s used for +1 and as a troll build (can’t be killed if the Druid has some brain cells)

lol ... since when Druid is mostly useless in sPVP ? He "can't hold a point "? What kind of sPVP are you talking ? It is the same GW2 we are playing ? Because in GW2 me and ppl from this forum are playing, Druid is the best point/node holder. Second one or on the same level is Firebrand and then I think is Warrior. Also a good Holo is another option for holding a point. Anyway, Druid can face most of the time 2 enemies on point ... so I don't know from where did you get that info ...

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@Dragonzhunter.8506 said:

@"anduriell.6280" said:From a PvP perspective Druid is mostly useless. Can’t hold a point relialibly and can’t deal enough burst to kill a good player. It’s used for +1 and as a troll build (can’t be killed if the Druid has some brain cells)

lol ... since when Druid is mostly useless in sPVP ? He "can't hold a point "? What kind of sPVP are you talking ? It is the same GW2 we are playing ? Because in GW2 me and ppl from this forum are playing, Druid is the best point/node holder. Second one or on the same level is Firebrand and then I think is Warrior. Also a good Holo is another option for holding a point. Anyway, Druid can face most of the time 2 enemies on point ... so I don't know from where did you get that info ...

Dude are you watching same streams as me? because as soon as anybody pressure the druid it goes into stealth and retreat. Yes it keeps coming back and the pewpew if he goes glass makes you chase him a bit, but it doesn't have pressure to kill a normal player by himself although i agree is not fun at all to play against.

If you cant throw a druid from point id like you to think its you not the druid.

As +1 has its uses but as +1 a thief\scourge\holo\mirage is miles away.

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@anduriell.6280 said:

@anduriell.6280 said:From a PvP perspective Druid is mostly useless. Can’t hold a point relialibly and can’t deal enough burst to kill a good player. It’s used for +1 and as a troll build (can’t be killed if the Druid has some brain cells)

lol ... since when Druid is mostly useless in sPVP ? He "can't hold a point "? What kind of sPVP are you talking ? It is the same GW2 we are playing ? Because in GW2 me and ppl from this forum are playing, Druid is the best point/node holder. Second one or on the same level is Firebrand and then I think is Warrior. Also a good Holo is another option for holding a point. Anyway, Druid can face most of the time 2 enemies on point ... so I don't know from where did you get that info ...

Dude are you watching same streams as me? because as soon as anybody pressure the druid it goes into stealth and retreat. Yes it keeps coming back and the pewpew if he goes glass makes you chase him a bit, but it doesn't have pressure to kill a normal player by himself although i agree is not fun at all to play against.

If you cant throw a druid from point id like you to think its you not the druid.

As +1 has its uses but as +1 a thief\scourge\holo\mirage is miles away.

I don't want to comment this ... is pointless. It's your opinion and your thoughts ... so , stay with them.

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