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[Suggestion] Legendary Bows Include Matching Quiver


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@Substance E.4852 said:

@Ephemiel.5694 said:Please don't give them ideas, they'll end up making a Legendary Quiver or something.

Couldn't hurt to give some legendary back options for those of us who don't have a wing fetish.

Couldn't hurt to have a non-joke Longbow either and we've been asking for that for years now.

Define "non-joke".

Kudzu isn't meant to be a gag weapon. You might not like the nature motif but that doesn't place it on the same tier as the Dreamer or Moot.

Since people realized it existed, everyone i've seen talking about it refer to it as a gag weapon.

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@Ephemiel.5694 said:

@Ephemiel.5694 said:Please don't give them ideas, they'll end up making a Legendary Quiver or something.

Couldn't hurt to give some legendary back options for those of us who don't have a wing fetish.

Couldn't hurt to have a non-joke Longbow either and we've been asking for that for years now.

Define "non-joke".

Kudzu isn't meant to be a gag weapon. You might not like the nature motif but that doesn't place it on the same tier as the Dreamer or Moot.

Since people realized it existed, everyone i've seen talking about it refer to it as a gag weapon.

I still fail to see how it is. Its just as serious as the greatswords and bolt.

You mentioning it as a gag weapon is literally the first time ive seen it mentioned as such in the entire time ive been playing this game by the way O_o

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Just to spitball some ideas.

Chuka and ChampawatI imagine this one having a black and red theme, with gold trimmings. The arrow fletching having a small glimmer or some of the orange/red/black effect trails that accompany the bow.

KudzuThis one can be made of bark/floral with some animated floral growth on it. Perfect for Sylvari IMO.

DreamerThis one is hard for me, but I'm sure someone can imagine some brony shit for it.

Basically, the Firedragon Quiver/Longbow combo is what I'm lookin' for on each of these. Quivers that have arrows that match the theme and appropriate length for the bow draw, etc.

As a legendary weapon I think they deserve this treatment, if a gem store item is getting it.

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@Ephemiel.5694 said:

@Ephemiel.5694 said:Please don't give them ideas, they'll end up making a Legendary Quiver or something.

Couldn't hurt to give some legendary back options for those of us who don't have a wing fetish.

Couldn't hurt to have a non-joke Longbow either and we've been asking for that for years now.

Define "non-joke".

Kudzu isn't meant to be a gag weapon. You might not like the nature motif but that doesn't place it on the same tier as the Dreamer or Moot.

Since people realized it existed, everyone i've seen talking about it refer to it as a gag weapon.

Sounds like subjective opinion to me.

Is incinerator a gag weapon because you stab people with a blowtorch?

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@Khailyn.6248 said:While I almost always like the idea of having more options as far as models of weapons and armor, even quivers (been using rox's quiver for ages on ranger), wouldn't adding a backpiece to a weapon collection be a bit unfair to every other legendary weapon? Would the rifles and pistols then need an ammo pouch? I would be in favor of adding an item via a separate collection or even gemstore with the same theme, as a legendary weapon but not auto include.

I own 3 legenedaries. None are bows. I still think quiver skins to match the bows is an awesome idea. It doesn't take anything away from me for legendary bow wielders to get this.

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@Hot Boy.7138 said:

@Khailyn.6248 said:While I almost always like the idea of having more options as far as models of weapons and armor, even quivers (been using rox's quiver for ages on ranger), wouldn't adding a backpiece to a weapon collection be a bit unfair to every other legendary weapon? Would the rifles and pistols then need an ammo pouch? I would be in favor of adding an item via a separate collection or even gemstore with the same theme, as a legendary weapon but not auto include.

I own 3 legenedaries. None are bows. I still think quiver skins to match the bows is an awesome idea. It doesn't take anything away from me for legendary bow wielders to get this.

I also own 3 legendaries, 1 is a bow so far. Since AN has been adding items with the construction of legendaries (not just buying them) like with the hammer, and shortbow. And most recently making 2 instruments out of nowhere, I think they've pretty much opened the pandoras box on this. So what the hell, may as well add something to every one to make it fair. The next legendary i make will either be nevermore or one of the longbows and ill be honest, I wouldnt turn down a quiver if offered one. So after recent additions to the game I'm flipping my stance on this. Bring on the quivers.

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