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Eater of Souls - The Departed


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@Disig.7169 said:

@effybuttonmoon.4607 said:Hi all. I was struggling with this boss. Then i thought about it and found him pretty fast to kill after. All i did was auto attack while waiting for his blue bar, even no attack is fine. As soon as the bar popped, use any cc, as he is stunned for a short time, just burst whatever big hits you got as they will be saved from only AA before hand, he takes damage pretty easy during this. As soon as he stops being stunned just keep AA or backing away waiting for the bar again. This worked for me after 3 breaks of the bar. If you die just run back asap, and wait for blue bar again. Hope this helps someone.

While it's possible to kill him, it's not remotely fun. It's boring and incredibly tedious and definitely favors some classes over others. I think that's what people are most upset about. At least that's what I am. You're comment is helpful....it's just ridiculous that Anet would make this fight at all thinking it was "fun."

Mesmer has never been considered when it comes to personal instanced content. So many mechanics just work against it. Thanks for the head's up, by the way...think I'll work on masteries until something changes.

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Just have to use your clairvoyance (timing/luck?) and stack soft CCs at the right time...

I'm lucky that my lazy MM Reaper kit, has a substantial amount of CC and soft CC. Cripple and chill/frozen worked well enough when spammed at the right time. But the flesh golem's knockdown has a cast time longer than the 1 second window for the break bar and a far too long cooldown. Soft CCs seem much better since you have to break the bar twice in a row, and as long as the duration is long enough, your CCs will just obliterate both of them.

The 1 second break bar is just bad in a game with pre-cast delays on so many of the skills. I almost feel like it has to be a glitch where the break bar opens closes and opens again. Either that or the designers are insane.

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@Orimidu.9604 said:What were you thinking anet?! A boss that self heals way too often in a mission where your party members get bugged because it’s focused on the instance owner? I can’t pass this solo and it’s impossible to do in a group.

I just did it with my condition Scourge, and it was a mere matter of maybe two minutes to finish him off. There is a reason why boon reversal was introduced in PoF. Also, keeping your distance, keeping in constant movement and dodging the right second helped, too. ;)

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@Ashantara.8731 said:

@Orimidu.9604 said:What were you thinking anet?! A boss that self heals way too often in a mission where your party members get bugged because it’s focused on the instance owner? I can’t pass this solo and it’s impossible to do in a group.

I just did it with my condition Scourge, and it was a mere matter of maybe two minutes to finish him off. There is a reason why boon reversal was introduced in PoF. Also, keeping your distance, keeping in constant movement and dodging the right second helped, too. ;)

If only one could change their weapon setup and not be stuck with what you happened to have equiped.

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It took a few tries for me, but I used an elite that summoned npcs to help me burst it down a bit more. Just my damage wasn't enough, despite being pretty bamf. Also, I noticed when he tried to siphon health off of me, if I ran away far enough he didn't get me down and didn't heal himself as much either.

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No way I will be able to finish this. With a mesmer (trying out mirage) with constant conditions, it's extremely difficult to do damage. A slow connection and slower graphics make timing very difficult. Physical damage seems to work better, but I can't prevent the heals -- apparently that break bar is up for such a short period of time, even with constant barrages from the illusions, it's just pure luck.

Anet keeps creating boss fights that are not fun and are just tedious. The Balthazar fight was much more interesting.

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@Irasch.7183 said:3.) As soon he hits the spot evade 2x directly after another in direction away from him

Thanks :) Also Burning Retreat on staff in fire for elementalist helped a lot If I hadn't read this thread and this tip I believe I would have stopped playing until ArenaNet fix this fight. The mechanics is frustrating and I was expecting us to be able to press the special action key, because non of my cc was able to break the break bar.

I completely agree with the sentiment here that ArenaNet should really look into designing boss fights in story mode that can be beaten by all classes and all weapons. Save the min/maxing, theory crafting build/rotations for raids.

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I've spent almost 3 hours fighting this boss and I'm honestly not even caring anymore. This boss needs a HUGE nerf to that life steal. Whomever thought this boss would be fun to fight at ArenaNet, needs a talking to. My first character is stuck on a story bug and now my Guardian is stuck on this annoyance.

This is absolutely way beyond even challenging. It's just absurd. Nerf this boss and ditch it altogether. Seriously.

Stop holding up my story with mechanics like this.

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Completed this as a Condi Deadeye - I'm pretty much a solo player, so still in Exotics/rares with no legendaries or ascended stuff.

Took me a couple of tries, but completed this in about an hour. Eater of Souls killed me twice before I figured out the timing.

As he jumps with the first circle telegraph i turned around and began to run - once he landed I rolled twice and that got me out of range of his self heal beam. He jumps once more, and then back into melee range to wail on him a bit more. Think I ended up going through that routine about 6 times before i got him down. He's a pain in the arse, but timing my rolls really helped.

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I am here to tell you all, it's completely possible on Mesmer, it just takes a while, I spent 2 hours in the instance to give you an idea. There are 2 crucial components you need to do this as a mesmer: Staff #2, and Blink. You have to alternate between them in order to escape the leap attack. Doing this on Mesmer is by and far harder than any raid boss currently out. The eater just consumes phantasms/illusions or whatever other key component of mesmer there is. I feel like necromancers would also have a hard time with this just because of how disrewarding it is. If you don't want to struggle take ANY other class besides mesmer for the time being, it's so unnecessary difficult right now until Arenanet makes it a priority to fix the issue with this boss and core mesmer mechanics.

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It was ridiculous hard to beat. Especially when you are a squishy/no damage toon. My tip is to save your roll and heal. You know he is about to do the life steal attack when his break bar appears. When I was fighting the boss I was soo worried the game was going to restart because a new patch available. I had 20 minutes left before the game restarted and just barely finished. Good luck guys

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@Silent The Gray.3091 said:I am here to tell you all, it's completely possible on Mesmer, it just takes a while, I spent 2 hours in the instance to give you an idea. There are 2 crucial components you need to do this as a mesmer: Staff #2, and Blink. You have to alternate between them in order to escape the leap attack. Doing this on Mesmer is by and far harder than any raid boss currently out. The eater just consumes phantasms/illusions or whatever other key component of mesmer there is. I feel like necromancers would also have a hard time with this just because of how disrewarding it is. If you don't want to struggle take ANY other class besides mesmer for the time being, it's so unnecessary difficult right now until Arenanet makes it a priority to fix the issue with this boss and core mesmer mechanics.

Mesmer has always suffered in instanced content because its mechanics are so different; and to this day, it feels Anet uses a Warrior or Thief while testing, and calls it a day once they get through it successfully. Prior to HoT, illusions/pets/minions took significantly more damage to AoE attacks (iBerserkers would die before being able to attack)... I remember Glint's Lair in Season 2 being one of the most miserable experiences I've had in a game: perform vulnerability tactics, auto on greatsword, repeat for 20 more minutes.

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@Manasa Devi.7958 said:

If only one could change their weapon setup and not be stuck with what you happened to have equipped.

You can, if you go to the hero panel equipment instead of inventory.

Even changing up my build in the map that way I wasn't able to beat him. I quit and was disheartened to discover that I had to do Balthazar again. Tried it in a party and discovered it's an even worse single player mode where the other balls of light heal the Eater of Souls by giving allies the regeneration boon that he steals.

Balthazar forcibly removing the solo PC's clothes while he has his way with them is disgusting, and then there's no armor repair even with a canister for the rest of the mission.

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@Cedric.3091 said:

If only one could change their weapon setup and not be stuck with what you happened to have equipped.

You can, if you go to the hero panel equipment instead of inventory.

Even changing up my build in the map that way I wasn't able to beat him. I quit and was disheartened to discover that I had to do Balthazar again. Tried it in a party and discovered it's an even worse single player mode where the other kitten of light heal the Eater of Souls by giving allies the regeneration boon that he steals.

Balthazar forcibly removing the solo PC's clothes while he has his way with them is disgusting, and then there's no armor repair even with a canister for the rest of the mission.

I keep my spare equipment in storage to save inventory space so I needed access to my shared inventory slots where I keep my bank contract.

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@Ayakaru.6583 said:all this boss needs is 1 hard CC, for example a warrior's Headbutt. Before it heals, a CC bar comes up, break it, and its stunned, and takes lot of damage. If you don't break it, you get sucked in, and it drains you. Simple as that. Simplest boss in the game

or you run away. out range the heal, wait for the jump and CC him. Then pop all cooldowns. repeat this 2-3 times.

i tried to change my gear in the inventory. i forgot to open the hero panel :-/ and stucked with 2 melee weapons as guardian.

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I watched the "cheese it" video on Youtube, and had to do it that way as well. Your pets take zero damage while tanking him, if that helps. I used a bear then swapped out to a jungle stalker for more damage. Used the druid spirit on cd, as long as you have the Eater targeted, druid spirit will move around the cage to dps him. No pets/minons are used for lifesteal, which helps. Took me about 5 minutes, so it's a slow and rather boring wait, but it works better than him lifestealing you over and over. When my friend went in as her mesmer, I had to be the spirit guardian accompanying her, so she just popped as many illusions as possible, I threw my number 2 spell on him on cd, which makes him vulnerable for 3 seconds, and it took a lot longer for her than it did for me, but it works!

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