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Account suspension discussion [merged]

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Really my issue boils down to this:

This was lazy and intrusive.

The Lazy:I'm sure 99% of the people banned deserved it.There's the 1% though.Anet's inability to do the due diligence of making sure the GW2 allocated memory and process were actually hooked into or modified makes the people who may have been incorrectly banned have no recourse.That casts doubt on all of them for me. There's no way to tell if the people using that application were using it for something else because of this lazyness.

The intrusive:Most anti-cheats contain a small database of hashes locally on your PC.They then compare the running applications to that list and also check if their own application is being modified.They then send that data, usually encrypted, tot he servers.Anet did not do that here.They sent EVERYTHING running on your PC to their servers, encrypted in the equivalent of a wet paper bag handed to a vagrant.

I'm aggravated because i had faith in them. Because I KNOW they're capable of better.

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I dont get it.... explain to me

If Anet detects/search software inside your computer? what does that means?

IF Anet detects 3rd party tools messing up with mem stored values that's another and totally diferent story, wich makes valid ban.

Now dont tell me that "Woops!, Iwas cheating on the wrong exe"....

Still... if CE enventually worked that well on Gw2... shame on u Anet... lel

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@TexZero.7910 said:

@"Jinks.2057" said:Well over on reddit a user has figured out that Anet installed spyware in an update on 3/6/18 then removed it on 3/27/18. This spyware pretty much looked at EVERY process you had running then sent it back to Anet servers.

So if you have software they deem bad while playing GW2 boom suspended.

This is a HUGE invasion of privacy and we consumers need an IMMEDIATE answer in light of the recent Facebook scandal.

My personal information was breached and the trust I have for Anet has been destroyed.

I'm not posting the link to thread and I'm sure I'll get banned off these forums for this.....but this needs to be said

Not even remotely an invasion of privacy.You agreed to it the moment you created an account. SOURCE (
see. Non-personal Information | also see
Section 7D)

Don't like it ?

Submit a request to have your account deleted.

Ignorance of the terms, is not a valid complaint or criticism once you have been caught with your pants down.

Monitoring and installing spyware which can also be used to backdoor your securities by 3rd parties is vastly different. I think you need to take a long hard look at your rights and what these companies are doing.

I'll be here when you figure it out

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@Rhapsedy.1569 said:

@Ardenwolfe.8590 said:@"Healix.5819"
Wrong. I don't know much about CheatEngine.
So I checked with various videos on YouTube. Sure enough, you can find them using the program to cheat in the game. Not going to spell it out or link those videos given their nature, but anyone who doubts it can look for themselves.

You're not a developer or programmer. I wouldn't expect you to, and that's 100% fine. I can totally see WHY you're making this assumption, but that doesn't make you any less misled.

Yes, cheat engine is used for cheating. In TONS of games.

Its also used for modding.Debugging.Reading actively used memory.Its great for loading in a virtual machine and pulling apart a virus to see how it works.

Why do you need to Mod GW2? Is that not cheating?Why would you need to debug GW2? Is that not for the developers?Reading actively used memory. - This is taken directly from CheatEngines website - It comes with a memory scanner to quickly scan for variables used within a game and allow you to change them.Why do you need to pull apart GW2's coding? To learn how to hack it better?

I could, but I will not, post videos of other players using CheatEngine in GW2. If you had it on your computer, running "In the background", too bad. You made a mistake and got caught. You were sent home to think about what you have done. See you in 6 months.

You're either misunderstanding me or being intentionally obtuse.Those things I listed are OTHER uses, not pertaining to GW2.Sorry if I didn't make that obvious.

EDIT: I'd also like to point out I wasn't banned. Thankfully I didn't have cheat engine installed (used for this Fallout 4 mod). Its safely tucked away on a virtual machine on my work PC.

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@DeceiverX.8361 said:

@"Jinks.2057" said:Well over on reddit a user has figured out that Anet installed spyware in an update on 3/6/18 then removed it on 3/27/18. This spyware pretty much looked at EVERY process you had running then sent it back to Anet servers.

So if you have software they deem bad while playing GW2 boom suspended.

This is a HUGE invasion of privacy and we consumers need an IMMEDIATE answer in light of the recent Facebook scandal.

My personal information was breached and the trust I have for Anet has been destroyed.

I'm not posting the link to thread and I'm sure I'll get banned off these forums for this.....but this needs to be said

Not even remotely an invasion of privacy.You agreed to it the moment you created an account. SOURCE (
see. Non-personal Information | also see
Section 7D)

Don't like it ?

Submit a request to have your account deleted.

Ignorance of the terms, is not a valid complaint or criticism once you have been caught with your pants down.

Was going to say the same thing. This is standard in nearly every single TOS for almost every piece of software out there, particularly games.

This is how hacking monitoring is done and how a lot of the activity is caught.

As someone who has done game administration before:


All that legal jargon is there to protect the company from doing virtually anything they want so long as you're signed up. It's your legal responsibility to watch your security and activity!

As for people getting caught elsewhere: TOO BAD.

You agreed to the aforementioned policy being told that ANet can monitor literally everything about the state of your machine at any time with or without reason. You elected to cheat in other services likely with the same clauses in their terms of service. You agreed that ANet has the right to terminate your account for literally any reason or lack thereof, including speculation.

It doesn't matter if you cheated or not in their game. It matters you cheated and acted in a way deemed unfit by them in general by using a piece of software they forbid in any context.

If you do not want to run the risk of being absolutely royally screwed in the real world, including wasting time and money like in these cases, you read everything you sign. If you do not like the terms, do not agree to them. Otherwise, deal with the consequences. ANet could literally ban people for having cheated on a math test in seventh grade claiming that they do not want that kind of player, and be completely justified legally and ethically.

I read the terms of service and I understand it.

No where in the ToS does it state they will install spyware and make your computer vulnerable to attacks by 3rd parties. Read the reddit post for the complete break down how this was done & what they actually did.

It's disgusting

p.s. None of you are even remotely addressing the Facebook fiasco that will unquestionably impact this decision by Anet

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@Jinks.2057 said:

@Jinks.2057 said:Well over on reddit a user has figured out that Anet installed spyware in an update on 3/6/18 then removed it on 3/27/18. This spyware pretty much looked at EVERY process you had running then sent it back to Anet servers.

So if you have software they deem bad while playing GW2 boom suspended.

This is a HUGE invasion of privacy and we consumers need an IMMEDIATE answer in light of the recent Facebook scandal.

My personal information was breached and the trust I have for Anet has been destroyed.

I'm not posting the link to thread and I'm sure I'll get banned off these forums for this.....but this needs to be said

Not even remotely an invasion of privacy.You agreed to it the moment you created an account. SOURCE (
see. Non-personal Information | also see
Section 7D)

Don't like it ?

Submit a request to have your account deleted.

Ignorance of the terms, is not a valid complaint or criticism once you have been caught with your pants down.

Monitoring and installing spyware which can also be used to backdoor your securities by 3rd parties is vastly different. I think you need to take a long hard look at your rights and what these companies are doing.

I'll be here when you figure it out

I think it's cute that you actually believe they used spyware when they can quite easily do what they did without it.But keep believing everything you read on reddit.

I'll be here when you figure out what Anet actually did, because its a lot simpler than installing spyware.

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@"Kunzaito.8169" said:

@Vault Girl.6792 said:A lot of things allow to modify memory. Should people be also banned for running programs in C or other languages while playing GW2, because they potentially could do out of bounds access and modify something?But even if Anet considers it as a violation, why would they just ban people for 6 months without checking whether they were cheating? There are more severe violations that do not lead to this.

I dunno, it's not up to me. It's up to ANet. It's their game on their servers. This is how they choose to check for cheating, whether you like it or not. You showed a pattern of use with a program that is capable of cheating at their game that convinced them a ban was warranted.

Why don't they ban every program that can do this? Maybe they should. Again, I dunno. It's not up to me, it's up to them. Is it fair? Maybe not, but again, that's not relevant. You did a version of the thing they said not to do and you happened to be one of the ones that got caught.

As many other people have pointed out, if you are running these programs that have legitimate uses for other applications in addition to cheating at GW2, fine. Just don't run them at the same time as GW2! Really not a hard concept.

Sure, Anet has rights to ban a player without any reason at all.But I know they care enough about players and wouldn't intentionally ban someone for nothing, and that's why I'm spending my time writing all this. Anet wanted to ban people who cheat and make the game less enjoyable for other players. I believe they did not intend to ban players who are not actually cheating in GW2, but are just running programs used for other games. Well, that did not work as intended, and there seem to be a lot of false positives.I hope they do some additional investigations in order to detect those who cheat and unban/punish less those who didn't. If you offend someone in map chat, you do more harm than by just not closing a program, but that does not lead to bans.

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@"Ardenwolfe.8590" said:Just watched a three-minute video about Cheat Engine on YouTube where this Charr flew around, speed ran, and used other hacks that shows otherwise.

That's not CE by itself, that's using CE to manipulate GW2. It's not like a hack tool where you can select "fly hack" and that's it. To do what CE does, you don't need CE specifically, in fact, you like already have the tools installed to do it, since it's built-in to Windows 7+. Now imagine if ArenaNet did something really dumb like banning you over your internet search history, since clearly you've been searching how to hack GW2 and even have the tools to do so.

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@"Legit Prep In.5893" said:Admit it, reverse the CE bans and everyone is fine. The other tools obvioulsy are meant for GW2. although "MMOMINION" is also made for ffxiv, so if one botted ffxiv and not gw2, you still falsely banned them.

Well done amateurs.

Oh i see....So the mod that made this mmominion left a message''' in the top of the page (about GW2 bans) , isnt true then ? :P

'' we are taking the needed steps that this will not happen again. But their "detection" is currently not active and you can already go crazy with your bots''


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@TexZero.7910 said:

@Jinks.2057 said:Well over on reddit a user has figured out that Anet installed spyware in an update on 3/6/18 then removed it on 3/27/18. This spyware pretty much looked at EVERY process you had running then sent it back to Anet servers.

So if you have software they deem bad while playing GW2 boom suspended.

This is a HUGE invasion of privacy and we consumers need an IMMEDIATE answer in light of the recent Facebook scandal.

My personal information was breached and the trust I have for Anet has been destroyed.

I'm not posting the link to thread and I'm sure I'll get banned off these forums for this.....but this needs to be said

Not even remotely an invasion of privacy.You agreed to it the moment you created an account. SOURCE (
see. Non-personal Information | also see
Section 7D)

Don't like it ?

Submit a request to have your account deleted.

Ignorance of the terms, is not a valid complaint or criticism once you have been caught with your pants down.

Monitoring and installing spyware which can also be used to backdoor your securities by 3rd parties is vastly different. I think you need to take a long hard look at your rights and what these companies are doing.

I'll be here when you figure it out

I think it's cute that you actually believe they used spyware when they can quite easily do what they did without it.But keep believing everything you read on reddit.

I'll be here when you figure out what Anet actually did, because its a lot simpler than installing spyware.

No they installed spyware on March 6th and removed it on March 27th on all our computers.

You need to do your research and come back when you understand the entire situation

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@TexZero.7910 said:

@Jinks.2057 said:Well over on reddit a user has figured out that Anet installed spyware in an update on 3/6/18 then removed it on 3/27/18. This spyware pretty much looked at EVERY process you had running then sent it back to Anet servers.

So if you have software they deem bad while playing GW2 boom suspended.

This is a HUGE invasion of privacy and we consumers need an IMMEDIATE answer in light of the recent Facebook scandal.

My personal information was breached and the trust I have for Anet has been destroyed.

I'm not posting the link to thread and I'm sure I'll get banned off these forums for this.....but this needs to be said

Not even remotely an invasion of privacy.You agreed to it the moment you created an account. SOURCE (
see. Non-personal Information | also see
Section 7D)

Don't like it ?

Submit a request to have your account deleted.

Ignorance of the terms, is not a valid complaint or criticism once you have been caught with your pants down.

Monitoring and installing spyware which can also be used to backdoor your securities by 3rd parties is vastly different. I think you need to take a long hard look at your rights and what these companies are doing.

I'll be here when you figure it out

I think it's cute that you actually believe they used spyware when they can quite easily do what they did without it.But keep believing everything you read on reddit.

I'll be here when you figure out what Anet actually did, because its a lot simpler than installing spyware.

"Spyware is software that aims to gather information about a person or organization without their knowledge, that may send such information to another entity without the consumer's consent, or that asserts control over a device without the consumer's knowledge"

Thats from wikipedia.

Unless I'm mistaken, I don't recall this being in the changelog, so yes it was spyware

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@Sky Fell.7604 said:

@Ardenwolfe.8590 said:@"Healix.5819"
Wrong. I don't know much about CheatEngine.
So I checked with various videos on YouTube. Sure enough, you can find them using the program to cheat in the game. Not going to spell it out or link those videos given their nature, but anyone who doubts it can look for themselves.

You're not a developer or programmer. I wouldn't expect you to, and that's 100% fine. I can totally see WHY you're making this assumption, but that doesn't make you any less misled.

Yes, cheat engine is used for cheating. In TONS of games.

Its also used for modding.Debugging.Reading actively used memory.Its great for loading in a virtual machine and pulling apart a virus to see how it works.

Why do you need to Mod GW2? Is that not cheating?Why would you need to debug GW2? Is that not for the developers?Reading actively used memory. - This is taken directly from CheatEngines website - It comes with a memory scanner to quickly scan for variables used within a game and allow you to change them.Why do you need to pull apart GW2's coding? To learn how to hack it better?

I could, but I will not, post videos of other players using CheatEngine in GW2. If you had it on your computer, running "In the background", too bad. You made a mistake and got caught. You were sent home to think about what you have done. See you in 6 months.

You're either misunderstanding me or being intentionally obtuse.Those things I listed are OTHER uses, not pertaining to GW2.Sorry if I didn't make that obvious.

I dunno, again, people more knowledgeable than average should know better than letting programs that deal with memory run while playing an online game. I would not even run texmod next to gw2.Not saying that they couldn't have done it better, but to me it's a little funny that the people here trying to sound as they know what they're talking about really well also happen to lack what I consider to be common sense.

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@Sky Fell.7604 said:Really my issue boils down to this:

This was lazy and intrusive.

The Lazy:I'm sure 99% of the people banned deserved it.There's the 1% though.Anet's inability to do the due diligence of making sure the GW2 allocated memory and process were actually hooked into or modified makes the people who may have been incorrectly banned have no recourse.That casts doubt on all of them for me. There's no way to tell if the people using that application were using it for something else because of this lazyness.

The intrusive:Most anti-cheats contain a small database of hashes locally on your PC.They then compare the running applications to that list and also check if their own application is being modified.They then send that data, usually encrypted, tot he servers.Anet did not do that here.They sent EVERYTHING running on your PC to their servers, encrypted in the equivalent of a wet paper bag handed to a vagrant.

I'm aggravated because i had faith in them. Because I KNOW they're capable of better.

See, this is an extremely reasonable critical response.

Personally, I don't know whether it's possible for them to make those kind of detections or not, or whether that type of monitoring would be considered more invasive. But I think it's a valid question, at least as they look to improve their methodology in the future. We all (well, most of us) want to see hackers and cheaters rooted out on a more regular basis. It's not wrong to ask how we can do this better and more efficiently going forward.

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@Deihnyx.6318 said:

@Ardenwolfe.8590 said:@"Healix.5819"
Wrong. I don't know much about CheatEngine.
So I checked with various videos on YouTube. Sure enough, you can find them using the program to cheat in the game. Not going to spell it out or link those videos given their nature, but anyone who doubts it can look for themselves.

You're not a developer or programmer. I wouldn't expect you to, and that's 100% fine. I can totally see WHY you're making this assumption, but that doesn't make you any less misled.

Yes, cheat engine is used for cheating. In TONS of games.

Its also used for modding.Debugging.Reading actively used memory.Its great for loading in a virtual machine and pulling apart a virus to see how it works.

Why do you need to Mod GW2? Is that not cheating?Why would you need to debug GW2? Is that not for the developers?Reading actively used memory. - This is taken directly from CheatEngines website - It comes with a memory scanner to quickly scan for variables used within a game and allow you to change them.Why do you need to pull apart GW2's coding? To learn how to hack it better?

I could, but I will not, post videos of other players using CheatEngine in GW2. If you had it on your computer, running "In the background", too bad. You made a mistake and got caught. You were sent home to think about what you have done. See you in 6 months.

You're either misunderstanding me or being intentionally obtuse.Those things I listed are OTHER uses, not pertaining to GW2.Sorry if I didn't make that obvious.

I dunno, again, people more knowledgeable than average should know better than letting programs that deal with memory run while playing an online game. I would not even run texmod next to gw2.Not saying that they couldn't have done it better, but to me it's a little funny that the people here trying to sound as they know what they're talking about really well also happen to lack what I consider to be common sense.

Frankly, working in the industry, you'd be surprised about the lack of common sense.

Its not something that ever occurred to me personally. I'm just glad I didn't make that mistake. I'd always assumed that if nothing is hooked in then it'd be fine.

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@Vault Girl.6792 said:

@"usnedward.9023" said:You use cheat engine to cheat in "some" games but not GW2. No way to prove it in your case or others. It's running and ANET erred on the side of caution. Enjoy your ban.

And some people are sending gold to their friends, and there is no way to prove that they are not selling it. However, Anet usually doesn't ban them. But in this case they just banned a lot of users who didn't even modify anything in the game.

Not quite a comparison. NOW if they had chat logs that said hey Fred I'll give you 30 dollars for 500 gold then that is another story. Bad comparison. Just bad

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@Deihnyx.6318 said:

@Ardenwolfe.8590 said:@"Healix.5819"
Wrong. I don't know much about CheatEngine.
So I checked with various videos on YouTube. Sure enough, you can find them using the program to cheat in the game. Not going to spell it out or link those videos given their nature, but anyone who doubts it can look for themselves.

You're not a developer or programmer. I wouldn't expect you to, and that's 100% fine. I can totally see WHY you're making this assumption, but that doesn't make you any less misled.

Yes, cheat engine is used for cheating. In TONS of games.

Its also used for modding.Debugging.Reading actively used memory.Its great for loading in a virtual machine and pulling apart a virus to see how it works.

Why do you need to Mod GW2? Is that not cheating?Why would you need to debug GW2? Is that not for the developers?Reading actively used memory. - This is taken directly from CheatEngines website - It comes with a memory scanner to quickly scan for variables used within a game and allow you to change them.Why do you need to pull apart GW2's coding? To learn how to hack it better?

I could, but I will not, post videos of other players using CheatEngine in GW2. If you had it on your computer, running "In the background", too bad. You made a mistake and got caught. You were sent home to think about what you have done. See you in 6 months.

You're either misunderstanding me or being intentionally obtuse.Those things I listed are OTHER uses, not pertaining to GW2.Sorry if I didn't make that obvious.

I dunno, again, people more knowledgeable than average should know better than letting programs that deal with memory run while playing an online game. I would not even run texmod next to gw2.Not saying that they couldn't have done it better, but to me it's a little funny that the people here trying to sound as they know what they're talking about really well also happen to lack what I consider to be common sense.

You can run a program to cheat on a single player game or software you use for your job and get this suspension.

Anet ALWAYS bans with false positives with EVERY ban wave. This time they installed spyware onto your computer, compromised your privacy, and compromised your computer's security. They have your Credit Card information linked to your account and created a back door without your knowledge or care if they screwed up your financial security.

And people are white knight defending this


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@Sky Fell.7604 said:

@Ardenwolfe.8590 said:@"Healix.5819"
Wrong. I don't know much about CheatEngine.
So I checked with various videos on YouTube. Sure enough, you can find them using the program to cheat in the game. Not going to spell it out or link those videos given their nature, but anyone who doubts it can look for themselves.

You're not a developer or programmer. I wouldn't expect you to, and that's 100% fine. I can totally see WHY you're making this assumption, but that doesn't make you any less misled.

Yes, cheat engine is used for cheating. In TONS of games.

Its also used for modding.Debugging.Reading actively used memory.Its great for loading in a virtual machine and pulling apart a virus to see how it works.

Why do you need to Mod GW2? Is that not cheating?Why would you need to debug GW2? Is that not for the developers?Reading actively used memory. - This is taken directly from CheatEngines website - It comes with a memory scanner to quickly scan for variables used within a game and allow you to change them.Why do you need to pull apart GW2's coding? To learn how to hack it better?

I could, but I will not, post videos of other players using CheatEngine in GW2. If you had it on your computer, running "In the background", too bad. You made a mistake and got caught. You were sent home to think about what you have done. See you in 6 months.

You're either misunderstanding me or being intentionally obtuse.Those things I listed are OTHER uses, not pertaining to GW2.Sorry if I didn't make that obvious.

I dunno, again, people more knowledgeable than average should know better than letting programs that deal with memory run while playing an online game. I would not even run texmod next to gw2.Not saying that they couldn't have done it better, but to me it's a little funny that the people here trying to sound as they know what they're talking about really well also happen to lack what I consider to be common sense.

Frankly, working in the industry, you'd be surprised about the lack of common sense.

Its not something that ever occurred to me personally. I'm just glad I didn't make that mistake. I'd always assumed that if nothing is hooked in then it'd be fine.

I do work in the industry, although on a total different sector. But I have enough understanding to know that their ToS is vague enough to allow them to take such measures as to ban people who use software that reads memory and stuff while playing the game.And tbh it's been plaguing pvp and wvw and i'm glad they're doing something. What they could have done was to correlate reports and tools used, and then decide of a ban on a per user basis.

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to be honest I never witnessed hacking.Ofcourse back in GW1 there where rumors about hacks whenever there was a server rollback but can you be really sure?Ofcourse I would expect 8 monks bot if they walk the same way but isn't GW2 more stable?-There is no speed hack, GW2 becomes faster while you play more gaining experience.-Teleport thief is simply a lucky or foolish sword thief.-Macroes are not allowed however detectable with anti-hax from Anet - This only allows every player equality.

  • IF you are aware of hacking you tried hacking.

Maybe some exploits take a bit longer to nerf whenever GW2 economy needs to be alive, but everyone will always know these after a short while of getting viral.Personaly I would suspect you of bad behaviour and reputation but I don't think Arenanet actually holds a grudge to players.

Let's not get to paranoid and write them an email to get your account back?Just explain what happenend exactly and tell us your hax.exe?If it's reversable you can retrieve your account easily with the support section on the site I believe....I don't think Arenet would discourage players leaving but keeps second chances.

Like the probation mode on forums!So did i get pruned sometime, Maybe all that was necessary was a correct mindset and positive energy.Ofcourse we all rant sometime at useless topics in our life and feel eachother's agony of the questions we ask in life.If you are a good player and not a cheater and try to keep a good influence to the community you are always welcomed back in any mmorpg I believe.

I've delt with several servers of other games where there was war between hosts of the same game and people suspicious of DDOS attacks.This is all very long ago. I think hackers accept the mentality of fair gameplay and 'white-hats' (the ones against cheating) just simply crack with their report code.

IMO, I never block players, I always discuss anything I want and I always make my opinion clear about what I like and do not like.Ofcourse I learn and have to learn alot to everyday. There is no shame in listening humbly while u hustle hard.

Keep up the good work and hope it all works out for you,I'm sure u are able to play if you contact the support.

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@usnedward.9023 said:

@usnedward.9023 said:You use cheat engine to cheat in "some" games but not GW2. No way to prove it in your case or others. It's running and ANET erred on the side of caution. Enjoy your ban.

And some people are sending gold to their friends, and there is no way to prove that they are not selling it. However, Anet usually doesn't ban them. But in this case they just banned a lot of users who didn't even modify anything in the game.

Not quite a comparison. NOW if they had chat logs that said hey Fred I'll give you 30 dollars for 500 gold then that is another story. Bad comparison. Just bad

And if they don't have these logs? I usually discuss things like that with my friends not in the game. And still, Anet correctly assumes that it's not gold selling, because they can't prove it is.It's not possible (or very hard) to prove that someone is not guilty, it's only possible to prove otherwise. And that's what should be proved if you want to ban someone for 6 months.

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@Deihnyx.6318 said:

I dunno, again, people more knowledgeable than average should know better than letting programs that deal with memory run while playing an online game. I would not even run texmod next to gw2.Not saying that they couldn't have done it better, but to me it's a little funny that the people here trying to sound as they know what they're talking about really well also happen to lack what I consider to be common sense.

Give this man a prize.

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@Deihnyx.6318 said:

@Ardenwolfe.8590 said:@"Healix.5819"
Wrong. I don't know much about CheatEngine.
So I checked with various videos on YouTube. Sure enough, you can find them using the program to cheat in the game. Not going to spell it out or link those videos given their nature, but anyone who doubts it can look for themselves.

You're not a developer or programmer. I wouldn't expect you to, and that's 100% fine. I can totally see WHY you're making this assumption, but that doesn't make you any less misled.

Yes, cheat engine is used for cheating. In TONS of games.

Its also used for modding.Debugging.Reading actively used memory.Its great for loading in a virtual machine and pulling apart a virus to see how it works.

Why do you need to Mod GW2? Is that not cheating?Why would you need to debug GW2? Is that not for the developers?Reading actively used memory. - This is taken directly from CheatEngines website - It comes with a memory scanner to quickly scan for variables used within a game and allow you to change them.Why do you need to pull apart GW2's coding? To learn how to hack it better?

I could, but I will not, post videos of other players using CheatEngine in GW2. If you had it on your computer, running "In the background", too bad. You made a mistake and got caught. You were sent home to think about what you have done. See you in 6 months.

You're either misunderstanding me or being intentionally obtuse.Those things I listed are OTHER uses, not pertaining to GW2.Sorry if I didn't make that obvious.

I dunno, again, people more knowledgeable than average should know better than letting programs that deal with memory run while playing an online game. I would not even run texmod next to gw2.Not saying that they couldn't have done it better, but to me it's a little funny that the people here trying to sound as they know what they're talking about really well also happen to lack what I consider to be common sense.

Frankly, working in the industry, you'd be surprised about the lack of common sense.

Its not something that ever occurred to me personally. I'm just glad I didn't make that mistake. I'd always assumed that if nothing is hooked in then it'd be fine.

I do work in the industry, although on a total different sector. But I have enough understanding to know that their ToS is vague enough to allow them to take such measures as to ban people who use software that reads memory and stuff while playing the game.And tbh it's been plaguing pvp and wvw and i'm glad they're doing something. What they could have done was to correlate reports and tools used, and then decide of a ban on a per user basis.

Oh, me too. There were tons of commanders in WvW blatantly using ESP and randoms who would go over or under the map or drop impossibly huge numbers.

I just wish they were more careful about it.

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@Jinks.2057 said:

@Ardenwolfe.8590 said:@"Healix.5819"
Wrong. I don't know much about CheatEngine.
So I checked with various videos on YouTube. Sure enough, you can find them using the program to cheat in the game. Not going to spell it out or link those videos given their nature, but anyone who doubts it can look for themselves.

You're not a developer or programmer. I wouldn't expect you to, and that's 100% fine. I can totally see WHY you're making this assumption, but that doesn't make you any less misled.

Yes, cheat engine is used for cheating. In TONS of games.

Its also used for modding.Debugging.Reading actively used memory.Its great for loading in a virtual machine and pulling apart a virus to see how it works.

Why do you need to Mod GW2? Is that not cheating?Why would you need to debug GW2? Is that not for the developers?Reading actively used memory. - This is taken directly from CheatEngines website - It comes with a memory scanner to quickly scan for variables used within a game and allow you to change them.Why do you need to pull apart GW2's coding? To learn how to hack it better?

I could, but I will not, post videos of other players using CheatEngine in GW2. If you had it on your computer, running "In the background", too bad. You made a mistake and got caught. You were sent home to think about what you have done. See you in 6 months.

You're either misunderstanding me or being intentionally obtuse.Those things I listed are OTHER uses, not pertaining to GW2.Sorry if I didn't make that obvious.

I dunno, again, people more knowledgeable than average should know better than letting programs that deal with memory run while playing an online game. I would not even run texmod next to gw2.Not saying that they couldn't have done it better, but to me it's a little funny that the people here trying to sound as they know what they're talking about really well also happen to lack what I consider to be common sense.

You can run a program to cheat on a single player game or software you use for your job and get this suspension.

Anet ALWAYS bans with false positives with EVERY ban wave. This time they installed spyware onto your computer, compromised your privacy, and compromised your computer's security. They have your Credit Card information linked to your account and created a back door without your knowledge or care if they screwed up your financial security.

And people are white knight defending this


... you can know if a process is running without having to get to such extreme. It's really easy.You install their software on your computer, they can look at your processes without need to add an additional executable. To get cheaters out versus having them look at some processes? I choose to kick cheaters, anyday.And they've had your credit card information since your first gemstore purchase.

Blowing things out of proportion, like the lootboxes drama.

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