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Account suspension discussion [merged]

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Cheating is evil. If you choose to get, install and run a program suitable for cheating, you deliberately choose to become evil.This isn't related to one game specifically, this is for gaming in general.Being evil means that you are being persecuted, caught and banned by the good people sooner or later. Everyone who consider becoming evil knows this. If you didn't know this, you are stupid. Being stupid is an explanation but no excuse.Now you were caught and banned. Live with the consequences. You knew it could happen. It happened. It's what happens to someone evil sooner or later.

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Deleting information is easier said then done. I always laugh when I get an email that asks me to delete it .... even if I track it down on all of my backups then there is the little matter that it is on backup tapes from every ISP it traveled through on its way to me. Plus you can not delete information from the universe anyway, you can just make it harder and harder to reconstruct.

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@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@Twoodi.5849 said:It raises more questions because you are basically admitting you have no evidence of people cheating but detected they have the program open at the same time which according to you is good enough reason to ban users for 6 months.

Right ... people only have the software in question OPEN on their computers while playing the game ... they don't actually use it :confounded:

cheatengine, despite the name, is not used exclusively for cheating

Maybe ... but that's the player's risk isn't it ...

uhm no, this is not like bringing a gun to a school, this is like having a bread knife, you having this tool doesn't automatically mean you used it to hack gw2

No it's not like bringing a gun to school or a bread knife. It's like breaking the terms of the agreement you have with Anet every time you log into the game. You're like the other guy ... you don't seem to understand what you pay for when you play this game.

You are defending Anet now but with such lackluster systems like they have, one day you can be rewarded with unjustified ban by them. On that day, you gonna change your stance on this subject. You should respect yourself as a customer and never trust companies.

It's not defending. it's making people understand the risks they take with 3rd party software and how it affects their access to the game. I respect the agreement I sign every time I sign into the game; it's there for a reason because I know it protects me,the game and Anet. That's why I still have my access.

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@"Vegeta.9670" said:" CheatEngine " Just because this is running on someone's system doesn't mean its being used in Guild Wars 2. What about other games?"we detected that the accounts were running Guild Wars 2 at the same time as one or more of the following programs over a significant number of hours during a multi-week period earlier this year." --- from Gaileread the full thing.

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@"Nezekan.2671" said:Although maybe its wrong of me to compare Blizzard to Anet. You can see why company is better by simpler things.

Just look at support response times. I heard the fastest ticket response you can get with Anet is 7 days whereas you can probably get into live chat with support staff in WoW on expansion release days in 7 minutes. Enough said.

You "heard" it wrong. I've submitted about 10 tickets since beta, the longest I had to wait was 2 days. There were a couple of cases when I got a reply in less than an hour. It really depends on what kind of support you need, complicated account-related issues need more time.

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@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@Rankomonaut.4708 said:I use CheatEngine, yes. But for GW2? Lol. I thought that is impossible.I often let an idle game (CotLI) run alongside gw2 and I speed it up via CheatEngine. The other programs I never heard of before and I won't google it - because, let's be honest: installing hacker software on your pc opens the door for hackers. Period. I'm a nurse and not a cyber criminal.€dit: How could you use CE for an online game? All the stuff is saved on the servers, no?!

in case of gw2 a lot of things is clientside

A lot? The only thing that is really hackable and give advantage is speed or teleport which are something easily confirmed at server side by analyzing the data.

At the same time, such thing can easily give false positive due to lag or lag spike thus the data is not always reliable at server end.

Nevertheless, anet should make sure speed hack is actually performed by double checking with their server data, especially for the case of cheat engine.

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@Obtena.7952 said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@Twoodi.5849 said:It raises more questions because you are basically admitting you have no evidence of people cheating but detected they have the program open at the same time which according to you is good enough reason to ban users for 6 months.

Right ... people only have the software in question OPEN on their computers while playing the game ... they don't actually use it :confounded:

cheatengine, despite the name, is not used exclusively for cheating

Maybe ... but that's the player's risk isn't it ...

uhm no, this is not like bringing a gun to a school, this is like having a bread knife, you having this tool doesn't automatically mean you used it to hack gw2

No it's not like bringing a gun to school or a bread knife. It's like breaking the terms of the agreement you have with Anet every time you log into the game. You're like the other guy ... you don't seem to understand what you pay for when you play this game.

You are defending Anet now but with such lackluster systems like they have, one day you can be rewarded with unjustified ban by them. On that day, you gonna change your stance on this subject. You should respect yourself as a customer and never trust companies.

It's not defending. it's making people understand the risks they take with 3rd party software and how it affects their access to the game. I respect the agreement I sign every time I sign into the game; it's there for a reason because I know it protects me,the game and Anet. That's why I still have my access.

You know that everything on your PC that is not coming from Anet is 3rd party? This means windows, drivers, notepad, weather app, skype, discord, your personal notes and the list goes on. Do not let developer exploit their right to protect the game giving out bans based on assumptions.

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@Squiggles.7591 said:

@"Vegeta.9670" said:" CheatEngine " Just because this is running on someone's system doesn't mean its being used in Guild Wars 2. What about other games?"we detected that the accounts were running Guild Wars 2 at the same time as one or more of the following programs over a significant number of hours during a multi-week period earlier this year." --- from Gaileread the full thing.

It still doesnt prove it was used to hack gw2

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@Deihnyx.6318 said:

@"Jinks.2057" said:Being banned for having certain programs on your computer and not cheating on the game is wrong.

The way Anet did this is not by grabbing the processes that were linked to Guildwars but ALL your processes.

HUGE breach of privacy and security. It'd be different if they just monitored what was linked to GW2 instead of grabbing everything and storing it on their servers. I have a major problem with that

Monitoring involves... reporting stuff to the servers.You don't even know if it's stored... not that it actually matters.

And you run on windows, and everytime you get crashes, when you send reports, that contains info about your environment.

Stop being so extreme with the wording. There's room to talk about whether all the bans are fair or not, but don't try to make it sound like it's a huge deal "omg never seen before and lets jump into the facebook blamewagon". If you care so much about privacy, use Tails, not Windows.

You can let companies be this reckless with your security, privacy, and information if you so choose.

That's on you.

Don't preach to the rest of us who have a legitimate concern over such matters. People do play this game from various computers all of which were compromised.

White Knight all you want just keep it to yourself

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@SkyShroud.2865 said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Rankomonaut.4708" said:I use CheatEngine, yes. But for GW2? Lol. I thought that is impossible.I often let an idle game (CotLI) run alongside gw2 and I speed it up via CheatEngine. The other programs I never heard of before and I won't google it - because, let's be honest: installing hacker software on your pc opens the door for hackers. Period. I'm a nurse and not a cyber criminal.€dit: How could you use CE for an online game? All the stuff is saved on the servers, no?!

in case of gw2 a lot of things is clientside

A lot? The only thing that is really hackable and give advantage is speed or teleport which are something easily confirmed at server side by analyzing the data.

At the same time, such thing can easily give false positive due to lag or lag spike thus the data is not always reliable at server end.

Nevertheless, anet should make sure speed hack is actually performed by double checking with their server data, especially for the case of cheat engine.

When people say alot, people should see the division when was released a online game 100% local Ç_Ç some of my low effort tricks still work.If Anet reduces the spam and the flash speed pace of the game those checks could be andy, still Anet can protect mem on the client to avoid that, and then check on the server, still i assume that will create some disconfort on game quality, reason i said "if Anet reduces spam and pace of combat, speed etc ", atm every one want to be a Obikwelu or Ursain Bolt.

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@Serra.5479 said:Gaile please, I dont use illegal programs, please check my account.I have more than 10k hours, more than 36k achievements and I spend a lot of money in gems every month, why would I risk my account?Please, please, help.

You risked your account the moment you started using 3rd party programs, Anet has always been so wishy washy about what is allowed and what is not allowed, it was obvious their stance would blow with the wind, and now you are paying for it. One of the reasons I have never used 3rd party programs is because my account is far to valuable to risk, you should have felt the same...

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@Nezekan.2671 said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@Twoodi.5849 said:It raises more questions because you are basically admitting you have no evidence of people cheating but detected they have the program open at the same time which according to you is good enough reason to ban users for 6 months.

Right ... people only have the software in question OPEN on their computers while playing the game ... they don't actually use it :confounded:

cheatengine, despite the name, is not used exclusively for cheating

Maybe ... but that's the player's risk isn't it ...

I am telling you people are banned for merely having the program installed, and not necessarily using it in the same time with GW2. What say you?

I say that's their risk isn't it ... They installed a program that people use to cheat. You're going to tell me they didn't know that?

What next ANET ban anyone with razer synapse, corsair cue or any other macro software because they could possibly use that software to create rule breaking macros?

Again ... you are saying people only INSTALLED the software and didn't USE it? BS ... Yes, that's what everyone does ... Just stop.

Yes, I never used it when GW2 was open and I have only played GW2 for a month. I also play WoW and FFXIV and I have never even received a warning. Specially WoW which I have been playing for 8 years.

ANET is at fault here, there is no denying it.

No you are the one at fault.. why did you download cheat engine if not to cheat.. otherwise like I have asked you already.. what legit purpose did you use it for.. because you never got caught cheating in wow or any other game means nothing here.. you got caught for have a program installed that can be used for malicious pupose.. appeal and hope you get lucky or otherwise time to suck it up and enjoy the holiday with your.. friend

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@Sojar.1495 said:

@Jinks.2057 said:Being banned for having certain programs on your computer and not cheating on the game is wrong.

The way Anet did this is not by grabbing the processes that were linked to Guildwars but ALL your processes.

HUGE breach of privacy and security. It'd be different if they just monitored what was linked to GW2 instead of grabbing everything and storing it on their servers. I have a major problem with that

Really? A huge breach of security? Why is that? Explain why it's a huge breach of security. I can literally copy paste a list of every active process I have running all over the internet. What security risk will I incur? Do tell!

It's not like Spyware is ever used to backdoor your computer's security or anything.....

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@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@Twoodi.5849 said:It raises more questions because you are basically admitting you have no evidence of people cheating but detected they have the program open at the same time which according to you is good enough reason to ban users for 6 months.

Right ... people only have the software in question OPEN on their computers while playing the game ... they don't actually use it :confounded:

cheatengine, despite the name, is not used exclusively for cheating

Maybe ... but that's the player's risk isn't it ...

uhm no, this is not like bringing a gun to a school, this is like having a bread knife, you having this tool doesn't automatically mean you used it to hack gw2

No it's not like bringing a gun to school or a bread knife. It's like breaking the terms of the agreement you have with Anet every time you log into the game. You're like the other guy ... you don't seem to understand what you pay for when you play this game.

You are defending Anet now but with such lackluster systems like they have, one day you can be rewarded with unjustified ban by them. On that day, you gonna change your stance on this subject. You should respect yourself as a customer and never trust companies.

Your continual disdain of ANET in this matter and your vehement support for those banned is beginning to make me think your are in some way affected by this otherwise why do you keep making these baseless remarks.. provide some proof of what was done and what was not done by those affected, prove what anet has or has not done breaks any kind of law and then we can all rejoice and praise joko!

ANET has already come out and said they will be lifting the ban on a small number of accounts.. but those accounts have already been caught in a botting or hacking incident previously so something has triggered a flag on them again.. but they have been let off this time.. feel good for them.

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@Linken.6345 said:

@"Kunzaito.8169" said:


A player's computer is not on Anet's property.

I misread your response initially, revising:

This is where you are trying to stretch the analogy too far. It's not going to fit every dimension of this situation physically and doesn't have to.

ANet can monitor your computer at any time for any reason while you use their software as per the terms you agreed to when you created an account - see the user referencing the EXACT section of that EULA above. Don't like it? Uninstall.

You are missing the point. They didnt just monitor. Anet went that one step beyond that makes this whole thing distasteful and shady. They gathered data, they send said data to their server, and they did that unexpectedly nearly 6 years after I signed my UA without informing me about it. 3 out of 3 makes it spyware in my book.

Yes and this is why Gaile updated her original post. They are now in damage control mode and I'd like to see some people lose their jobs with a VERY public apology.

Even then I don't think they can ever be trusted again.

Lose their jobb for what exactly doing something you gave them premission to do?

For installing spyware that stole private information from thousands of computers without their expressed permission. A TOS from 6 years ago will not cover draconian spyware of this nature. If they did it to ONLY grab the processes that pertain to GW2 only NO ONE would have a SINGLE issue with it.

This is not the case.

They grabbed everything and also in their privacy statement confirm they work with online information analytic companies who they give your info to.

That is the crime.

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@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@Twoodi.5849 said:It raises more questions because you are basically admitting you have no evidence of people cheating but detected they have the program open at the same time which according to you is good enough reason to ban users for 6 months.

Right ... people only have the software in question OPEN on their computers while playing the game ... they don't actually use it :confounded:

cheatengine, despite the name, is not used exclusively for cheating

Maybe ... but that's the player's risk isn't it ...

uhm no, this is not like bringing a gun to a school, this is like having a bread knife, you having this tool doesn't automatically mean you used it to hack gw2

No it's not like bringing a gun to school or a bread knife. It's like breaking the terms of the agreement you have with Anet every time you log into the game. You're like the other guy ... you don't seem to understand what you pay for when you play this game.

You are defending Anet now but with such lackluster systems like they have, one day you can be rewarded with unjustified ban by them. On that day, you gonna change your stance on this subject. You should respect yourself as a customer and never trust companies.

It's not defending. it's making people understand the risks they take with 3rd party software and how it affects their access to the game. I respect the agreement I sign every time I sign into the game; it's there for a reason because I know it protects me,the game and Anet. That's why I still have my access.

You know that everything on your PC that is not coming from Anet is 3rd party? This means windows, drivers, notepad, weather app, skype, discord, your personal notes and the list goes on. Do not let developer exploit their right to protect the game giving out bans based on assumptions.

Yes and I trust that Anet won't ban me for those things because none of the ones I have violate Anet's terms of Agreement. I don't have a CHOICE to not let Anet use their rights (that I agree to BTW when i log in every time). You seem to think the EULA is just a formality ... I urge you to really take it more seriously.

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@Silmar Alech.4305 said:Cheating is evil. If you choose to get, install and run a program suitable for cheating, you deliberately choose to become evil.This isn't related to one game specifically, this is for gaming in general.Being evil means that you are being persecuted, caught and banned by the good people sooner or later. Everyone who consider becoming evil knows this. If you didn't know this, you are stupid. Being stupid is an explanation but no excuse.Now you were caught and banned. Live with the consequences. You knew it could happen. It happened. It's what happens to someone evil sooner or later.

Quoted for agreement. If you are of low enough morals to cheat in ANY game, much less any MMO, and even download software that does that (whether or not you actually and in fact used it to cheat specifically in GW2), then I don't want you playing this game. You set yourself up for being banned and I think 99% of the people crying foul did in fact deliberately cheat and damn well know it. If you cheat, at anything, you deserve whatever comes around by sowing your own bad karma.

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Thanks God, they got rid of these botters even though there are still more out there that got away with it. All these people protesting the ban are clearly the ones who used the bot/hack/cheat and are coming up with excuses as to why this is not fair, once a cheater always a cheater, waaaaaa cry me a river, YOU GOT CAUGHT, I have nothingto hide so if Anet wants to upload a spyware to see if is using a 3rd party program to cheat then so be it, they have my info anyway, and as a avid PVP player these bots ruin the game making it difficult to have fun and enjoyment playing the arenas. So keep at it Anet get rid of those cheaters and make PVP great again.

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@"Kheldorn.5123" said:I am absolutely disgusted by Gaile's update on banwave.

  1. She says Anet cares about transparency and respects our privacy and she claims this is why she made an update - this is false information. The only reason this update was posted is because of exposing ArenaNet's dishonesty in terms of data gathering from our PCs.
  2. They actually admitted that bans were handed by ASSUMPTION of hacking GW2, just because certain apps are running in the background. It's like locking someone in prison, because such person has knife in a kitchen, so it's POSSIBLE to use it as a crime tool.
  3. As expected, some accounts already has been unbanned. So there goes Anet's famous "careful investigation".

This whole case is being handled amateurly. You can start your investigations using process list but every single case must be checked if it's actually hacking.

As a customer, I feel now violated by the actions of the company. First of all, it's dishonest. Second, probably not safe for me as I have no control over what data Anet stole from me. Finally, how can I be sure that their inconsistent, faulty "investigation" process won't make me banned one day because I'm running an app they don't know and they ASSUME it's a hack?

I think it's time for new security lead at anet and restructuring of their internal policies.

Well said

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@Euryon.9248 said:

@Silmar Alech.4305 said:Cheating is evil. If you choose to get, install and run a program suitable for cheating, you deliberately choose to become evil.This isn't related to one game specifically, this is for gaming in general.Being evil means that you are being persecuted, caught and banned by the good people sooner or later. Everyone who consider becoming evil knows this. If you didn't know this, you are stupid. Being stupid is an explanation but no excuse.Now you were caught and banned. Live with the consequences. You knew it could happen. It happened. It's what happens to someone evil sooner or later.

Quoted for agreement. If you are of low enough morals to cheat in ANY game, much less any MMO, and even download software that does that (whether or not you actually and in fact used it to cheat specifically in GW2), then I don't want you playing this game. You set yourself up for being banned and I think 99% of the people crying foul did in fact deliberately cheat and kitten well know it. If you cheat, at anything, you deserve whatever comes around by sowing your own bad karma.

Lol there is a huge moral difference between people goofing around in single player games and cheating in multiplayer games.

Cheat engine has a lot of legitimate uses e.g some computer science classes will use it in colleges and universities, game developers use cheat engine to make their games more secure and have better anti-cheat and some emulators require the use of cheat engine to make the games function.

You guys are just scared about something you don't even understand.

Using this logic ANET should scan all users computers and ban anyone that has any MACRO software while those users may not be using macros they could potentially use macros and break the rules so better to be safe than sorry

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@Twoodi.5849 said:

@Silmar Alech.4305 said:Cheating is evil. If you choose to get, install and run a program suitable for cheating, you deliberately choose to become evil.This isn't related to one game specifically, this is for gaming in general.Being evil means that you are being persecuted, caught and banned by the good people sooner or later. Everyone who consider becoming evil knows this. If you didn't know this, you are stupid. Being stupid is an explanation but no excuse.Now you were caught and banned. Live with the consequences. You knew it could happen. It happened. It's what happens to someone evil sooner or later.

Quoted for agreement. If you are of low enough morals to cheat in ANY game, much less any MMO, and even download software that does that (whether or not you actually and in fact used it to cheat specifically in GW2), then I don't want you playing this game. You set yourself up for being banned and I think 99% of the people crying foul did in fact deliberately cheat and kitten well know it. If you cheat, at anything, you deserve whatever comes around by sowing your own bad karma.

Lol there is a huge moral difference between people goofing around in single player games and cheating in multiplayer games.

Cheat engine has a lot of legitimate uses e.g some computer science classes will use it in colleges and universities, game developers use cheat engine to make their games more secure and have better anti-cheat and some emulators require the use of cheat engine to make the games function.

You guys are just scared about something you don't even understand.

Using this logic ANET should scan all users computers and ban anyone that has any MACRO software while those users may not be using macros they could potentially use macros and break the rules so better to be safe than sorry

We are scared? No, I'm pretty safe. I have nothing to be scared of; I don't break the terms of the EULA when I play GW2.

And you are right .... Anet COULD ban people with macro software for hardware devices like mouse and keyboard .... but you notice they didn't do that ... That's the player's risk to have that software. The difference is one of reasonable intent. I get you want to poke holes in the logic Anet applied but you don't seem to understand Anet can do what they like to your access if they find something that violates the EULA

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@Obtena.7952 said:

@Silmar Alech.4305 said:Cheating is evil. If you choose to get, install and run a program suitable for cheating, you deliberately choose to become evil.This isn't related to one game specifically, this is for gaming in general.Being evil means that you are being persecuted, caught and banned by the good people sooner or later. Everyone who consider becoming evil knows this. If you didn't know this, you are stupid. Being stupid is an explanation but no excuse.Now you were caught and banned. Live with the consequences. You knew it could happen. It happened. It's what happens to someone evil sooner or later.

Quoted for agreement. If you are of low enough morals to cheat in ANY game, much less any MMO, and even download software that does that (whether or not you actually and in fact used it to cheat specifically in GW2), then I don't want you playing this game. You set yourself up for being banned and I think 99% of the people crying foul did in fact deliberately cheat and kitten well know it. If you cheat, at anything, you deserve whatever comes around by sowing your own bad karma.

Lol there is a huge moral difference between people goofing around in single player games and cheating in multiplayer games.

Cheat engine has a lot of legitimate uses e.g some computer science classes will use it in colleges and universities, game developers use cheat engine to make their games more secure and have better anti-cheat and some emulators require the use of cheat engine to make the games function.

You guys are just scared about something you don't even understand.

Using this logic ANET should scan all users computers and ban anyone that has any MACRO software while those users may not be using macros they could potentially use macros and break the rules so better to be safe than sorry

We are scared? No, I'm pretty safe. I have nothing to be scared of; I don't break the terms of the EULA when I play GW2.

Well if you have any 3rd party software e.g anything but guild wars 2 installed on windows, you are technically just as guilty as the people who were banned for having cheat engine installed.

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@Twoodi.5849 said:

@Silmar Alech.4305 said:Cheating is evil. If you choose to get, install and run a program suitable for cheating, you deliberately choose to become evil.This isn't related to one game specifically, this is for gaming in general.Being evil means that you are being persecuted, caught and banned by the good people sooner or later. Everyone who consider becoming evil knows this. If you didn't know this, you are stupid. Being stupid is an explanation but no excuse.Now you were caught and banned. Live with the consequences. You knew it could happen. It happened. It's what happens to someone evil sooner or later.

Quoted for agreement. If you are of low enough morals to cheat in ANY game, much less any MMO, and even download software that does that (whether or not you actually and in fact used it to cheat specifically in GW2), then I don't want you playing this game. You set yourself up for being banned and I think 99% of the people crying foul did in fact deliberately cheat and kitten well know it. If you cheat, at anything, you deserve whatever comes around by sowing your own bad karma.

Lol there is a huge moral difference between people goofing around in single player games and cheating in multiplayer games.

Cheat engine has a lot of legitimate uses e.g some computer science classes will use it in colleges and universities, game developers use cheat engine to make their games more secure and have better anti-cheat and some emulators require the use of cheat engine to make the games function.

You guys are just scared about something you don't even understand.

Using this logic ANET should scan all users computers and ban anyone that has any MACRO software while those users may not be using macros they could potentially use macros and break the rules so better to be safe than sorry

We are scared? No, I'm pretty safe. I have nothing to be scared of; I don't break the terms of the EULA when I play GW2.

Well if you have any 3rd party software e.g anything but guild wars 2 installed on windows, you are technically just as guilty as the people who were banned for having cheat engine installed.

Yup ... the difference is that Anet determines what is the acceptable software or not, not you. The fact I'm still playing means that Anet applies a reasonable approach to how they determine what is acceptable or not.

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