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Epidemic in raids needs to be nerfed

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Necro has been this way even before scourge with just plain old condi reaper this is nothing new and its been said plenty of times before apparently that msg only comes across to ppl that watch some popular vids, just goes to show even more ppl don't really play these things if they did would have realized how much easier it is to pull off compared to a crap ton of weavers/tempests. The main reason epi bouncing never truly took off was because of Qts stupid dislike of necro and overwhelming love of eles

Soon prob going to have ppl going ermergerd power spellbreaker is so strong on certain encounters because of fullcounter!

The only build that is prob utter trashcan level atm in a raid setting that isn't going for "record breaking times" is power ranger thing is downright sad.

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@"Lalainnia.3598" said:Necro has been this way even before scourge with just plain old condi reaper this is nothing new and its been said plenty of times before apparently that msg only comes across to ppl that watch some popular vids, just goes to show even more ppl don't really play these things if they did would have realized how much easier it is to pull off compared to a crap ton of weavers/tempests. The main reason epi bouncing never truly took off was because of Qts stupid dislike of necro and overwhelming love of eles

Soon prob going to have ppl going ermergerd power spellbreaker is so strong on certain encounters because of fullcounter!

The only build that is prob utter trashcan level atm in a raid setting that isn't going for "record breaking times" is power ranger thing is downright sad.

Your bashing of qT is so two-thousand-and-late, it's a dead guild. Now you need to bash on guilds like MnF, Snow Crows, DnT, Into Abyss etc. Haven't you been checking the raid tournament? Get with the times bruh.

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@"Malediktus.9250" said:I believe epidemic in raids needs to be nerfed. In certain encounters such VG, Sabetha, Desmina, Dhuum CM it just does too much dmg for too low effort. When timed right you can even work around the invulnerability phases of bosses.I suggest capping the amount of stacks of condis you can transfer. 20 stacks of random condis (in total) instead of 25 stacks of each condition would be appropriate for this skill. That way VG wouldnt loose like 7% of his health bar instantly after being vulnerable again.

Before you talk about Necromancer's, i believe that you don't main one, So Epidemic is not gonna get nerfed and i hope that they won't change their minds, Epidemic is the only way of boosting my damage, I can't join raids btw if there's only one boss, if there's no adds i'm gonna get kicked "Because your damage it too low" that's what they told me, I tried so hard to bring my damage above 18k and i never been able to do it.

With Epidemic in fractals i can reach Weaver's damage perhaps more, and if Necromancers got nerfed again i'm not gonna be able to play with my main class anymore, and i'm sure Anet won't be happy with that because all what they say is they want from people to play their favorite class, and i hate to see how mesmers are the meta class in Guild Wars 2, I hate to see an OP class in any game, Mesmers are already the Tanks, DPS, Condition DPS, and the Support, a little more change in the game and they become healer too.

Epidemic should not be nerfed, otherwise necros need a remake from top to bottom, I was excited to get my reaper spec and then i saw that very few use it nowdays and it's kinda dead.

I'm ok if Anet nerfed Epidemic but buffed necromancer's damage to the point where they can match other classes against a single boss.

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@Malediktus.9250 said:

@Nimon.7840 said:Sure Guys. Nerf epi.Bitte Thema YouTube News top Nerf Elena in big hitbox anderen give necro so much dmg, that He ist solo ablehnen top Resch 33-35k DPS.

Stacking Elena ist still was rasiert Thanksgiving coordinating epibounces in a pug group.

I dont understand

Oh wow. Thats what my Smartphone did. I updated my post ;)

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@Nimon.7840 said:

@Nimon.7840 said:Sure Guys. Nerf epi.Bitte Thema YouTube News top Nerf Elena in big hitbox anderen give necro so much dmg, that He ist solo ablehnen top Resch 33-35k DPS.

Stacking Elena ist still was rasiert Thanksgiving coordinating epibounces in a pug group.

I dont understand

Oh wow. Thats what my Smartphone did. I updated my post ;)

Lol. Your smartphone isn't very smart it seems. Or too smart ?

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Just a few days after Anet nerfed meteor shower I called it that the next skill on the block would be epidemic. Anet has systematically targeted the single highest dps skill in the game, which was fgs -> lava font -> icebow -> meteor shower. It has however taken the community a bit more time then I expected to figure out how and on which bosses you could exploit use this highest dps skill in the game.

But that time is over so I am not very optimistic about the future of epidemic. I would like to think that a nerf won't happen without giving Necro other tools, but that never occurred in the past either. Buffs and nerfs happen regardless of each other. The most likely outcome is a nerf in between expansions and then a possible buff from the next expansion. Naturally, nothing will change except that people will go from what ever is #1 choice for dps to #2.

In the mean time I recommend that people tries it out. It require a fair bit of coordination and has a rather high skill ceiling. It much more punishing than doing the mechanics (vg, xera), and for dhuum cm it just is the safer strat used since the rooting and close contact for weavers make them high risk in regard to the echo.

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@Sephylon.4938 said:

@Nimon.7840 said:Sure Guys. Nerf epi.Bitte Thema YouTube News top Nerf Elena in big hitbox anderen give necro so much dmg, that He ist solo ablehnen top Resch 33-35k DPS.

Stacking Elena ist still was rasiert Thanksgiving coordinating epibounces in a pug group.

I dont understand

Oh wow. Thats what my Smartphone did. I updated my post ;)

Lol. Your smartphone isn't very smart it seems. Or too smart ?

my phone does that to me tooo... and its Challenge mode to type properly in smartphone

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@Talindra.4958 said:

@Xca.9721 said:Its not only the epi, its also the barrier spam that make raids much easier when running scourges. You can just ignore certain mechanics that would wipe the group.

The barrier is good. Necro need a bit of damage buff. Epi nerf so it can do strong damage independently (for pve)

But i think that Buffet shouldnt bei dir for scourge. Better Buffet reaper (maybe Power reaper so Epidemie isnt a thing)

Or Just so the Thing thats mandatory for necro: rework the core traitlines and deathshroud

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Epidemic is too OP and needs to be nerfed, yeah.

But BEFORE that, anet should balance necro and make it a viable DPS option. Even if it's kind of a niche build, an enabler like power revenant -make necro viable for something. If they nerf epi and don't give necro anything else, it will be completely erased from raids. Almost completely useless. Necro is already in a horrible state, it's only used for its epi... if you remove it, you kill the class.

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@Nimon.7840 said:

@Xca.9721 said:Its not only the epi, its also the barrier spam that make raids much easier when running scourges. You can just ignore certain mechanics that would wipe the group.

The barrier is good. Necro need a bit of damage buff. Epi nerf so it can do strong damage independently (for pve)

But i think that Buffet shouldnt bei dir for scourge. Better Buffet reaper (maybe Power reaper so Epidemie isnt a thing)

Or Just so the Thing thats mandatory for necro: rework the core traitlines and deathshroud

Nimon, I think you really should stop posting from your not-so-smart phone ;)

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I mean I kinda wanna see Epi nerfed but only if Scourge gets buffed until its viable enough. Past tells us that Anet has its favorite classes that are always in the PvE Meta. Look at Ele and Mesmer. Weaver is outstanding power dps and mirage outstanding condi dps. Scourge is only viable right now cause of epi. I was really happy when Renegade was good for a few weeks until Anet decided to nerf it for some reason. Now its barely seen anymore in raids.

Edit: Of course you can play Renegade and kill bosses, its just bad compared to other specs.

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Epidemic is the crutch necromancers need to be viable in raids. If you Nerf that you need to buff something else, less they become sub-optimal. Coordinating epidemic in a group I think is a positive mechanic to reward teamwork. It's one of the few skills that gets communicated in the raids I go on.

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@Xca.9721 said:I mean I kinda wanna see Epi nerfed but only if Scourge gets buffed until its viable enough. Past tells us that Anet has its favorite classes that are always in the PvE Meta. Look at Ele and Mesmer. Weaver is outstanding power dps and mirage outstanding condi dps. Scourge is only viable right now cause of epi. I was really happy when Renegade was good for a few weeks until Anet decided to nerf it for some reason. Now its barely seen anymore in raids.

Edit: Of course you can play Renegade and kill bosses, its just bad compared to other specs.

To be fair meta weaver has lowest hp and defenses in the game, while scourge has maximum hp and barriers. Also the rotations are more complex, so they should be rewarded for that. Can't comment on mirage, never tried that.If you want to make all classes equal dps wise, they also need to have the same rotation complexity, health, armor and defensive mechanisms to make it fair.

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@bigchunk.3875 said:Epidemic is the crutch necromancers need to be viable in raids. If you Nerf that you need to buff something else, less they become sub-optimal. Coordinating epidemic in a group I think is a positive mechanic to reward teamwork. It's one of the few skills that gets communicated in the raids I go on.

You may have to be more specific with how we should be buffed should epi be nerfed, otherwose we could get an axe damage inc by 20% to compensate for the loss of epi

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@Sephylon.4938 said:

@bigchunk.3875 said:Epidemic is the crutch necromancers need to be viable in raids. If you Nerf that you need to buff something else, less they become sub-optimal. Coordinating epidemic in a group I think is a positive mechanic to reward teamwork. It's one of the few skills that gets communicated in the raids I go on.

You may have to be more specific with how we should be buffed should epi be nerfed, otherwose we could get an axe damage inc by 20% to compensate for the loss of epi

Honestly I dont care how Anet buffs them in return. They are pretty strong already for the low effort low risk playstyle. Sure they are not optimal at anything without the current epi anymore, but as long as Anet does not make it harder to play they are in a good spot already.And any buff they get in return should obviously be PvE only, they are already OP tier in WvW and PvP.

In Snowcrow benchmarks weaver does roughly 23% more dmg than scourge (small hitbox). That seems very fair to me already considering the risk and effort comparison. On big hitboxes weaver is obviously a bit more ahead, but that is a problem with big vs small hitboxes. An issue that basically should not exist and would be another topic someone can start.

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