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Why there isn't a 5v5 gameplay more than only ATs and mATs?I mean it's unfair that a 5v5 game is unplayable in 5 people (or its' playable only 3 times in a day).

Now it's like when I go to play basketball I go alone and find people on the road asking them to play with me, while if I want an improvement I need a team!

It's not a complaint post, it's more a suggestion post to aNet to find a way to restore a team ladder or a guild ladder like in gw1. Please, it's really important for the game!

Also a good way to teach to people to play togheter is to change the current pvp matchmaking and put the old RA system from gw1 where if you win you keep your team and can have a better rewards after a win streak, it's the same concept: incentivate team play.

I'm pretty bored of selfish players that thinks only to the ranking and won't collaborate, it is the best game with the best pvp I've played since gw1, please bring back a reason to play this game as a team and I'm sure it will be rewarded in time.

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Because anti-social people with no friends thought it was unfair for people that had friends to play with them. They were also delusional enough to think they were getting farmed by casual 5 man groups (even though evidence brought fourth by ArenaNet stated otherwise).

This is why we can't have nice things.

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Because all competitive games and sports are always improved by randomly forming teams from strangers, preventing them from having any decent form of communication, and then never letting that same team ever practice or play together ever again...

Oh wait.

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@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:Because anti-social people with no friends thought it was unfair for people that had friends to play with them. They were also delusional enough to think they were getting farmed by casual 5 man groups (even though evidence brought fourth by ArenaNet stated otherwise).

This is why we can't have nice things.

what I love even more is the solo queuer who insists that the current shrinking population, and borked matchmaker is somehow and improvement, or that it has nothing to do w all the people who quit after they removed team queue lol


it simple social dynamics, a team game needs team play for the health of the community. without it the community has an extremely hard time attracting new players, and nearly always falls into decline

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@choovanski.5462 said:

@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:Because anti-social people with no friends thought it was unfair for people that had friends to play with them. They were also delusional enough to think they were getting farmed by casual 5 man groups (even though evidence brought fourth by ArenaNet stated otherwise).

This is why we can't have nice things.

what I love even more is the solo queuer who insists that the current shrinking population, and borked matchmaker is somehow and improvement, or that it has nothing to do w all the people who quit after they removed team queue lol


it simple social dynamics, a team game needs team play for the health of the community. without it the community has an extremely hard time attracting new players, and nearly always falls into decline

Literally every other competetive game has visible mmr of players and the ability to queue in as a team. This would however obviously not work in Guild Wars 2. Because reasons.

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@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:Because anti-social people with no friends thought it was unfair for people that had friends to play with them. They were also delusional enough to think they were getting farmed by casual 5 man groups (even though evidence brought fourth by ArenaNet stated otherwise).

This is why we can't have nice things.

what I love even more is the solo queuer who insists that the current shrinking population, and borked matchmaker is somehow and improvement, or that it has nothing to do w all the people who quit after they removed team queue lol


it simple social dynamics, a team game needs team play for the health of the community. without it the community has an extremely hard time attracting new players, and nearly always falls into decline

every other competetive game
has visible mmr of players and the ability to queue in as a team. This would however obviously not work in Guild Wars 2. Because reasons.

i know right... like overwatch has it & it’s one of the biggest bois in gaming rn

honestly i feel like the difficulty of forming teams all stems from personality & attitude issues people have, not anything else. like honestly to goodness i’ll show you how easy it is to find new teammates.

say you play a game with a core guard, & he just rocks. like he’s splatting fools left & right. you have a cool 2v3 with him (you're on druid) so you compliment him in team chat. then you whisper him at the end of the game suggesting you party together.

two games later, you come across a thief who has a really silly pink outfit, but is pretty good. you invite him too. etc etc

thats how it works. it’s simple. it’s openness. it’s going into bars alone & making new friends.

its also means you & your new guardian & thief friends will whisper each other if you see each other online, making pvp more fun & increasing retention for all three of you. it makes it so much less likely for rage quitters, toxic players, afkers, & bad matchmaking to wear you down to a nub & make you quit. the are huge positives to being nice, cooperative & social. for both you & the community. more teams mean a less frustrated, & kinder playerbase. & social & welcoming place.

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@choovanski.5462 said:

@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:Because anti-social people with no friends thought it was unfair for people that had friends to play with them. They were also delusional enough to think they were getting farmed by casual 5 man groups (even though evidence brought fourth by ArenaNet stated otherwise).

This is why we can't have nice things.

what I love even more is the solo queuer who insists that the current shrinking population, and borked matchmaker is somehow and improvement, or that it has nothing to do w all the people who quit after they removed team queue lol


it simple social dynamics, a team game needs team play for the health of the community. without it the community has an extremely hard time attracting new players, and nearly always falls into decline

every other competetive game
has visible mmr of players and the ability to queue in as a team. This would however obviously not work in Guild Wars 2. Because reasons.

i know right... like overwatch has it & it’s one of the biggest bois in gaming rn

honestly i feel like the difficulty of forming teams all stems from personality & attitude issues people have, not anything else. like honestly to goodness i’ll show you how easy it is to find new teammates.

say you play a game with a core guard, & he just rocks. like he’s splatting fools left & right. you have a cool 2v3 with him (you're on druid) so you compliment him in team chat. then you whisper him at the end of the game suggesting you party together.

two games later, you come across a thief who has a really silly pink outfit, but is pretty good. you invite him too. etc etc

thats how it works. it’s simple. it’s openness. it’s going into bars alone & making new friends.

its also means you & your new guardian & thief friends will whisper each other if you see each other online, making pvp more fun & increasing retention for all three of you. it makes it so much less likely for rage quitters, toxic players, afkers, & bad matchmaking to wear you down to a nub & make you quit. the are huge positives to being nice, cooperative & social. for both you & the community. more teams mean a less frustrated, & kinder playerbase. & social & welcoming place.

0l8q0RG.pngYou playing druid by any chance? ;)

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@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:Because anti-social people with no friends thought it was unfair for people that had friends to play with them. They were also delusional enough to think they were getting farmed by casual 5 man groups (even though evidence brought fourth by ArenaNet stated otherwise).

This is why we can't have nice things.

what I love even more is the solo queuer who insists that the current shrinking population, and borked matchmaker is somehow and improvement, or that it has nothing to do w all the people who quit after they removed team queue lol


it simple social dynamics, a team game needs team play for the health of the community. without it the community has an extremely hard time attracting new players, and nearly always falls into decline

every other competetive game
has visible mmr of players and the ability to queue in as a team. This would however obviously not work in Guild Wars 2. Because reasons.

i know right... like overwatch has it & it’s one of the biggest bois in gaming rn

honestly i feel like the difficulty of forming teams all stems from personality & attitude issues people have, not anything else. like honestly to goodness i’ll show you how easy it is to find new teammates.

say you play a game with a core guard, & he just rocks. like he’s splatting fools left & right. you have a cool 2v3 with him (you're on druid) so you compliment him in team chat. then you whisper him at the end of the game suggesting you party together.

two games later, you come across a thief who has a really silly pink outfit, but is pretty good. you invite him too. etc etc

thats how it works. it’s simple. it’s openness. it’s going into bars alone & making new friends.

its also means you & your new guardian & thief friends will whisper each other if you see each other online, making pvp more fun & increasing retention for all three of you. it makes it so much less likely for rage quitters, toxic players, afkers, & bad matchmaking to wear you down to a nub & make you quit. the are huge positives to being nice, cooperative & social. for both you & the community. more teams mean a less frustrated, & kinder playerbase. & social & welcoming place.


You playing druid by any chance? ;)

nah, im actually playing gladiator in for honor, toe stab into the bamboozle lol


i used to dual main warrior & engineer, & sub main guardian. we had some really talented rangers in our guild so we often had a good druid in our party.

we used to mostly play warrior/DH with druid & theif/engineer depending on what the other two people our trio got matched with were playing. but we all play other games now, because we can’t queue together & it’s too depressing to play in a meta with scourge alone.

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@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:Because anti-social people with no friends thought it was unfair for people that had friends to play with them. They were also delusional enough to think they were getting farmed by casual 5 man groups (even though evidence brought fourth by ArenaNet stated otherwise).

This is why we can't have nice things.

what I love even more is the solo queuer who insists that the current shrinking population, and borked matchmaker is somehow and improvement, or that it has nothing to do w all the people who quit after they removed team queue lol


it simple social dynamics, a team game needs team play for the health of the community. without it the community has an extremely hard time attracting new players, and nearly always falls into decline

every other competetive game
has visible mmr of players and the ability to queue in as a team. This would however obviously not work in Guild Wars 2. Because reasons.

i know right... like overwatch has it & it’s one of the biggest bois in gaming rn

honestly i feel like the difficulty of forming teams all stems from personality & attitude issues people have, not anything else. like honestly to goodness i’ll show you how easy it is to find new teammates.

say you play a game with a core guard, & he just rocks. like he’s splatting fools left & right. you have a cool 2v3 with him (you're on druid) so you compliment him in team chat. then you whisper him at the end of the game suggesting you party together.

two games later, you come across a thief who has a really silly pink outfit, but is pretty good. you invite him too. etc etc

thats how it works. it’s simple. it’s openness. it’s going into bars alone & making new friends.

its also means you & your new guardian & thief friends will whisper each other if you see each other online, making pvp more fun & increasing retention for all three of you. it makes it so much less likely for rage quitters, toxic players, afkers, & bad matchmaking to wear you down to a nub & make you quit. the are huge positives to being nice, cooperative & social. for both you & the community. more teams mean a less frustrated, & kinder playerbase. & social & welcoming place.


You playing druid by any chance? ;)

Showing of your winrate every single thread is just pure cringe.70% winrate noawadays is like 55% winrate back then in ESL times when people actually did care and not people like dnnyby, bbyln and grkos think they are top tier.Especally when you made all your 400 games during this trash time.

no offense tho ;)

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Team que used to be a thing but then ANET decided to poll a Trial run for duo que only but the Hidden surprise was it wasnt so much a trial lol...

I never blamed anyone for wanting to try solo/duo que (i for one voted No bc i ran a large spvp guild and i knew the ramifications of losing team ranked que) and alas now the guild is dead and i remain in contact with about 30 of them on other games but we all quit gw2....i still check the forums to see if they ever will go back (may be tempted to log back in after a months of inactivity)

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@montecristo.1324 said:Why there isn't a 5v5 gameplay more than only ATs and mATs?

Unranked allows premades.

I mean it's unfair that a 5v5 game is unplayable in 5 people (or its' playable only 3 times in a day).

See above.

Now it's like when I go to play basketball I go alone and find people on the road asking them to play with me, while if I want an improvement I need a team!

What about those players that don't want to affix themselves to a team or just want to do street matches?

I'm pretty bored of selfish players that thinks only to the ranking and won't collaborate, it is the best game with the best pvp I've played since gw1, please bring back a reason to play this game as a team and I'm sure it will be rewarded in time.

Unranked allows premades.

That being said, you're right. there should be an option to allow teams to fight teams 24/7, in ranked. They should only be able to fight other premades though.If you're just here to play with your friends though, there are still avenues to do that. Take care your desire is not to chew through pug groups with your organized one. The solo players are not less important.

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@Azure The Heartless.3261 said:

@"montecristo.1324" said:Why there isn't a 5v5 gameplay more than only ATs and mATs?

Unranked allows premades.

I mean it's unfair that a 5v5 game is unplayable in 5 people (or its' playable only 3 times in a day).

See above.

Now it's like when I go to play basketball I go alone and find people on the road asking them to play with me, while if I want an improvement I need a team!

What about those players that don't want to affix themselves to a team or just want to do street matches?

I'm pretty bored of selfish players that thinks only to the ranking and won't collaborate, it is the best game with the best pvp I've played since gw1, please bring back a reason to play this game as a team and I'm sure it will be rewarded in time.

Unranked allows premades.

That being said, you're right. there should be an option to allow teams to fight teams 24/7, in ranked. They should only be able to fight other premades though.If you're just here to play with your friends though, there are still avenues to do that. Take care your desire is not to chew through pug groups with your organized one. The solo players are not less important.

Unranked may allow premades...but it also allows players to go into spvp with no armor or run a completely off meta bad build with no consequence.....in other words competition is not there not even close it mostly just playing around....

it also doesn't offer the same reward as ranked does and unfortunately someone is only gonna do a thing for so long...before just quitting because it isn't rewarding to do

SO if there is no reward and no competition and no incentive to que in unranked why the heck would we ???? if it were reversed would you be ok with that imagine if in ranked you HAD to que as a 5 stack and in unranked you could only que solo....i imagine you would be quite perplexed at how dumb that is bc you would think "well its my choice to que solo so i should be able to" well exactly lol

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@Azure The Heartless.3261 said:

That being said, you're right. there should be an option to allow teams to fight teams 24/7, in ranked. They should only be able to fight other premades though.If you're just here to play with your friends though, there are still avenues to do that. Take care your desire is not to chew through pug groups with your organized one. The solo players are not less important.

never said that I want premades vs pugs. I think that the two things have to co exists. And I add one thing: the team ranked should have fixed teams, in order to prevents changes of teams or people playing in multiple teams (do remember the gw1 gvg ladder?)And I also think that it's one thing that we had and we need to have it back because it doesn't stand that I can't play competitively with my friends.Another thing I think is that I litteraly LOVE if there are 1,2,3 or 5 teams that will farm these team ranked arena. Beacause if they are stronger than the others I would love to see them prized for that as I liked in gw1 to see the top teams play.

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Trying to see how this actually makes sense in your head is giving me a brain aneurysm.

@Azure The Heartless.3261 said:

@montecristo.1324 said:Why there isn't a 5v5 gameplay more than only ATs and mATs?

Unranked allows premades.

Unranked, is also not fucking competitive. Do you honestly think a full 5 man premade, trying to get better to compete in tournaments, will honestly improve after steamrolling a bunch of randoms in unranked who are trying to learn the game?

I mean it's unfair that a 5v5 game is unplayable in 5 people (or its' playable only 3 times in a day).

See above.

See above.

Now it's like when I go to play basketball I go alone and find people on the road asking them to play with me, while if I want an improvement I need a team!

What about those players that don't want to affix themselves to a team or just want to do street matches?

Then they can play solo. Nothing is stopping them from doing so.

See, now use your brain a little bit and see how much trouble you'll get yourself into if you yell at other players and STOP them from playing with their friends on the street.

I'm pretty bored of selfish players that thinks only to the ranking and won't collaborate, it is the best game with the best pvp I've played since gw1, please bring back a reason to play this game as a team and I'm sure it will be rewarded in time.

Unranked allows premades.

Unranked isn't competitive.

That being said, you're right. there should be an option to allow teams to fight teams 24/7, in ranked. They should only be able to fight other premades though.If you're just here to play with your friends though, there are still avenues to do that. Take care your desire is not to chew through pug groups with your organized one. The solo players are not less important.

I hope you realize people who played solo only are also advocating for team que.

I PLAYED NEARLY ALL OF MY GAMES SOLO even when team que was a thing. However, I was much more satisfied losing to a 5 man and having the potential to form my own than I am currently.

Again, if you can understand English, Anet already said that 5 mans didn't stomp solos. Also, if a group spends a lot of time and effort to get organized, communicate, and improve, they SHOULD win more. That's how it literally works everywhere else in the world. But hey, Anet supports flawed logic and people with no friends. That's why everyone is having fun and the game's population is booming with a healthy competitive scene. Ecks dee

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@montecristo.1324 said:

That being said, you're right. there should be an option to allow teams to fight teams 24/7, in ranked. They should only be able to fight other premades though.If you're just here to play with your friends though, there are still avenues to do that. Take care your desire is not to chew through pug groups with your organized one. The solo players are not less important.

never said that I want premades vs pugs. I think that the two things have to co exists. And I add one thing: the team ranked should have fixed teams, in order to prevents changes of teams or people playing in multiple teams (do remember the gw1 gvg ladder?)And I also think that it's one thing that we had and we need to have it back because it doesn't stand that I can't play competitively with my friends.Another thing I think is that I litteraly LOVE if there are 1,2,3 or 5 teams that will farm these team ranked arena. Beacause if they are stronger than the others I would love to see them prized for that as I liked in gw1 to see the top teams play.

Most people advocating for team que to return understand that premade vs pugs looks bad on paper

But anet already said statistically premades dont win more then pugs AND even if that were not the case the dmg caused by not having a team que far outweighs the discomfort some solo que may exp in only some of their games. (they love to remind us that people who want to form teams are the minority) so it should only affect a minority of there games.

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@Nova.3817 said:

That being said, you're right. there should be an option to allow teams to fight teams 24/7, in ranked. They should only be able to fight other premades though.If you're just here to play with your friends though, there are still avenues to do that. Take care your desire is not to chew through pug groups with your organized one. The solo players are not less important.

never said that I want premades vs pugs. I think that the two things have to co exists. And I add one thing: the team ranked should have fixed teams, in order to prevents changes of teams or people playing in multiple teams (do remember the gw1 gvg ladder?)And I also think that it's one thing that we had and we need to have it back because it doesn't stand that I can't play competitively with my friends.Another thing I think is that I litteraly LOVE if there are 1,2,3 or 5 teams that will farm these team ranked arena. Beacause if they are stronger than the others I would love to see them prized for that as I liked in gw1 to see the top teams play.

Most people advocating for team que to return understand that premade vs pugs looks bad on paper

But anet already said statistically premades dont win more then pugs AND even if that were not the case the dmg caused by not having a team que far outweighs the discomfort some solo que may exp in only some of their games. (they love to remind us that people who want to form teams are the minority) so it should only affect a minority of there games.

They also don't realize that some solo players LOVED going up against 5 man premades.

I played solo 99% of the time even when team ques were around because I LIKED having the challenge of going up against a group of 5 people who were organized and communicating. People don't realize that even though the other team might be more coordinated, that doesn't necessarily mean that they'll win every fight. It just means they MIGHT have better rotations. But if everyone on your solo team is good mechanically/can rotate just as well without comms, they still have a really good shot at winning.

Also, I'll just put it out there that winning against a 5 man feels AWESOME because you know you and your team played well. Then this leads into the formation of new teams as you talk with some of these people and end up playing together and forming your own team. Of course, doing so leads to higher player retention and player satisfaction but that's not allowed. :]

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@shadowpass.4236 said:Trying to see how this actually makes sense in your head is giving me a brain aneurysm.


Unranked, is also not kitten competitive. Do you honestly think a full 5 man premade, trying to get better to compete in tournaments, will honestly improve after steamrolling a bunch of randoms in unranked who are trying to learn the game?

Which is why there should be team ranked queues that pit premades against premades. I'm not against that idea.

Now it's like when I go to play basketball I go alone and find people on the road asking them to play with me, while if I want an improvement I need a team!What about those players that don't want to affix themselves to a team or just want to do street matches?Then they can play solo. Nothing is stopping them from doing so.See, now use your brain a little bit and see how much trouble you'll get yourself into if you yell at other players and STOP them from playing with their friends on the street.


Never advocated that they should stop doing so, only that they should be put up against other premades if they chose to do so. You seem to be of the opinion that I want teams to never play in ranked matches at all for some reason, when what I am actually against is ensuring people do not exploit that mechanic to acquire easy wins versus people who don't want to be bothered with that legwork. Those are two entirely different concepts.

I'm pretty bored of selfish players that thinks only to the ranking and won't collaborate, it is the best game with the best pvp I've played since gw1, please bring back a reason to play this game as a team and I'm sure it will be rewarded in time.

Unranked allows premades.

Unranked isn't competitive.

If you're here to play with friends for fun, unranked allows it. If you are here to play with friends to improve as a team/rank as a team, that avenue should be provided more often than the Automatic Tournaments, yes. Premade groups and randomly created groups should not mingle in the same ranked sphere though, because there is the potential for heavy competitive advantage in the premade's favor. Voice comms, knowledge of the builds and strengths/weaknesses of your teammates, and optimal comp formulation can skew matches in the premade's favor-

Again, if you can understand English, Anet already said that 5 mans didn't stomp solos.

-Even if this is the case. Anet says a lot of things. The fact that a significant amount of teams have not organized themselves enough to make a blip on Arenanet's metrics vs any noncoordinated group does not lend itself to the theory that teams do not have a competitive advantage. Coordinated groups perform better by nature.

Also, if a group spends a lot of time and effort to get organized, communicate, and improve, they SHOULD win more. That's how it literally works everywhere else in the world.

They also usually get placed against other teams to demonstrate their skills. Tournaments usually have split pools for solo players and teams.

But hey, Anet supports flawed logic and people with no friends. That's why everyone is having fun and the game's population is booming with a healthy competitive scene. Ecks dee

I don't understand why supporting someone without friends is a bad angle to go for on a MMO, but Ok.gif

That being said, you're right. there should be an option to allow teams to fight teams 24/7, in ranked. They should only be able to fight other premades though.If you're just here to play with your friends though, there are still avenues to do that. Take care your desire is not to chew through pug groups with your organized one. The solo players are not less important.I hope you realize people who played solo only are also advocating for team que.
even when team que was a thing. However, I was much more satisfied losing to a 5 man and having the potential to form my own than I am currently.

Ok.gif. I am not advocating the current system is flawless, or that teammates should not be allowed to team queue. I am merely pointing out the following.

  • If your goal is to specifically play with friends, you can still do that.
  • There are some individuals who want to premake in ranked so that they have a general competitive edge.
  • If you want to play ranked in premades, that option should be made available. It should only be vs other groups who have had the opportunity to prepare as you did, though.

Sorry if my English comprehension isn't up to snuff~

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@montecristo.1324 said:Why there isn't a 5v5 gameplay more than only ATs and mATs?I mean it's unfair that a 5v5 game is unplayable in 5 people (or its' playable only 3 times in a day).

Now it's like when I go to play basketball I go alone and find people on the road asking them to play with me, while if I want an improvement I need a team!

It's not a complaint post, it's more a suggestion post to aNet to find a way to restore a team ladder or a guild ladder like in gw1. Please, it's really important for the game!

Also a good way to teach to people to play togheter is to change the current pvp matchmaking and put the old RA system from gw1 where if you win you keep your team and can have a better rewards after a win streak, it's the same concept: incentivate team play.

I'm pretty bored of selfish players that thinks only to the ranking and won't collaborate, it is the best game with the best pvp I've played since gw1, please bring back a reason to play this game as a team and I'm sure it will be rewarded in time.

Short answer: Anet is already working on a solution: On demand ATs and improvements to the tournament system. They decided to go with it due to data that we don't have access to. Certainly it won't be ideal but you will need to trust the devs that it is the best possible solution.To go with it they could introduce a ladder based on the placement in daily and monthly ATs!

Long answer: In my opinion a solo/duo only queue is fair and more competitive, as most play solo anyways and premades would give the few an unfair advantage. And where's the sense of accomplishment when you stomp uncoordinated solo players most of the time? A separate team queue could be the solution. But the devs already stated that based on their data a separate queue for teams couldn't sustain itself. Probably they mean it'd have long queues and end up making unfair matches anyways. It wouldn't be competitive.Therefore they are working on a different solution: A tournament that you can sign up for at any given time and that will start once enough teams have registered. Furthermore they are working on changing the ATs to swiss style, which means that if you lose the first round you will have a chance to come back from it. That way it ensures that every team will get at least a few games out of a tournament.

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@mixxed.5862 said:

@montecristo.1324 said:Why there isn't a 5v5 gameplay more than only ATs and mATs?I mean it's unfair that a 5v5 game is unplayable in 5 people (or its' playable only 3 times in a day).

Now it's like when I go to play basketball I go alone and find people on the road asking them to play with me, while if I want an improvement I need a team!

It's not a complaint post, it's more a suggestion post to aNet to find a way to restore a team ladder or a guild ladder like in gw1. Please, it's really important for the game!

Also a good way to teach to people to play togheter is to change the current pvp matchmaking and put the old RA system from gw1 where if you win you keep your team and can have a better rewards after a win streak, it's the same concept: incentivate team play.

I'm pretty bored of selfish players that thinks only to the ranking and won't collaborate, it is the best game with the best pvp I've played since gw1, please bring back a reason to play this game as a team and I'm sure it will be rewarded in time.

Short answer: Anet is already working on an alternative solution: On demand ATs and improvements to the tournament system. They decided to go with it due to data that we don't have access to. Certainly it won't be ideal but you will need to trust the devs that it is the best possible solution.To go with it they could introduce a ladder based on the placement in daily and monthly ATs!

Long answer: In my opinion a solo/duo queue is fair and more competitive, as most play solo anyways and premades would give the few an unfair advantage. And where's the sense of accomplishment when you stomp uncoordinated solo players most of the time? A separate team queue could be the solution. But the devs already stated that based on their data a separate queue for teams couldn't sustain itself. Probably they mean it'd have long queues and end up making unfair matches anyways. It wouldn't be competitive.Therefore they are working on an alternative solution: A tournament that you can sign up for at any given time and that will start once enough teams have registered. Furthermore they are working on changing the ATs to swiss style, which means that if you lose the first round you will have a chance to come back from it. That way it ensures that every team will get at least a few games out of a tournament.

Marvelous. Here's hoping this addresses that issue.

@montecristo.1324 said:

never said that I want premades vs pugs. I think that the two things have to co exists.


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Just add "Ranked--Team" and "Ranked--Solo", separate leaderboards and separate MMRs. Run this for a season (or if disastrous, revert it sooner). Ranked--Team leaderboards will only go up to Top 50s rather than Top 250s we have now.

Another option is to revert Ranked to solo q + premades and see how that will work. I feel this option would be more stable so ANet should try this option first. If successful keep it, if not try the first option.

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