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Motion Sickness


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@Morfedel.4165 said:For some reason, I am getting motion sick with the new expansion. In fact, I think its when using mounts. I've had this problem all the time with first person shooters, but never with GW2 until now. Anyone else having that issue?

Welcome to the club: https://forum-en.guildwars2.com/forum/game/gw2/Major-Concern-Mounts-and-motion-sickness

It's been a month, but still no clear response from Anet. All we got is some obscure promises during the Guild Chat. A-a-and an option called Camera Roll, but I didn't preorder PoF (because of MS), so I know nothing about that feature (tbh, I doubt whether 'roll' has something to do with 'momentum' and other stuff mentioned in the "major concern" topic). Ppl say it doesn't help much anyway.

Seems like they don't care. Yep, that is frustrating.

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@VoxShatterfall.5470 said:I'm getting really bad vertigo when I mount, dismount, start movement, stop movement, and turn around on the raptor mount.

Does anyone have any suggestions?

Well, you'll probably get some useless suggestions (ppl on the forums advised me to use ginger pills and some shitty placebo/scam bracelets) but here's all you have to know: If disabled Camera Roll, minimized Motion Blur option and maximized Field-of-View and Camera Distance don't prevent your vertigo, the game settings have nothing to offer you ATM.

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@VoxShatterfall.5470 said:I'm getting really bad vertigo when I mount, dismount, start movement, stop movement, and turn around on the raptor mount.

Does anyone have any suggestions?

This will sound condescending but I mean it sincerely since the same things bother me: I briefly (VERY briefly) close my eyes or look elsewhere on the screen when mounting, dismounting, etc. It's just for a second or less, so I don't feel I'm missing things. I'd rather do that than feel sick. I had a game called Firewatch where I had to close my eyes whenever my first-person character mantled up rocks or jumped down.

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I wrote to support about this a while back but forgot to post here, like they suggested. I'm happy the issue has been brought up, but sad that you people also feel sick. :(

I tried taking breaks often, tried closing my eyes, even tried not using mounts when not absolutely needed, but I'm still feeling terrible. I don't think I can do anything in the expansion, because today has been pure torture. I still can't stand up (or move) because of the headache and nausea.

I really hope they will come up with an anti-shaking option, because the expansion looks like fun and I'd like to play it.

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Since player reports hint that nothing has been changed since the beta, I take the liberty and copy my report from the old forum. I did not buy PoF because of motion sickness induced by the mounts. I cannot play a game that makes me physically sick. I'm very sad about this, because until now the game was fine. If nothing will be be done about this issue, it is my departure from GW2 after being a player in the GW universe since 2007.

I became a migraine-like headache very quickly about 15-30 minutes after start using the raptor. I had to stop playing.

After seeing this thread, I tried to figure out, what exactly is causing it. I think, it is something like this:

  1. The raptor has the problem that it isn't possible to strafe left or right. It can only go forward. I press right or left, but the raptor doesn't move to the right or to the left. I press and press, and this thing doesn't move where I expect it should move. It feels very sluggish this way and not doing what my hands tell the game. Running on feet is not the same keyboard+mouse flow than running with the raptor.

  2. Worse: it isn't possible to instantly change direction and turn around. The raptor runs in a circle. It turns at some minimal turn radius. But my brain wants to turn the same way as with my ordinary charater. I move the mouse, move move move (my hand and my brain cramps in that moment), but it isn't moving enough. I cannot help it. I push the mouse over the edge of the mouse pad, but it isn't moving as I want/my brain expect it. Changing the direction during running isn't instant as well.

In general: the raptor performs a soft animation to enter a new direction with a small delay. This makes the movement feel very very sluggish and not connected to the mouse movement. Instant migraine. Absolutely bad. We had this delay for every camera rotation at game release: bad. It's a pity, because the raptor has a so beautiful and graceful movement with this, but what can I say?

  1. The third one is mounting the mount. The sudden upwards, slightly backwards leap. This isn't good to my brain. It's not as bad as the points above, but it adds up.

My brain must absolutely control the direction of any camera rotation and running direction. The camera must rotate with a certain velocity and move into the direction my brain expects where it would move. I tuned the rotation speed option very careful.

I press the right mouse button and move the mouse to rotate the camera. I configured A and D to strafe left and strafe right. Rotating with the keyboard makes me feel bad, because this feels like a sudden uncontrolled rotation. My brain only tolerates rotating with right mouse button+mouse move. Using strafe left/right doesn't rotate, so it's my choice of going a bit to the right or to the left.

The tuning of the rotation speed is very important. Too slow or to fast makes me get migraine. It is connected with the movement. While running and rotating the camera, the change in the running direction must correspond to what my brain expects. If it doesn't, I get migraine. To adjust the direction change, I often and automatically use a small bit of strafe left or strafe right to correct the position, so the overall rotation angle is correct.

I tried setting motion blur to minimum, but it felt not better. It made no difference at all, neither maximum nor minimum.

I played with an Asura.Gliding never caused any problem.

The raptor made me the same migraine feeling I got at game release, where it was caused by:

  • jumpiness of the camera [very bad] (got better with "disable camera shake" and "collision sensivity")
  • mouse movement sluggish [very bad] (got better with better PC, but also with some game updates)
  • camera rotation lagged behind mouse [very very bad: almost instant migraine] (got better with the update that reduced the camera rotation delay)
  • camera rotation too fast/slow (adjusted camera corresponding camera setting)
  • low frame rate (tuned fps to 50-60 with new computer)
  • too narrow field of vision [bad] (got better with the update to manually tune fov)

After all that tuning and all the updates, the game ran perfectly. No migraine any more.

The raptor brings it all back. It's a worse feeling than at game release.

It's really difficult to explain what thing in the game is causing migraine/headache. If you developers try to work on this problem, I would be happy to test everything you try and dedicate time for giving feedback, because if the behavior stays this way, it would prevent me from playing, essentially force me to abandon the game.

The strange thing is, I played Guild Wars 1, and Guild Wars 1 had a very strong camera rotation delay, and your character was way more often immobilized due to the game mechanic. But I never felt any motion sickness or migraine with Guild Wars 1. Not the slightest.

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I always play zoomed out to the max. It's the movement of the mount - doesn't move quite right, slower to turn, swerves when stopped - that causes the issues.

Anyway, I spent a day with a terrible migraine (yes, I took all the painkillers I could), so I don't think I will play the expansion until this issue has been solved. :(

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Since I play WvW I have all settings max height/zoomed out all the time - doing that may help with making your character appear very small amongst the beauty of the desert landscape.

The only time I felt stunned, and not in a good way, was this area where you use the jackal mount to teleport wayyyy up into the sky and everything was a blue dazzle... having to run on what looked like a sparkly staircase animated upwards whilst the environment around me depicted otherwise was certainly... estranged and almost sickly. Be careful if you get to that area... my camera was suddenly shifted zoomed in/close.

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If you tap the "back" movement key (usually "S") as you stop, you can straighten out the slide. However, yes, a lot of us tried to give good feedback in the hopes that there would be some settings we could adjust. I realize that there may not have been enough time, but some response from ArenaNet would have been nice.

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@Roxanne.6140 said:Zoom out. I get motion sickness with first person shooters too but I don't get sick when I zoom out on a mount.

I can't talk for everybody here, but I already play zoomed out to the max and have the camera tilted as far above ground as possible. Not to mention camera shake has been disabled from the start. So sadly that's not really helpful.

The problem, as Silmar Alech.4305 has explained, is more about the sluggish way the raptor responds to movement controlling, and the mount/dismount animation. Try taking too many turns with the raptor, and you'll feel sick - if you have strong motion sickness, that is.

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@VoxShatterfall.5470 said:One trick I found was to cover the entire mount with my inventory box so I didn't see what my character was doing / the mount was doing.I'll check later today if it works well.

without any changes i have only spent 1 hour or so in the new zones :/

Looks like it did the trick. A bit eye strain, but was probably making up for lost time.Btw the sand floater mount isnt bad for me.

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Just 5 minutes after I get on the raptor and ride a around, I got sickness and vomit. even on foot I was feeling dizzy. Someone in game suggested from graphic settings at the bottom, turn down motion blur all the way to left. Now I don't feel dizzy on foot, but riding mounts still making me dizzy after 10 or 20 minutes. I think it is all about the mounts act when trying to control them you stop pushing forward and it takes a few second for mount to respond and same goes for turning to left or right. May be that is the reason why no other game implemented such moves on their mounts. May be that is why in other games the only difference between mounted and on foot is speed.

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