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New player, map stats Q..

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Hi Everyone, total newbie here.. I don't mean Guild Wars newbie, I mean MMORPG newbie.. Have been playing a couple of weeks and having a blast, so much so I bought the 2 expansion packs this morning .. Thank you arena loving your awesome game :)..

I've just been watching a youtube clip (Negitive9 dated June 2017) as I often do.. and here at last is my question lol (sorry)..

He showed his 'map' in a newbie tutorial.. in the top left he had all these stats about how his game was going map wise.. My map has never shown these stats, am I missing something?.. As always, sorry if its been asked a million times.. Nice to meet you all.. Cheers K

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And if you're above level 15 and it's still not showing open the map and look for an eye symbol in the bottom left corner - that will bring up a menu with all the things you can show. There's a rare bug where it doesn't always appear automatically when it should.

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This feature is part of the new player experience. It had some critics from the start. I personally think it doesn’t encourage people to look for help and tries to hold a hand to a way people should play according to arenanet, then again, it is well ment and helpful, just don’t take it always too serious. Don’t be afraid to investigate things ahead of time and do not wait till it is introduced.

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Thanks guys, nice to meet you.. not important but forgot to mention, I'm lvl 10 x 8 the demo player was lvl 2.. this was greatly increasing my confusion.. Thanks to you guys I now understand.. I guess 1 of his other characters unlocked it and that did it account wide.. all good ty

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@"Kryptonite.5804" said:Thanks guys, nice to meet you.. not important but forgot to mention, I'm lvl 10 x 8 the demo player was lvl 2.. this was greatly increasing my confusion.. Thanks to you guys I now understand.. I guess 1 of his other characters unlocked it and that did it account wide.. all good ty

Yes. This is a common MMO pattern, incidentally: once you have reached sufficient level, a complicated feature becomes available to all future characters. It is done with the goal of reducing the "information overload" for new players. Once you get high enough level you are assumed to know what it means, so your second character will show it, on the basis it won't be confusing this time. :)

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