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A new thought...


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Maybe ANET is deliberately OPing certain classes with the intent of making relatively low performing players, ( me,) do better? This could be the opposite of deliberately unbalanced matches in the first couple of seasons.

Maybe I've been missing it and should bandwagon whatever the current hype is.. I might gain 1 or even 2 divisions.

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The same arguments of, "this is OP, that is OP, this is underpowered, why did they nerf this, etc..." is in every MMO. GW2 is no different. I've seen more matches lost because of people who push far and die, allow the opposing team to stomp, allow the opposing team to rez, sit idle on a point waiting for respawns instead of rotating else where so they end up dying when 3 respawns rush mid than anything else.

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@"Crius.5487" said:The same arguments of, "this is OP, that is OP, this is underpowered, why did they nerf this, etc..." is in every MMO. GW2 is no different. I've seen more matches lost because of people who push far and die, allow the opposing team to stomp, allow the opposing team to rez, sit idle on a point waiting for respawns instead of rotating else where so they end up dying when 3 respawns rush mid than anything else.Yes what you say is true but is irrelevant with poor balance design in some classes.

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@Ithilwen.1529 said:Well, that didn't work well... no muscle memory on scourge and instantly focussed. I'll try again with the next hyper OP class.

Learning a new profession and build can take some time. The players who are in the top 250 typically focus on a single profession and probably have played several hundred games with the same build. Pick a profession and a build that you think you will enjoy then focus on your micro. Focus on proper skill utilization and also focus on watching out for enemy boons. If you have a build that is centered around interrupts like condition mirage then you want to make sure you are landing your sword ambush when the enemy does not have stability. You should expect to be focused if playing scourge, try using the blood sage variant that has boosted barriers and healing. Manage your skills and focus on surviving. In the long run it will turn you into a better player. There are many important skills to manage such as ones that provide stability, resistance, any type of CC, invuls, etc... Make sure to save these skills for when they are absolutely needed, that includes dodge rolls. Also learn when you just need to disengage from a fight to reset your cool downs.

Remember, it is up to you and only you to want to get better. If you die then use it as a learning experience and think about what you could have done to change the outcome.

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I play vanilla Mesmer and have done for years... through the years of being grossly underpowered. I don't play chrono because I feel the specialization has been abrogated. I don't play Mirage because I expect it to be nerfed under the pavement and I don't want the disappointment.

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@Ithilwen.1529 said:I play vanilla Mesmer and have done for years... through the years of being grossly underpowered. I don't play chrono because I feel the specialization has been abrogated. I don't play Mirage because I expect it to be nerfed under the pavement and I don't want the disappointment.

even if mirage was nerfed to the ground i bet ya it would still be more relevant than core mesmer

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@"Virelion.4128" said:I could make a long comment but I will just leave you with this.

There's one quote from there that sums up why Gw2 has terrible balance problems right now:"You have to create a game where no matter how skilled a player is, their character or deck or avatar can't be great at everything"

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@Ario.8964 said:

@"Virelion.4128" said:I could make a long comment but I will just leave you with this.

There's one quote from there that sums up why Gw2 has terrible balance problems right now:"You have to create a game where no matter how skilled a player is, their character or deck or avatar can't be great at everything"

I have said the same many times. The reference I often use is "Swiss Army Knife" classes.

In GW1, classes have definite weaknesses. GW1 has multi roles in the form of secondary classes. Nearly all classes can shift roles to any other class.. but they won't be good at it. The secondary class is weaker than the primary. So a "real" Ele is much better than a Monk playing Ele on secondary, for example.

By contrast, in GW2, pretty much everyone can do everything well.

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@Ithilwen.1529 said:

@"Virelion.4128" said:I could make a long comment but I will just leave you with this.

There's one quote from there that sums up why Gw2 has terrible balance problems right now:"You have to create a game where no matter how skilled a player is, their character or deck or avatar can't be great at everything"

I have said the same many times. The reference I often use is "Swiss Army Knife" classes.

In GW1, classes have definite weaknesses.
GW1 has multi roles in the form of secondary classes. Nearly all classes can shift roles to any other class.. but they won't be good at it. The secondary class is weaker than the primary. So a "real" Ele is much better than a Monk playing Ele on secondary, for example.

By contrast, in GW2, pretty much everyone can do everything well.

Core classes had defined weaknesses too. For example early in the game when condi engi was meta it's defined weakness was condi damage. Necro was a shutdown for engineer and many ele builds, Guard was a shutdown for thief, thief a shutdown for mesmer, etc.Where anet went wrong was in their creation of elite specs. What should have been done was elites should have lost access to a trait line, a mechanic, and a skill type that allowed them to fill a role to compensate for their gaining a skill type, wep, role, etc. Instead they were designed as pure upgrades that patched the pre existing weaknesses of the classes. (only ones that actually changed the mechanics of the class being played was the guard specs because of the virtue changes, but even those were mostly upgrades to the existing virtues, and ele which changed how attunements function/interact with the player)

The only way anet would ever be able to achieve balance between core and elites would be with the biggest rework the game has ever seen. It would require redesigning so much that it's probably not even worth it. But that is anet's decision...

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