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How could a rev only player ended up rank#2 during mesmer meta?

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rev is overpowered as hell cus they overbuffed it but that isn't why hes #2

he's #2 cus elo in this game is irrelevant and it's rng based and player doesnt matter at high elo - only teammates and how they fit and work together. U can be god and if ur build doesnt fit with ur team ur gonna lose cus gw2 is designed badly like that

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Respect. I WANT to get good at Rev because I really enjoy the playstyle but I just don't have the patience... and I feel bad for my teammates when I 1) play too aggressively and die 3453 times or 2) play too passively because I'm trying to avoid #1...

After a few games of me pissing off 4 other players (in unranked, don't worry), I go back to Reaper... and continue to piss off 4 people, but while actually being kind of successful.

It doesn't help that I get about 8 games a week on a good week, there days.

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@TheRealBribri.4068 said:yeah yeah didnt cheated and had just huge luck , maybe ppl need screens :)

Coming from someone who wintraded himself and flames people who kill your revenant 1v2 with core guard. How much raiting you got with mesmer this season without wintraiding? 1600 or finally 1700?Lmfao

Also for those Who claim rev is underpowered, in fact it is not. We play in hotbox comp a power comp without fb and scourge but with rev,core gurads and power reaper and we win nearly every single AT. Rev is super strong in a power based comp. It just requires a lot more work and skill than faceroll comps with scourge and fb.

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@"Master Ketsu.4569" said:tfw people accuse you of cheating if they see you as a rev with a plat badge because rev sucks so if you have over a certain elo you must be hacking.

I've stated before in the rev forums: Rev is underpowered, but not half as bad as a lot of the lesser skilled members of the community think it is. The problem is that the skill floor of Revenant happens to be higher than the skill ceiling of some of the other specs, so you really can't play rev effectively unless you have some decent knowledge of the meta. People keep suggesting insane buffs for Revenant like "Weapon skills cost no energy" without understanding that this would let the class spam a lot of our utility skills on recharge. The class needs buffs, just not that.

The class needs buffs but not to the power shiro build. Power shiro is how a meta build should look like: high skill floor and cieling with high potential and many strengths but a glaring weakness (conditions in this case) that gives it counter picks and counterplay.This is in contrast to low counter play/counter-pick mirages and s/d thieves, and low skill floor scourge/sb.

The only places revs needs buffs are the unused legends and traits to give it more diversity (Not shiro/glint basically).

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Rev ist pretty strong when played by a mechanically good player, I think there are 3 revs in EU Top 10 (Vebryan, Tiny, Belzedar). It's not in a bad spot at all. Obviously not great against a condi, but with the dodge/blocks and the heal it can survive a few bursts before it goes down and deals out huge speaks before doing so. Also it's a good +1 to bring sidenoders (like spellbreakers or chronos) into trouble.

And also high dps burst specs have always been more viable in ranked than in coordinated play (which doesn't mean they are not viable in the latter, it's just harder against well coordinated teams).

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@Pouloulou.9053 said:I didn't cheat or wintrade, tbh rev was rly good this season because it's only bad against condi mes and condi thief and every mes was chrono cancer instead of condi cancer and rev was one of the only class able to 2v1 them kinda easily imo and most condi thieves just insta steal into my dodge spam all the time LUL. I was around 1800-1820 rating for the whole season and then I just got a really lucky win streak at the end hehe

Congrats... Miss you guys already :)And It's not lucky. You are really really good, as a person and as a player...I have no doubt about your words.

You know I suck against Revs in general but I have no chance whatsoever against you and not only when you play rev but when you play anything...Say hello to the boys for me... See you guys soon

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