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Toggle Action Camera..

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I was just about to uninstall this game until I found this option.. The combat seems 100x better with this option on.I would seriously consider including a short tutorial on that option for new players as soon as possible because other wise the combat system seems clunky and very annoying..

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@vaalix.4913 said:I was just about to uninstall this game until I found this option.. The combat seems 100x better with this option on.I would seriously consider including a short tutorial on that option for new players as soon as possible because other wise the combat system seems clunky and very annoying..

Here's a short tutorial: Left click attacks, Right click selects targets.

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I am no fan of this option, though I like to play action-adventures on console which they clearly inspired to do the action cam mode. But too many skills to use and I have to stretch my fingers like hell. That said, yes they really have to mention it during the start of the game. I mean it's not even in the normal options but somewhere hidden in the short cuts list. Very badly made.

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@Hoodie.1045 said:

@vaalix.4913 said:I was just about to uninstall this game until I found this option.. The combat seems 100x better with this option on.I would seriously consider including a short tutorial on that option for new players as soon as possible because other wise the combat system seems clunky and very annoying..

Here's a short tutorial: Left click attacks, Right click selects targets.

They probably mean some sort of introduction to it. It's not mentioned, and it being there could be the difference between someone playing the game or dropping it. For me it made a big difference, as I always preferred more combat oriented games and never liked the camera movement for traditional games.

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@Just a flesh wound.3589 said:

@Daddicus.6128 said:If you know how to get there, please enlighten me. I want to turn it off; it gets turned on occasionally by random mouse movements/clicks.

It’s a keybind.

Options. Control options. Camera. Toggle action camera.

I think the one I want is Disable Action Camera. The toggle one definitely causes the problem, but I also get it by sweeping with the right mouse button (i.e. every time I move with a large swing). It has killed me three times in WvW. I'm hoping the Disable option prevents it from ever turning on again.

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Just a word of caution, action cam will put u at a severe disadvantage in all scenarios, but most namely in competitive play. A fixed reticle dictating your direction in a game like this serves no purpose other than being a gimmicky add-on. This isnt an action combat game

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Idk if it's intended or not, but holding left click causes auto attacks to fire slowly since it waits for the full animation to play. Spamming left click fires auto attacks faster because it "animation cancels" the anticipation/follow through (the wind up/the over swing). Only really confirmed it on warrior GS 1, and some other melee weapon auto attack chains.

Consequently holding auto attack means less dps opposed to spamming auto attack.

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