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What are these insane mesmer buffs over the years?


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I haven't actually took a good look at mesmer skills/traits in a while and today I did. LOL! I used to know what was going on when fighting a mesmer and now I have no idea.

  • Arcane thievery inflicts slow and grants quickness now? Last time I looked at this skill it sent 3 conditions and stole 3 boons like a balanced skill would.
  • "Mind wrack is an ammo skill" trait. I literally laughed out loud at this.
  • Signet of midnight grants stealth. Sure, why not. That's not so bad I guess...
  • Phantasmal mage now interrupts? What???

Where did the balanced shatter mesmer go? The balanced class with ether feast, decoy, blink, greatsword/sword and portal? The balanced class that had to use their brains to create 3 clones to shatter? Why is it gone? Is it because of PvE raids? Chronomancer was bad enough by having literally no down sides to it and being able to use all of your skills twice for unbalanced reasons. Double moa says hi.

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@"Zefrost.3425" said:I haven't actually took a good look at mesmer skills/traits in a while and today I did. LOL! I used to know what was going on when fighting a mesmer and now I have no idea.

  • Arcane thievery inflicts slow and grants quickness now? Last time I looked at this skill it sent 3 conditions and stole 3 boons like a balanced skill would.
  • "Mind wrack is an ammo skill" trait. I literally laughed out loud at this.
  • Signet of midnight grants stealth. Sure, why not. That's not so bad I guess...
  • Phantasmal mage now interrupts? What???

Where did the balanced shatter mesmer go? The balanced class with ether feast, decoy, blink, greatsword/sword and portal? The balanced class that had to use their brains to create 3 clones to shatter? Why is it gone? Is it because of PvE raids? Chronomancer was bad enough by having literally no down sides to it and being able to use all of your skills twice for unbalanced reasons. Double moa says hi.

Anyone who has this reaction while reading Core Mesmer abilities, may want to put their seatbelt on before they read this: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Elusive_Mind

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@"Zefrost.3425" said:I haven't actually took a good look at mesmer skills/traits in a while and today I did. LOL! I used to know what was going on when fighting a mesmer and now I have no idea.

  • Arcane thievery inflicts slow and grants quickness now? Last time I looked at this skill it sent 3 conditions and stole 3 boons like a balanced skill would.
  • "Mind wrack is an ammo skill" trait. I literally laughed out loud at this.
  • Signet of midnight grants stealth. Sure, why not. That's not so bad I guess...
  • Phantasmal mage now interrupts? What???

Where did the balanced shatter mesmer go? The balanced class with ether feast, decoy, blink, greatsword/sword and portal? The balanced class that had to use their brains to create 3 clones to shatter? Why is it gone? Is it because of PvE raids? Chronomancer was bad enough by having literally no down sides to it and being able to use all of your skills twice for unbalanced reasons. Double moa says hi.

Power creep happened. If you think these are bonkers you should look at some other classes, be thankful there’s skill splits


These PvE versions are what was in PvP at PoF launch too. The whole game has gone bonkers it’s not just mesmer.

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@Vagrant.7206 said:ArenaNet: Scrapper is supposed to be a tank, so we're giving it some buffs to bring it out of sheer uselessness---> Chrono is still a better tank, better CC, and better damage-------> Scrapper is still irrelevant

The biggest issue with Chronotank is that it fill 2 spots by itself. It act as the tank while it also act as a boon support. Honestly, I don't think Scrapper would ever be able to reach Chrono's spot as a tank. The closest contenders in my opinion are Firebrand and Ventari Revenant, but one lacks Alacrity and the other lacks Quickness.

Edit: Sorry, I forgot this is the PvP subforum and I brought in some PvE gibberish.

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@Taltevus.3289 said:

@"Takashiro.8701" said:All we dumb Mesmers, not utilizing the sheer opness that is Arcane Thievery. Thank you for opening my eyes.

Guess you fail to realize it adds up...does power creep not suggest that which is added unto itself?

This was not a "powercreep is bad" post, telling us how bad it's affecting Mesmer.This was your usual "lul mesmer op wtf anet?" post, cause it's cool to hate on Mesmer nowadays.

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@Takashiro.8701 said:

@Takashiro.8701 said:All we dumb Mesmers, not utilizing the sheer opness that is Arcane Thievery. Thank you for opening my eyes.

Guess you fail to realize it adds up...does power creep not suggest that which is added unto itself?

This was your usual "lul mesmer op kitten anet?" post, cause it's cool to hate on Mesmer nowadays.

Mirage really is so bad that it would be like Ryu being able to deal fierce strike damage with light strikes, while being able to move twice as fast and teleport around the screen, while only taking half damage, while the other characters function normally.

Mesmer players have for YEARS been so used to being able to play builds that function like this, I honestly don't think the ones who only main Mesmer, have any idea how broken Mesmer builds actually have been up to this point.

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@Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

@Takashiro.8701 said:All we dumb Mesmers, not utilizing the sheer opness that is Arcane Thievery. Thank you for opening my eyes.

Guess you fail to realize it adds up...does power creep not suggest that which is added unto itself?

This was not a "powercreep is bad" post, telling us how bad it's affecting Mesmer.This was your usual "lul mesmer op kitten anet?" post, cause it's cool to hate on Mesmer nowadays.

Nah, Mirage really is so bad that it would be like Ryu being able to deal fierce strike damage with light strikes, while being able to move twice as fast and teleport around the screen, while only taking half damage, while the other characters function normally.

While I admittedly dont understand that analogy, i get what you're saying. x)I do agree that Mirage is overtuned. And so do most Mesmers. But Mirage ≠ Mesmer.And OP wasnt complaining about Mirage, but about core Mesmer stuff and Chronomancer.

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Mesmer only looks overtuned cuz many of your classes got there defensive passives gutted. You really think that only mesmer is squashing your class in 2 shots? Think again. Pretty much every classes are doing it. Only problem with mesmers is that players playing it are getting good standing still making it that much hard to hit the right target. & everyone is getting frustrated cuz you can't tank as well as before. & by the time you do find the right target you already lost more life points then your use to. That's the real truth. Anyone saying other wise is in complete otter denial.

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@Vieux P.1238 said:Mesmer only looks overtuned cuz many of your classes got there defensive passives gutted. You really think that only mesmer is squashing your class in 2 shots? Think again. Pretty much every classes are doing it. Only problem with mesmers is that players playing it are getting good standing still making it that much hard to hit the right target. & everyone is getting frustrated cuz you can't tank as well as before. & by the time you do find the right target you already lost more life points then your use to. That's the real truth. Anyone saying other wise is in complete otter denial.

That does mean that Mesmer is doing too much damage :)

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@Specialka.7290 said:

@Vieux P.1238 said:Mesmer only looks overtuned cuz many of your classes got there defensive passives gutted. You really think that only mesmer is squashing your class in 2 shots? Think again. Pretty much every classes are doing it. Only problem with mesmers is that players playing it are getting good standing still making it that much hard to hit the right target. & everyone is getting frustrated cuz you can't tank as well as before. & by the time you do find the right target you already lost more life points then your use to. That's the real truth. Anyone saying other wise is in complete otter denial.

That does mean that Mesmer is doing too much damage :)

No, Less then most classes. Thief can 27k in 1 poison shot. Weaver, Engy, and all classes can dish out more bursty damage then the mesmer. Phantasm build is completely gutted. Only builds that actually working now is either condi base or the power shatter build. & what i said is that the frustration is from the fact you burst the wrong target all the time. How much damage do you think mesmers are doing in 1 shots at most?

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@Vieux P.1238 said:Mesmer only looks overtuned cuz many of your classes got there defensive passives gutted. You really think that only mesmer is squashing your class in 2 shots? Think again. Pretty much every classes are doing it. Only problem with mesmers is that players playing it are getting good standing still making it that much hard to hit the right target. & everyone is getting frustrated cuz you can't tank as well as before. & by the time you do find the right target you already lost more life points then your use to. That's the real truth. Anyone saying other wise is in complete otter denial.

You pretty much put your foot in your mouth here. If mesmer is a problem now, because every other class had its tanking/sustain toned down, then it is doing too much damage or has too much defense.

And standing still is not a skill that should be rewarded with high damage in tandem with high defense. Your staff clone pretend is cute, but it doesn't warrant being able to freebail out of stuns by having 50 endurance.

Guess I don't believe in otters though.

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