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Night capping needs to go....like 5 years ago.


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@Gop.8713 said:Would each player have one alliance for each time zone . . ?

Alliances would be formed per time-zone.Each player can be member of several different-Timezone alliances, e.g. I could be member of a night alliance, a day-alliance and an evening alliance. And my weight should be computed per timeline, e.g. my weight (how much do I contribute to the full-status of an alliance) can be 30min per week in the night, 5h per week during day and 6h during evening.

The number of alliances can be different per timezone, such that wvw feels less empty.

I can be a guild-alliance member in one timezone and a random member in an other timezone

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@Dayra.7405 said:

@Gop.8713 said:Would each player have one alliance for each time zone . . ?

Alliances would be formed per time-zone.Each player can be member of several different-Timezone alliances, e.g. I could be member of a night alliance, a day-alliance and an evening alliance. And my weight should be computed per timeline, e.g. my weight (how much do I contribute to the full-status of an alliance) can be 30min per week in the night, 5h per week during day and 6h during evening.

The number of alliances can be different per timezone, such that wvw feels less empty.

I can be a guild-alliance member in one timezone and a random member in an other timezone

Seems like a great system. If it's technically feasible I don't see how anyone could complain . . .

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@Shura.4280 said:lol @nightcapping. there's no way to stop this. dont forget people live in different time zones accross the world and play in the same server. while you sleep, for other people its a day time, so they play as they wish. nightcapping needs to go, lol, get over urself

It's a simple problem to fix actually.

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@Israel.7056 said:

@Shura.4280 said:lol @nightcapping. there's no way to stop this. dont forget people live in different time zones accross the world and play in the same server. while you sleep, for other people its a day time, so they play as they wish. nightcapping needs to go, lol, get over urself

It's a simple problem to fix actually.

Yes but from what I can see your "fix" is to limit people who don't play in your timezone to the game they also paid for, or close the WvW down while you cannot play during the what you call "off peak hours" both are completely insane, its an MMO that is played across the world, I don't see many Aussie players on here complaining saying the NA are night capping while we are at work its not fair, close NA down while we are at work,

People need to get a grip, you log on and play in your timezone, and let others do the same, there is no reward linked to actually winning a matchup other than bragging rights, some people that play this game seriously have tunnel vision, is it any wonder Anet tries to ignore WvW.

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@Ok I Did It.2854 said:

@Shura.4280 said:lol @nightcapping. there's no way to stop this. dont forget people live in different time zones accross the world and play in the same server. while you sleep, for other people its a day time, so they play as they wish. nightcapping needs to go, lol, get over urself

It's a simple problem to fix actually.

Yes but from what I can see your "fix" is to limit people who don't play in your timezone to the game they also paid for, or close the WvW down while you cannot play during the what you call "off peak hours" both are completely insane, its an MMO that is played across the world, I don't see many Aussie players on here complaining saying the NA are night capping while we are at work its not fair, close NA down while we are at work,

People need to get a grip, you log on and play in your timezone, and let others do the same, there is no reward linked to actually winning a matchup other than bragging rights, some people that play this game seriously have tunnel vision, is it any wonder Anet tries to ignore WvW.

It's not insane, it's a completely reasonable and frankly obvious solution to a rather simple problem.

Aussies don't say anything because if they play it through in their minds they'll realize that they're playing on NA servers not OCX servers and once they make that argument that NA players could easily say what I'm saying in response and make a much stronger argument for locking down the OCX timezone. So it's better for them to stay quiet and just take what they can get.

I'm sure it bothers them as much as it bothers us but they're not in a good position to try to make the argument. We are. These are NA servers we shouldn't have to deal with this anymore. Give OCX and SEA their own servers, lock out our timezones on their servers and their timezones on ours so they can stop ruining our matches and we can't go over there and ruin theirs.

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@Israel.7056 said:

@Shura.4280 said:lol @nightcapping. there's no way to stop this. dont forget people live in different time zones accross the world and play in the same server. while you sleep, for other people its a day time, so they play as they wish. nightcapping needs to go, lol, get over urself

It's a simple problem to fix actually.

Yes but from what I can see your "fix" is to limit people who don't play in your timezone to the game they also paid for, or close the WvW down while you cannot play during the what you call "off peak hours" both are completely insane, its an MMO that is played across the world, I don't see many Aussie players on here complaining saying the NA are night capping while we are at work its not fair, close NA down while we are at work,

People need to get a grip, you log on and play in your timezone, and let others do the same, there is no reward linked to actually winning a matchup other than bragging rights, some people that play this game seriously have tunnel vision, is it any wonder Anet tries to ignore WvW.

It's not insane, it's a completely reasonable and frankly obvious solution to a rather simple problem.

Aussies don't say anything because if they play it through in their minds they'll realize that they're playing on NA servers not OCX servers and once they make that argument that NA players could easily say what I'm saying in response and make a much stronger argument for locking down the OCX timezone. So it's better for them to stay quiet and just take what they can get.

I'm sure it bothers them as much as it bothers us but they're not in a good position to try to make the argument. We are. These are NA servers we shouldn't have to deal with this anymore. Give OCX and SEA their own servers, lock out our timezones on their servers and their timezones on ours so they can stop ruining our matches and we can't go over there and ruin theirs.

Your "fix" is flawed, population imbalance begin as early as PST. In other words, night capping begin as early as PST which is NA timezone. Base on the logic to stop night capping, PST should too be barred.

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@"SkyShroud.2865" said:Your "fix" is flawed, population imbalance begin as early as PST. In other words, night capping begin as early as PST which is NA timezone. Base on the logic to stop night capping, PST should too be barred.

Perhaps. They're mostly west coast NA players though.

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@Israel.7056 said:

@"SkyShroud.2865" said:Your "fix" is flawed, population imbalance begin as early as PST. In other words, night capping begin as early as PST which is NA timezone. Base on the logic to stop night capping, PST should too be barred.

Perhaps. They're mostly west coast NA players though.

Which then lead to contradicting your argument of NA region game if you barred PST region.

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@SkyShroud.2865 said:

@SkyShroud.2865 said:Your "fix" is flawed, population imbalance begin as early as PST. In other words, night capping begin as early as PST which is NA timezone. Base on the logic to stop night capping, PST should too be barred.

Perhaps. They're mostly west coast NA players though.

Which then lead to contradicting your argument of NA region game if you barred PST region.

Correct that's why I wouldn't want to bar PST. Even if there are population differences during PST they're still NA timezone players. My first priority would be to lock the servers during OCX/SEA because they're mostly not NA players, they're predominantly Australians and Chinese and Koreans etc playing on NA servers and they've been distorting the results of matches since launch.

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@SkyShroud.2865 said:Ermm.....

First, let's talk about timezones because a lot of people ahve very poor understanding of timezones.

The coverage can split into many timezones but I will simplify the WvW time slice to the followings

  • EST
  • PST
  • Late / Early OCX
  • OCX
  • SEA
  • Late SEA / Early EU
  • EU
  • Late EU / Early EST

Now, you see, it isn't a simple NA or SEA/OCX or EU. It is split into many timezones. Inbetween some of these timezones, also has their own populations. There are timezone like MST (Mountains Standard Time), CST (Central Standard Time), BRT (Brasília time), UTC +9 (Koreans, Japan, Part of Indonesia).....etc.

For NA servers, there are tons of people in EST. However, once we move towards PST, a lot of servers will start to show lack of people. Then move on to late/early ocx when even more servers will has lesser people. The problems start to arise in particularly as early as PST and stretch along the way. Mind you, PST is still NA region timezone.

What I can say is a lot of this timezones issue arise due to stacking. It isn't that we don't have people to go around evenly but people chose to stack.

Im offended that AST isn't listed..OFFENDED I SAY. I challenge thee to a duel to honor my timezone. HAVE AT YOU! :p

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@Israel.7056 said:they're mostly not NA players, they're predominantly Australians and Chinese and Koreans etc playing on NA servers and they've been distorting the results of matches since launch.That's an understatement.They're DECIDING NA matches.This isn't a case of minority oppression, It is a case of minority rule. Certainly offpeak players should be able to contribute, but not control the majority's experience.

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I'm NA and I play off peak due to rl schedule. I'd be fine with Dayra's suggestion that offpeak slots count for less based on relative population, but Israel's suggestion that I should only be allowed to play on servers on the other side of the world seems bizarre . . .

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@LetoII.3782 said:

@Israel.7056 said:they're mostly not NA players, they're predominantly Australians and Chinese and Koreans etc playing on NA servers and they've been distorting the results of matches since launch.That's an understatement.They're DECIDING NA matches.This isn't a case of minority oppression, It is a case of minority
. Certainly offpeak players should be able to contribute, but not control the majority's experience.

Indeed you're right. I do not see a way to let them contribute without letting them decide the matches though.

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@Gop.8713 said:I'm NA and I play off peak due to rl schedule. I'd be fine with Dayra's suggestion that offpeak slots count for less based on relative population, but Israel's suggestion that I should only be allowed to play on servers on the other side of the world seems bizarre . . .

You could play on any server you wanted to you just wouldn't be able to go into WvW on NA servers after a certain time and then flip stuff while the rest of NA was asleep anymore.

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@Israel.7056 said:

@Israel.7056 said:they're mostly not NA players, they're predominantly Australians and Chinese and Koreans etc playing on NA servers and they've been distorting the results of matches since launch.That's an understatement.They're DECIDING NA matches.This isn't a case of minority oppression, It is a case of minority
. Certainly offpeak players should be able to contribute, but not control the majority's experience.

Indeed you're right. I do not see a way to let them contribute without letting them decide the matches though.

That’s trivial you multiply each skirmish result with the number of player-hours that contributed to the result. Voila each player hour has equal contribution.

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@Israel.7056 said:

@SkyShroud.2865 said:Your "fix" is flawed, population imbalance begin as early as PST. In other words, night capping begin as early as PST which is NA timezone. Base on the logic to stop night capping, PST should too be barred.

Perhaps. They're mostly west coast NA players though.

Which then lead to contradicting your argument of NA region game if you barred PST region.

Correct that's why I wouldn't want to bar PST. Even if there are population differences during PST they're still NA timezone players. My first priority would be to lock the servers during OCX/SEA because they're mostly not NA players, they're predominantly Australians and Chinese and Koreans etc playing on NA servers and they've been distorting the results of matches since launch.

If you don't bar PST then you are not fixing night capping. Afterall, PST is just as much as so-called off hours.

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@LetoII.3782 said:

@Israel.7056 said:they're mostly not NA players, they're predominantly Australians and Chinese and Koreans etc playing on NA servers and they've been distorting the results of matches since launch.That's an understatement.They're DECIDING NA matches.This isn't a case of minority oppression, It is a case of minority
. Certainly offpeak players should be able to contribute, but not control the majority's experience.

You seem to be using phrases in completely inappropriate and incorrect ways here. There is no minority rule or minority oppression here. No one is stopping you from playing during those hours to compete against those you feel are oppressing you. Nothing is stopping anybody on your server from playing within that time. You are in no way being oppressed, You're simply trying to claim victim status as a means to demand a change that doesn't need to exist. Yourself and every player on your server makes a conscious decision not to participate in play time in off peak hours in which you could literally combat those you are complaining about.

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@Israel.7056 said:

@Gop.8713 said:I'm NA and I play off peak due to rl schedule. I'd be fine with Dayra's suggestion that offpeak slots count for less based on relative population, but Israel's suggestion that I should only be allowed to play on servers on the other side of the world seems bizarre . . .

You could play on any server you wanted to you just wouldn't be able to go into WvW on NA servers after a certain time and then flip stuff while the rest of NA was asleep anymore.

Which is unreasonably hypocritical considering you're fine with flipping stuff while I am sleeping. If you don't like do you know Shania of somebody playing a game while you're sleeping why don't you change servers? If you feel it is such a reasonable solution why do you not do it yourself versus demanding others do it?

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@Dayra.7405 said:

@Israel.7056 said:they're mostly not NA players, they're predominantly Australians and Chinese and Koreans etc playing on NA servers and they've been distorting the results of matches since launch.That's an understatement.They're DECIDING NA matches.This isn't a case of minority oppression, It is a case of minority
. Certainly offpeak players should be able to contribute, but not control the majority's experience.

Indeed you're right. I do not see a way to let them contribute without letting them decide the matches though.

That’s trivial you multiply each skirmish result with the number of player-hours that contributed to the result. Voila each player hour has equal contribution.

They'd still be able to reset everything though right?

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@Israel.7056 said:

@"azizul.8469" said:what nightcapping ? there is no such thing. when you think it is night, it is bright daylight for me here....

But if we peg the region to NA which is where the servers are supposed to be located then we can get a clear anchor for what we call "NA prime." This time period is when most of the actual North American players are playing and it's between about 12pm est and maybe 4am est at the latest for the west coast NA players. So if your usual playtime doesn't fall within that range you're considered an offhours player on NA servers and anything you take in that period of time is considered "nightcapping." On EU servers it's anyone who plays outside of EU prime which is somewhere around 2pm est and 6-7pm est for me. We could constrain the range even further for NA because 12pm falls within what is usually referred to as EU timezone on NA servers but for the sake of argument let's just say that there's about an eight hour gap which is mostly covered by Australians and Asians that constitutes the "offhours" or "nightcapping" timezones. It is precisely this 8 hr "nightcapping" gap which has historically been the prime determinant in the actual outcome of matches even after the addition of skirmishes to the game.

It's a worldwide game. I used to argue that nightcapping was a terrible abomination, robbing my server of rightful wins. Honestly who cares. They deserve their time in the Sun as much as NA players, and really winning means zip.

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@Israel.7056 said:

@Israel.7056 said:they're mostly not NA players, they're predominantly Australians and Chinese and Koreans etc playing on NA servers and they've been distorting the results of matches since launch.That's an understatement.They're DECIDING NA matches.This isn't a case of minority oppression, It is a case of minority
. Certainly offpeak players should be able to contribute, but not control the majority's experience.

Indeed you're right. I do not see a way to let them contribute without letting them decide the matches though.

Graduate score contribution based on how much of the overall match slots are populated.Penalize high per-side disparities further

@coglin.1496 said:

@LetoII.3782 said:This isn't a case of minority oppression, It is a case of minority
. Certainly offpeak players should be able to contribute, but not control the majority's experience.

You seem to be using phrases in completely inappropriate and incorrect ways here. There is no minority rule or minority oppression here. No one is stopping you from playing during those hours to compete against those you feel are oppressing you. Nothing is stopping anybody on your server from playing within that time. You are in no way being oppressed, You're simply trying to claim victim status as a means to demand a change that doesn't need to exist. Yourself and every player on your server makes a conscious decision not to participate in play time in off peak hours in which you could literally combat those you are complaining about.

Another strawman.Mag isn't really a focal point of this discussion. If anything Magumma's population is less concerned with points and winning than many people affected by this issue.

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