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Episode 3 Connection/Log-in Issues [MERGED]

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@Hoosierpappy.8412 said:

@anonymous.7812 said:You get free content, go away troll.

That they can NOT play.Too worried about getting your snide comment in to pay attention to the facts eh?Practice what youre spewing.....go away.

They'll be able to play it eventually. The only reason we could expect it to be ready right now is because they told us it would be. There is no reason we can't be a little patient for free new content. I'm sure Anet are much more frustrated (not to mention stressed out) than we are about this.

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Hello Forum.

I'm here to add that I was d/ced during be my guest in the mission impossible laser stint in the dungeons, got up to the "empty" hallway where Joko is standing, as soon as I hit a laser I was d/ced. To be honest I really don't mind because as far as I've read, I've made it the furthest out of the whole thread :dizzy:

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My wife and I can't play aswell. Already avoided playing on patch day, since you know, rule of thumbs, "never play on patchday"... loged in today... started the new Episode... getting kicked out of the game with network error, now can't load any map any more.As if being rightfully knocked out of the world cup today wasn't painfull enough already... thank you Arena.Net... fml...

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I was waiting at the MK2 Golem for 30mins, killed it and got the item for my saddle as well as the achievement popup, then got disconnected 20s later with 'network error' and now when logging back in the item is gone and I have to do it again. Waiting another 2+ hours for another attempt (which will likely result in another disconnect).


Next time could you like do me a favor and not hide this stuff behind massive group events which are already prone to system issues?

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The issue here is not that there are technical issues on a new content launch. Players should expect that this may happen. The problem is the lack of communication about the problem, and that communication not being readily accessible. For example, posting a notice on the launcher that some players are experiencing login and disconnect issues related to living world story content at this time, then providing reassurance that the problem is being investigated would satisfy a large majority of players here. That's all they need. When the notice clears we know it's cool to try again. The last update from Arenanet that I'm aware of was more than 16 hours ago from this post. That's not good.

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Please Help me get it to eyes of the fine development team

That is not an expansion issue, I has happen to me and a couple of friends that just pick up the game les than two months ago. Almost every single personal history instance in "vanilla" and HoT have that issue, we had to do the instances 4 to 6 times in speed run mode to get them done. I send a ticket but got ignored.

(unrelated note: my diving achievement is broken to)

Thank you for the community and the game.

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@demunoid.7491 said:

@DoubleVV.5760 said:Same problem i cannot finish my story quest and now i cannot log in to the new map at all. I'm new to this game but they usually have this issues with the new patches ?

No, they don't. There are some minor issues usually, but nothing as major as this. I've been playing this game since launch and I can't remember the last time something of this scale has happened. I know there are people in this thread who claim it's always like this with new patches, especially now with season 4, but frankly they are flat out lying. I've had no problems with the first 2 chapters of LW season 4, nor did I see feedback on the scale of this thread for either of those episodes. So consider it an unlucky moment to start with the game. This is not a common occurence.

I can also second that as I have had ZERO issues until now and I have had the game since launch as well.. Sooo frustrating..

The only issues similar to this happened during the early access launch, and at the release of Lost Shores, but neither were to this scale nor were the players kept in the dark about the progress on a fix for so long as we have been now. Very disappointing, but the only thing we can do is wait.

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Just visited my cousin - who btw. just bought the game - great first impresssion! - and seen him get DC from WWW because of that network issue... I'm wondering if there is even any sens to try to play today myself.... Can't you just make a roll-back to previous - not crashing every 5min - version? At least as an options for those that are not intrested in bugges LS at the moment? We just want to play some WWW but we can't...

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First it was Living Story and Personal Story being affected and that was months ago. You would get to the final bit in the instance only for the game to time out and freeze and then boot you out. At the very least, it was happening to a very few amount of people; Now this patch has come out it seems tons of people are now experiencing this issue and its gotten even worse than it was MONTHS before. We can be patient anet and I hope you can finally resolve this issue as this is a huge problem that can spoil your game, but this is just crazy. I long for those days where getting timed out was a rare occurrence. There was no point in the delay then.

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Ok Anet peeps, here's the current situation for me and my friends now. We're on the final story instance and keep getting kicked out of the instance. Not sure the code number. After we get kicked out from the instance, we get locked out of ALL of our characters for somewhere between 5-10 minutes before we can get back in to the game at all. We have tried doing the story instance as single players and as a party with 2 or 3 people. Normally before we get kicked, we experience rubber banding and skill lag around a 1-2 minutes before we get the server error and get kicked out. Tag me in a post if you have some specific questions about what's going on. I think I've given most of the symptoms though.

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wow guys so i was geting the disconction on the first mission then it was the one were i get the arm now im just geting it from playing in the new map. pleas fix this completly pleas its makeing me just now want to play this game anymore becosue i cant do anything with the consting dc.

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