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Lower Pips earned from losing to discourage afk Pip farmers.

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There was a discussion where a user said that if you loose you would get 1 pip if you win you would get 3 and you would get extra pip for every 100k damage or healing done, for every 3rd kill you have done etc.

Think that would encourage people to be active in the game even if it is a lost cause and would kill AFkers. Although I still need to see any of those AFKers / Win traders / hackers everyone is talking about.

PS.: why is everyone crying about the "casuals" and ANet not caring about the "hardcore" players? Elitist much? :)

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@"Solidaris.5423" said:There was a discussion where a user said that if you loose you would get 1 pip if you win you would get 3 and you would get extra pip for every 100k damage or healing done, for every 3rd kill you have done etc.

Think that would encourage people to be active in the game even if it is a lost cause and would kill AFkers. Although I still need to see any of those AFKers / Win traders / hackers everyone is talking about.

PS.: why is everyone crying about the "casuals" and ANet not caring about the "hardcore" players? Elitist much? :)

Because all of the afk pip farmers are casual players. I have nothing against casual players who are actively playing the game.

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Let me understand something:People call themselves "hardcore pvp players" but are facing "afk pip farmers"?What are you talking about? In what tier/ division are you playing?

I don't remember facing "afk pip farmer" on gold or plat, and mate, i'm not that much of a hardcore player (at least not anymore).Yes, sometimes i get that one dude that will afk if the match snowballed. But it's clear the match is already lost. In this case i prefer to look for x1's against bad matchups for my build and just practice, but... to each, their own.

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@"Malafaia.8903" said:Let me understand something:People call themselves "hardcore pvp players" but are facing "afk pip farmers"?What are you talking about? In what tier/ division are you playing?

I don't remember facing "afk pip farmer" on gold or plat, and mate, i'm not that much of a hardcore player (at least not anymore).Yes, sometimes i get that one dude that will afk if the match snowballed. But it's clear the match is already lost. In this case i prefer to look for x1's against bad matchups for my build and just practice, but... to each, their own.

The problem occurs when there are less players in PvP during a time of low population and matchmaking draws from lower tiers. I had the same guy afk 2 out of 3 games. Reported him and submitted a ticket only to get the "Cannot disclose information" response. I had picture evidence too.

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@"Malafaia.8903" said:Let me understand something:People call themselves "hardcore pvp players" but are facing "afk pip farmers"?What are you talking about? In what tier/ division are you playing?

I don't remember facing "afk pip farmer" on gold or plat, and mate, i'm not that much of a hardcore player (at least not anymore).Yes, sometimes i get that one dude that will afk if the match snowballed. But it's clear the match is already lost. In this case i prefer to look for x1's against bad matchups for my build and just practice, but... to each, their own.

This is my question as well! Where are those AFKers / Farmers / Wintraders everyone is talking about? Why wasn't I never promised gold to sabotage a match by the opponents? Am I in a different dimension or something than the others that I never noticed those people? ^^

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@"Malafaia.8903" said:Let me understand something:People call themselves "hardcore pvp players" but are facing "afk pip farmers"?What are you talking about? In what tier/ division are you playing?

I don't remember facing "afk pip farmer" on gold or plat, and mate, i'm not that much of a hardcore player (at least not anymore).Yes, sometimes i get that one dude that will afk if the match snowballed. But it's clear the match is already lost. In this case i prefer to look for x1's against bad matchups for my build and just practice, but... to each, their own.

It's getting more common now. There were also 2-3 matches where the enemy had an afk and it was just a waste of time because it was a massacre.

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@Solidaris.5423 said:

@"Malafaia.8903" said:Let me understand something:People call themselves "hardcore pvp players" but are facing "afk pip farmers"?What are you talking about? In what tier/ division are you playing?

I don't remember facing "afk pip farmer" on gold or plat, and mate, i'm not that much of a hardcore player (at least not anymore).Yes, sometimes i get that one dude that will afk if the match snowballed. But it's clear the match is already lost. In this case i prefer to look for x1's against bad matchups for my build and just practice, but... to each, their own.

This is my question as well! Where are those AFKers / Farmers / Wintraders everyone is talking about? Why wasn't I never promised gold to sabotage a match by the opponents? Am I in a different dimension or something than the others that I never noticed those people? ^^

How many ranked games do you play? It depends on your sample of games. I have over 200 matches this season and it is a regular occurrence for me, whether on my team or my opponent's team.

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I have already posted in another thread about pips but ill just copy it here:

@Vaga.5174 said:I agree that pip farming is bad for the game mode, and would like to reduce it as much as possible. Yet, i do think its important people are rewarded for investing time into the game mode whether they win or lose. The key is to reward the playerbase on how well their team have done i think.

What about this as a suggestion to at least reduce the circumstance (As there will always be some level of this occurring no matter what you do):

  • Increase the pips gained from winning a game.

  • Reduced the pips earned from losing the game to flat rate of 2, or something like this. For every 100 points achieved during the game on the losing team, they gain 1 more pip.

This way, you are not only more incentivised to win, but losing badly is hardly farmable, and would encourage you to try and gain as much points as you can. Also, you wont feel like you havn't been rewarded at all for investing some time into your game.

If you wanted to make it a little more rewarding than this maybe something like:

  • Increase the Win flat rate by 2 per division.
  • Increase the loss flat pip rate by 1 per division.

This way it incentivises gaining skill points to get into a higher division for more pips.

The main thing is that pip should definitely NOT be moved into unranked. That is only bad for the game mode and is a typical suggestion from somebody who wants to do less for more rewards.

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@ChronosCosmos.9450 said:

@"Malafaia.8903" said:Let me understand something:People call themselves "hardcore pvp players" but are facing "afk pip farmers"?What are you talking about? In what tier/ division are you playing?

I don't remember facing "afk pip farmer" on gold or plat, and mate, i'm not that much of a hardcore player (at least not anymore).Yes, sometimes i get that one dude that will afk if the match snowballed. But it's clear the match is already lost. In this case i prefer to look for x1's against bad matchups for my build and just practice, but... to each, their own.

This is my question as well! Where are those AFKers / Farmers / Wintraders everyone is talking about? Why wasn't I never promised gold to sabotage a match by the opponents? Am I in a different dimension or something than the others that I never noticed those people? ^^

How many ranked games do you play? It depends on your sample of games. I have over 200 matches this season and it is a regular occurrence for me, whether on my team or my opponent's team.

I haven't played this season due to real life (yeah throw the rock I'm a dirty casual for putting anything else but the game more important :D ) but I had 400 games last season and like 300 or so before that. Never ever seen a player being AFK from the start.

I am OK reducing the loss to 1 pip but then the player should be rewarded for achieving something even in a lost game. Like I said above to get additional pips for top stats or for every X amount of stats you generated to encourage participation and not go AFK and cry like a baby with a temper tantrum (I admit I am guilty of doing that)

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I think this was already answered by Ben Pongluangtham back then in different post, basically the concensus is that losing still need to be rewarded. How much the reward is still subjective to preference but not rewarding anything when losing will drive away new people/casual to try pvp.

It is still debatable whether casual/new player is good or not for overall pvp scene, there are different opinions on this, but IMO we still need the new player/casual player because the biggest issue in pvp right now is low population.

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@lightningz.1465 said:I think this was already answered by Ben Pongluangtham back then in different post, basically the concensus is that losing still need to be rewarded. How much the reward is still subjective to preference but not rewarding anything when losing will drive away new people/casual to try pvp.

It is still debatable whether casual/new player is good or not for overall pvp scene, there are different opinions on this, but IMO we still need the new player/casual player because the biggest issue in pvp right now is low population.

Yeah casual/new players are always good for a community. I don't mind seeing casual or new players. I just want to get rid of the ones who abuse the system,

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@Vaga.5174 said:I have already posted in another thread about pips but ill just copy it here:

@Vaga.5174 said:I agree that pip farming is bad for the game mode, and would like to reduce it as much as possible. Yet, i do think its important people are rewarded for investing time into the game mode whether they win or lose. The key is to reward the playerbase on how well their team have done i think.

What about this as a suggestion to at least reduce the circumstance (As there will always be some level of this occurring no matter what you do):
  • Increase the pips gained from winning a game.
  • Reduced the pips earned from losing the game to flat rate of 2, or something like this. For every 100 points achieved during the game on the losing team, they gain 1 more pip.

This way, you are not only more incentivised to win, but losing badly is hardly farmable, and would encourage you to try and gain as much points as you can. Also, you wont feel like you havn't been rewarded at all for investing some time into your game.

If you wanted to make it a little more rewarding than this maybe something like:
  • Increase the Win flat rate by 2 per division.
  • Increase the loss flat pip rate by 1 per division.

This way it incentivises gaining skill points to get into a higher division for more pips.

The main thing is that pip should definitely NOT be moved into unranked. That is only bad for the game mode and is a typical suggestion from somebody who wants to do less for more rewards.

I like your system. It forces people to actually play the game and if they afk, their rewards are lowered.

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@ChronosCosmos.9450 said:

@"Malafaia.8903" said:Let me understand something:People call themselves "hardcore pvp players" but are facing "afk pip farmers"?What are you talking about? In what tier/ division are you playing?

I don't remember facing "afk pip farmer" on gold or plat, and mate, i'm not that much of a hardcore player (at least not anymore).Yes, sometimes i get that one dude that will afk if the match snowballed. But it's clear the match is already lost. In this case i prefer to look for x1's against bad matchups for my build and just practice, but... to each, their own.

It's getting more common now. There were also 2-3 matches where the enemy had an afk and it was just a waste of time because it was a massacre.

So you have one bad apple sabotaging his teams efforts and you want to penalize his entire teams pips because of it?

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Honestly these posts are trash. No one afks from the start to farm pips, at least not that I've seen with about 200 games this season. I can only imagine if these people exist they are in Bronze, so if you're in the same games as them you don't really get to blame filthy casuals for ruining your games.

I'm sure there are people even in high Gold - Plat 1 who play mainly for pips but they don't AFK from start. Removing or decreasing pips from losses will do nothing to these people because they'll continue to just queue and hope for the best, keeping their 50% winrate.

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@Chuck.2864 said:Honestly these posts are trash. No one afks from the start to farm pips, at least not that I've seen with about 200 games this season. I can only imagine if these people exist they are in Bronze, so if you're in the same games as them you don't really get to blame filthy casuals for ruining your games.

I'm sure there are people even in high Gold - Plat 1 who play mainly for pips but they don't AFK from start. Removing or decreasing pips from losses will do nothing to these people because they'll continue to just queue and hope for the best, keeping their 50% winrate.

Whilst i mostly agree with you and really dont think pip farming is as common as made out, even it were happening in bronze or silver, it should still be discouraged for the benefit of players who are at that level who are still trying to win games.

As you said, and as i've said, there will always be a few who will still be doing it, but reducing it is still healthy for the game mode. If you at least give an incentive to keep playing, it might at least improve games a little.

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@Apolo.5942 said:Anything that can potentially negatively impact the already dying pvp population is a bad thing, I came back after months because of poor balance and hard if ever run into afkers and I'm only silver.

When it was 1 pip for losing; players simply dropped out of matches. 0? Hahahaha!

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@Tyger.1637 said:

@Apolo.5942 said:Anything that can potentially negatively impact the already dying pvp population is a bad thing, I came back after months because of poor balance and hard if ever run into afkers and I'm only silver.

When it was 1 pip for losing; players simply dropped out of matches. 0? Hahahaha!

Yeah but if they drop off, you won't lose rank points. It's far better than afk Pip farmers.

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