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Ranger Traps


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@Jugglemonkey.8741 said:Why is it that you can dodge through every other type of trap except ranger? They seem to wait for me to stop evading and then trigger, it's really odd.

it's actually because all the other traps trigger as soon as you step on them, where the rangers takes a split second to go off before the effect happens.. Additionally, all ranger traps minus spike trap pulse over a duration, so dodging the first hit doesn't really do anything.

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@EnderzShadow.2506 said:

@Fluffball.8307 said:The good news is that you can move out of the trap via whatever means you have (blink, etc.) and then kill the crazy ranger trying to make traps work.

@malisivo.5264 said:@Fluffball.8307 I apologize for being that crazy ranger. >.<

I think its a stage all ranger mains go through

Thats funny because its true

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@malisivo.5264 said:I think I enjoy watching people get launched into the air and chase after me while crippled, like, way too much. Get me some help.

Something doesn't have to be meta to be worth playing, I kinda love my trap thief build because nobody expects it these days (you have to be kinda bad to die to it) and the salt is hilarious. If you enjoy it then go for it ^^

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@EnderzShadow.2506 said:

@Fluffball.8307 said:The good news is that you can move out of the trap via whatever means you have (blink, etc.) and then kill the crazy ranger trying to make traps work.

@malisivo.5264 said:@Fluffball.8307 I apologize for being that crazy ranger. >.<

I think its a stage all ranger mains go through

I mean, who doesn’t like making a death pit out of their traps?

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@"malisivo.5264" said:I know, right? Who doesn't enjoy reading, "Ugh, your traps!" while moseying around the free-for-all arena? XD

Shit, I ran Spike Trap as a “defensive CD” on my glass ranger for a while just because no one expected to get laid out when they jumped on me lol

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@Durzlla.6295 said:

@InsaneQR.7412 said:Frost trap sadly does not get any use sadly. A smoke trap in its place would be sweet though.

If frost trap was made into a stun break, or applied Slow in addition to chill I guarantee you it’d be used lol, but as of now it’s pretty kitten.

a stun break would be nice, but not sure if it fits the skillsslow is usually applied from LMT so there is little gain, would prefer another condi or maybe add daze (would be too strong if pulsing?)

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@Koen.1327 said:

@InsaneQR.7412 said:Frost trap sadly does not get any use sadly. A smoke trap in its place would be sweet though.

If frost trap was made into a stun break, or applied Slow in addition to chill I guarantee you it’d be used lol, but as of now it’s pretty kitten.

a stun break would be nice, but not sure if it fits the skillsslow is usually applied from LMT so there is little gain, would prefer another condi or maybe add daze (would be too strong if pulsing?)

Yeah it probably would be OP with daze. With mesmer runes you could disable anyone for a long time when they step into it.A smokegield that blinds and breaks stun would be fitting and would have good utility IMO.

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