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There seems to be a lack of "group content" in POF? Would more Waypoints help?


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First off. I'm super excited about the expansion and having a great time with the mounts and the beautiful maps.

But because there is no "meta" event chain on each map, I rarely see a large group of players all in one place, and yet these are some of the things I like best about the previous zones. I've been traveling around Crystal Desert and I come upon a Legendary who's just sitting there at full health waiting for his timer to expire - no players nearby at all. Do other players even know about this event? Is anyone talking about it? To some extent the bounties may alleviate this problem, but this leads to another problem.

I get it that the mounts speed up travel, BUT they can never replace the speed at which players could help other players using waypoints. For example, that Legendary I mentioned was way up in the corner of the map, MILES away from the nearest waypoint. So if I did try to do a shout out that "X is up!", how on earth could I possibly direct other players to where I'm at? I'm not gonna link X waypoint and then follow it 5 step instructions about where to go from there. In other maps, someone shouts out the WP, players go there, and they're usually already close enough to the event that it shows on their map. But now its "OK, I'm at the WP you mentioned. Now what?"

So sadly I'm looking at this expansion as more a solo experience than "meta", unless you have some guildies running around. But even then, where do you run to? There seems to be no event chain to latch onto, unless I'm just missing it, and "call outs" are virtually non-existent for the reasons I mentioned (the exception is commander tags, which help guide us).

I am NOT a good player at this game, and I do like solo exploration, but I also miss the meta chains and ease of getting around the map to help others out. Anyway, thanks for (hopefully) listening, ANET.

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They should add some waypoints like they had at the end of S3, where you could buy new waypoints with map currency. Maybe raise the price a bit, and/or make it work on a character to character basis, and not account wide. I'm still doing the PoF story, I don't get much time to play anymore, but I have noticed a lack of player density as it has been in the past. I just thought it was a lack of players buying the expansion, but you make a good point about the travelling distance.

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There are meta events on a few of the maps - and I believe more will be added in the future. Since they aren't quite as structured as those in HOT (which can be a good thing), they require players to actually find them and take it upon themselves to organize - which is the reason there are people posting about a lack of events.

Right now, most players/guilds are pushing through the story and exploring the maps. Give it a little time and you will see more organization at the events that require them - both through LFG and guilds grouping up to do them.

I expect these maps will turn out to be pretty popular for things like that moving forward.

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Well right now I'd have to say for myself that people are still working on story and getting mounts. So until we finish is prob where more people will do pve. Also lot of people are doing hps. I didn't get my soulbeast full hps till couple days ago. So speaking for me. And few people we are doing other stuff and not worrying about pve bosses yet. And waypoints aren't the reason. Just get that raptor and space bar button till you get to the event. A lot of people in our guild are doing the same also. Pve is will happen when we're done with story and all characters have the new elites full.

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@Moyayuki.3619 said:The thing about mounts is that you don't need as many WPs if you are speeding along on your Raptor. That was one reason why many people were against mounts being introduced in the game because it would in ways make WPs unnecessary.

I'd rather have waypoints and no mounts than mounts and no waypoints.. The mounts aren't even that fast.

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Nope they should not add more waypoints...

They should in fact improve Mounts with more Masteries and SkillsThey shold improve slightly the rewards for defeating Bounties and make in general bigger Events in the Maps more recognizeable for players.What helps it, if you start a battle with a Bounty Enemy, and no butthole recognizes that in the near to you.if someone starts a battle with a Bounty Monster/Enemy on the Maps, Players should receive on screen a notification about that like

"Player X has found the Bounty Y on Map Z and has confronted it/him into a fierce battle for dead or alive, hurry in to help out catching this Bounty"

This way will people recognize, what is happening around them right at the moment and then they have a chance to react, or not and continue what they are doing right now.But if you give players not at least the chance to react on given information, then you will always get eventually help only by striding around players, which are just luckily at the right time at the right place and decided to help you out, instead of ignoring you abnd the battle.

people would also stop ignorign the Bounties less, if it woudl be made clearer by ANet, that they are essentially the most rewarding battles in the pof Maps, you can literally do, cause unlike HoT, the PoF maps don#t have any super huge hour long meta events that consist of multiple smaller events that reward the player.

PoF is by design more made like the Core Game Experience, where you have lots of tiny events everywhere, but no meta event that is going on over the whole map, endign somewhere at a central point into a big reward fest, like Tarir or Tangled Depths in HoT.

Give people also more time. Post people are currently playing PoF completely different and in their own pace, because everybody, especially in PvE has completely different interests on how to go on the expansion.There you have your typical Story Rushers Groups, which flow through the whole game like a hot knife through butter and already have played through the game in like the first 2-3 days after release ... I see already people on my Server running around yesterday with the Gryphon Mount oO - crazy how absurd addicted some people must be, that they basicalyl play the game through day and all night just to be one of the first to have it played through already within like 48hours >.>

Then you have your typical slow Explorators, which don't care for Story, peopel which want to slowly explore first all the Maps to like 100% and want to get to see everything, which try to partake on every singl Event they get to see on their way...

Then there your your typical Achievement Hunters, which basically do absolutely everything, as long it brigns rewards and especially AP/Titles.

Then you have kind of your "I ignore everyone and play like I want - players", which event don't help at all if they theoreticallyl could help you out, but helping you is for them like a waste of time, so they prefer just to ignore you completely and do their thing.

Then you have your typical Group/Commander Runners, which do everythignj together in large organisated masses that stroll around the maps like a plague that runs all across the map wheever currently some bounties are to kill

and so on and so forth, you se,e there are currently alot of different player types in PvE packed together, on maps, which are also like 4-5 times the size of the usual GW2 Core Game Map, which is naturally also somethign to consider, cause this increase in map size will naturalyl give players more the illusion of the map beign empty, if the vast land is just bigger and there is just alot morte space between you and any other player you find running around on the map doing something.Despüite this is also the community currently divided. Many people bought poF, many surely didn't yet, which is why a large portion is still at HoT Maps.I'm also pretty sure, theres a large portion of the commnity, which even still doesn#t own yet even HoT, but thats I think for the big active playing portion of the Community I think just as matter of time, until slowl more andm ore people join also in playing the expansions, especially now PoF.So I think the density of players on PoF maps will still increase over the next weeks for now and on the counterside, peopel, which are already done with PoF and might think, it won't keep them long there, surely will also return quickly to their normal playing habits of before the release of PoF and return to playing HoT Maps/WvW ect. after some time as well, once PoF isn#t fresh and new for them anymore and people have done mostly everything and unlocked mostly everything important first, what poF had to offer, before peopel return to their usual farming gameplay routines.

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