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If there were no damage conditions in guild wars


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@Panda.1967 said:

Invuln prevents incoming ConditionsBlocking prevents incoming ConditionsDodging prevents incoming ConditionsReflects prevent and return incoming Conditions

So yes, using defensive abilities before conditions hit IS effective. It's just like trying to counter Power. They don't do you any good to be used after the fact.

You complained earlier about Condi cleanse not providing temporary immunity... do you believe healing should have temporary damage immunity? Of course not, no one does. It's the same thing.

Alright I'll bite. Power strikes are often done over time in the form of combos - combos you can react to and hit renewed focus or something. Rarely do you get hit for 12345 damage in a single strike. Now condis - If you get hit by say a firebrand using searing burst into a judges intervention, bam you're getting 5k ticks into something you now cannot block, evade, reflect, etc. whats more, classes like these often continue to apply a steady stream of condis even after the initial torrent - it only takes a few stacks to be doing a decent amount of free dps to a character, so even if you anticipated as opposed to reacted to (key imbalance here), you still need to contend with further condis. further still, these classes may not be all condi. power is still there and it's still hitting you, on top of the condi that you're trying to manage. further still many condis are applied as pulsing aoes, meaning things like timely aegis, evades, blocks, invulns or even blinds will only delay the application by a second or two.

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whats more, classes like these often continue to apply a steady stream of condis even after the initial torrent....so even if you anticipated as opposed to reacted to (key imbalance here), you still need to contend with further condis.You anticipate and react to both types of damage. Users of either damage type will attempt reapply their damage after you are done doing whatever you are doing. People wont stop attacking you after their initial burst attempt hits/misses.

only takes a few stacks to be doing a decent amount of free dpsI don't understand how it is free.

further still many condis are applied as pulsing aoes, meaning things like timely aegis, evades, blocks, invulns or even blinds will only delay the application by a second or two.Its the same with power damage. Both damage types are full of cleave, aoes, multi hit attack etc etc.

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@"Menzies The Heretic.3415" said:Conditions should not be able to spike you to death under a second. Also, a power spike is easier to notice, allowing a player to pop a block or invul, all while applied conditions happily kill you while you're using your defensive skills. Some conditions require no player input to be applied (see vid where Svanir gets killed by idle elementalist), or very little effort.

If you have a harder time noticing a condi skill then use a cleanse after it happens. Many people complain about having to equip some sort of cleanse because it "messes or decreases" their build. Condi people have the same problem in having equip a block or invul skill to prevent a power build from cutting them in half. So both sides have to defend against the other.

As many have said, at least the first two years of this game were pretty much power driven and anyone wanting to use condi didn't bother because it meant nothing and was ineffective for the most part. Now that condi has teeth, people (mostly power players I would assume) are bemoaning something they have to defend against.

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@Panda.1967 said:

@Fipmip.7219 said:

@Sigmoid.7082 said:

Power spoke damage is no easier to notice that Condi spike damage. This is a false statement. Why do so many people say condi still damage when using defensive skills? You used the skills at the wrong time. Why not use the skills before the conditions were applied not after. Also that conditions maniacally tend to appear on you.

Before the conditions were applied? You can only cleanse condis that are already on you, meaning you have take the hit before you can heal it.

Invuln prevents incoming ConditionsBlocking prevents incoming ConditionsDodging prevents incoming ConditionsReflects prevent and return incoming Conditions

So yes, using defensive abilities before conditions hit IS effective. It's just like trying to counter Power. They don't do you any good to be used after the fact.

You complained earlier about Condi cleanse not providing temporary immunity... do you believe healing should have temporary damage immunity? Of course not, no one does. It's the same thing.

It's not the same thing if you take under consideration the ease of application of conditions and that most of those defensive abilities have substantial cooldowns. Nowhere does defensive ability "spam" comes anywhere near to condition "spam." It's actually fairly easy to spam conditions on someone regardless of defensive options they try to use.

As for physical damage, you can simply walk out of the range of it without having to use any defensives and negate entirely its effect. Conditions not only persist, but they can be made so powerful that unless you are off cooldown on all your defensive options, if you are a squishier class, someone can hit you with only few of their condis and simply walk away from you, and you will die regardless of what you try doing. They are different mechanics that are not equal. and if you gonna compare them, do so with a grain of salt.

Healing is more useful against burst or as barely stalling tactics for condis (unless it has condi cleanse option), but it doesn't need non-condi damage immunity within itself, because you can walk away from that damage, which you can't do with condi.

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It's not the same thing if you take under consideration the ease of application of conditions

I always see spam this spam that yet I don't get it. How are conditions more easily applied than power damage?

As for physical damage, you can simply walk out of the range of it without having to use any defensives and negate entirely its effect.You can do the same with any type of damage to prevent the application of new sources.

Conditions not only persistWell technically you have already taken the hit and the damage.

but they can be made so powerful that unless you are off cooldown on all your defensive options, if you are a squishier class, someone can hit you with only few of their condis and simply walk away from you, and you will die regardless of what you try doing.If you are out of cooldowns you will be far more vulnerable to any attacker regardless of damage type. If you are sufficiently squishy enough that someone managed to apply enough conditions to you to be able to kite away and watch you die when you are out of cooldowns/defenses then you would have been near instantly downed by power damage.

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If you get hit with the first ability in a chain such as Igniting Burst and are anticipating Judges Intervention to follow, you CAN block the burn from Judges, leaving you with only the initial 3 stacks from Igniting. When dealing with pulsing AoE conditions you SHOULD dodge. Do you stand inside a pulsing Power AOE? No, you dodge out of it, unless you have Invuln available and believe you can pressure your opponent down during that invuln. People act as if countering Conditions are some new giant monster that requires a whole new set of tactics... Well, it's not. You can counter Conditions the same way you counter direct damage, the only difference is the addition of condi cleanse to remove existing conditions.

If you prevent damage from an attack, you prevent conditions from the attack, plain and simple. If you play your defenses right, you can completely counter a condi build and only suffer from low stacks and can cleanse easily. The only people who should have problems with Condi are glass cannons who will have an equally hard time with power.

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Condi needs to be reworked to ramp up slowly, there should be no thing as "condi burst" because that defeats the whole purpose of damage over time, condi should start very weak but build up over time to be even more dps than it is now, just takes 15-30 seconds to ramp up hard instead of 2 seconds of ramp we have now

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@Fipmip.7219 said:When i say "as a gameplay element, most people find it unfun," I mean the part where they have to make builds that have mitigation against both power and condi, not the application of condis themselves. I'm sure if every single person ran a condi build, there'd be a lot less complaints. The fact that there is so much complaining is a big sign of a widespread distaste.

You're still claiming to speak for the majority without backing that up in any way. And no, the fact there is so much complaining only shows there's at least a few people who dislike it a some of whom are very vocal about it.Personally I don't mind having to keep in mind what my opponents might be running in PvP when making a build in the slightest.

@Snowywonders.1378 said:GW1 did not have condi builds, you were capped at like -10 pips unlike gw2 where condi burst builds exist, but good job you missed the whole point and can argue semantics, you should be proud.

I suppose the "that" was supposed to refer to Mokoko's post then?I figured you were refering to the subject of this thread (i.e. no damaging conditions) you could have been a bit clearer on that, (for instance by quoting the post you refer to).

@Mokoko.9825 said:I don't really understand people who defend the condi system. It just brings a real bad taste to the combat system.

I don't at all understand people who complain about conditions with no or fallacious arguments.Also let me explain why people defend things you don't like: Different people like different things, shocking isn't it?

@Vladish.3940 said:As for physical damage, you can simply walk out of the range of it without having to use any defensives and negate entirely its effect. Conditions not only persist, but they can be made so powerful that unless you are off cooldown on all your defensive options, if you are a squishier class, someone can hit you with only few of their condis and simply walk away from you, and you will die regardless of what you try doing. They are different mechanics that are not equal. and if you gonna compare them, do so with a grain of salt.

Healing is more useful against burst or as barely stalling tactics for condis (unless it has condi cleanse option), but it doesn't need non-condi damage immunity within itself, because you can walk away from that damage, which you can't do with condi.

You can't walk out of the range of a power attack and negate the damage you've already taken, can you? Because that's the equivalent of conditions on you, it's the attacks you've allowed to hit you; if I were to use the new Plague skill where you stand you could definitely walk out of it and avoid the worst of it but not the pulses that already hit you, just like walking out of a Well of Suffering won't give you back the health you've already lost to it (although unlike the damage from the well of suffering you could still try to counter the conditions that are already on you (for instance by cleansing or applying Resistance)).What seems like "few of their condis" to you probably costs them quite some skills, if it doesn't the problem is probably the skills/build used, not conditions in general.Yeah, there're different mechanics alright, when you take a lethal amount of power damage you're down, when you take a potentially lethal amount of conditions you might still be able to do something about that before you'd go down.You can't walk away from damage you've taken and you can't simply walk away from conditions that already have been applied to you, seems reasonable to me.

And on a power build the other guy probably wouldn't have to walk away as you'd be down already, he'd actually be able to finish you (when you go down you lose all conditions).

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Just to put something to rest.

The highest you can even get Burning to is about 570/sec per stack. So Igniting Burst with it's traited 4 stacks deals 2,280/sec on a completely maxed out condition damage build, and if timed right with Virtue of Justice's passive can deal 2,850/sec. The most burning stacks you will ever get from just 2 attacks from a single player is 8 from traited Igniting Burst + Judges Intervention with Virtue of Justice's passive proc with a critical procing Radiant Fire, which is 4,560/sec. Additionally this requires 25 stacks of might, without that might the damage drops down to 450/sec per stack for a 3,600/sec 8 stack.

Power on the other hand can deal over 5k in a single hit, before even factoring in critical damage. With a maxed Power build you should have around 56% crit chance with over 200% crit damage, giving you easy 15k criticals, some of which hit multiple times in rapid succession. Power can kill an enemy much quicker than Conditions when built for maximum damage output.

If you're getting 5k/sec burns on you, then your opponent is might stacked and got everything to line up just right to get those 9 stacks on you all at once, or you've been hit by a lot of attacks and should have popped a defensive skill sooner and should really just burn a cleanse right now. They are going to be dealing with Cooldowns on those burn skills, you won't cleanse 9 stacks then instantly get 9 stacks again unless you're fighting multiple opponents at once.

Of course, all that damage can be increased even more if you are affected by Vulnerability, but hey, that's another condition you should be trying to counter.

Seriously, people need to stop freaking out about condition damage, and just start countering it the same way they counter direct damage, with the addition of using a cleanse to remove high stacks of conditions. If you have access to a heal with a cleanse component, or traits that add cleanse to your heal, you really should start using them. The sooner people realize, condition damage isn't actually that hard to deal with, the sooner we can see some actual balance.

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@lothefallen.7081 said:If we just had dedicated, effectual healing roles, the interplay of condi vs. power would be strategic and balanced instead of something that over-centralizes the requirement of cleanse on every class, regardless of build. You could offload a bit of the responsibility and make another role viable, only really adding to the depth of the combat, which is something that the game severely needs.

We technically have those roles.

The problem is that the extremely short TTKs and reactionary defenses GW2 adopted to make the PvE interesting and dynamic are simply not any fun in PvP.

GW1 was a game very much about countering opponents with mitigation skills, but unlike GW2, It took a fair amount of damage to drop a player, healing was often sufficient to completely shut down incoming damage, and being able to efficiently interrupt the enemy or break them out of their range was key to combat.

GW2 keeps all the blocks, invulns, etc. but puts them on stupidly long cooldowns, forces you to use a very small selection of skills, and makes the cast time for even the strongest abilities 1/4 of a second, a cast time reserved for "weak" or "utility" abilities in GW1 because it was so hard to counter. The abilities are designed this way because they're more "fun" but in reality a game in which there is no readable cast bar that relies so heavily on directly countering "power" abilities with such short cast times WHILE manually maintaining range and line of sight is going to be frustrating.

Conditions aren't GW2's problem. Too little health, too short cast times, and a combat system designed for PvE and never sufficiently altered to make it compelling in PvP is its problem. Conditions are just a symptom of having a system that encourages frontloading all of your damage because the overall goal is to kill the other guy before he can react at all in the first place. Conditions are the logical tool because they allow you to circumvent the weaknesses of the combat system by frontloading several seconds of damage in that crucial first contact that will continue to interfere with the opponent while leaving you free to concentrate on the "real fight" that happens after first contact when both players have less than half their HP.

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@lothefallen.7081 said:If we just had dedicated, effectual healing roles, the interplay of condi vs. power would be strategic and balanced instead of something that over-centralizes the requirement of cleanse on every class, regardless of build. You could offload a bit of the responsibility and make another role viable, only really adding to the depth of the combat, which is something that the game severely needs.

This is also the main problem I see. The problem with conditions isn't so much that they're too strong, it's that countering condition damage is handled very poorly in the game. This is why condition vs power isn't really a big issue in PvE but is a pretty big issue in PvP. It's way too much about running condi cleanse skills & traits in your build and not nearly enough about anything else.

Here's what I think -a.) Condi cleanse should generally be weaker than it is. I.e. removing only a certain # of stacks or certain conditionsa.) Regeneration should stack intensityb.) Vitality and Toughness should both be reworked. Vitality should be focused on countering burst damage by improving endurance regen. Toughness should be focused on countering sustained damage with total armor affecting physical damage and toughness alone affecting condition damage.

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@Einlanzer.1627 said:Here's what I think -a.) Condi cleanse should generally be weaker than it is. I.e. removing only a certain # of stacks or certain conditionsa.) Regeneration should stack intensityb.) Vitality and Toughness should both be reworked. Vitality should be focused on countering burst damage by improving endurance regen. Toughness should be focused on countering sustained damage with total armor affecting physical damage and toughness alone affecting condition damage.

a.) most condi cleanses already do only remove a certain number of stacks or certain conditions, there are very few that remove all active conditions.b.) I agree, regen should stack in intensity, its rather useless as a duration stack.c.) That would be terrible... HP stats like Vitality are important for any MMO that has even a remotely freeform build system, which GW2 does. Toughness shouldn't be split off from armor either, all you'd accomplish there is making a reliance on everyone to stack toughness to counter conditions and it'd be impossible to build high damage resistance builds since everyone in every armor class would have the same armor values. Instead, we should get 50% benefit of armor+toughness to condition damage. Some might try to reason "how will armor reduce the damage you take from a condition" well, lets look at bleeding as an example. If you get cut through armor, the cut isn't going to be as deep, the armor absorbed part of the impact and saved you from a more devastating injury, as a result you're bleeding less. If that's too strong, they could work it out to have them translate into reduced duration of incoming conditions.

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@Fipmip.7219 said:Have you ever thought about what guild wars would be like without damage conditions? Condi is a great concept that brings a new way to play to guild wars, but in practice it just outperforms power based gameplay. If the game was power only, what would happen? I'm guessing heavy classes would probably have an easier time facetanking masses of incoming damage. Could we perhaps transform all damage condis into debuffs? lets hear your thoughts

What a difference a couple of years makes. It used to be conditions were sneered at.

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Conditions had potential to provide a lot of role-diversity and counter-playing to the game. Developers just completely lost the way after the condition stacking rework and HoT powercreep, throwing condition applications, cleanses (and pretty much all of everything like boons, CC, ...) like no tomorrow all over the place.It should have not been hard to give every condition a purpose and avoid unnecesary condi application (like low duration bleed procs on power builds, short single vuln applications that hardly have a truly meaningful impact while contributing to condi clutter, ...). Just put condiiton applications where they are relevant and sought after and balance cleanse access and power accordingly.

Imagine the following:

*Bleeding: very high base duration with low damage, very low cleanse priority.This allows for builds which excel at small, long fights. You build your damage slowly and use your cover sources wisely. Your enemy, on the other hand, has to avoid those covers and use his cleanses strategically.Since the base duration is very high and you're fighting mostly against cleanses, there's probably no point in investing on expertise, which leaves two stat slots for defense/sustain (if those amulets would still exist).It would be, basically, the condi-bunker foundation: great for stale (and eventually win) 1on1 side fights, but unable to burst or seriously partake on a burst.

*Poison: high base duration with low damage, healing reduction, low cleanse priority.It has it's place for condi bunkers/bruisers. It adds slow built damage, can cover bleed and reduces enemy sustain. The last effect alone makes it also useful for bruisers, even power ones, and more effective for teamgifhts.

*Burning: low base duration with high damage, high cleanse priority.This one would be the foundation for a balanced-offensive condi build.
A small but consistent burning application could be a little better than power pressure as it benefits from another aspect of conditons: bypassing armor, protection and weakness (the aforementioned condi bunker? he probably invested on some of these things, which are useless against burning) while probably not being owrth a cleanse. Bursting, even if possible, would be harder on the other hand due the high cleanse priority.Since the duration is low, expertise might have a place depending the kind of build you're trying to create.

*Confusion: very low base duration with very hygh damage on skill usage, very high cleanse priority.Basically a control condition. Worse than hard CC for burst setup, but longer (specially if investing in expertise) and probably better for peeling or shut-down purposes.

Torment: Removed. Probably unnecessary if applications and cleanses are properly balanced.

Obviously damage and duration should be tweaked for PvE, as you don't want to have condi players stacking bleeds for a long time befoe they start doing reasonable damage.

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Sustain is a bigger problem than damage. PvE and WvW are quickly delivering environments where even using wanderer or minstrel's gear doesn't actually improve durability nearly enough to combat the condi system. Every game mode is going different directions and they all use the same fundamentals in builds. That should be seen as a major problem to anyone of sound mind.

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@PopeUrban.2578 said:

@lothefallen.7081 said:If we just had dedicated, effectual healing roles, the interplay of condi vs. power would be strategic and balanced instead of something that over-centralizes the requirement of cleanse on every class, regardless of build. You could offload a bit of the responsibility and make another role viable, only really adding to the depth of the combat, which is something that the game severely needs.

We technically have those roles.

The problem is that the extremely short TTKs and reactionary defenses GW2 adopted to make the PvE interesting and dynamic are simply not any fun in PvP.

GW1 was a game very much about countering opponents with mitigation skills, but unlike GW2, It took a fair amount of damage to drop a player, healing was often sufficient to completely shut down incoming damage, and being able to efficiently interrupt the enemy or break them out of their range was key to combat.

GW2 keeps all the blocks, invulns, etc. but puts them on stupidly long cooldowns, forces you to use a very small selection of skills, and makes the cast time for even the strongest abilities 1/4 of a second, a cast time reserved for "weak" or "utility" abilities in GW1 because it was so hard to counter. The abilities are designed this way because they're more "fun" but in reality a game in which there is no readable cast bar that relies so heavily on directly countering "power" abilities with such short cast times WHILE manually maintaining range and line of sight is going to be frustrating.

Conditions aren't GW2's problem. Too little health, too short cast times, and a combat system designed for PvE and never sufficiently altered to make it compelling in PvP is its problem. Conditions are just a symptom of having a system that encourages frontloading all of your damage because the overall goal is to kill the other guy before he can react at all in the first place. Conditions are the logical tool because they allow you to circumvent the weaknesses of the combat system by frontloading several seconds of damage in that crucial first contact that will continue to interfere with the opponent while leaving you free to concentrate on the "real fight" that happens after first contact when both players have less than half their HP.

Perfect post, 100% agree. This posting just sums up perfectly everything, why I'm proposing for several years by now already, that ANet has to update finalyl their outdated combat system elements which they kept on ignoring, while permanrently focusing themself only onto Skills and Traits - completely forgetting, that the Combat system of GW2 consists out of alot more mechanisms that play an important role for Class and Game Balance.

With the June 23rd patch from 2015 ANet ruined completely the game Balance and they haven't done anything about this situation since then.The Game uses still many of the outdated 2012er Game Balance Elements of the Conmbat System, which where designed and balanced around the fact, that all classes deal ALOT LESSER damage with their skills, the Game Balance from 2012 was based around the fact, that no Elite Specializations and all their Traits/Skills didn't even exist - so couldn't be even part of the game balance and Combat System Elements to be considered into the balancing thoughts for the game at all. The 2012er System and Game Balance State also didn't include the Revenant Class, because it just didn't exist and couldn' be considered being part of the Game Balance.At 2012 all combat system elements, especialls the Base Health System, the Upgrades , the Attribute System and all the other stuff Anet keeps on ignoring now for 5 years was balanced and designed around the fact also, that Conditions back then dealt alot lesser damage/second, that Confusion is no DOT, but just reactive damage only and that there exists also no Torment and no Taunt, but on the counterside also no Resistance and no Alacrity.This are all things, which have heavy influence on the Game and Class Balance - far more influence on everything, than I guess what anet believes it has, that I think they are massively underestimating how strong they can change the Game Balance, if they would finally stop ignoring the other aspects of the Combat System and would not make always only changes on Skills and Traits.

You can't expect to run always the newest Software perfectly smoothly on outdated Hardware. If you keep on updatign always only the Software, but not your Hardware as well, then will the system get crushed into itself like a house of cards sooner or later. You have to keep also your Gameplay Systems, your literal Hardware Side of the Game also too up to date, to ensure, that the game can adapt itself well enough to the made changes on the Software Side (Skill/Trait /Boon/Condition Changes)

If ANet wants to have ever again a Game, that comes close to being balanced, then its about time now, that they:

  • Rework the Base Health System, remove the outdated Trinity System and change it into an individual Class Based System, this will give you in the end alot more Class Balancing Freedom and space to experimentate with Health Values for each Class individually, until you find for each of them the most ideal sweet spot, that feels beign balanced, without that other Classes get eventually punished or overbuffed in regard of Health, cause they share the same Base Health Pool with some other Classes.
  • Rework and Rebalance the Complete Boon and Condition System, with the goal to make them less spammy/effect cluttery. If possible reduce the amount of them, while making the remainign effects more impactful. If Conditions and Boons would have each primare and secondary Effects, then they could be alot more impactful and it could allow ANet to reduce the total amount of the effects eventually through merging here n there some effects as primary and secondary boon/condition effects.The clear design goal should also be, that Conditions shouldnt replace Power as Damage Source, Conditions should be there in first place to be supportive, to change eventually the outcome of a battle positively for you, but not to deal more damage ,than a physical combat build. GW2 is the only MMO I know, where the Combat system tries to make out of Damage Types some kind of weird "competition", where no competition has to be. We need only 1 single Damage Type and that is simply "Damage" that comes from Weapon Skills and the Weapon Skill is it, which just needs only to decide over it, if the SKill does low damage, but is very supportive for you in regard of variosu Effects, or if the Skill is less supportive, has not many effects, but deals thefore high damage or has good chances to be critical.Never understood, why ANet makes it here to overcomplicated with multiple Damage Types. They shoudl rather change Condition Damage to Condition Efficiency as an Attribute, which effects the impact of a Condition's secondary Effect, like proposed by me in my last posting, then woudl be Anet able to focus Damage Dealing completely onto balancing just only the Power Attribbute and its synergy between the other Attributes, hwat wpould make Class Balancing also also easier, if they wouln't have to lover over two Damage types anymore, that no one side of them becomes ridiculously far more powerful, than the other side.

Then would you have to decide as a player only, if you want to be rather a Damage Dealer, or a Supporter in the first place, but there needs to be not also a split between Damage Dealer Types to make things more complicated, than necessary. Which is why I'd seriously love to see, howGW2 would run - anbd be it just for a test Weekend, how the Game Balance would be without damage dealing Conditions/no Condition Damage .

  • Upgrades are a big other point, which needs to get reworked and rebalanced. first of all, there needs to exist also ascended Runes, Sigils and Gemstones, so that we get finally Jeweler 500 for that and can craft our own ascended accessoires. it shoudl be the players full own choic,e if you make yourself your ascended accessoires, or of you want to earn them via fractals and other means, but the existance of fractals an other ways of earnign ascened accessoires is no reason not to give us also too Jeweler and Chef 500 as well.We need ascended upgrades, if this game ever wants to have an own integrated and working Build Template System, that allows players to quickly change ALL of their build relevant items. GW2 needs to receive a Build template system, which allows players everywhere in th game basically to switch quickly between saved builds, like in PvP, where you can change quickly with few clicks your weapons, upgrades ect. buy just cliocking what you want to use for your Build - and that Build just needs to be saveable then, so that you can switch with just 1 click between your saved builds - that would be a true QoL feature that woudl save your players alot of time!!Tons of the current existing Sigils and Runes are either overpowered, or just plain completely useless and haven't seen until today 1 single change to make them better/more useful.

  • Attributes, especially the defensive ones need reworks, so that they bcome finally same as equally useful and valuable for your character build, as like offensive attributes.

  • If you play a high defensive build, then you should see also a significant difference in the amount of receiving damage, compared to a non defensive build that should have significantly lesser health than you, should be able to dodge not so often like you (Endurance Regen being improved now through Vitality as well - Dual Attribute Effects!! How long am I now proposing how needed this is for making a more smooth Class Balance!)

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@Fipmip.7219 said:

Alright I'll bite. Power strikes are often done over time in the form of combos - combos you can react to and hit renewed focus or something. Rarely do you get hit for 12345 damage in a single strike. Now condis - If you get hit by say a firebrand using searing burst into a judges intervention, bam you're getting 5k ticks into something you now cannot block, evade, reflect, etc. whats more, classes like these often continue to apply a steady stream of condis even after the initial torrent - it only takes a few stacks to be doing a decent amount of free dps to a character, so even if you anticipated as opposed to reacted to (key imbalance here), you still need to contend with further condis. further still, these classes may not be all condi. power is still there and it's still hitting you, on top of the condi that you're trying to manage. further still many condis are applied as pulsing aoes, meaning things like timely aegis, evades, blocks, invulns or even blinds will only delay the application by a second or two.

1) There is no Searing Burst that I can find. Did you mean Searing Spell?2) Whether it's Searing Burst or Spell > Judges Intervention... well, that would be a combo, a combo someone could react to and block/dodge/etc. just as one can with power combos.3) If you look at Searing Spell > Judge's Intervention in the wiki, you see: SS adds 1 stack of burn, base damage 393 over 3 seconds, so 131 per tick; JI adds 3 stacks doing 1179 over 3 seconds. If the combined total of 4 stacks is doing 5K ticks, that's a problem with how the condition damage stat scales burn damage, not a problem with how burn is applied.4) If a power character strikes you for 5K damage, it's over. You missed your block, there's no retroactive cancel of that damage. If a condi character hits you for 5k ticks, you can cancel the ongoing damage. Ongoing damage from conditions is not "free." It first has to hit, then if it does it can be cleansed.5) If a condi player is getting any decent power damage from a condi build, then he's glass, and a power character ought to be able to stomp him fast.6) If one exhausts one's blocks/dodges/etc. to a power character, one must be able to absorb further power burst attacks. Heck power #1 attacks can hit for anywhere from 1 to 5 K damage, sometimes in less than a second.7) Some power AoE attacks also pulse. I doubt you'd expect to be advocating players be able to stand in those with impunity.

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